The need to make churches pay tax

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esp since they do not endorse the Johnson Amendment but Trump said he repealed it, it may be in the new tax cut , who knows.

Evangelical Faux Churches are popping up everywhere and they serve drinks under the pretense of "Communion". (we have on in our town)

Dan Johnson the Rep who just committed suicide used his home as a tax exempt church, not all were welcome, and they sold beer and drinks under the pretense of Communion, but he didn't quite sell beer, he lied and said it was a donation.

You can read and research the The Pope's Long Con , google it.

Since we can't maintain the division of Church and State, we need to start making churches pay tax, esp those Evan ones on TV.

I hope when the Dems get in and they will, they do this.

Faux preachers have abused this tax free status for far toooo long.

Evangelical churches are the worst. They are not Christians, they are just local outlets for the Republican Politburo. And all these TV Evangelists milk the poor of their money tax free, which is THE Republican wet dream.

These fake churches want to get involved in politics then they should pay taxes like every other lobbying group.
When the Churches have more influence then the people with the actual money on politics, get back to me.

What does that have to do with anything?

Say you get all this passed, and they have to pay all taxes, well you probably just forced every single synagogue in a major urban area to sell their buildings, and probably a lot of smaller Christian organizations as well.

Can you imagine what the property Taxes would be on Saint Patrick's Cathedral?

Again, its an attack on religion from people who have an axe to grind with it, no matter how much they doth protest.

Again, no it's not. And I don't appreciate the completely unfounded accusation. In my case, it's defense of religious liberty. I asked before - did you read the Huckabee article? He makes the point well.

And you ignore my points that imposing taxes on them would result in the end of many Churches in large urban areas, due to the excessive value of the properties they are on, some for centuries.

Huckabee can have his opinion, and it's wrong. He's buying into the "we will give you freedom if you pay taxes" bullshit.

Just repeal the Johnson Amendment. Done and Done.
When the Churches have more influence then the people with the actual money on politics, get back to me.

Say you get all this passed, and they have to pay all taxes, well you probably just forced every single synagogue in a major urban area to sell their buildings, and probably a lot of smaller Christian organizations as well.

Can you imagine what the property Taxes would be on Saint Patrick's Cathedral?

Again, its an attack on religion from people who have an axe to grind with it, no matter how much they doth protest.

Nobody is interesting in stripping small community churches of their tax exempt status.

Any church that pulls in over a billion from tithing or whatever technique they use to fleece their flock needs to pay taxes.

Then prosecute them as not following the tax exempt rules. if some televangelist is living high off the hog illegally, go after him or her.

And your "fleece the flock" statement just shows your hostility to religion.

Believing anything you say on this topic would be like asking PETA for whole hog dry rub recipes.
And your "fleece the flock" statement just shows your hostility to religion..

I harbor no hostility to religion as long as they don't pull in billions and then reinvest it in tax free malls and luxury condos.

Mormons are counseled that if they do not pay their tithing then they will be burned alive with fire when Jesus Christ comes for the second time - Mormons often refer to this as "fire insurance".

I harbor hostility to extortion messages such as that as well.
When the Churches have more influence then the people with the actual money on politics, get back to me.

What does that have to do with anything?

Say you get all this passed, and they have to pay all taxes, well you probably just forced every single synagogue in a major urban area to sell their buildings, and probably a lot of smaller Christian organizations as well.

Can you imagine what the property Taxes would be on Saint Patrick's Cathedral?

Again, its an attack on religion from people who have an axe to grind with it, no matter how much they doth protest.

Again, no it's not. And I don't appreciate the completely unfounded accusation. In my case, it's defense of religious liberty. I asked before - did you read the Huckabee article? He makes the point well.

And you ignore my points that imposing taxes on them would result in the end of many Churches in large urban areas, due to the excessive value of the properties they are on, some for centuries.

I'm not ignoring you. I'm asking you, why do they deserve special perks?

Huckabee can have his opinion, and it's wrong. He's buying into the "we will give you freedom if you pay taxes" bullshit.

Just repeal the Johnson Amendment. Done and Done.

