The myth of a "booming" economy that benefits everyone....

Bottom line to my O/P is this......

Working 2 or 3 jobs to support one's family may take you off the unemployed roster, BUT it does NOT mean that a "booming economy" is benefiting EVERYONE.....

Trump borrowed almost $2 TRILLION to finance his tax scam.....and 86% of that money went to PERMANENTLY lower the tax burden of himself and his rich friends.
And these republican fools dance around like it was they that received those great benefits What fools

Under DumBama, I lost money; lots of money. Under Trump, I'm getting some of my money back. Who should I vote for in 2020?
.Last I checked debt has slowed since Trump's election.

Actually the deficit has gotten larger each year under Trump...which means debt is not slowing.

Interest rates that were historically low on Obama's watch, to hide the short comings of an Obama admin.

They still are and Trump is begging for them to be made lower...why is that?
It's not scamming the system if you are doing it legally. Collectively, corporations have saved over 20 billion dollars under Trumps new plan. However. we have the lowest unemployment in nearly 50 years and new records being broken all the time.

To give you an idea of how much 20 billion is. It's about three months of what we spend on food stamps.
I know it's mostly legal under our laws BUT who makes those laws ?? THIMK,,,,lol

Loopholes have been around longer than you or I have been alive. Yes, they change depending on who is running the government at the time. But think for a second: without loopholes, what other way would corporations be able to make more money?
Maybe I'm just stupid but I believe for a better America all must pay their fair share

Okay. The top 20% pay 87% of all collected income taxes in the US. If they are not paying their fair share, what should they be paying?
Ray You're trying to bury the problem a billionaire like trump paying nothing and afraid to show you clowns ,60 multi billion $ companies paying nothing ?? Even you can't think that's fair

It depends on the circumstances. What I do know from my own business of being a landlord is you have hundreds (or in the cases of companies) thousands of items to write off. The government doesn't hand pick who will pay taxes and who will not. If they are paying no taxes, it's because of their expenses to run the business.

The United States is in competition with the world to bring or keep businesses here. It's not like we have an Iron Wall and force businesses to stay. To add insult to injury, Americans will only buy their own products if they are the cheapest. We have no solidarity with the US workers.
You almost gotta laugh at the upside down world of angry left wingers. A booming economy with record low unemployment is bad but a stagnant economy that never even reaches 3% GDP with double digit unemployment is something to strive for.
.Last I checked debt has slowed since Trump's election.

Actually the deficit has gotten larger each year under Trump...which means debt is not slowing.

Interest rates that were historically low on Obama's watch, to hide the short comings of an Obama admin.

They still are and Trump is begging for them to be made lower...why is that?

Actually the deficit has gotten larger each year under Trump...which means debt is not slowing. ILMAO.......You can't tell the difference between increase and slowing. Go back to school.

They still are and Trump is begging for them to be made lower...why is that? Learn to read and research as well. Interest rates have risen on Trump's watch. My wallet is happy about it too.
Actually the deficit has gotten larger each year under Trump...which means debt is not slowing. ILMAO.......You can't tell the difference between increase and slowing. Go back to school.

They still are and Trump is begging for them to be made lower...why is that? Learn to read and research as well. Interest rates have risen on Trump's watch. My wallet is happy about it too.

if the deficits are getting larger, that means that debt is not slowing, it is growing faster.

Interest rates have risen on Trump's watch but are still historically low.

are you really this stupid or is it just an act you put on for the internet?

You almost gotta laugh at the upside down world of angry left wingers. A booming economy with record low unemployment is bad but a stagnant economy that never even reaches 3% GDP with double digit unemployment is something to strive for.

can you point to the post that said that an economy that never even reaches 3% GDP with double digit unemployment is something to strive for?
You almost gotta laugh at the upside down world of angry left wingers. A booming economy with record low unemployment is bad but a stagnant economy that never even reaches 3% GDP with double digit unemployment is something to strive for.
Funny thing whitey I don't have alzheimers yet so I remember Obama improving our economy year after year while republicans belittled and lied about his progress Now when folks have huge expenses ,need 2 jobs to live Repubs brag about the 1% living better than ever?
Instead of ranting about prosperity here are some ways you may have a chance to participate in it

Get educated
Conform to some type of
family values, don’t screw everthing that moves with a litter of offspring scattered about.
Welfare, unemployment and food stamps will get you by but it's not the ticket to wealth
Listen to those that are wealthy rather than painting them as bad people

Just a few for starters
Referencing old democrat talking points about the economy doesn't really prove anything. Remember when Trump was supposed to destroy the US economy, and that was before his trade wars. The voters will decide in 2020 who they trust to manage the US economy, Trump or the socialist mob.

Remember When Trump Was Supposed To Sink The Stock Market?

The above is moronic even for YOU.......How could Trump "sink the stock market" when he borrowed and gave TRILLIONS to wealthy donors and friends?....The stock buy-back (where most of the money went) was manna from heaven for Wall Street.

It'd be safer to say that not even Trump could fuck up the economy that he inherited AND his huge debt rising "gift" to WS.
Democrat president's just get lucky being in the right place at the right time,

Soooooo, the idiot above has "concluded" that Obama was lucky when he inherited from GWB an economy that was LOSING 750,000 jobs PER MONTH???

Berbreath has a very strange definition of "lucky".........LOL
OT ........Tentative date for Mueller testifying May 15 Monday is date for Barr or else CONTEMPT ,,fining him daily
And these republican fools dance around like it was they that received those great benefits What fools

If one does a little bit of math, one would see that ....especially among the lower middle class......the wage "increase" boils down to about $1.80 per day.....basically a "free" cup of coffee and they better cheer Trump for that "gift."

