The Mueller Firing Speech


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Oct 6, 2008
The NYSun offered what it hopes is a speech it will hear President Trump make to the nation.....shortly:

Warms the heart.

1. "Good evening: A year ago next month I took the Constitutional Oath that has been sworn by every president since George Washington. It binds me to do two things: To faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States and, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. It’s an oath I swore before God.

2. Now I have concluded that, to redeem those two vows, I must dismiss the special prosecutor, Robert Mueller, and the officers he has assembled, ostensibly to look into allegations that there may have been collusion between my campaign and the Russian camarilla. I have this morning placed the prosecutors’ premises under federal seal, pending a decision by House Judiciary Committee.

3. ...Mueller’s office may be investigating my own conduct. Given that possibility, I believe that the investigation must be halted, and, if it is to be resumed in respect of my own conduct, may be commenced only by the House.

4. I would not hold myself out as a constitutional scholar. I know, though, that it is only the House of Representatives that can investigate a sitting president for crimes and misdemeanors.
That is a provision of the same Constitution that I have sworn an oath to preserve protect and defend.

5. became apparent to me that the Constitution needs protecting — and not just from our external foes but also from those who would seek to subvert it by refusing to accept the results of the election that Vice President Pence and I won. This quickly became apparent to me after the vote by a campaign of leaks of the most sensitive conversations I was conducting.

6. And by the emergence of what its adherents are fain to call a “resistance” against the decision of the voters. We have just learned that the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Counsel’s office itself have been infected by political sentiments and colluded to keep from the Congress knowledge of the political sentiments against me being expressed by a senior FBI figure in the investigation.

7. ....the Washington Post and the New York Times. They reported over the weekend that the special prosecutor had kept from House investigators the discovery that a senior investigator in the special prosecutor’s office was demoted for sending anti-Trump messages to a mistress.

8. Not only did the special prosecutor withhold evidence of that from Congress but he did so despite a subpoena that could have led to the disclosure of this perfidy. That is obstruction of Congress, a prosecutable offense. So I have decided to uphold my oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

9. Effective immediately, the special prosecutor and his subordinates are relieved of their duties and trusts under the United States. I have instructed federal officers to secure their premises pending any subpoena from the House, which is the body that is constitutionally authorized to investigate — and decide whether to impeach — the president. This administration will play no games with the House.

10. ...our Founding Fathers decided against dividing the executive powers among a committee or splitting them with a special counsel. They chose instead to vest them in a single president — a principle that, to the best of my ability, I am preserving, protecting, and defending today to make America and its Constitution great again."
The Mueller Firing Speech - The New York Sun

Can I get an "AMEN"!!!
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