The MSM media still pushes the narrative that the Proud Boys are white supremacists. Florida chapter filled with "Afro-Hispanic white supremacists".


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Here is a picture of a rally they held in Florida. Over half of the members of that particular chapter are Hispanic because of the area it is located in. The leader of the Proud Boys is an Afro-Cuban. There are many prominent members who are not white. This doesn't stop the left from calling even that particular chapter white supremacists.


Here is an article titled:

Who Are the Proud Boys, and Why Are Nonwhite Men Joining White Supremacist Groups?

"However, the concept of a Black white supremacist is not so far-fetched as many would think, as pro-Trump, white supremacist gangs with Republican Party affiliations are engaging in street violence against anti-fascist protesters — with the participation of Latino and Black members.

The role of historically oppressed groups in perpetuating white supremacy is nothing new. However, the rise of Black and Latino white supremacist gang members and neo-Nazi street brawlers is brand new and deserves our attention."

I guess this is a thing. Here is a picture of a black man who has spent the last 30 years convincing KKK members to leave the Klan and denounce white supremacy. His name is Darryl Davis. He figured if he could have rational, productive conversations with the KKK, he should be able to have one with "anti-racist" leftists when Antifa invaded a meeting between him and KKK members who he was trying to convince to leave the Klan. He attempted to persuade the Antifa members to re-evaluate their stance regarding political violence. The "anti-racists" wouldn't stop screaming over top of him and calling him a white supremacist until he finally walked away in frustration.


....the MSM keeps proving to be crap......blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year...white supremacists murder less than 10 per year---and they make a big deal out of WS!!!!!!! ...just like every other issue

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