The most important question which nobody is asking

Yes we hive a ton to churches...but if we are founded upon christian values as a country we are an EPIC FAILURE in following them. Christian evangelicals of which I am one, ate the biggest hypocrites in this nation today.

We're not allowed to exhibit christian values. Liberals have outlawed it. Tried to strip every form of God from this country. And most of all, with the government chewing up over 60% of what I earn, how am I supposed to help more?

Once we get the government out of the charity business, all of us will have a lot more money in our pockets to help those in need.

Dear Conservatives: There are Millions of Christian Liberals and We're A Lot More Like Jesus Than You
As a Christian to me gay marriage is of no concern to me....why would I be so unbelievably ignorant as to care about someone else's sexuality?
Less govt intrusion means STAYING out of peoples bedrooms? Or are you unable to understand that? Gay marriage is of zero threat to me or my traditional marriage. ZERO...its only an issue if I am a small enough person to make it one.
Yes we hive a ton to churches...but if we are founded upon christian values as a country we are an EPIC FAILURE in following them. Christian evangelicals of which I am one, ate the biggest hypocrites in this nation today.

We're not allowed to exhibit christian values. Liberals have outlawed it. Tried to strip every form of God from this country. And most of all, with the government chewing up over 60% of what I earn, how am I supposed to help more?

Once we get the government out of the charity business, all of us will have a lot more money in our pockets to help those in need.

Libtards always talk about hating Christians except when they want to invoke the name of Christian charity to justify the greedy bloated irresponsible welfare state.
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I don't hate Christians....I am a lifelong one.I am voting for trump Cruz I can't ever vote for hc. But I am confident and correct enough to call out christian conservatives who are Christian in name only perhaps you are one.
When a disaster hits a community, the damage is more than bricks and mortar. It is emergency shelter, water, food, medical care, communications. Government is best situated to provide that emergency relief

Really? Now that is fascinating. See.....I remember "waaaaaaay" back in 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. Here's what happened next:
  • For starters, the levees were designed and constructed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (government entity). Four major investigations were conducted by civil engineers and other experts in an attempt to identify the underlying reasons for the failure of the federal flood protection system. All concur that the primary cause of the flooding was inadequate design and construction by the Corps of Engineers. So the government you deem is the solution to all problems actually was the cause of this catastrophic problem. (Government Failure #1)
2005 levee failures in Greater New Orleans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Next, local law enforcement failed big time. They attempted to disarm citizens (later leading to George W. Bush signing an Executive Order making it illegal for any form of government to disarm citizens during a state of emergency). Aside from that illegal action, they allowed looting, horrific gang rapes of women, and even a large number of murders. (Government Failure #2)
  • After that, both local, county, state, and federal government failed to effectively evacuate and rescue stranded citizens. (Government Failure #3)
  • FEMA was so ineffective during the crisis, that I have personally seen you and every other liberal use it as a reason for why the Bush Administration was a "failure". (Government Failure #4)
  • The government instructed citizens to go to the Louisiana Superdome. There, women were brutally raped. Some people were murdered. Many caught serious diseases due to the cramped quarters and unsanitary living conditions (toilets were over flowing with human waste). (Government Failure #5)
So please....tell us again LW how "only government is well equipped" to deal with emergencies. And that is just one example of thousands and thousands of significant government failures. Would you like to delve into 9/11 with me?
I don't hate Christians....I am a lifelong one.I am voting for trump Cruz I can't ever vote for hc. But I am confident and correct enough to call out christian conservatives who are Christian in name only perhaps you are one.

Oh doubt. You are definitely a "life long christian". Denounce the candidate who exhibits real faith for the candidate who displays everything that Jesus preached against - arrogance, selfishness, greed, etc.

