The MSM's Battle Plan


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
(The WaPo's "Painted Rock" assault on Rick Perry was the opening round in the MSM's defense of Barack Obama's presidency. They're about to rework the definition of Mudslinging which will leave most observers of the 2012 campaign just shaking their heads and muttering something like "Holy Sh!t" after witnessing the MSM in action. Roseann Barr announced she wants to decapitate bankers and the "rich" who refuse to give up their wealth. She should start with a few of the MSM's writers and editors for her practice run .)

"October 3rd, 2011

The MSM’s battle plan

Commenter “southern James” has some observations on the WaPo/Perry/n-word thread that I think worth highlighting:

We all ain’t seen nothing yet. The MSM is going to pull out every possible trick and artifice and propaganda talking points, which will be pounded over and over again until it is perceived by a significant percentage of the populace as the truth — in order to try to get this failed President re-elected. “Didja hear that Palin said “she can see Russia from her porch, as her answer to how qualified she is in foreign affairs!!” ….”Yeah, I did – I mean, WTF, Dude? Is she, like, a moron or something?”

“What do you think of that Perry guy?” “Hmm, not sure….wasn’t there something a few month ago about him and the N-word they had on some rock on a ranch of his is or something….I heard that he is kind of a racist.” “Oh….wow”.

Don’t think they can’t do it, either. Don’t let yourself assume that the general public is in any way on top of things, based on exchanges in little echo chambers such as this one.

Whoever gets the GOP nomination will be in for the worst sliming, and repeated talking point attacks, any of us have ever seen in our lifetimes."

President Zero cannot run on his record or on any more Hopey Changey Bulls–t. And he knows it and the MSM knows it. He is already doing nothing but running for re-election – and it appears to be based on two themes: 1) pretending to still be a Washingon outsider – even tho his party controlled the entire govt for his first 2 years, and he has been president for almost three; and 2) class warfare combined with demonization of Repubs.

It would be an absolute landslide loss – worse than what McGovern suffered in 72……but for the fact that the GOP candidate is going to be pilliored from every major media outlet, non-stop."

neo-neocon » Blog Archive » The MSM’s battle plan
As a pundit has so arfully pointed out "Ain't it funny that Gov. Perry has been in office for ten years and not once has this been brought to light."

and no, I'm not in the least surprised that the left is gonna use the worn out tattered old race card..
I think the "painted rock" story is the final dagger into the Perry Campaign. It's probably best that he get out now. Efforts to get Christie in the mix show that the Republican establishment don't really like any of the remaining candidates. Which is fine because I don't support the establishment candidates anyway. Oh and by the way;

******! :lol:
They'll be all over whomever the Republican nominee turns out to be while at the same time attempting to burnish Barry's sorry first term. The only question for me is will Time mag feature him on even more covers this time than last go-round?

Watch and see how the 23 Dim Senators up for reelection with him try to distance themselves from him. That'll be quite amusing.
Caught a little of the story on O'Reilly last night.

The Perry family rents the property and the rock has been there forever. Its actually the name of an area on the acreage.

Its was also painted over quite a while ago as well. At least according to the story.

This is such a non story I'm surprised the Washington Post ran with it.
They'll be all over whomever the Republican nominee turns out to be while at the same time attempting to burnish Barry's sorry first term. The only question for me is will Time mag feature him on even more covers this time than last go-round?

Watch and see how the 23 Dim Senators up for reelection with him try to distance themselves from him. That'll be quite amusing.

They are going to need some heavy duty elbow grease in order to burnish Barry's accomplishments as POTUS.

I agree about the Dems up for re-election. If I were them I'd be in the next State. Rather like Bush in 2008.
The quaint name of the hunting preserve as it was called when the Perrys leased it. "N*8*8*head". This WaPo "Much Ado About Nothing" was just the MSM's first salvo gainst the GOP. It will get much, much worse.
Perry scares the lads frolicking down in the all male conga line at the NYT the most, as well as the rest of the MSM because of Texas attitude. The state recently reinstated its anti sodomy laws.
Maybe a little background on the MSM's and the Left's visceral hatred for Rick Perry is in order.
A few months back California sent a fact finding delegation to Texas, headed by now Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsome, the former Mayor of San Francisco. Governor Perry greeted the delegation with a recitation of Texas' economic achievements and job creation record. He closed his remarks by saying "This is Texas, not some state where a man can marry a man".
The California delegation spent part of its time in Texas touring various projects around the state or engaging in discussions with various Texas officials in the Texas State House. Texas legislators have long had the habit of dropping in to oversee and listen in on these group discussions. On the California Delegation's last day in Texas, the Legislator primarily responsible for the reinstatement of Texas anti sodomy Laws chose that day to drop by and listen in.This particular Legislator was also engaged in purchasing, beforehand, the life insurance policies of terminally ill HIV victims. The victim got cash beforehand to use as they saw fit, and the purchasor got the entire life insurance benefit on the insured's demise. This legislator, at the time of the visit, owned six such policies. Aside from the usual introductory banter at the beginning of that last session, Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsome said not one word the rest of the day.
(The WaPo's "Painted Rock" assault on Rick Perry was the opening round in the MSM's defense of Barack Obama's presidency. They're about to rework the definition of Mudslinging which will leave most observers of the 2012 campaign just shaking their heads and muttering something like "Holy Sh!t" after witnessing the MSM in action. Roseann Barr announced she wants to decapitate bankers and the "rich" who refuse to give up their wealth. She should start with a few of the MSM's writers and editors for her practice run .)

