CDZ the most horrible thing about family business

Judicial review

Gold Member
Oct 18, 2014
I just had to fire and file charges against my uncle for credit card fraud, forging customer signatures, and for being an oxycodoNE addict. If I didn't do it I'd be liable. I love my uncle but what he's doing is horrible. He's been asking for loans from his children to pay for drugs and while the have hundreds of thousands in student loans from doctorate degrees and he told his youngest daughter he'd pay for her auto insurance a year and a half ago and come to find out he never paid for it. She's been driving without insurance for that entire time all when he's making 10000 a month and his expenses is 1500. Fucking dick. I bitch slapped the sun of a bitch and called him white trash and said your ass is going to jail you piece of shit.

My father had to get me off the son of a bitch.

Guys, I hope none of you ever have to go through this with your uncle ever.

I'm going to sue the sob. I'm also going to pay off my cousins student loans in full as a Christmas gift. Those poor girls. There mother is an alcoholic livING in a tree house somewhere. Not their father. I thought my childhood was fucked up. ... someone always has it worse than you. God bless them .
I just found out after I decided to check up on him. Called a customer behind his back. Then called my cousins to find out what they know. Told whOle fucking office to leave except for my uncle and my father. Confronted him took him a wile to confess, when he did bitched slapped him and grabbed his neck and slammed him against the wall. Father broke it up. Asked him how he could do this to his children. Told him we are all done with him. The credit company investigating. Federal crime was committed. FBI likely will get involved. Fucking idiot.
My Board of Directors is comprised of my siblings. Some have been helpful, some not.

Good luck with that shit.
Successful family businesses seem to be the exception rather than the rule. Add drugs, and they are toast.
Successful family businesses seem to be the exception rather than the rule. Add drugs, and they are toast.
Exsctly. Had to fore 75% of my office due to drugs. The most important people are me my dad. And we're good. Sucks it had to be family though.
We have a very successful family business.

We have an independent auditor who comes in twice a year.

Caught a sister out about nine years ago.

Fired her, and she won't talk to us.

It's your own damn fault if you didn't do the most basic and simple thing in a small business by hiring a freaking accountant to monitor the books. The situation is so bizarre that sounds like fiction..
It's your own damn fault if you didn't do the most basic and simple thing in a small business by hiring a freaking accountant to monitor the books. The situation is so bizarre that sounds like fiction..
The only way to find this out was for an owner to call customer to verify. I knew money was missing a month before and I knew it was him and told him I will charge him for it, but couldn't suspect illegal activity. If he wasn't a family member he'd be gone months ago. The way it turned out was the way it needed to turn out.
We have a very successful family business.

We have an independent auditor who comes in twice a year.

Caught a sister out about nine years ago.

Fired her, and she won't talk to us.

Wow.. that is tough.

Pulled aside the older children and asked them point blank about her children, their cousins. They agreed that one was like her mother, the other wasn't. We let the niece go with a small severance. Her brother quit on his own
We have a family owned business.

Me and my wife, my brother and his wife, and my sister and her husband.

I barely have anything to do with it, a bit more involved now that I'm retired from the Army, but not much

Anyway, we are investors only. We have a management team in place, and accountants.

I trust my siblings completely, but you gotta separate business from family and or friends.
It's been my experience that family will turn on you and cut you long before a stranger will.

Your uncle needs to serve time and get into a rehab center.
It's been my experience that family will turn on you and cut you long before a stranger will.

Your uncle needs to serve time and get into a rehab center.
He's in a mandatory drug rehab . Mandatory because we said jail or this. Chose rehab. However, the credit card company is investigating and no way am I going to shield him from that. I will have to tell them about who did it or I'm liable. He'll be in rehab and also be charged.

Running a business is tough as hell.

Having it involve family can make it even tougher.

Of course, for all your work, sacrifice, risk taking, complications, long hours and massive headaches, there are those who feel you didn't build that.

Good luck with this.


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