The only thing you are is a life long liberal.
Cruz exhibits real faith? What is your problem with trump? He's no more christian than anybody else. Wave a buck in front of his nose and he would cave in quick. He's no different than any other candidate....he's in it for the Almighty dollar. Real faith...that's too funny.
As a Christian to me gay marriage is of no concern to me....why would I be so unbelievably ignorant as to care about someone else's sexuality?
Less govt intrusion means STAYING out of peoples bedrooms? Or are you unable to understand that? Gay marriage is of zero threat to me or my traditional marriage. ZERO...its only an issue if I am a small enough person to make it one. now we have unequivocally established that you are liar. Because someone soooo "christian" as you claim to be would recognize that the Bible forbids homosexuality.

Now, as far as government "intrusion" - it's funny how you attempt to reverse the truth. I stay out of their bedrooms. Could care less what they do. It's the liberals and the homosexuals that demand I climb into their bed with them. They demand that I recognize their gay marriage. They demand that I take part in their gay marriage (whether it is baking a cake, or issuing a license, or hosting the event - all real life incidents by the way).

As always, it's the liberals demanding government intervention. I give it less than a decade before liberals attempt to mandate that we actually be forced to engage in homosexual sex with them just once so that we can "understand" and be more "sensitive".
Yes the bible preaches against homosexuality, it also preaches against attaining wealth and being rich. Does that mean rich folk aren't going to heaven? I don't think so. I could care less whether they call it civil union or marriage...its still no threat to my marriage. I don't care if they can't get married I don't care if they can...its a non issue to me. Why do you hate homosexuals anyway? Just ignore them.
What is your problem with trump? He's no more christian than anybody else. Wave a buck in front of his nose and he would cave in quick. He's no different than any other candidate....he's in it for the Almighty dollar. Real faith...that's too funny.

What is my problem with Trump? You mean other than the fact that he suffers from severe Narcissistic Personality Disorder? An ego maniac desperate for power. Or the fact that he's a misogynist pig who treats women like sexual objects and nothing more? Or the fact that he will shred the U.S. Constitution just as bad as Barack Obama has (and he's already admitted as much in his "plans").

With the exception of Hilldabeast (who has an equally desperate craving for power), this is the last person you want to put in the White House. Narcissists hungry for power don't need the power that comes with the Oval Office. It's the equivalent of throwing gasoline on a raging fire.
As a Christian to me gay marriage is of no concern to me....why would I be so unbelievably ignorant as to care about someone else's sexuality?
Less govt intrusion means STAYING out of peoples bedrooms? Or are you unable to understand that? Gay marriage is of zero threat to me or my traditional marriage. ZERO...its only an issue if I am a small enough person to make it one. now we have unequivocally established that you are liar. Because someone soooo "christian" as you claim to be would recognize that the Bible forbids homosexuality.

Now, as far as government "intrusion" - it's funny how you attempt to reverse the truth. I stay out of their bedrooms. Could care less what they do. It's the liberals and the homosexuals that demand I climb into their bed with them. They demand that I recognize their gay marriage. They demand that I take part in their gay marriage (whether it is baking a cake, or issuing a license, or hosting the event - all real life incidents by the way).

As always, it's the liberals demanding government intervention. I give it less than a decade before liberals attempt to mandate that we actually be forced to engage in homosexual sex with them just once so that we can "understand" and be more "sensitive".
I bet you already have and all this self-righteous bullshit is a cover .
like these guys
14. Douglas Goodman, 2004
Douglas Goodman, an evangelical preacher, and his wife Erica were pastors of Victory Christian Centre in London, England. The church was one of the largest in the United Kingdom. He came into notoriety when he was jailed for three and a half years for the sexual assault of four members of his congregation in 2004. VCC was closed by the Charity Commission, but his wife Erica started a new church, Victory to Victory, in Wembley. Douglas has upon his release resumed full pastoral ministry alongside his wife.[11][12][13][14][15]

15. Kent Hovind, 2006
Kent Hovind is an American Baptist minister and Young Earth creationist. He is most famous for creation science seminars, in which he argues for Young Earth creationism, using his self-formulated “Hovind Theory.” He has been criticized by both the mainstream scientific community and other creationists. In 2006, Hovind who also has a reputation as a tax protestor had been charged with falsely declaring bankruptcy, making threats against federal officials, filing false complaints, failing to get necessary building permits, and various tax-related charges. He was convicted of 58 federal tax offenses and related charges, for which he is currently serving a ten-year sentence.[16]

