The National guard has now been armed.

Neither did Antifa. So go stuff your bogey man where the sun don't shine.
Your ignorance is inspiring. It's not easy being in denial as completely as you are.
This is happening now...

Lets take this one step further... The DOJ is now actively looking for ANTIFA leaders and activists..

View attachment 343648

The gloves are off and they are looking into who is funding them and who is pulling the strings...

And they get one he'll cry for his mommy
I’m just waiting to see Hollywood get nervous.
About time. This Antifa nazi stuff has been going on long enough

The White Supremacist Nazi stuff has been going on long enough.

What do any of those protests, the rioting, and the looting have to do with "white supremacists"? Were any of those involved in those crowds, there would have already been clashes between them and the leftists. And that has not happened anywhere.

What do they have to do with Antifa?

You can't be serious??? Are you trying to assert that antifa has absolutely no involvement in those protests, riots, burnings, and lootings?

Come on, really???

And you really believe that "white supremacists" are somehow involved?


She's trying desperately to try and deflect to white supremacist groups.

Anyone can see that

More likely, she's just parroting what she heard on MSNBC or CNN, and they were parroting what the Minnesota Governor said. But he was wrong. Anyone with half a brain can figure out who those guys and girls are:

"Drifting out of the shadows in small groups, dressed in black, carrying shields and wearing knee pads, they head toward the front lines of the protest. Helmets and gas masks protect and obscure their faces, and they carry bottles of milk to counteract tear gas and pepper spray.

Most of them appear to be white. They carry no signs and don't want to speak to reporters. Trailed by designated "medics" with red crosses taped to their clothes, these groups head straight for the front lines of the conflict..."

Minnesota Gov Is About to Eat His Words on Who Is Really Causing Chaos in the Minneapolis Riots
About time. This Antifa nazi stuff has been going on long enough

The White Supremacist Nazi stuff has been going on long enough.

What do any of those protests, the rioting, and the looting have to do with "white supremacists"? Were any of those involved in those crowds, there would have already been clashes between them and the leftists. And that has not happened anywhere.

What do they have to do with Antifa?

You can't be serious??? Are you trying to assert that antifa has absolutely no involvement in those protests, riots, burnings, and lootings?

Come on, really???

And you really believe that "white supremacists" are somehow involved?


She's trying desperately to try and deflect to white supremacist groups.

Anyone can see that

More likely, she's just parroting what she heard on MSNBC or CNN, and they were parroting what the Minnesota Governor said. But he was wrong. Anyone with half a brain can figure out who those guys and girls are:

"Drifting out of the shadows in small groups, dressed in black, carrying shields and wearing knee pads, they head toward the front lines of the protest. Helmets and gas masks protect and obscure their faces, and they carry bottles of milk to counteract tear gas and pepper spray.

Most of them appear to be white. They carry no signs and don't want to speak to reporters. Trailed by designated "medics" with red crosses taped to their clothes, these groups head straight for the front lines of the conflict..."

Minnesota Gov Is About to Eat His Words on Who Is Really Causing Chaos in the Minneapolis Riots

The good governor's daughter was tweeting instructions to the "protesters" aka rioters, got screen shotted and deleted her account
LOL is this the new thing to be scared of now? What basic human right is this one going to cost us all this time?

Smashing up people and people's property is a human right?
Thing is, even police states have often have civil unrest during uncertain times. In trading away your freedom for security you get neither.

Again, is smashing up people and people's property a human right? Yes or no?
LOL is this the new thing to be scared of now? What basic human right is this one going to cost us all this time?

Smashing up people and people's property is a human right?
Thing is, even police states have often have civil unrest during uncertain times. In trading away your freedom for security you get neither.

That's not what he asked you

He won't answer, he's too fucking gutless.
all I have to say about that is:
The Florida "Castle Doctrine" law basically does three things: One: It establishes, in law, the presumption that a criminal who forcibly enters or intrudes into your home or occupied vehicle is there to cause death or great bodily harm, therefore a person may use any manner of force, including deadly force, against that person.
LOL is this the new thing to be scared of now? What basic human right is this one going to cost us all this time?

