the natalie wood case reopened.....

odds are only the captain wasnt three sheets..walken says that wagner burst a bottle of wine on the table and then walken retired...saying it was a married couple issue...the captain has changed his story and after all this time walken refuses to discuss it...says he has said all he can...

walken and wood had been doing ' brainstorm' and wagner was jealous..
remember we are talking much younger than they are now.
Christopher Walken knows more than he’s letting on...
How many times are they going to re-open this, I wonder? Either there is evidence against him, or not. But 'Bones, you are right. She could not swim. Didn't she have a drinking problem as well though? IF she was drunk, she could have possibly tried to board a dingy.
Like you, I don't think it will ever be solved.

I agree. She's been dead for thirty seven years and NOW they decide she may have been murdered??

Poor police work if you ask me. They could have looked under her fingernails to see if there was anything there to support a murder claim. To late now.
she was a non swimmer....i just do not believe she would attempt to move or board a dingy in the dark when there are 3 men on the boat who could have done it....i do not think the true will come out..i do not see robert wagner ever admitting what really happened that best he ignored her cries for worse he killed her

I want to speak up first here, for my DOPer buddies..

Obama DID IT! Or OJ! on the Splendor

btw: Christopher Walken helped.
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I've never ever understood what the point is of speculating umpteen drama fantasies about some incident none of us were there to witness, involving people who have nothing to do with us.

Just don't get it.
Wagner was jealous of Wood and Walken. Whether those two were having an affair will never be known. But, I still think Wagner did it. Deliberately.
I have always believed Wagner either outright killed her on purpose, or she was drunk, they fought, she jumped in the water even though she couldn't swim but thinking he would "save" her...and he didn't. He let her drown. Or he shoved her in.
I see what you are saying, but if me and my ex was in a fight, and I jumped not knowing how to swim. Lol, she would've been throwing things at me to make it go by quicker.
she was a non swimmer....i just do not believe she would attempt to move or board a dingy in the dark when there are 3 men on the boat who could have done it....i do not think the true will come out..i do not see robert wagner ever admitting what really happened that best he ignored her cries for worse he killed her

Thanks for the thread, I was so mad that day, I knew he had something to do with it.
I doubt they'll ever get the whole story out of Wagner.

It's possible that Christopher Walken knows more, but has kept it to himself.

There was even the suggestion that Natalie walked in on Wagner and Walken having sex, and a big fight ensued.

Where did you hear that from, back in the day I used to have a subscription from the national enquirie (my grandmother paid every year)
I doubt they'll ever get the whole story out of Wagner.

It's possible that Christopher Walken knows more, but has kept it to himself.

There was even the suggestion that Natalie walked in on Wagner and Walken having sex, and a big fight ensued.

Where did you hear that from, back in the day I used to have a subscription from the national enquirie (my grandmother paid every year)

That explains a lot.

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