The neo Nazi and Arizona law connection


Diamond Member
May 10, 2007
NeoNazi/AZ GOP connection exposed through Racist Anti Immigrant Law

May 13, 2010 -- Arizona -- Evidence that Arizona's new anti-immigrant law was was written and introduced to Arizona congress by Neo Nazi supporters has come to light. Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce, who submitted the bill has, for many years, been associated with local Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups. Look at his background.

In 2006, he came out speaking enthusiastically about the 1950’s deportation act “Operation Wetback” and for sending email to his supporters reminiscing the greatness of this program. In this email he included an attachment from a white supremacy group and made the conspiratorial claim that journalists pushed the view of: “a world in which every voice proclaims the equality of the races, the inerrant nature of the Jewish ‘Holocaust’ tale, the wickedness of attempting to halt the flood of non-White aliens pouring across our borders…”
Nice article written by Moses Apsan. Oh wait that guy has been caught lying about stuff like this in the past, bad article then.
Document your claim

So since Obama spent 20 YEARS in Wrights racist church, called Wright a closer personal family friend, a mentor and dedicated at least one of his books to him can we now announce that every law he signs into being is a racist law?

Just wondering?
Document your claim

As soon as he documents his accurately, which as usual he didn't...he just drew vauge connections that dont exist.

Go read up on some of his writings and you will see the would be like me asking you to trust Sean Hannity is telling the truth about Obama.
BS again TM.

The AZ law mirrors Fed law. All 16 pages of it.

If you want proof. Google it yourself. Jeeze.
Document your claim

So since Obama spent 20 YEARS in Wrights racist church, called Wright a closer personal family friend, a mentor and dedicated at least one of his books to him can we now announce that every law he signs into being is a racist law?

Just wondering?

Just in case this isn't comprehended. What RGS is telling you is that just because someone talked to a person and associated with them doesn't mean Obama shares all his values.

Much like how you try to paint the entire teaparty by a few ridiculous signs that some morons either brought on their own or planted for the very purposes you use them for.
Russell Pearce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In October 2006, Russell Pearce forwarded an email from National Alliance, a white separatist group, to a group of supporters. The email titled "Who Rules America" [9] criticized black and white intermixing and Jews in the media for promoting multiculturalism and racial equality, for depicting "any racially conscious White Person" as a bigot, and for presenting the Holocaust as fact.[10] He quickly apologized. The article reports, "He does not agree with the sentiments in the article, but that the title and the first paragraphs about media bias appealed to him. He said the article had been forwarded to him by someone else and he would not have sent it if he had read it in its entirety."[10] He stated in one of his apologies, "Ugly the words contained in it really are. They are not mine and I disavow them completely. Worse still, the website links to a group whose politics are the ugliest imaginable."[10]
In April 2008, Pearce sponsored a measure, Senate Bill 1108, that would prohibit students of Arizona universities and community colleges from forming groups based in whole or part on the race of their membership. Pearce said he didn't want students indoctrinated with seditious or anti-American teachings. Critics have stated that the bill would ban groups that serve minority interests such as the Mexican American study program and the Black Business Students Association.[11]
Show us your evidence this author has been know to fake stories?

Wiki does document them

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