The myth of a "booming" economy that benefits everyone....

I know it's mostly legal under our laws BUT who makes those laws ?? THIMK,,,,lol

Loopholes have been around longer than you or I have been alive. Yes, they change depending on who is running the government at the time. But think for a second: without loopholes, what other way would corporations be able to make more money?
Maybe I'm just stupid but I believe for a better America all must pay their fair share

Great, we're still waiting for you to pay your fair share....dumbass.
Moron I probably pay more than you earn in a year

Eddie...Eddie...Eddie! Still trying to pass yourself off as a successful businessman? You know that never ends well for ya'!
Old That was for the nit that said poor eddie If you don't believe it no skin off my nose BTW that was just Fridays #
The left know a booming economy and low unemployment virtually assures Trump will be re-elected in 2020. Naturally they are trying to spin all the historic economic news negative.

With a strong economy, the Left can only double down on class warfare and racial division.

Biden was running his mouth yesterday about how the GOP is bringing back Jim Crow.
Actually the deficit has gotten larger each year under Trump...which means debt is not slowing. ILMAO.......You can't tell the difference between increase and slowing. Go back to school.

They still are and Trump is begging for them to be made lower...why is that? Learn to read and research as well. Interest rates have risen on Trump's watch. My wallet is happy about it too.

if the deficits are getting larger, that means that debt is not slowing, it is growing faster.

Interest rates have risen on Trump's watch but are still historically low.

are you really this stupid or is it just an act you put on for the internet?

View attachment 259519

I'd suggest you fucking progs champion projection, but you're just too obvious. I'll put this into words even you can comprehend, or so I hope.

Sample A (past): Debt grows at $2 a year.
Sample B (current): Debt grows at $1.50 a year.

If I asked a 1st grader which of the two is lower, they probably would say $1.50. If I asked the same student if that's a sign of improvement, considering the former pace was $2 and the current pace is $1.50. Strikes me they'd say YES.

And I said MFer rates have risen on Trump's watch. You know dummy, they're HIGHER than they were on Obama's watch. Perhaps you have a problem distinguishing between numbers?
I have to hand it to the Trump swamp for their effectiveness in bullshitting a huge portion of this nation into believing that Trump is an economic "genius."

First, few republicans would readily admit that Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama; THAT would take some courage and we all know that they're too scared to show a spine.

Second, we have had to increase our huge debt by almost $2 TRILLION to basically benefit the very rich among us getting a PERMANENT tax cut which was used to buy back stock.....and less than 20% of Americans have any dealings with Wall Street.......AND, always remember what Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago after passing the tax scam..."I just made you guys a lot richer"....

Third, despite the rhetoric, wages increases are a damn joke.......with some fiscal quarters showing an increase of .07% and some others at 3%.......Look at it this way, for some families living on the minimum wage, the wage increase boils down to maybe $2 per day.

Fourth, the Feds are being "threatened" by Trump's tweets to NOT raise interest rates although inflation is a looming probability that will eventually hit our economy like an avalanche.

Fifth, the trade deals have been an abject failure, from NAFTA 2.0 to Americans farmers having to be subsidized for their rotting harvests and dairy farmers' profits being cut by 60%.

IF the only praises of a Trump administration is the "thriving" economy during the next election cycle, reality is going to be a real bitch.
I notice how these snowflakes try to use words that apply to them on us....hoping that it will somehow attach itself to us instead of them. Now this dickhead is calling Trump a swampcreature.
Was the filthy fool going to drain the swamp or bring them to the WH ? Sure he's a swampcreature and he loves it
McCabe, Comey, Page, Stroch the Clintons all gone. That was only part of the sucking sound your hearing aid picked up over the last few years.

Poor old Eddy. :(
Old but not poor ,,,,
+$93,664.73 (1.39%)
Day Change
I know Eddy. We're all on-line millionaires.
be grateful that you have a president who is making America great again. < has a ring to it, eh?>

Well, if you weren't such a MearHead and an ignorant Trump ass kisser, you'd know that NOT EVEN than slogan is from the orange buffoon......LMAO

That's kinda the point. Reagan made the US great again after LBJ, Nixon and Carter. Trump after Bush II and Obama.
I have to hand it to the Trump swamp for their effectiveness in bullshitting a huge portion of this nation into believing that Trump is an economic "genius."

First, few republicans would readily admit that Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama; THAT would take some courage and we all know that they're too scared to show a spine.

Second, we have had to increase our huge debt by almost $2 TRILLION to basically benefit the very rich among us getting a PERMANENT tax cut which was used to buy back stock.....and less than 20% of Americans have any dealings with Wall Street.......AND, always remember what Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago after passing the tax scam..."I just made you guys a lot richer"....

