The NAZIS NEXT DOOR by Eric Lichtblau

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
I just picked up the book, The NAZIS NEXT DOOR by Eric Lichtblau - Winner of the Pulitzer Prize.

The front cover reads - How America became a safe haven for Hitler's men. I can tell you how it happened without even opening the book! The Roman Catholic Vatican arranged it! That is how it happened! Despicable! Keep in mind many of these Nazi war criminals were Jesuit priests! The rest were all Faithful Roman Catholics of one stripe or another - all faithfully carrying out the Inquisition the Vatican had planned. So there's that.

On the back cover is a quote.

"It's all forgotten. It's all over."
-JAKOB REIMER former Nazi SS officer living outside New York City (1998)

That is precisely what the Roman Vatican would like to see. Everything forgotten. HELL WILL FREEZE OVER FIRST!

I'll be commenting on this book Chapter by Chapter. God willing. Stay tuned.
Personal attacks are against USMB rule, Lass. Read up. And buy a copy of the Nazi Next Door - it is a historical fact that Eichmann the Nazi War Criminal was given safe refuge to Argentina by the Jesuits of the Roman Catholic Institution. How much evidence do you need to be convinced? Seriously. If you're Catholic? Get out of there and quit while you have the chance.
Personal attacks are against USMB rule, Lass. Read up. And buy a copy of the Nazi Next Door - it is a historical fact that Eichmann the Nazi War Criminal was given safe refuge to Argentina by the Jesuits of the Roman Catholic Institution. How much evidence do you need to be convinced? Seriously. If you're Catholic? Get out of there and quit while you have the chance.

Oh grow up, if you can't stand rebuttal then don't comment.

The Church wasn't behind what you claim and anyone that has studied the war and the Nazis knows this
I've proven otherwise. See my thread on WWI & WWII on history forum: WWI WWII The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

..... and for your information, Irish Lass, a blue crazy icon is not a rebuttal. It's a personal attack.

Now if you are a Catholic? You're perishing. You need to get out of that false system and call on the LORD and be saved. That is the truth. I've given it to you and it is up to you to receive it or not.
Personal attacks are against USMB rule, Lass. Read up. And buy a copy of the Nazi Next Door - it is a historical fact that Eichmann the Nazi War Criminal was given safe refuge to Argentina by the Jesuits of the Roman Catholic Institution. How much evidence do you need to be convinced? Seriously. If you're Catholic? Get out of there and quit while you have the chance.

Oh grow up, if you can't stand rebuttal then don't comment.

The Church wasn't behind what you claim and anyone that has studied the war and the Nazis knows this


I disagree with Jeri a lot more often than I agree BUT what you posted is not a "rebuttal".

Nor is your statement that "the church wasn't behind what you claim and anyone that has studied the war and the Nazis knows this".

Jeri has listed a source for her statement.

Now its your turn.

Or, you could just admit you can't back up your opinion with facts.
I've proven otherwise. See my thread on WWI & WWII on history forum: WWI WWII The Hidden Cause Finally Revealed US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

..... and for your information, Irish Lass, a blue crazy icon is not a rebuttal. It's a personal attack.

Now if you are a Catholic? You're perishing. You need to get out of that false system and call on the LORD and be saved. That is the truth. I've given it to you and it is up to you to receive it or not.


Well crud. I thought this might be an interesting thread but if you're gonna start preaching, I'm outta here.
The first quote from the book, The NAZIS NEXT DOOR -

"The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored, because it cannot survive their being repeated."

Robert H. Jackson, Nuremberg prosecutor (1945)
Thus far, I find the author is painfully unaware that the war was planned by the Vatican and that the Jesuits and specifically Von Papen was assigned to raise Hitler up as the one to lead their Inquisition therein converting Protestant Europe into Catholic Europe (while annihilating the Jews and then later the Protestants), then to FORCE Russian orthodox church to Catholicism and destroy Protestantism in America via the Nazis they had sent here before the war began. (which is covered in the book although the author is careful not to let on too much just how involved the Vatican was to helping Nazis settle in the USA - new papers, identities, through their own CIA Catholics).

The Vatican lost WWII (as they did WWI) and in this next war - WWIII - which no doubt they are planning - they want to become leader of a new world order still.

Looking at ISIS.......They are clearly funding / using these Muslims to create enough fear, terror / a monetary collapse at the appointed time and a world war so they can once again try to take Jerusalem.

This pope seems determined to exercise his "Temporal Powers" to the 9th degree. He's surely looking towards a time when he can openly wage war against the Protestants and Jews that refuse to submit to him as God.
That book is on my to read list on

You should read The Secret History of the Jesuit order by Edmond Paris and realize that the Jesuits are the Nazis - they changed their priestly robes for Nazi uniforms. The KKK was founded by Jesuits who infiltrated to poison the minds of people - who unfortunately played right into their hands - the Jesuits were behind the civil war and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The man you follow and believe created his own religion for a superior white race is just another brand of nazism and he most likely was Jesuit trained and you are nothing more than a pawn to be used by the Roman Catholic Institution. You need to learn to think for yourself. You seem to be quite young to me and perhaps you were introduced to your cult by a friend or mentor (although they are the enemy of your own soul) but you need to read some books that will get your mind straight. You're seriously misguided in your hatred of the Jews. You are being used.
That book is on my to read list on

You should read The Secret History of the Jesuit order by Edmond Paris and realize that the Jesuits are the Nazis - they changed their priestly robes for Nazi uniforms. The KKK was founded by Jesuits who infiltrated to poison the minds of people - who unfortunately played right into their hands - the Jesuits were behind the civil war and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The man you follow and believe created his own religion for a superior white race is just another brand of nazism and he most likely was Jesuit trained and you are nothing more than a pawn to be used by the Roman Catholic Institution. You need to learn to think for yourself. You seem to be quite young to me and perhaps you were introduced to your cult by a friend or mentor (although they are the enemy of your own soul) but you need to read some books that will get your mind straight. You're seriously misguided in your hatred of the Jews. You are being used.
I am 30. You seem to have an obsession with Jesuits lol...I know their history with the NS Germany.
US Presidents Murdered By Rothschild Banksters
My religion/political philosophy is 15 years in the making...I have gone from Odinist to Christian Identity to Atheist to Creator. I merely bought a book and introduced myself to my religion. We have different views on these things and that's OK I just really enjoy reading about NS Germany and its members and are obviously reading it for different reasons lol.

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