The myth of a "booming" economy that benefits everyone....

And because of that his rich friends are in need of employees they can't find. That means wages increasing. And if we can get better Republicans back in charge of Congress and more in the judiciary to stop these illegals, it will strain the labor market even more meaning even higher wages.

A moron like you should look at WHERE (what sectors) these job openings are in demand ...........Here, to help you, "food preparers........Waitresses....Cashiers.....etc.

Yep...........ask a coal miner in KY to relocate to MO and take on the "high paying job" of a cashier at KFC.
And these republican fools dance around like it was they that received those great benefits What fools

If one does a little bit of math, one would see that ....especially among the lower middle class......the wage "increase" boils down to about $1.80 per day.....basically a "free" cup of coffee and they better cheer Trump for that "gift."

(Never mind that with that cup of coffee there's huge payments due in 3 years from now.)

especially among the lower middle class......the wage "increase" boils down to about $1.80 per day....

How much does the "lower middle class" earn an hour?
Trump, on a Future Debt Crisis: 'Yeah, But I Won't Be Here' – Reason ...

Dec 5, 2018 - Those who appreciate the Donald Trump presidency for its transparent refusal to apply lipstick to piggish federal policy have a new example to ...
Trump Is Turning America into Another Bankrupt Casino | Vanity Fair

Jan 9, 2019 - Donald J. Trump inside the casino of Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, NJ. ... situation because he “won't be here” when the shit truly hits the fan.
t's like a manager of a baseball team taking credit for inheriting a club that lost 100 for having lost only 90 - after 8 years.

Compare to the new manager that drains the losers and wins the World Series in his first year and repeats in his second.

Morons like you....Mearhead......should answer these questions (get a grown up to help you)

1. What was the unemployment rate when Obama was sworn into office?

2. What was the unemployment rate when Obama left office?

3. By percentile, how much more has Trump lowered the unemployment rate ?

Go on, have fun learning something that Hannity hasn't taught you....
t's like a manager of a baseball team taking credit for inheriting a club that lost 100 for having lost only 90 - after 8 years.

Compare to the new manager that drains the losers and wins the World Series in his first year and repeats in his second.

Morons like you....Mearhead......should answer these questions (get a grown up to help you)

1. What was the unemployment rate when Obama was sworn into office?

2. What was the unemployment rate when Obama left office?

3. By percentile, how much more has Trump lowered the unemployment rate ?

Go on, have fun learning something that Hannity hasn't taught you....
You're spitting into the wind. Mediocrity begat mediocrity. Obama did what he did and it was sadly lacking. So much more could have been done if he weren't so clueless. Be grateful that you have a president who is making America great again. < has a ring to it, eh?>
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And because of that his rich friends are in need of employees they can't find. That means wages increasing. And if we can get better Republicans back in charge of Congress and more in the judiciary to stop these illegals, it will strain the labor market even more meaning even higher wages.

A moron like you should look at WHERE (what sectors) these job openings are in demand ...........Here, to help you, "food preparers........Waitresses....Cashiers.....etc.

Yep...........ask a coal miner in KY to relocate to MO and take on the "high paying job" of a cashier at KFC.

I already did look. It's you that didn't.

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
I have to hand it to the Trump swamp for their effectiveness in bullshitting a huge portion of this nation into believing that Trump is an economic "genius."

First, few republicans would readily admit that Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama; THAT would take some courage and we all know that they're too scared to show a spine.

Second, we have had to increase our huge debt by almost $2 TRILLION to basically benefit the very rich among us getting a PERMANENT tax cut which was used to buy back stock.....and less than 20% of Americans have any dealings with Wall Street.......AND, always remember what Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago after passing the tax scam..."I just made you guys a lot richer"....

Third, despite the rhetoric, wages increases are a damn joke.......with some fiscal quarters showing an increase of .07% and some others at 3%.......Look at it this way, for some families living on the minimum wage, the wage increase boils down to maybe $2 per day.