Not really. The Johnson Amendment is just one example of how the tax-exempt status can be used to control religion. It's done more fundamentally at the level of deciding which religions get the perk in the first place. How would you repeal that?
esp since they do not endorse the Johnson Amendment but Trump said he repealed it, it may be in the new tax cut , who knows.

Evangelical Faux Churches are popping up everywhere and they serve drinks under the pretense of "Communion". (we have on in our town)

Dan Johnson the Rep who just committed suicide used his home as a tax exempt church, not all were welcome, and they sold beer and drinks under the pretense of Communion, but he didn't quite sell beer, he lied and said it was a donation.

You can read and research the The Pope's Long Con , google it.

Since we can't maintain the division of Church and State, we need to start making churches pay tax, esp those Evan ones on TV.

I hope when the Dems get in and they will, they do this.

Faux preachers have abused this tax free status for far toooo long.

I'll tell you what, just as soon as Dims force partisan groups like Planned Parenthood and the NAACP and even Congressmen to pay taxes, I may consider it.

Until then, get bent.
And your "fleece the flock" statement just shows your hostility to religion..

I harbor no hostility to religion as long as they don't pull in billions and then reinvest it in tax free malls and luxury condos.

Mormons are counseled that if they do not pay their tithing then they will be burned alive with fire when Jesus Christ comes for the second time - Mormons often refer to this as "fire insurance".

I harbor hostility to extortion messages such as that as well.

They can always just walk away.

Any investments they do into for profit enterprises are more than likely treated as such.
When the Churches have more influence then the people with the actual money on politics, get back to me.

What does that have to do with anything?

Say you get all this passed, and they have to pay all taxes, well you probably just forced every single synagogue in a major urban area to sell their buildings, and probably a lot of smaller Christian organizations as well.

Can you imagine what the property Taxes would be on Saint Patrick's Cathedral?

Again, its an attack on religion from people who have an axe to grind with it, no matter how much they doth protest.

Again, no it's not. And I don't appreciate the completely unfounded accusation. In my case, it's defense of religious liberty. I asked before - did you read the Huckabee article? He makes the point well.

And you ignore my points that imposing taxes on them would result in the end of many Churches in large urban areas, due to the excessive value of the properties they are on, some for centuries.

I'm not ignoring you. I'm asking you, why do they deserve special perks?

Huckabee can have his opinion, and it's wrong. He's buying into the "we will give you freedom if you pay taxes" bullshit.

Just repeal the Johnson Amendment. Done and Done.

Not really. The Johnson Amendment is just one example of how the tax-exempt status can be used to control religion. It's done more fundamentally at the level of deciding which religions get the perk in the first place. How would you repeal that?

They are getting the same perks any other Non-profit does. Nothing special except for maybe less paperwork.

All they get is the designation as a not for profit, like all other not for profits.
When the Churches have more influence then the people with the actual money on politics, get back to me.

What does that have to do with anything?

Say you get all this passed, and they have to pay all taxes, well you probably just forced every single synagogue in a major urban area to sell their buildings, and probably a lot of smaller Christian organizations as well.

Can you imagine what the property Taxes would be on Saint Patrick's Cathedral?

Again, its an attack on religion from people who have an axe to grind with it, no matter how much they doth protest.

Again, no it's not. And I don't appreciate the completely unfounded accusation. In my case, it's defense of religious liberty. I asked before - did you read the Huckabee article? He makes the point well.

And you ignore my points that imposing taxes on them would result in the end of many Churches in large urban areas, due to the excessive value of the properties they are on, some for centuries.

I'm not ignoring you. I'm asking you, why do they deserve special perks?

Huckabee can have his opinion, and it's wrong. He's buying into the "we will give you freedom if you pay taxes" bullshit.

Just repeal the Johnson Amendment. Done and Done.

Not really. The Johnson Amendment is just one example of how the tax-exempt status can be used to control religion. It's done more fundamentally at the level of deciding which religions get the perk in the first place. How would you repeal that?

They are getting the same perks any other Non-profit does. Nothing special except for maybe less paperwork.

All they get is the designation as a not for profit, like all other not for profits.

Then why is it needed?
When the Churches have more influence then the people with the actual money on politics, get back to me.

What does that have to do with anything?

