The Myth of Republicans Walking Away because of Trump

Republicans never believed the words of the Constitution. Ever.

Right, the Republicans. You just watched and I'm sure cheered when the Nazis impeached a sitting US President for exercising his first amendment rights, and then tell us how Republicans don't respect the Constitution????

Both of Trump's impeachments were justified.
Republicans never believed the words of the Constitution. Ever.

Right, the Republicans. You just watched and I'm sure cheered when the Nazis impeached a sitting US President for exercising his first amendment rights, and then tell us how Republicans don't respect the Constitution????

Both of Trump's impeachments were justified.
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Looks like you have bats in your belfry, No wonder you are a fuzzy thinker.
No Lie Skippy

Trump lost Bigly in November and his handling of COVID was the reason.

Make all the excuses you want

If there was no mail-in voting, Trump would have won by a landslide. The commies used the virus to promote mail-in voting because they knew they could drag all the lowlifes to vote who are 100% politically ignorant. Politically ignorant people vote Democrat; the Obama money kind of people.
And they knew they could stuff the ballot boxes with fraudulent "mail-in" votes as well....Which two security cameras in two states captured happening.

There were no fraudulent ballots and no security cameras caught anything illegal. Fake news.
Am I going to believe a manic and borderline insane moonbat, or my own lying eyes?
I don't see how it matters nows. I can wait until the results of next mid-term elections and besides, a lot can happen between now and then.
Donald Trump is still the stupidest President we have ever had and the most corrupt. Trump is the one who tried to destroy this country to make it safe for white supremacists. The unemployment rate was 4.7 when Trump took office. That w2as a najor disaster. The US has always helped people in trouble. People who might face persecution or even death if sent back. Trump didn't care. That is un-American. He also wanted to sacrifice clean air, clean water and wildlife habitats. That is unacceptable.

Trump only got rid of air and water regulations that didn't help anything and was nothing but a cost to us and businesses. The air and water are the same before he took over as when he left. Do tell: how did Trump want to make it safe for white supremacists, policy please? Trump only sent back people that got in illegally. None of those migrants coming from our south faced persecution or death, because if they did, they would be able to apply for asylum, or accepted Mexico's asylum offer when offered to them.

What Trump really did was save a lot of lives and torture. People were often killed along the way to our country. Mothers would give their daughters a bunch of birth control pills knowing they'd be repeatedly raped along the way. Once Trump created policies that made it virtually impossible to get here, they didn't make the trip.
New Zealand had a national lockdown for approximately 31 days. That largely eliminated the coronavirus. That is what we should have done and we might be long past this.

We don't do that here.

Imagine you are a rock-solid Republican and you have held your nose at some of President Trump's antics but support....essentially every tangible thing he did for the past four years (taxes, immigration, international agreements, the economy, regulations).

That would make you an ignorant fool.
The unemployment rate was under 5 when Trump took office. The great economy started under Obama and continued under Trump. Neither Obama or Trump deserve any credit. A majority of Americans do not support dirty air and dirty water and the destruction of wildlife habitats. Only the Nazi Republicans do.

We have evidence of that. 58 senators agreed and McConnell knows it. No senator justified Trump's actions.

It has nothing to do with if they justified it or not, it has to do with if it was an impeachable offense and caused the riots. Who voted for what is not proof of anything. The words in Trump's speech are proof. The fact the pipe bombs were planted days before is proof. The fact that the riot started 20 minutes before Trump's speech ended is proof. The fact zip lock handcuffs were found on some of the offenders is proof. The fact the FBI warned Capital police of the potential uprising the day before is proof.
Trumpism has replaced Conservatism as the ethos of the Party. They overlap but are not the same. The Mitt Romney/Bush wing is obsolete and powerless.

Trumpism supports one thing.....Trump

Nope. It supports a better, stronger America. Before the very convenient Chinese Virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. All with Trump at the helm.

Biden has already undone loads of the good Trump did. Expect the Second Great Depression with your boy Biden at the helm.
Oh get real Trump was riding the Obama Recovery wave and spending trillions to do it.

You know nothing and say much

Oh Barry left him a fair hand but by doing what he did Trump improved on it and that's why we had UE the lowest its been in 50 years, jobs all across this country and a great economy.

Trump did away with Barry's business killing EO's. You can bet Biden reinstated them.

Oh and I do know what I'm talking about. Google is your friend. Use it dumbass.

Get ready for the Second Great Depression cause it coming with Biden at the helm.

Trump ruled by EOs. The only thing that was passed by Congress was a very bad tax bill.

Oh he used EO's but he got rid of Barry's business killing EO's. Why the hell do you think things were so good in this country before the very convenient Chinese Virus hit??

Things were good cause Trump was at the helm. You won't get that with Biden
Oh Barry left him a fair hand but by doing what he did Trump improved on it
By adding TRILLIONS to the debt

And no dumbass... you do NOT know what you're talking about. Idiot Republicans like you have been predicting a Depression ever since Obama was elected...

LOL Well Biden just added 1.9 trillion to the debt. Oh and I do know what I'm talking about but you sure don't. Google is your friend. Use it.

Oh and with Biden and his runaway EO's we will get the Second Great Depression.

Just to let you know. I'm not a Republican. I'm an Independent. Not sorry at all to burst your anti-Rep bubble.

CBO has already said his $15 an hour minimum wage will cost 1.4 million jobs. He will be the harbinger of the Second Great Depression and just think. You voted for his stupid ass.

Republicans want to lead us into a depression. That is why they oppose stimulus. The economy needs help. I am a independent now. I voted for every Republican candidate for President until 2016.

Well Biden will sure as hell get us there. He will lead the way for the Second Great Depression.

The economy was doing super before the very convenient Chinese Virus hit. Hell UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country and a great economy. All with Trump at the helm

You won't get any of that with Biden.

I'm an Independent as well and the last Dem I voted for POTUS was Carter. The worst vote I ever cast.
RINOs are walking away but that was an objective all along. Let the RINOs go and join the Lincoln project, at least the ones who aren't already members. Today, the Republican party is the America first party. Trump's policies rule. Neocon assholes have no party.
RINOs are walking away but that was an objective all along. Let the RINOs go and join the Lincoln project, at least the ones who aren't already members. Today, the Republican party is the America first party. Trump's policies rule. Neocon assholes have no party.
Todays Republican Party is revamped John Birch Society.
Trump included some toss away lines about playing nice just to cover his ass. But his words and actions before and after the riot told another story.

Well until you commies totally take over this country and remove our Constitution, it's still the law of the land. Tell me one thing Trump said that the Democrats didn't say that was just as caustic.

Trust me, you're going to regret all this once we get leadership of the House back.

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