The most important question which nobody is asking

Liberals can never be Christians. Not when they support abortion, homosexuality, and the greed and thievery of the welfare state, not to mention being against the right of freedom of religion.
Liberals can never be Christians. Not when they support abortion, homosexuality, and the greed and thievery of the welfare state, not to mention being against the right of freedom of religion.
It's just a bad day for you in the USA..
Yes the bible preaches against homosexuality, it also preaches against attaining wealth and being rich. Does that mean rich folk aren't going to heaven? I don't think so. I could care less whether they call it civil union or marriage...its still no threat to my marriage. I don't care if they can't get married I don't care if they can...its a non issue to me. Why do you hate homosexuals anyway? Just ignore them.

The Bible doesn't preach against wealth. In fact the Bible encourages sufficiency and personal responsibility when it comes to the realm of Man. It says you should use your wealth for godly purposes just like every other aspect of your life.

That is exactly that I said when I said that charity should come from the heart, family and church.

However, it says nothing about supporting an out of control debt ridden corrupt oppressive and destructive welfare state.

Have you ever actually studied the Bible?
Yes the bible preaches against homosexuality, it also preaches against attaining wealth and being rich. Does that mean rich folk aren't going to heaven? I don't think so. I could care less whether they call it civil union or marriage...its still no threat to my marriage. I don't care if they can't get married I don't care if they can...its a non issue to me. Why do you hate homosexuals anyway? Just ignore them.

The Bible doesn't preach against wealth. In fact the Bible encourages sufficiency and personal responsibility when it comes to the realm of Man. It says you should use your wealth for godly purposes just like every other aspect of your life.

That is exactly that I said when I said that charity should come from the heart, family and church.

However, it says nothing about supporting an out of control debt ridden corrupt oppressive and destructive welfare state.

Have you ever actually studied the Bible?
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."Matthew 19:24
Liberals will tell you all day about how they are angels sent from Heaven. They weep for the less fortunate. Their heart beats only for those in need. They will tell you that God created liberals because... sometimes... even actual angels themselves need angels. And that is why a liberal exists.

Just one small problem. If they care so much - why don't they achieve all of their goals legally through foundations rather than illegally through government?

First, liberals never said they were angels.

secondly, liberals don't create a social safety net through foundations for the same reason they don't build bridges or fight wars through foundations. Foundations aren't qualified to do that. Governments are.

The thing is, most of what the government pays out are "White People Entitlements" like Social Security and Medicare and Unemployment Insurance. If Republicans ever tries to revoke those, you guys WOULD get thrown out of office.

Bush tried to Privatize Social Security in 2005 and his own party turned on him. (ah, if only they did that when he said, "Let's invade Iraq for no good reason!")

Liberals get so angry when conservatives oppose them. But no conservative would oppose liberals creating a foundation which provides health insurance policies to those that don't have any. In fact, conservatives would join them in that effort. Everybody would be a winner. Same with food. Transportation. Housing. Liberals would get all of the social assistance they claim to desire, conservatives would get all of the liberty and Constitutional government that they desire, and both sides would come together in harmony.

Yeah, so let's look at this bit of crazy. So we do have "foundations" that provide health care to people. they are called "Health Insurance companies". They pay their CEO's 9 figure salaries and deny coverage to teens needing liver transplants.

YOu also fail to realize that our food policy of giving poor people food stamps is meant to help farmers, not poor people. The purpose is to keep demand up.
We have had a lot of bad days since Obama was elected.

You got a mouse in your pocket?

Me and mine, we have done very well under Obama. Sorry about your lack of drive to succeed. Must suck to be loser.

You must be on welfare then.

Most Americans have not done all that well.

The poverty rate in this country has increased under Obama. More poor people than ever.

The welfare rolls have increased under Obama.

The workforce participation rate is at a 40 year low.

The gap between the rich and the poor is greater under Obama.

Obama has increased the Federal debt more than all other Presidents in the history of the Republic combined.