Fourth, the Feds are being "threatened" by Trump's tweets to NOT raise interest rates although inflation is a looming probability that will eventually hit our economy like an avalanche.

Fifth, the trade deals have been an abject failure, from NAFTA 2.0 to Americans farmers having to be subsidized for their rotting harvests and dairy farmers' profits being cut by 60%.

IF the only praises of a Trump administration is the "thriving" economy during the next election cycle, reality is going to be a real bitch.
I notice how these snowflakes try to use words that apply to them on us....hoping that it will somehow attach itself to us instead of them. Now this dickhead is calling Trump a swampcreature.
I have to hand it to the Trump swamp for their effectiveness in bullshitting a huge portion of this nation into believing that Trump is an economic "genius."

First, few republicans would readily admit that Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama; THAT would take some courage and we all know that they're too scared to show a spine.

Second, we have had to increase our huge debt by almost $2 TRILLION to basically benefit the very rich among us getting a PERMANENT tax cut which was used to buy back stock.....and less than 20% of Americans have any dealings with Wall Street.......AND, always remember what Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago after passing the tax scam..."I just made you guys a lot richer"....

Third, despite the rhetoric, wages increases are a damn joke.......with some fiscal quarters showing an increase of .07% and some others at 3%.......Look at it this way, for some families living on the minimum wage, the wage increase boils down to maybe $2 per day.

Fourth, the Feds are being "threatened" by Trump's tweets to NOT raise interest rates although inflation is a looming probability that will eventually hit our economy like an avalanche.

Fifth, the trade deals have been an abject failure, from NAFTA 2.0 to Americans farmers having to be subsidized for their rotting harvests and dairy farmers' profits being cut by 60%.

IF the only praises of a Trump administration is the "thriving" economy during the next election cycle, reality is going to be a real bitch.
I notice how these snowflakes try to use words that apply to them on us....hoping that it will somehow attach itself to us instead of them. Now this dickhead is calling Trump a swampcreature.
Was the filthy fool going to drain the swamp or bring them to the WH ? Sure he's a swampcreature and he loves it
I have to hand it to the Trump swamp for their effectiveness in bullshitting a huge portion of this nation into believing that Trump is an economic "genius."

First, few republicans would readily admit that Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama; THAT would take some courage and we all know that they're too scared to show a spine.

Second, we have had to increase our huge debt by almost $2 TRILLION to basically benefit the very rich among us getting a PERMANENT tax cut which was used to buy back stock.....and less than 20% of Americans have any dealings with Wall Street.......AND, always remember what Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago after passing the tax scam..."I just made you guys a lot richer"....

Third, despite the rhetoric, wages increases are a damn joke.......with some fiscal quarters showing an increase of .07% and some others at 3%.......Look at it this way, for some families living on the minimum wage, the wage increase boils down to maybe $2 per day.

Fourth, the Feds are being "threatened" by Trump's tweets to NOT raise interest rates although inflation is a looming probability that will eventually hit our economy like an avalanche.

Fifth, the trade deals have been an abject failure, from NAFTA 2.0 to Americans farmers having to be subsidized for their rotting harvests and dairy farmers' profits being cut by 60%.

IF the only praises of a Trump administration is the "thriving" economy during the next election cycle, reality is going to be a real bitch.
I notice how these snowflakes try to use words that apply to them on us....hoping that it will somehow attach itself to us instead of them. Now this dickhead is calling Trump a swampcreature.
Was the filthy fool going to drain the swamp or bring them to the WH ? Sure he's a swampcreature and he loves it
McCabe, Comey, Page, Stroch the Clintons all gone. That was only part of the sucking sound your hearing aid picked up over the last few years.

Poor old Eddy. :(
I have to hand it to the Trump swamp for their effectiveness in bullshitting a huge portion of this nation into believing that Trump is an economic "genius."

First, few republicans would readily admit that Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama; THAT would take some courage and we all know that they're too scared to show a spine.

