the NAACP against random searches in NYC !!

No you can't, The FISA Act gies them the power to do it.

They are searching you. They have seized you. You are not free to go about your way until they release you.

They stop you from moving forward.

They ask you some questions.

They follow specific guidelines to determine "probable cause".

If there is probable cause, they do search and seizure.

In the New York stop and searches, they detain you and physically search you. Period.

No probable cause, no reading of rights, nothing.

Sounds like you could beat it in Court even if you did have something to hide.
So... you're for random people being detained and searched by police with no probable cause?

Sounds like a Fascist nightmare-state to me...

Isn't there something in the 5th amendment about that? Ah yes, I remember now:

Yeah, that's be the one.

May I guess that you are also against the rolling Road Blocks also known as DUI Checkpoints?

I bet if you try really, really hard, you can figure out the difference between targeting someone because of the color of their skin for a search and a random DUI checkpoint check.

AFAIK, they do not target based on skin color but based on other things. Just because that means that a higher number of black people are searched does not make it racial ;)

I also thought about it reaaaaaaaaaly hare and… nope, don’t see the difference. Both practices should be halted immediately. Too bad the majority of people don’t actually care about rights as long as they feel safe….
the NAACP is fine with gun control laws ,but are against blacks being arrested for having an unregistered concealed weapon .
They stop you from moving forward.

They ask you some questions.

They follow specific guidelines to determine "probable cause".

If there is probable cause, they do search and seizure.

In the New York stop and searches, they detain you and physically search you. Period.

No probable cause, no reading of rights, nothing.

The last time I was caught up in one of these "safety checkpoints", I asked if I was free to go as soon as the officer came to my car.

When he said "No" I asked under what specific authority I was being detained under. I then quoted the 4th Amendment to the officer.

He looked at me, looked in the backseat of my car, which usually looks like a bomb has gone off back there, and said it would take too long to search my car, so he waived me through.

You're lucky he didn't toss in some drugs.

You mean you roll your window all the way down??

The fool you.

My window comes down about and inch and a half. That is more than sufficient to hand him my drivers license.
never mind the fact that NYC now has the lowest homicide rate it has had in 50 yrs ,and that an estimated 10,000 less deaths have occurred in the black community because of these searches !! N.Y. police challenged on illegal stops and searches ?

If it were limited to the discovery of weapons it could be plausibly constitutional (assuming that the people searched were engaged in suspicious activity, and were not just a pigment that the officer found suspicious). Of course they have gone well beyond a Terry Stop.

"In this case, for example, the Ohio Court of Appeals stated that 'we must be careful to distinguish that the "frisk" authorized herein includes only a "frisk" for a dangerous weapon. It by no means authorizes a search for contraband, evidentiary material, or anything else in the absence of reasonable grounds to arrest. Such a search is controlled by the requirements of the Fourth Amendment, and probable cause is essential.' "
-- Earl Warren; from Terry v. Ohio
So... you're for random people being detained and searched by police with no probable cause?

Sounds like a Fascist nightmare-state to me...

Isn't there something in the 5th amendment about that? Ah yes, I remember now:

nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law

Yeah, that's be the one.

May I guess that you are also against the rolling Road Blocks also known as DUI Checkpoints?

Are they racially motivated?
the NAACP makes up shit all the time.

I'll wait for a more credible source before I decide what is really happening in NYC

NYC's Stop & Frisk policy has been in the news for a couple of years now since it was implemented. I don't know how you can't have heard of it until now. It's been very controversial.
Oh, the irony.

Agreed......the NAACP is complaining about illegal searches in NYC.....a liberal bastion.

When was the last time that NYC had a liberal, Democrat as mayor?

When was the last time NYC had a conservative at any level? And, even if you find one or two, NYC is dominated by liberals. Surely, neither you nor myself are under the impression that the current NYC mayor is conservative.

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