The cost of this filthy ass Federal government is $4 trillion a year, which is more than the GDP of all but three other countries on the face of the earth.

Family income has decreased under Obama.

The economic growth under Obama is dismal. He is the first President in the history of the Republic that did not achieve a 3% GDP increase.

If you are doing well it must be because you are one of Obama's welfare queens or an illegal alien. They two groups have done really well.
Social security is a pro life concept. I am a pro life advocate...and life doesn't end at birth. But for a lot of evangelicals it does....that's born now I can move on. That's hypocritical.
I do believe the GOP controls the house and senate, yet they have zero see I blame them equally. That's why I lean towards trump and why I believe Cruz is s phony.
The workforce participation rate is at a 40 year low.

The workforce participation rate has been declining since 1999, which is also when the first wave of baby boomers started reaching retirement age.

The cost of this filthy ass Federal government is $4 trillion a year, which is more than the GDP of all but three other countries on the face of the earth.

and that's when he outs himself as a crazy person.
The gap between the rich and the poor is greater under Obama.

I know. I made it to the rich part. I put a plan in place years ago. It worked. And would have worked if Obama wasn't president.

How does it feel being a loser that has to blame someone else for their failures?

How does a government deficit effect your ability to.succeed? How does the labor.participation rate effect YOUR ability to get a job?

Face it, you want/need an excuse for failure. That's ok. You are on a message board with a lot of people that need that excuse.
The workforce participation rate is at a 40 year low.

The workforce participation rate has been declining since 1999, which is also when the first wave of baby boomers started reaching retirement age.

The cost of this filthy ass Federal government is $4 trillion a year, which is more than the GDP of all but three other countries on the face of the earth.

and that's when he outs himself as a crazy person.

It declined under Obama and it has to do with the fact that there are not many real jobs available for Americans willing to work.

The underemployed rate under Obama is dismal as good paying jobs are evaporating.

Engineers are now flipping burgers.

If Obama was honest in his employment rate it would be terrible. He has lied about the employment rate just like he has lied about everything else.

Obama has really fucked up this country and all the Moon Bat denial in the world is not going to change it.
The workforce participation rate is at a 40 year low.

The workforce participation rate has been declining since 1999, which is also when the first wave of baby boomers started reaching retirement age.

The cost of this filthy ass Federal government is $4 trillion a year, which is more than the GDP of all but three other countries on the face of the earth.

and that's when he outs himself as a crazy person.

It declined under Obama and it has to do with the fact that there are not many real jobs available for Americans willing to work.

The underemployed rate under Obama is dismal as good paying jobs are evaporating.

Engineers are now flipping burgers.

If Obama was honest in his employment rate it would be terrible. He has lied about the employment rate just like he has lied about everything else.

Obama has really fucked up this country and all the Moon Bat denial in the world is not going to change it.
You must not have a job or one you don't like. I have no problem finding jobs that pay well...My problem is health issues....
The gap between the rich and the poor is greater under Obama.

I know. I made it to the rich part. I put a plan in place years ago. It worked. And would have worked if Obama wasn't president.

How does it feel being a loser that has to blame someone else for their failures?

How does a government deficit effect your ability to.succeed? How does the labor.participation rate effect YOUR ability to get a job?

Face it, you want/need an excuse for failure. That's ok. You are on a message board with a lot of people that need that excuse.

I am a retired Engineer Director that is living fine on the wealth that I accumulated over a 30 year period and some inherited wealth from my hard working parents. Most of that wealth earned by me was accumulated when Reagan was President by the way. Most of the inherited wealth was accumulated by my parents at a time when the combined cost of government in this country was around 20% of GDP instead of the 40% that it is now.

I would be doing much better if I wasn't taxed so much by the filthy ass government and the money given away to the welfare queens. All working Americans would be better off if they were taxed less.

The tremendous cost of this corrupt out of control government is accumulating debt and either I will be taxed even more to pay it off or my children and grandchildren will have to pay it.

It is understandable that a Moon Bat does not understand the burden of government debt.

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