Say you get all this passed, and they have to pay all taxes, well you probably just forced every single synagogue in a major urban area to sell their buildings, and probably a lot of smaller Christian organizations as well.

Can you imagine what the property Taxes would be on Saint Patrick's Cathedral?

Again, its an attack on religion from people who have an axe to grind with it, no matter how much they doth protest.

Again, no it's not. And I don't appreciate the completely unfounded accusation. In my case, it's defense of religious liberty. I asked before - did you read the Huckabee article? He makes the point well.

And you ignore my points that imposing taxes on them would result in the end of many Churches in large urban areas, due to the excessive value of the properties they are on, some for centuries.

I'm not ignoring you. I'm asking you, why do they deserve special perks?

Huckabee can have his opinion, and it's wrong. He's buying into the "we will give you freedom if you pay taxes" bullshit.

Just repeal the Johnson Amendment. Done and Done.

Not really. The Johnson Amendment is just one example of how the tax-exempt status can be used to control religion. It's done more fundamentally at the level of deciding which religions get the perk in the first place. How would you repeal that?

They are getting the same perks any other Non-profit does. Nothing special except for maybe less paperwork.

All they get is the designation as a not for profit, like all other not for profits.

Then why is it needed?

why is taxing them needed?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

See that bold part?

The special tax treatment for religion is a law that respects establishments of religion by giving them special treatment

and taxing them could prevent free exercise by making it impossible for them to perform their tasks.

I noticed you didn't bold that part.

No it wouldn't.

As I said all any business has to do is show no profit at the end of the year and they will pay no taxes.

They have to do it as part of their exemption. They are not exempt from the paperwork.

NO business should have any special exemption. A nonprofit can carry its revenue from one year to another therefore they make a profit.

SO get rid of the nonprofit exemption completely and businesses that want to be non profit can show ZERO profit every year on their tax returns and not carry large sums of money from year to year tax free.

All of this just to justify your butturt over religion...

What a wanker you are.

IDGAF about you or your god.

The fact is that passing laws that give religion special treatment is a violation of the first amendment.
And whether you want to believe it or not charities are big business and should be treated as such
What does that have to do with anything?

Again, no it's not. And I don't appreciate the completely unfounded accusation. In my case, it's defense of religious liberty. I asked before - did you read the Huckabee article? He makes the point well.

And you ignore my points that imposing taxes on them would result in the end of many Churches in large urban areas, due to the excessive value of the properties they are on, some for centuries.

I'm not ignoring you. I'm asking you, why do they deserve special perks?

Huckabee can have his opinion, and it's wrong. He's buying into the "we will give you freedom if you pay taxes" bullshit.

Just repeal the Johnson Amendment. Done and Done.

Not really. The Johnson Amendment is just one example of how the tax-exempt status can be used to control religion. It's done more fundamentally at the level of deciding which religions get the perk in the first place. How would you repeal that?

They are getting the same perks any other Non-profit does. Nothing special except for maybe less paperwork.

All they get is the designation as a not for profit, like all other not for profits.

Then why is it needed?

why is taxing them needed?

Because they use all the same government services everyone else does.
and taxing them could prevent free exercise by making it impossible for them to perform their tasks.

I noticed you didn't bold that part.

No it wouldn't.

As I said all any business has to do is show no profit at the end of the year and they will pay no taxes.

They have to do it as part of their exemption. They are not exempt from the paperwork.

NO business should have any special exemption. A nonprofit can carry its revenue from one year to another therefore they make a profit.

SO get rid of the nonprofit exemption completely and businesses that want to be non profit can show ZERO profit every year on their tax returns and not carry large sums of money from year to year tax free.

All of this just to justify your butturt over religion...

What a wanker you are.

IDGAF about you or your god.

The fact is that passing laws that give religion special treatment is a violation of the first amendment.
And whether you want to believe it or not charities are big business and should be treated as such

No special treatment, they are treated like any other not for profit, except maybe easier to prove it.

And if you want to gun after not for profits as a whole, advocate tightening the laws on them.
And you ignore my points that imposing taxes on them would result in the end of many Churches in large urban areas, due to the excessive value of the properties they are on, some for centuries.

I'm not ignoring you. I'm asking you, why do they deserve special perks?