16. Ted Haggard, 2006
Ted Haggard was the pastor of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado and was the president of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) from 2003 until November 2006. Haggard’s position allowed him occasional access to President George W. Bush. In 2006 it was alleged that Haggard had been regularly visiting a male prostitute who also provided him with methamphetamine. Haggard admitted his wrongdoing and resigned as pastor of New Life church and as president of the NAE. The high-profile case was significant also because it immediately preceded the 2006 mid-term elections and may have even affected national voting patterns[citation needed]. In January 2009, Haggard admitted to a second homosexual relationship with a male church member on CNN-TV and other national media, and when asked, would not directly answer a question about his other possible homosexual relationships.[17]

17. Paul Barnes, 2006
Paul Barnes is the founder and former senior minister of the evangelical church Grace Chapel in Douglas County, Colorado. He confessed his homosexual activity to the church board, and his resignation was accepted on December 7, 2006.[18] He started the church in his basement and watched it reach a membership of 2,100 in his 28 years of leadership. This scandal was notable because it was similar to Ted Haggard’s (above), it occurred in the same state (Colorado) and around the same time (late 2006).

18.Lonnie Latham, 2006
In 2006, Latham, the senior pastor of South Tulsa Baptist Church and a member of the powerful Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, was arrested for “offering to engage in an act of lewdness” with a male undercover police officer.[19]

List of Christian evangelist scandals | Break These Endless Lies
When a disaster hits a community, the damage is more than bricks and mortar. It is emergency shelter, water, food, medical care, communications. Government is best situated to provide that emergency relief

Really? Now that is fascinating. See.....I remember "waaaaaaay" back in 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. Here's what happened next:
  • For starters, the levees were designed and constructed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (government entity). Four major investigations were conducted by civil engineers and other experts in an attempt to identify the underlying reasons for the failure of the federal flood protection system. All concur that the primary cause of the flooding was inadequate design and construction by the Corps of Engineers. So the government you deem is the solution to all problems actually was the cause of this catastrophic problem. (Government Failure #1)
2005 levee failures in Greater New Orleans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Next, local law enforcement failed big time. They attempted to disarm citizens (later leading to George W. Bush signing an Executive Order making it illegal for any form of government to disarm citizens during a state of emergency). Aside from that illegal action, they allowed looting, horrific gang rapes of women, and even a large number of murders. (Government Failure #2)
  • After that, both local, county, state, and federal government failed to effectively evacuate and rescue stranded citizens. (Government Failure #3)
  • FEMA was so ineffective during the crisis, that I have personally seen you and every other liberal use it as a reason for why the Bush Administration was a "failure". (Government Failure #4)
  • The government instructed citizens to go to the Louisiana Superdome. There, women were brutally raped. Some people were murdered. Many caught serious diseases due to the cramped quarters and unsanitary living conditions (toilets were over flowing with human waste). (Government Failure #5)
So please....tell us again LW how "only government is well equipped" to deal with emergencies. And that is just one example of thousands and thousands of significant government failures. Would you like to delve into 9/11 with me?
How did the Red Cross make out?
Yes the bible preaches against homosexuality, it also preaches against attaining wealth and being rich. Does that mean rich folk aren't going to heaven? I don't think so. I could care less whether they call it civil union or marriage...its still no threat to my marriage. I don't care if they can't get married I don't care if they can...its a non issue to me. Why do you hate homosexuals anyway? Just ignore them.
I honestly don't hate them. At all. Honest. I could care less that they are homosexual. I do care that they are little Nazi's trying to revoke my rights and freedoms. They have no right to make me or anyone else bake a cake for them. They have no right to make me or anyone else host a wedding for them.