(Never mind that with that cup of coffee there's huge payments due in 3 years from now.)
Democrat president's just get lucky being in the right place at the right time,

Soooooo, the idiot above has "concluded" that Obama was lucky when he inherited from GWB an economy that was LOSING 750,000 jobs PER MONTH???

Berbreath has a very strange definition of "lucky".........LOL
Didn't know whether to rate that winner or just LMAO
Democrat president's just get lucky being in the right place at the right time,

Soooooo, the idiot above has "concluded" that Obama was lucky when he inherited from GWB an economy that was LOSING 750,000 jobs PER MONTH???

Berbreath has a very strange definition of "lucky".........LOL
Yes. Of course. That's the only way to try to paint the loser as an economic success.

It's like a manager of a baseball team taking credit for inheriting a club that lost 100 for having lost only 90 - after 8 years.

Compare to the new manager that drains the losers and wins the World Series in his first year and repeats in his second.

And there you have it.
I have to hand it to the Trump swamp for their effectiveness in bullshitting a huge portion of this nation into believing that Trump is an economic "genius."

First, few republicans would readily admit that Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama; THAT would take some courage and we all know that they're too scared to show a spine.

Second, we have had to increase our huge debt by almost $2 TRILLION to basically benefit the very rich among us getting a PERMANENT tax cut which was used to buy back stock.....and less than 20% of Americans have any dealings with Wall Street.......AND, always remember what Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago after passing the tax scam..."I just made you guys a lot richer"....

Third, despite the rhetoric, wages increases are a damn joke.......with some fiscal quarters showing an increase of .07% and some others at 3%.......Look at it this way, for some families living on the minimum wage, the wage increase boils down to maybe $2 per day.

Fourth, the Feds are being "threatened" by Trump's tweets to NOT raise interest rates although inflation is a looming probability that will eventually hit our economy like an avalanche.

Fifth, the trade deals have been an abject failure, from NAFTA 2.0 to Americans farmers having to be subsidized for their rotting harvests and dairy farmers' profits being cut by 60%.

IF the only praises of a Trump administration is the "thriving" economy during the next election cycle, reality is going to be a real bitch.

Nothing ever benefits everyone

Any person who has made it past second grade knows that
You almost gotta laugh at the upside down world of angry left wingers. A booming economy with record low unemployment is bad but a stagnant economy that never even reaches 3% GDP with double digit unemployment is something to strive for.
Whitey I really believe you're not the dummy some of your partners are here Surely Obama must get some credit ,even if it's backhanded for being in our highest office while pulling us out of the gwb chaos I mean losing 750000 jobs a month is some serious shit No?
I have to hand it to the Trump swamp for their effectiveness in bullshitting a huge portion of this nation into believing that Trump is an economic "genius."

First, few republicans would readily admit that Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama; THAT would take some courage and we all know that they're too scared to show a spine.

Second, we have had to increase our huge debt by almost $2 TRILLION to basically benefit the very rich among us getting a PERMANENT tax cut which was used to buy back stock.....and less than 20% of Americans have any dealings with Wall Street.......AND, always remember what Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago after passing the tax scam..."I just made you guys a lot richer"....

Third, despite the rhetoric, wages increases are a damn joke.......with some fiscal quarters showing an increase of .07% and some others at 3%.......Look at it this way, for some families living on the minimum wage, the wage increase boils down to maybe $2 per day.

Fourth, the Feds are being "threatened" by Trump's tweets to NOT raise interest rates although inflation is a looming probability that will eventually hit our economy like an avalanche.

Fifth, the trade deals have been an abject failure, from NAFTA 2.0 to Americans farmers having to be subsidized for their rotting harvests and dairy farmers' profits being cut by 60%.

IF the only praises of a Trump administration is the "thriving" economy during the next election cycle, reality is going to be a real bitch.


Workers at the lower end of the pay scale finally are getting the most benefit from rising wages


From your citation.........,oron

Average hourly earnings rose 3.4 percent in February, the best increase since April 2009.

OK, fuckhead.....get yourself a calculator and figure how much of an "increase" someone working at minimum wages........3.4% turns out to be......Go on, Tell us.....

Since you're a moron.......Let me tell you........A WHOPPING $16 per week....and after taxes????
Referencing old democrat talking points about the economy doesn't really prove anything. Remember when Trump was supposed to destroy the US economy, and that was before his trade wars. The voters will decide in 2020 who they trust to manage the US economy, Trump or the socialist mob.

Remember When Trump Was Supposed To Sink The Stock Market?

The above is moronic even for YOU.......How could Trump "sink the stock market" when he borrowed and gave TRILLIONS to wealthy donors and friends?....The stock buy-back (where most of the money went) was manna from heaven for Wall Street.

It'd be safer to say that not even Trump could fuck up the economy that he inherited AND his huge debt rising "gift" to WS.

Let me refresh your convenient memory. Your post #98 provided 3-links stating basically that democrats do a better job running the US economy. My post #100 provided a link saying that the dems including Krugman predicted disaster for Trump's economy. My link in post #100 said "Remember when Trump was supposed to sink the stock market"?
Your new post #131 basically says "all the democrat gloom and doom predictions for the US economy was stupid bullshit since Trump used deficit spending and tax cuts to help his rich friends". Now Trump's economy looks fantastic but that was really due to Obama.
How the fuck can you square that with the socialist agenda that the 2020 dems are pushing? In case you forgot, THESE ARE THE POLICIES YOU NEED TO SUPPORT:

  • Single Payer Healthcare, aka rationed healthcare, $3.5T a year as run by the government
  • Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
  • Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
  • Stupid trade agreements, trade deficits don't matter
  • Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
  • Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
  • "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
  • Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA

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