Zone1 The Myth of White Flight


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
The traditional story told by left wingers is that ethnic white people just didn't like blacks, and that why they moved out of the inner cities when the blacks moved in.

Nothing could be further from the real truth, however.

In actuality, the introduction of Ghetto Culture into the cities, made it untenable for white people to stay in the hood. The high crime rates, the liberal gun control laws that left them defenseless, gave most white people no alternative but to move out of town usually to suburban areas. Of course, some tough white people like mafioso, and nuns at Catholic schools had no problem with staying.

And wealthy limousine liberal types who lived in guarded mansions weren't concerned either.

Amazon product ASIN 1637586469
The traditional story told by left wingers is that ethnic white people just didn't like blacks, and that why they moved out of the inner cities when the blacks moved in.

Nothing could be further from the real truth, however.

In actuality, the introduction of Ghetto Culture into the cities, made it untenable for white people to stay in the hood. The high crime rates, the liberal gun control laws that left them defenseless, gave most white people no alternative but to move out of town usually to suburban areas. Of course, some tough white people like mafioso, and nuns at Catholic schools had no problem with staying.

And wealthy limousine liberal types who lived in guarded mansions weren't concerned either.

Amazon product ASIN 1637586469
was the politicians not the people
The traditional story told by left wingers is that ethnic white people just didn't like blacks, and that why they moved out of the inner cities when the blacks moved in.

Nothing could be further from the real truth, however.

In actuality, the introduction of Ghetto Culture into the cities, made it untenable for white people to stay in the hood. The high crime rates, the liberal gun control laws that left them defenseless, gave most white people no alternative but to move out of town usually to suburban areas. Of course, some tough white people like mafioso, and nuns at Catholic schools had no problem with staying.

And wealthy limousine liberal types who lived in guarded mansions weren't concerned either.

Amazon product ASIN 1637586469
so they moved out when the blacks started moving in?....
All the white liberals I know wouldn’t be caught dead living in a Dem run shit hole large city. They love the suburbs, which are of course more Republican, but that doesn’t stop them from being complete dolts and singing the praises of diversity.
Just another thread to hide in Zone 1, when in fact it's just another statement of racism.
Just another thread to hide in Zone 1, when in fact it's just another statement of racism.

Desiring to live in a less violence prone area is now racist?

You're a true moron.
Desiring to live in a less violence prone area is now racist?

You're a true moron.
Black areas in America are indeed violent!

Everybody in America wants to know whose fault that is?

If this thread doesn't turn into another clusterfk of hate, maybe we can all talk about it?
Black areas in America are indeed violent!

Everybody in America wants to know whose fault that is?

If this thread doesn't turn into another clusterfk of hate, maybe we can all talk about it?

Ummm, it's the fault of the violent criminals. Whatever color they are. Progressive policies just aid and abet the violence.
The traditional story told by left wingers is that ethnic white people just didn't like blacks, and that why they moved out of the inner cities when the blacks moved in.

Nothing could be further from the real truth, however.

In actuality, the introduction of Ghetto Culture into the cities, made it untenable for white people to stay in the hood. The high crime rates, the liberal gun control laws that left them defenseless, gave most white people no alternative but to move out of town usually to suburban areas. Of course, some tough white people like mafioso, and nuns at Catholic schools had no problem with staying.

And wealthy limousine liberal types who lived in guarded mansions weren't concerned either.

Amazon product ASIN 1637586469
Are you telling me, you're not as tough as a nun?
Ummm, it's the fault of the violent criminals. Whatever color they are. Progressive policies just aid and abet the violence.
One may then dare to ask, why has America got so many criminals, and jails full and overflowing with the convicted ones?

OH, and privately run jails for profit too!
The traditional story told by left wingers is that ethnic white people just didn't like blacks, and that why they moved out of the inner cities when the blacks moved in.

Nothing could be further from the real truth, however.

In actuality, the introduction of Ghetto Culture into the cities, made it untenable for white people to stay in the hood. The high crime rates, the liberal gun control laws that left them defenseless, gave most white people no alternative but to move out of town usually to suburban areas. Of course, some tough white people like mafioso, and nuns at Catholic schools had no problem with staying.

And wealthy limousine liberal types who lived in guarded mansions weren't concerned either.

Amazon product ASIN 1637586469
White flight was very real but you are correct it was not for the reasons the left gives. It had nothing to do with racism.

It was not because of ghetto culture either.

It was the result of an abominable supreme court decision which forced bussing on the larger middle class school districts.