And for the record, while I would support gay "civil unions" I vehemently oppose gay marriage because it opened Pandora's Box. Marriage was between one man and one woman. Period. That's simply what it was. Now, denying any form of marriage is truly discrimination. So guess what - now we must allow a muslim man to marry 18 women. And guess what that means? By law, all 18 women must be permitted to see him in the ICU ( don't think a crowd like that under those circumstances would be a major disruption and threat to patient care?). Additionally, once that person is pronounced brain dead in the ICU, the wife by law gets to decide whether or not to pull the plug. Well, what happens when 9 of them say pull the plug and 9 of them say "keep him alive"? Guess what else? Your insurance premiums are going to skyrocket beyond imagination when your employer, by law, has to provide health insurance to 18 spouses of one person. Gay marriage opened Pandora's Box.
I don't hate Christians....I am a lifelong one.I am voting for trump Cruz I can't ever vote for hc. But I am confident and correct enough to call out christian conservatives who are Christian in name only perhaps you are one.

If you are a real Christian then you know that the Bible teaches very clearly that charity comes from the heart, family and church.

It doesn't say a damn thing about a filthy ass out of control bloated welfare state controlled by greedy special interest groups using the government to steal what they are too sorry to earn themselves.
When a disaster hits a community, the damage is more than bricks and mortar. It is emergency shelter, water, food, medical care, communications. Government is best situated to provide that emergency relief

Really? Now that is fascinating. See.....I remember "waaaaaaay" back in 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. Here's what happened next:
  • For starters, the levees were designed and constructed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (government entity). Four major investigations were conducted by civil engineers and other experts in an attempt to identify the underlying reasons for the failure of the federal flood protection system. All concur that the primary cause of the flooding was inadequate design and construction by the Corps of Engineers. So the government you deem is the solution to all problems actually was the cause of this catastrophic problem. (Government Failure #1)
2005 levee failures in Greater New Orleans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Next, local law enforcement failed big time. They attempted to disarm citizens (later leading to George W. Bush signing an Executive Order making it illegal for any form of government to disarm citizens during a state of emergency). Aside from that illegal action, they allowed looting, horrific gang rapes of women, and even a large number of murders. (Government Failure #2)
  • After that, both local, county, state, and federal government failed to effectively evacuate and rescue stranded citizens. (Government Failure #3)
  • FEMA was so ineffective during the crisis, that I have personally seen you and every other liberal use it as a reason for why the Bush Administration was a "failure". (Government Failure #4)
  • The government instructed citizens to go to the Louisiana Superdome. There, women were brutally raped. Some people were murdered. Many caught serious diseases due to the cramped quarters and unsanitary living conditions (toilets were over flowing with human waste). (Government Failure #5)
So please....tell us again LW how "only government is well equipped" to deal with emergencies. And that is just one example of thousands and thousands of significant government failures. Would you like to delve into 9/11 with me?
How did the Red Cross make out?
Exponentially better than the local, state, or federal governments did. If for no other reason, the Red Cross did not cost the American tax payer hundreds of billions (between New Orleans, Louisiana, and federal governments).

And again LW, I've personally heard you go crazy about the failures of GWB and his administration. Then you turn around and contradict yourself by citing how government is the only one that can come to the crisis with a great big "S" on their chest.
Government has always been involved in aiding the poor since this government began.
There has never been a liberal who did not molest at least 9 children.

(See? I can make up stupid shit too. It doesn't add any value of course. But I can do it).
Why not have a combination of private and government support of the needy?
That is what we have been doing for 70 years
Why not have a combination of voluntary and coerced support for the needy? Um...because it's not right to coerce one's fellow man?
Government has always been involved in aiding the poor since this government began.

Most governments in history have been nothing more than the powerful taking money away from the less powerful.

Government should never be in the business of taking money away from the people that earn it and giving it to the ones that didn't earn it. That is simple thievery.

Welfare, subsidies, entitlements or bailout are not the proper functions of government.

Democracy sucks when 51% of the people find out they can use the force of government to steal from the other 49%.

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