Smashing up people and people's property is a human right?
Thing is, even police states have often have civil unrest during uncertain times. In trading away your freedom for security you get neither.

Again, is smashing up people and people's property a human right? Yes or no?
Quit asking stupid questions. A better one is what would it cost to our freedom of movement/association to make property safe from civil unrest? America is no stranger to riots, it's just been awhile.
This is happening now...

Lets take this one step further... The DOJ is now actively looking for ANTIFA leaders and activists..

View attachment 343648

The gloves are off and they are looking into who is funding them and who is pulling the strings...

And they get one he'll cry for his mommy
I’m just waiting to see Hollywood get nervous.
Police has gone from villains to heroes in a flash. Four shitty cops results in this? Ridiculous
About time. This Antifa nazi stuff has been going on long enough

The White Supremacist Nazi stuff has been going on long enough.

So has ANIFTA, fool


Did I say not?

You certainly didn't include them...did you?

Put these dogs down like rabid animals. Enough

Why did I need to? Seems y'all are ignoring the white supremacist side.
There is none
More fake in attempt to shirk responsibility
Police has gone from villains to heroes in a flash. Four shitty cops results in this? Ridiculous

When was the last time you were stopped, or looked at strangely, or followed due to the colour of your skin. Guess they've had enough. It's 2020 and nothing has changed for some.

Black people can take some of the blame. But they are just sick of being treated like shit.

For what its worth, I don't think the Floyd death was a racial thing on the part of the cop. I think the cop was just an arsehole, period. The guy could've been white and he still would have done the same thing.
Police has gone from villains to heroes in a flash. Four shitty cops results in this? Ridiculous

When was the last time you were stopped, or looked at strangely, or followed due to the colour of your skin. Guess they've had enough. It's 2020 and nothing has changed for some.

Black people can take some of the blame. But they are just sick of being treated like shit.

For what its worth, I don't think the Floyd death was a racial thing on the part of the cop. I think the cop was just an arsehole, period. The guy could've been white and he still would have done the same thing.
This isn’t about the peaceful protesters. It’s about the radical groups that usurped their protest and started the rioting.
Police has gone from villains to heroes in a flash. Four shitty cops results in this? Ridiculous

When was the last time you were stopped, or looked at strangely, or followed due to the colour of your skin. Guess they've had enough. It's 2020 and nothing has changed for some.

Black people can take some of the blame. But they are just sick of being treated like shit.

For what its worth, I don't think the Floyd death was a racial thing on the part of the cop. I think the cop was just an arsehole, period. The guy could've been white and he still would have done the same thing.
That's a REALLY simplistic characterization of the problem. You want to believe these are innocent people who, if the cops would only leave them alone, they'd be model citizens.

The problem is with THEM.
LOL is this the new thing to be scared of now? What basic human right is this one going to cost us all this time?

Smashing up people and people's property is a human right?
Thing is, even police states have often have civil unrest during uncertain times. In trading away your freedom for security you get neither.

Again, is smashing up people and people's property a human right? Yes or no?
Quit asking stupid questions. A better one is what would it cost to our freedom of movement/association to make property safe from civil unrest? America is no stranger to riots, it's just been awhile.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.

It would cost us nothing if the police moved in in force and arrested people breaking shit. I'm sure the owners of the properties destroyed would agree.
Police has gone from villains to heroes in a flash. Four shitty cops results in this? Ridiculous

When was the last time you were stopped, or looked at strangely, or followed due to the colour of your skin. Guess they've had enough. It's 2020 and nothing has changed for some.

Black people can take some of the blame. But they are just sick of being treated like shit.

For what its worth, I don't think the Floyd death was a racial thing on the part of the cop. I think the cop was just an arsehole, period. The guy could've been white and he still would have done the same thing.
That’s fine but most of the people looting and burning shit are white. I am a Jew and have faced antisemitism frequently. It sucks but I dont smash police cars.

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