How should the forces of law and order deal with Trump goons if they try it again?

If I had one wish to make, this is the wish I would chose......I would go to every fuckin prison in this nation and arm every hard core low life niggro and latino, especially them motherfuckers on death role,....and tell them for every white mf you pop, you get a year taken off your sentence...... :yes_text12: plus a pair of overalls and a brand new pair of shoes
How should America defend itself against the threatened 'Dirtbags Redux'?
The RWNJs are fond of the idea of militarized police forces, so, hand out some fully automatic weapons (and ammunition) to every law enforcement officer in D.C.

They can damage the woodwork beyond repair, but they should put a quick stop to the next invasion of trump's tinfoil hat squads.

You should not open with multiple godwins. It makes you look like an hysterical fool.
No "godwins." Trump's neo-nazis and white supremacists self-identify as "neo-nazis" and "white supremacists." Calling them "gentlemen songsters off on a spree" would be misleading.

Do you need to avoid the question? How do you think law enforcement should confront yet another murderous attack by Trump goons as threatened?

1. Trump support is vastly mainstream. Your claim otherwise is you being a filthy liar.

2. They should treat them as they have treated other mostly peaceful protestors though out the last 4 years and as they plan to moving forward. ANythign else, is an injustice and a violation of their civil rights.
The white supremacist scum, neo-nazi vermin, Q-anon hysterics, and deranged Trump cultists who were incited to perpetrate the Cry Baby Loser's tantrump against the U.S. government threaten to kill again.

There is no excuse for a lack of preparedness to defend America against such a depraved assault, no more than there was the first time.

The Bush Doctrine applies:

Thousands of armed pro-Trump extremists are plotting to surround the US Capitol ahead of President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration, according to a member of Congress who was among those briefed late Monday on a series of new threats against lawmakers and the Capitol itself.​
"They were talking about 4,000 armed 'patriots' to surround the Capitol and prevent any Democrat from going in," Rep. Conor Lamb said, "They have published rules of engagement, meaning when you shoot and when you don't. So this is an organized group that has a plan... We are not negotiating with or reasoning with these people. They have to be prosecuted. They have to be stopped. And unfortunately, that includes the President, which is why he needs to be impeached and removed from office."...​
Monday's briefing followed an FBI bulletin warning of "armed protests" being planned at all 50 state capitols and in Washington, DC, and provides the latest sense of a heightened state of alarm among lawmakers and law enforcement officials following last week's deadly siege at the US Capitol.​
These cry babies can mince around and whine as much as they want. When they threaten decent Americans and our government of, by, and for the People, it's time to send them to their rooms without dessert.

How should America defend itself against the threatened 'Dirtbags Redux'?

I think the word is "harshly"
Trump support is vastly mainstream. Your claim otherwise is you being a filthy liar.
Merely disappointed Trumpers are not rioting against out government and killing Capitol Police as they trash our seat of government. Presumably, they respect the democratic will.

It is the Trump goons who did so and are threatening our democracy again that must be dealt with.

Surely, you do not advocate America surrendering their nation to these degenerates?

Screen Shot 2021-01-12 at 4.58.08 PM.png
The white supremacist scum, neo-nazi vermin, Q-anon hysterics, and deranged Trump cultists who were incited to perpetrate the Cry Baby Loser's tantrump against the U.S. government threaten to kill again.

There is no excuse for a lack of preparedness to defend America against such a depraved assault, no more than there was the first time.

The Bush Doctrine applies:

Thousands of armed pro-Trump extremists are plotting to surround the US Capitol ahead of President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration, according to a member of Congress who was among those briefed late Monday on a series of new threats against lawmakers and the Capitol itself.​
"They were talking about 4,000 armed 'patriots' to surround the Capitol and prevent any Democrat from going in," Rep. Conor Lamb said, "They have published rules of engagement, meaning when you shoot and when you don't. So this is an organized group that has a plan... We are not negotiating with or reasoning with these people. They have to be prosecuted. They have to be stopped. And unfortunately, that includes the President, which is why he needs to be impeached and removed from office."...​
Monday's briefing followed an FBI bulletin warning of "armed protests" being planned at all 50 state capitols and in Washington, DC, and provides the latest sense of a heightened state of alarm among lawmakers and law enforcement officials following last week's deadly siege at the US Capitol.​
These cry babies can mince around and whine as much as they want. When they threaten decent Americans and our government of, by, and for the People, it's time to send them to their rooms without dessert.

How should America defend itself against the threatened 'Dirtbags Redux'?

I think the word is "harshly"

So, one standard for one side and another for the other?

Got it. Civil War is your goal, despite all your talk.
Trump support is vastly mainstream. Your claim otherwise is you being a filthy liar.
Merely disappointed Trumpers are not rioting against out government and killing Capitol Police as they trash our seat of government. Presumably, they respect the democratic will.

It is the Trump goons who did so and are threatening our democracy again that must be dealt with.

Surely, you do not advocate America surrendering their nation to these degenerates?

It is clear that you only care about threats to your power. THe abuses from the Left, such as brown shirted thugs in the streets, working WITH local governments, and wide spread censorship and massive propaganda.

NOt to mention different standards of treatment before the law.

Mean less to you than how a crowd of people LOOKS, to your biased mind.

What pisses you off about the people in that photo? is it that one is waving an American Flag?
How should the forces of law and order deal with Trump goons if they try it again

There are no Trump goons only people caring about the integrity of the country. Most of the forces of law and order is on their side and will side with them when the backlash finally blows up in your face.