Second, we have had to increase our huge debt by almost $2 TRILLION to basically benefit the very rich among us getting a PERMANENT tax cut which was used to buy back stock.....and less than 20% of Americans have any dealings with Wall Street.......AND, always remember what Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago after passing the tax scam..."I just made you guys a lot richer"....

Third, despite the rhetoric, wages increases are a damn joke.......with some fiscal quarters showing an increase of .07% and some others at 3%.......Look at it this way, for some families living on the minimum wage, the wage increase boils down to maybe $2 per day.

Fourth, the Feds are being "threatened" by Trump's tweets to NOT raise interest rates although inflation is a looming probability that will eventually hit our economy like an avalanche.

Fifth, the trade deals have been an abject failure, from NAFTA 2.0 to Americans farmers having to be subsidized for their rotting harvests and dairy farmers' profits being cut by 60%.

IF the only praises of a Trump administration is the "thriving" economy during the next election cycle, reality is going to be a real bitch.
I notice how these snowflakes try to use words that apply to them on us....hoping that it will somehow attach itself to us instead of them. Now this dickhead is calling Trump a swampcreature.
Was the filthy fool going to drain the swamp or bring them to the WH ? Sure he's a swampcreature and he loves it
McCabe, Comey, Page, Stroch the Clintons all gone. That was only part of the sucking sound your hearing aid picked up over the last few years.

Poor old Eddy. :(
And look at what you replaced them with The cream of the crap Leftovers from trump swamp
I have to hand it to the Trump swamp for their effectiveness in bullshitting a huge portion of this nation into believing that Trump is an economic "genius."

First, few republicans would readily admit that Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama; THAT would take some courage and we all know that they're too scared to show a spine.

Second, we have had to increase our huge debt by almost $2 TRILLION to basically benefit the very rich among us getting a PERMANENT tax cut which was used to buy back stock.....and less than 20% of Americans have any dealings with Wall Street.......AND, always remember what Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago after passing the tax scam..."I just made you guys a lot richer"....

Third, despite the rhetoric, wages increases are a damn joke.......with some fiscal quarters showing an increase of .07% and some others at 3%.......Look at it this way, for some families living on the minimum wage, the wage increase boils down to maybe $2 per day.

Fourth, the Feds are being "threatened" by Trump's tweets to NOT raise interest rates although inflation is a looming probability that will eventually hit our economy like an avalanche.

Fifth, the trade deals have been an abject failure, from NAFTA 2.0 to Americans farmers having to be subsidized for their rotting harvests and dairy farmers' profits being cut by 60%.

IF the only praises of a Trump administration is the "thriving" economy during the next election cycle, reality is going to be a real bitch.

Dude, companies I work with cannot find employees and salaries are growing rapidly. Students that graduate are receiving multiple offers. Just open your eyes and stop watching MSNBC
I have to hand it to the Trump swamp for their effectiveness in bullshitting a huge portion of this nation into believing that Trump is an economic "genius."

First, few republicans would readily admit that Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama; THAT would take some courage and we all know that they're too scared to show a spine.

Second, we have had to increase our huge debt by almost $2 TRILLION to basically benefit the very rich among us getting a PERMANENT tax cut which was used to buy back stock.....and less than 20% of Americans have any dealings with Wall Street.......AND, always remember what Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago after passing the tax scam..."I just made you guys a lot richer"....

Third, despite the rhetoric, wages increases are a damn joke.......with some fiscal quarters showing an increase of .07% and some others at 3%.......Look at it this way, for some families living on the minimum wage, the wage increase boils down to maybe $2 per day.

Fourth, the Feds are being "threatened" by Trump's tweets to NOT raise interest rates although inflation is a looming probability that will eventually hit our economy like an avalanche.

Fifth, the trade deals have been an abject failure, from NAFTA 2.0 to Americans farmers having to be subsidized for their rotting harvests and dairy farmers' profits being cut by 60%.