Huckabee can have his opinion, and it's wrong. He's buying into the "we will give you freedom if you pay taxes" bullshit.

Just repeal the Johnson Amendment. Done and Done.

Not really. The Johnson Amendment is just one example of how the tax-exempt status can be used to control religion. It's done more fundamentally at the level of deciding which religions get the perk in the first place. How would you repeal that?

They are getting the same perks any other Non-profit does. Nothing special except for maybe less paperwork.

All they get is the designation as a not for profit, like all other not for profits.

Then why is it needed?

why is taxing them needed?

Because they use all the same government services everyone else does.

And as individuals even Priests pay income taxes.

This is about taxing of the structures, which as non profits we as a society have decided not to tax them.
Why should it be?

Non-profit battered women's shelters pay property taxes. Churches don't. Why shouldn't they?

Then no separation of church and state

The Constitution does not say anything about the separation of church and state it says

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Yea it was in Jefferson letters and latter ruled constitutional ..

The Jefferson letters are NOT the Constitution

Making laws that give religion special treatment violates the first amendment

Once again the courts said otherwise..

Read the constitution and tell me where anything about separation of church and state is mentioned.

The fact is that passing a law that gives churches preferred tax status is indeed in violation of the first amendment
I'm not ignoring you. I'm asking you, why do they deserve special perks?

Not really. The Johnson Amendment is just one example of how the tax-exempt status can be used to control religion. It's done more fundamentally at the level of deciding which religions get the perk in the first place. How would you repeal that?

They are getting the same perks any other Non-profit does. Nothing special except for maybe less paperwork.

All they get is the designation as a not for profit, like all other not for profits.

Then why is it needed?

why is taxing them needed?

Because they use all the same government services everyone else does.

And as individuals even Priests pay income taxes.

This is about taxing of the structures, which as non profits we as a society have decided not to tax them.
So what?

The legal entity of any church is no different that any other business and I think you'll find that was we evolve away from superstition that religion will lose it's preferred status that is a violation of the first amendment
Then no separation of church and state

The Constitution does not say anything about the separation of church and state it says

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Yea it was in Jefferson letters and latter ruled constitutional ..

The Jefferson letters are NOT the Constitution

Making laws that give religion special treatment violates the first amendment

Once again the courts said otherwise..

Read the constitution and tell me where anything about separation of church and state is mentioned.

The fact is that passing a law that gives churches preferred tax status is indeed in violation of the first amendment

I think that the state rather enjoys giving perks to religious institutions, just to have some sway over them.

As for the Constitution, it's like the Bible. It is merely a set of warnings that routinely gets ignored.
No it wouldn't.

As I said all any business has to do is show no profit at the end of the year and they will pay no taxes.

They have to do it as part of their exemption. They are not exempt from the paperwork.

NO business should have any special exemption. A nonprofit can carry its revenue from one year to another therefore they make a profit.

SO get rid of the nonprofit exemption completely and businesses that want to be non profit can show ZERO profit every year on their tax returns and not carry large sums of money from year to year tax free.

All of this just to justify your butturt over religion...

What a wanker you are.

IDGAF about you or your god.

The fact is that passing laws that give religion special treatment is a violation of the first amendment.
And whether you want to believe it or not charities are big business and should be treated as such

No special treatment, they are treated like any other not for profit, except maybe easier to prove it.

And if you want to gun after not for profits as a whole, advocate tightening the laws on them.
I already said there should be no special exemptions for any business.

If you want to be nonprofit there is no need for any laws outlining special treatment all you have to do is show ZERO profit every year on your returns and voila you are a nonprofit.
The Constitution does not say anything about the separation of church and state it says

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Yea it was in Jefferson letters and latter ruled constitutional ..

The Jefferson letters are NOT the Constitution

Making laws that give religion special treatment violates the first amendment

Once again the courts said otherwise..

They were wrong.

I read your post wrong also

The only way to keep church and state separate is no taxes..

Then give us back our 10 commandments in court houses fool

And that's the way the supreme Court rolls tough shit
Actually the special treatment given by the government via laws that are in violation of the first amendment makes the church NOT separate from the government but rather an entity with special treatment by the government.
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