If Nancy could have won with a strasight up fair election she would have. If the accusations and charges of fraud were baseless, she wouldn't have blocked their legal review.

Do you really think this nation is going to sit by quietly and just shut up while a bunch of commies like you try to steal their country with a puppet regime?

If riots break out all over this country on the 20th and more people die, it will be all on the Democrat's shoulders. The tighter you try to suppress a truth, the greater the pressure there will be to set it free.

The communists have no reason to riot on 20th. China's puppet is being installed. Unless someone gives them one.
The communists have no reason to riot on 20th. China's puppet is being installed. Unless someone gives them one.
Extremist sore loser crackpots will persist in sniveling and attacking America and the choice of Americans to lead the nation, of course.

It is encouraging to see conservative Republicans speaking out honestly and patriotically.

"The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not."
Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo.​
So, one standard for one side and another for the other?
Got it. Civil War is your goal, despite all your talk.
If you think that it is proper for Trump goons to attack our seat of government, I do not. I don't support anyone doing so, but they are the ones that did.

Why do you pretend that supporting law and order incites civl war?
It is clear that you only care about threats to your power. THe abuses from the Left, such as brown shirted thugs in the streets, working WITH local governments, and wide spread censorship and massive propaganda.

NOt to mention different standards of treatment before the law.

Mean less to you than how a crowd of people LOOKS, to your biased mind.

What pisses you off about the people in that photo? is it that one is waving an American Flag?
Your whining fails as a diversion. Trump goons engaged in a lethal assault upon the government of the United States and will not be allowed to get away with it.
The problem is that left wing violence has been excessive and right wing violence has been insufficient to counter it.

So far.
How should America defend itself against the threatened 'Dirtbags Redux'?
The RWNJs are fond of the idea of militarized police forces, so, hand out some fully automatic weapons (and ammunition) to every law enforcement officer in D.C.

They can damage the woodwork beyond repair, but they should put a quick stop to the next invasion of trump's tinfoil hat squads.

You are exterminators. I am so proud of you. the people who screwed with other people will suffer with your power. That will include in a general way people on your side. Religion today is secular. And the secular power of party is the Progressive Socialists. They are telling everyone that. The Bible has seven kingdoms. ... We are feet of clay.
So, one standard for one side and another for the other?
Got it. Civil War is your goal, despite all your talk.
If you think that it is proper for Trump goons to attack our seat of government, I do not. I don't support anyone doing so, but they are the ones that did.

Why do you pretend that supporting law and order incites civl war?

Your pretense that the sacred ground of the capital is the reason for your double standard is dismissed.

Such behavior is a call for civil war.
It is clear that you only care about threats to your power. THe abuses from the Left, such as brown shirted thugs in the streets, working WITH local governments, and wide spread censorship and massive propaganda.

NOt to mention different standards of treatment before the law.

Mean less to you than how a crowd of people LOOKS, to your biased mind.

What pisses you off about the people in that photo? is it that one is waving an American Flag?
Your whining fails as a diversion. Trump goons engaged in a lethal assault upon the government of the United States and will not be allowed to get away with it.

While you support the lethal assaults that lefty goons have made on various other federal buildings and police and civilians DURING AN ELECTION, over the last 4 years.

So, your pretense of concern is not credible.

Your actions indicate that you want a civil war. Got it.
Extremist sore loser crackpots will persist in sniveling and attacking America
Funny that extremist sore loser crackpots have been sniveling and attacking America for FOUR YEARS and you never had a problem until a few dozen did it for 6 hours that didn't represent YOUR politic!

the choice of Americans to lead the nation, of course.
If he was the choice of America, then why are you afraid to let the election be stood up to the overwhelming evidence the election was rigged? Honest elections don't turn out with millions of paper ballots all with Biden votes and no other selections and states with vastly more counted ballots than registered voters, Dickwit!

It is encouraging to see conservative Republicans speaking out honestly and patriotically.
They are only honest and patriotic when their RINO comments serve YOUR ends.

... why are you afraid to let the election be stood up to the overwhelming evidence the election was rigged?
I realize that you are raving incoherently, parroting crackpot propaganda, amidst the cataclysmic collapse of Trumpery, and your blind faith in the Cry Baby Loser is being subjected to the relentless assault of reason, but I'll try to explain it to you once again.

Seven million more Americans voting for Trump's opponent coincided with all rational expectations, Trump's enduring unpopularity being registered in numerous, independent public surveys for four years.

The votes were subjected to intense scrutiny, close totals being repeatedly recounted by hand, certified by Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and other election officials, and further authenticated by the dozens of meritless challenges dismissed by judges, Republicans and Trump-appointees included, across America.

The delusion of a vast, clandestine conspiracy, coordinated by multiple states, in cahoots with the judiciary, calculated to achieve what was so highly probable anyway is, quite remarkably, stupid.

Trump's justifiable fear of Biden caused him to contrive a fake scandal in which he pressured a foreign leader to collaborate. It was exposed.

His latest squalid episode in which he incited his murderous goons to violently attack Congress in a futile attempt to stop the orderly business of our elected representatives was the self-pitying, lying crybaby's ultimate foul act, compelling even his most dogged enablers to finally place patriotism above personal deference and complaisant submissiveness.

There is a residue of trump fanatics whose shrill voices will persist amidst the smoldering remains, but even Trump's evangelical worshippers have had the blindfold removed, and they are pissing on the embers and extinguishing the ardor.

He must now skulk away.

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So tell us, just what is it like to have shit in your lap, coming out your eyes and your ears full of it, schitlapp?
My confronting you with the truth you can't handle certainly has you raving.

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