The Myth of an Overpopulated Planet

Oh, let's do the math.

Size of Texas: Almost 700,000 square kilometers. 7E11 square meters.

World population: 7 billion.

Divide: 100 square meters per person. That is, a 10m x 10m square.

Hmm. Weatherman says that's a typical suburban lot. Really?

Weatherman, you didn't do the math, You just pretended you did. You're busted. You were off by a factor of 4. 1/10 of an acre is 400 square meters, not 100.

So, when will you be moving on to your 10m x 10m luxury living plot? Sucks that it has no water, but hey, it's your idea.
So, where's the food come from? Where's the waste go? How do you get to work, when there's no street in your crowded utopia?

If everyone is living in Texas ... we couldn't easily dump all our trash in California. I doubt anyone would notice.
So, you're happy to have all those people of the world move right next door to you?

I've already said I have had all those, and more, people as my neighbours and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Your cowardly deflection was expected. After all, it's what you always do. Deflect-and-cry is all you're capable of on any topic.

One of the best things about discussing things with you guys is how you become apoplectic over any subject, no matter how inconsequential.

No one believes for a single second that anything is going to forcefully relocate the world population to Texas, or France, or Kathmandu. Yet, you resort to impotent name-calling, when anyone disagrees with you like you're arguing about an over-charge on your cable bill.

It's so much fun to watch you get spun up.


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