IF the only praises of a Trump administration is the "thriving" economy during the next election cycle, reality is going to be a real bitch.
I notice how these snowflakes try to use words that apply to them on us....hoping that it will somehow attach itself to us instead of them. Now this dickhead is calling Trump a swampcreature.
Was the filthy fool going to drain the swamp or bring them to the WH ? Sure he's a swampcreature and he loves it
McCabe, Comey, Page, Stroch the Clintons all gone. That was only part of the sucking sound your hearing aid picked up over the last few years.

Poor old Eddy. :(
Old but not poor ,,,,
+$93,664.73 (1.39%)
Day Change
Too bad that the 1% got far richer under Barry than they have under Trump, Gnat! Who do you think rode the stock market back from it's lows to it's highs with money they were able to borrow for next to nothing because THEY had credit? Duh?

As for the Fed? I don't really have a problem with them raising rates. It's what you do when you've got an economy that's growing so well that inflation becomes an issue! You'll note that wasn't an issue under Barack Obama's two terms! The Fed kept interest rates at near zero for the longest time in US history just to keep Barry's economies afloat. Any time they even hinted at raises the stock market would crater. Contrast that with what Trump has done...continuing to create jobs and grow the economy despite the Fed raising rates more often than any time in US history!

So why would any rational person want to put progressives back in charge of our economy, Gnat? They don't have a clue when it comes to economics.
Hows our debt looking nowadays?

Our debt sucks. My hope is that Trump addresses spending by the Federal Government in his second term. He's just enough of an outsider that he won't care about the entrenched Federal workers sponging off the public anymore. I'd love to see him treat the Federal Government like a business.
Since when has a republican ever reduced our debt ?

It was the Republican Congress led by Newt Gingrich.
Under Bill Clinton

Congress controls the purse strings...Clinton had to give Gingrich what he wanted or he would have been out on his ass after one term!
I have to hand it to the Trump swamp for their effectiveness in bullshitting a huge portion of this nation into believing that Trump is an economic "genius."

First, few republicans would readily admit that Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama; THAT would take some courage and we all know that they're too scared to show a spine.

Second, we have had to increase our huge debt by almost $2 TRILLION to basically benefit the very rich among us getting a PERMANENT tax cut which was used to buy back stock.....and less than 20% of Americans have any dealings with Wall Street.......AND, always remember what Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago after passing the tax scam..."I just made you guys a lot richer"....

Third, despite the rhetoric, wages increases are a damn joke.......with some fiscal quarters showing an increase of .07% and some others at 3%.......Look at it this way, for some families living on the minimum wage, the wage increase boils down to maybe $2 per day.

Fourth, the Feds are being "threatened" by Trump's tweets to NOT raise interest rates although inflation is a looming probability that will eventually hit our economy like an avalanche.

Fifth, the trade deals have been an abject failure, from NAFTA 2.0 to Americans farmers having to be subsidized for their rotting harvests and dairy farmers' profits being cut by 60%.

IF the only praises of a Trump administration is the "thriving" economy during the next election cycle, reality is going to be a real bitch.
I have to hand it to the Trump swamp for their effectiveness in bullshitting a huge portion of this nation into believing that Trump is an economic "genius."

First, few republicans would readily admit that Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama; THAT would take some courage and we all know that they're too scared to show a spine.

Second, we have had to increase our huge debt by almost $2 TRILLION to basically benefit the very rich among us getting a PERMANENT tax cut which was used to buy back stock.....and less than 20% of Americans have any dealings with Wall Street.......AND, always remember what Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago after passing the tax scam..."I just made you guys a lot richer"....

Third, despite the rhetoric, wages increases are a damn joke.......with some fiscal quarters showing an increase of .07% and some others at 3%.......Look at it this way, for some families living on the minimum wage, the wage increase boils down to maybe $2 per day.

Fourth, the Feds are being "threatened" by Trump's tweets to NOT raise interest rates although inflation is a looming probability that will eventually hit our economy like an avalanche.

Fifth, the trade deals have been an abject failure, from NAFTA 2.0 to Americans farmers having to be subsidized for their rotting harvests and dairy farmers' profits being cut by 60%.