It did not apply to every community. Mainly big cities with multiple schools. Because people gtend to self segregate and live in communities they prefer schools were largely but NATURALLY broken down into mainly white schools and black schools. No one was provented to moving to a different commnity and attending a different schools but that was not good enough for the crusaders on the left. They insisted on busing kids all over town. White kids to mainly black schools and black kids to mainly white schools.

People did not want their kids being the subject of such a draconian social experiment so they up and moved to more rural areas where the ruling did not apply.

This helped to start and speed upo creation of ghettoes and eroded the fabric of african american communities. Schools are a big part of the glue that holds communities together. When paretns care and most do they gather together to support their schools. But this does not work when your kids are bussed an hour away. Your local school ceases to be an issue when that happens.

It also sent the message that black kids are inferior and need a white kid around in order to learn. Which is wrong and offensive but that is what this decision was based on.

The claim that it was based on racism or fear of minorities is a stupid and obvious lie to cover up the fact that it was caused by a social engineering project which failed massively as most such efforts do
It is primarily based on behavior, culture, that is light years different than that of most whites. When redneck whites moved from the South to the North it also triggered whites to move out of some of those hoods. And then with Southern blacks. There were always blacks in the North for generations but when the Southern blacks came they were a different breed.

You also needed other things to happen like the creation of the Suburb, interstate highway system, and for the industrial and office employers to move out and they did.

Black flight often followed the Jewish corridor in a lot of these cities.
One may then dare to ask, why has America got so many criminals, and jails full and overflowing with the convicted ones?

OH, and privately run jails for profit too!
Ask the criminals why they are in prison? The left narrative is because of poverty. That's an illogical cause and effect. Poverty does not equal the necessity of crime. Selfishness and laziness equate to more criminality. Why, because person A sees what person B has and wants what person B has without needing to put the work, time, and effort in to have what person B has obtained. Because they are too lazy to put the work in, they seek out other methods and shortcuts to obtain what they selfishly want without the work.
Ask the criminals why they are in prison? The left narrative is because of poverty. That's an illogical cause and effect. Poverty does not equal the necessity of crime. Selfishness and laziness equate to more criminality. Why, because person A sees what person B has and wants what person B has without needing to put the work, time, and effort in to have what person B has obtained. Because they are too lazy to put the work in, they seek out other methods and shortcuts to obtain what they selfishly want without the work.
You say it's not poverty, but then you go on to make the case that it is exactly that.

But you're so mentally absorbed by extremist views that you're not even conscious of what you're trying to say!
You say it's not poverty, but then you go on to make the case that it is exactly that.
No, that's not exactly that. What you're saying is that crime is the ONLY way for person A to get what they want. Person A could go and get an education/skills that lead to employment and more financial success which would allow them to obtain what person B has without committing a crime against person B.

if you couldn't come up with that conclusion without me spelling it out for you.... well....

But you're so mentally absorbed by extremist views that you're not even conscious of what you're trying to say!
Just more conjecture and speculation. And exactly what is extremist in believe that I can obtain what I want legally?
No, that's not exactly that. What you're saying is that crime is the ONLY way for person A to get what they want. Person A could go and get an education/skills that lead to employment and more financial success which would allow them to obtain what person B has without committing a crime against person B.

if you couldn't come up with that conclusion without me spelling it out for you.... well....

Just more conjecture and speculation. And exactly what is extremist in believe that I can obtain what I want legally?
Simply for you: Lack of opportunity for black men to get what they want by working at a good paying job.

America's south failing to let go of imagining how their slave labour can come back through prayer and the god's blessing.
You say it's not poverty, but then you go on to make the case that it is exactly that.

But you're so mentally absorbed by extremist views that you're not even conscious of what you're trying to say!

Crime is the CAUSE of poverty, not vice versa.

If you insist on committing crimes, your job prospects as well as income are going to be limited. Not only does the time it takes to commit crimes take time away from someone's useful endeavors, it can give people a record that makes it problematic for others to hire them when they get out of prison.

Would you hire a known embezzler to be a teller in a bank? Would you hire a previously convicted paedophile as a kindergarten teacher? Most employers would be hesitant to do that.

Reduce crime, and poverty will be reduced.
You say it's not poverty, but then you go on to make the case that it is exactly that.

But you're so mentally absorbed by extremist views that you're not even conscious of what you're trying to say!
Poverty does not cause crime. we know this.

It is actually the other way around as in crime drives poverty.

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