Third, despite the rhetoric, wages increases are a damn joke.......with some fiscal quarters showing an increase of .07% and some others at 3%.......Look at it this way, for some families living on the minimum wage, the wage increase boils down to maybe $2 per day.

Fourth, the Feds are being "threatened" by Trump's tweets to NOT raise interest rates although inflation is a looming probability that will eventually hit our economy like an avalanche.

Fifth, the trade deals have been an abject failure, from NAFTA 2.0 to Americans farmers having to be subsidized for their rotting harvests and dairy farmers' profits being cut by 60%.

IF the only praises of a Trump administration is the "thriving" economy during the next election cycle, reality is going to be a real bitch.

Dude, companies I work with cannot find employees and salaries are growing rapidly. Students that graduate are receiving multiple offers. Just open your eyes and stop watching MSNBC
Can't find em because very few are qualified

Because they are employed! Nice try
Lots can't compete in todays business climate They are under educated and robots are taking jobs away from 1000's
I have to hand it to the Trump swamp for their effectiveness in bullshitting a huge portion of this nation into believing that Trump is an economic "genius."

First, few republicans would readily admit that Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama; THAT would take some courage and we all know that they're too scared to show a spine.

Second, we have had to increase our huge debt by almost $2 TRILLION to basically benefit the very rich among us getting a PERMANENT tax cut which was used to buy back stock.....and less than 20% of Americans have any dealings with Wall Street.......AND, always remember what Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago after passing the tax scam..."I just made you guys a lot richer"....

Third, despite the rhetoric, wages increases are a damn joke.......with some fiscal quarters showing an increase of .07% and some others at 3%.......Look at it this way, for some families living on the minimum wage, the wage increase boils down to maybe $2 per day.

Fourth, the Feds are being "threatened" by Trump's tweets to NOT raise interest rates although inflation is a looming probability that will eventually hit our economy like an avalanche.

Fifth, the trade deals have been an abject failure, from NAFTA 2.0 to Americans farmers having to be subsidized for their rotting harvests and dairy farmers' profits being cut by 60%.

IF the only praises of a Trump administration is the "thriving" economy during the next election cycle, reality is going to be a real bitch.

Dude, companies I work with cannot find employees and salaries are growing rapidly. Students that graduate are receiving multiple offers. Just open your eyes and stop watching MSNBC
Can't find em because very few are qualified

Because they are employed! Nice try
Lots can't compete in todays business climate They are under educated and robots are taking jobs away from 1000's
So all I'm saying is all is not gold that comes out of scumps mouth
Yes, that guy. He's friends with a birther. So what?

Typical lib. Attack the messenger and not the message.

As the Irish poet once wrote......"You CANNOT tell the dancer from the dance..."

Mull that over in your half brain......Once a LIAR [almost] always a LIAR.

(just as Bill
hat's kinda the point. Reagan made the US great again after LBJ, Nixon and Carter. Trump after Bush II and Obama.

Go back to bed........LMAO
It's Obama's economy much like the 80s' boom was Carters.

You've lost again. Sorry.

And what do you want to bet that if we sadly elect a Democrat for President and things go to hell, they'll be blaming Trump for all the months or years things go downhill just like they did with Bush?
Democrat president's just get lucky being in the right place at the right time,

Soooooo, the idiot above has "concluded" that Obama was lucky when he inherited from GWB an economy that was LOSING 750,000 jobs PER MONTH???

Berbreath has a very strange definition of "lucky".........LOL

soooooooo tell us what did obama do?

and why were most all those jobs created in red states?
hat's kinda the point. Reagan made the US great again after LBJ, Nixon and Carter. Trump after Bush II and Obama.

Go back to bed........LMAO
It's Obama's economy much like the 80s' boom was Carters.

You've lost again. Sorry.

And what do you want to bet that if we sadly elect a Democrat for President and things go to hell, they'll be blaming Trump for all the months or years things go downhill just like they did with Bush?
All the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put scumpty dumpties economy back together again
And what do you want to bet that if we sadly elect a Democrat for President and things go to hell, they'll be blaming Trump for all the months or years things go downhill just like they did with Bush?

Let me phrase it in terms that even YOU can understand.......

The first couple of years of ANYONE'S administration are consequences of the previous one.........The remaining 2 years are strictly the accolades or criticism of that administration.
he's already on record for saying when the shit hits the fan he'll be gone Seems thats the story of the scumbags life
Democrat president's just get lucky being in the right place at the right time,

Soooooo, the idiot above has "concluded" that Obama was lucky when he inherited from GWB an economy that was LOSING 750,000 jobs PER MONTH???

Berbreath has a very strange definition of "lucky".........LOL

soooooooo tell us what did obama do?

and why were most all those jobs created in red states?
Because they were hurt the worst?

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