"October 3rd, 2011

The MSM’s battle plan

Commenter “southern James” has some observations on the WaPo/Perry/n-word thread that I think worth highlighting:

We all ain’t seen nothing yet. The MSM is going to pull out every possible trick and artifice and propaganda talking points, which will be pounded over and over again until it is perceived by a significant percentage of the populace as the truth — in order to try to get this failed President re-elected. “Didja hear that Palin said “she can see Russia from her porch, as her answer to how qualified she is in foreign affairs!!” ….”Yeah, I did – I mean, WTF, Dude? Is she, like, a moron or something?”

“What do you think of that Perry guy?” “Hmm, not sure….wasn’t there something a few month ago about him and the N-word they had on some rock on a ranch of his is or something….I heard that he is kind of a racist.” “Oh….wow”.

Don’t think they can’t do it, either. Don’t let yourself assume that the general public is in any way on top of things, based on exchanges in little echo chambers such as this one.

Whoever gets the GOP nomination will be in for the worst sliming, and repeated talking point attacks, any of us have ever seen in our lifetimes."

President Zero cannot run on his record or on any more Hopey Changey Bulls–t. And he knows it and the MSM knows it. He is already doing nothing but running for re-election – and it appears to be based on two themes: 1) pretending to still be a Washingon outsider – even tho his party controlled the entire govt for his first 2 years, and he has been president for almost three; and 2) class warfare combined with demonization of Repubs.

It would be an absolute landslide loss – worse than what McGovern suffered in 72……but for the fact that the GOP candidate is going to be pilliored from every major media outlet, non-stop."

neo-neocon » Blog Archive » The MSM’s battle plan

The only thing BS about "hopey-changey" are those that coined and use the term. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. The Republicans haven't found anyone yet that's got a chance of beating him, except for Romney. The present field doesn't stand a chance and, if Romney is the candidate, there will almost certainly be a challenge from the right, splitting the vote. Say hello to a new term, Barack!!!
The extent to which new the constituent organizations of the 'MSM' present biased coverage of the news is greatly exagerated. In many respects, the perceived liberal bias of the MSM are largely a construct of conservative media sources. The concerted and systematic efforts of Fox news to discredit and marginalize all but the most conservative news sources is obscenely overt. These attacks are part of a coordinated strategy by some conservative to discredit and marginalize their competitors. Discrediting competing news sources the FNC is afforded greater control of the message and a wider audience. . There will always be errors, inaccuracies and bias in journalism but these deficiencies can be mitigated such that news pieces are both accurate and neutral. Conversely, organizations like fox deliberately manipulate their reporting and analysis in a manner that supports their ideolological and business interests- interests which tend to be conservative. Undoubtedly, MSNBC functions in a similar mannar albeit they favor leftist interests and this practice is not limited to these two organizations. Ultimately, Trying to find accurate reporting on the TV is a pretty fruitless endeavor. If you want to be well informed read the WSJ and NYT daily.
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The extent to which new the constituent organizations of the 'MSM' present biased coverage of the news is greatly exagerated. In many respects, the perceived liberal bias of the MSM are largely a construct of conservative media sources. The concerted and systematic efforts of Fox news to discredit and marginalize all but the most conservative news sources is obscenely overt. These attacks are part of a coordinated strategy by some conservative to discredit and marginalize their competitors. Discrediting competing news sources the FNC is afforded greater control of the message and a wider audience. . There will always be errors, inaccuracies and bias in journalism but these deficiencies can be mitigated such that news pieces are both accurate and neutral. Conversely, organizations like fox deliberately manipulate their reporting and analysis in a manner that supports their ideolological and business interests- interests which tend to be conservative. Undoubtedly, MSNBC functions in a similar mannar albeit they favor leftist interests and this practice is not limited to these two organizations. Ultimately, Trying to find accurate reporting on the TV is a pretty fruitless endeavor. If you want to be well informed read the WSJ and NYT daily.

Maybe you are right, we should ignore the study by stanford and others so you dont look foolish, I will tell you what, I will even forget the news comparisons that were put together over economic news so you once again dont look foolish..

You owe me brother...................
Maybe you are right, we should ignore the study by stanford and others so you dont look foolish, I will tell you what, I will even forget the news comparisons that were put together over economic news so you once again dont look foolish..

You owe me brother...................

Do you actually think that FNC provides a fair and balanced accounting of the news? FNC is among the most partisan news outlets in the US. I'm more than willing to admit that other news organizations deliberately manipulate their message to the benefit of liberal interests. If you do not recognize the chicanery of FNC you lack objectivety. I would be happy to discuss any source material you can cite so no need to hold back.

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