IF the only praises of a Trump administration is the "thriving" economy during the next election cycle, reality is going to be a real bitch.
nancy drew 5.jpg
be grateful that you have a president who is making America great again. < has a ring to it, eh?>

Well, if you weren't such a MearHead and an ignorant Trump ass kisser, you'd know that NOT EVEN than slogan is from the orange buffoon......LMAO

It's not scamming the system if you are doing it legally. Collectively, corporations have saved over 20 billion dollars under Trumps new plan. However. we have the lowest unemployment in nearly 50 years and new records being broken all the time.

To give you an idea of how much 20 billion is. It's about three months of what we spend on food stamps.
I know it's mostly legal under our laws BUT who makes those laws ?? THIMK,,,,lol

Loopholes have been around longer than you or I have been alive. Yes, they change depending on who is running the government at the time. But think for a second: without loopholes, what other way would corporations be able to make more money?
Maybe I'm just stupid but I believe for a better America all must pay their fair share

Great, we're still waiting for you to pay your fair share....dumbass.
Moron I probably pay more than you earn in a year

Eddie...Eddie...Eddie! Still trying to pass yourself off as a successful businessman? You know that never ends well for ya'!
I have to hand it to the Trump swamp for their effectiveness in bullshitting a huge portion of this nation into believing that Trump is an economic "genius."

First, few republicans would readily admit that Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama; THAT would take some courage and we all know that they're too scared to show a spine.

Second, we have had to increase our huge debt by almost $2 TRILLION to basically benefit the very rich among us getting a PERMANENT tax cut which was used to buy back stock.....and less than 20% of Americans have any dealings with Wall Street.......AND, always remember what Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago after passing the tax scam..."I just made you guys a lot richer"....

Third, despite the rhetoric, wages increases are a damn joke.......with some fiscal quarters showing an increase of .07% and some others at 3%.......Look at it this way, for some families living on the minimum wage, the wage increase boils down to maybe $2 per day.

Fourth, the Feds are being "threatened" by Trump's tweets to NOT raise interest rates although inflation is a looming probability that will eventually hit our economy like an avalanche.

Fifth, the trade deals have been an abject failure, from NAFTA 2.0 to Americans farmers having to be subsidized for their rotting harvests and dairy farmers' profits being cut by 60%.

IF the only praises of a Trump administration is the "thriving" economy during the next election cycle, reality is going to be a real bitch.

Dude, companies I work with cannot find employees and salaries are growing rapidly. Students that graduate are receiving multiple offers. Just open your eyes and stop watching MSNBC
Can't find em because very few are qualified
I have to hand it to the Trump swamp for their effectiveness in bullshitting a huge portion of this nation into believing that Trump is an economic "genius."

First, few republicans would readily admit that Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama; THAT would take some courage and we all know that they're too scared to show a spine.

Second, we have had to increase our huge debt by almost $2 TRILLION to basically benefit the very rich among us getting a PERMANENT tax cut which was used to buy back stock.....and less than 20% of Americans have any dealings with Wall Street.......AND, always remember what Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago after passing the tax scam..."I just made you guys a lot richer"....

Third, despite the rhetoric, wages increases are a damn joke.......with some fiscal quarters showing an increase of .07% and some others at 3%.......Look at it this way, for some families living on the minimum wage, the wage increase boils down to maybe $2 per day.

Fourth, the Feds are being "threatened" by Trump's tweets to NOT raise interest rates although inflation is a looming probability that will eventually hit our economy like an avalanche.

Fifth, the trade deals have been an abject failure, from NAFTA 2.0 to Americans farmers having to be subsidized for their rotting harvests and dairy farmers' profits being cut by 60%.

IF the only praises of a Trump administration is the "thriving" economy during the next election cycle, reality is going to be a real bitch.

Dude, companies I work with cannot find employees and salaries are growing rapidly. Students that graduate are receiving multiple offers. Just open your eyes and stop watching MSNBC
Can't find em because very few are qualified

Because they are employed! Nice try

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