How should the forces of law and order deal with Trump goons if they try it again?

Could you imagine what the Trump terrorist-enablers in this thread would say if it were BLM that invaded the capitol and thousands of armed BLM supporters were on their way to Washington?
Burn Loot Murder did invade the capitol. They rioted for five days. They destroyed the nation's monuments. They burned a 100 year old church. This is acceptable to the communists. That's why everything they say is to be disregarded.

Disagreement with the democrat party is treason against the state. Are you a communist?
Maybe get the National Guard in place before the few get out of hand ... really, only a tiny fraction of the 75 million Trump voters broke the law last Wednesday ... the other 74,999,900 would be happy just having their voices heard ... no sense boiling off the quicksilver to save a little gold flake ...
The white supremacist scum, neo-nazi vermin, Q-anon hysterics, and deranged Trump cultists who were incited to perpetrate the Cry Baby Loser's tantrump against the U.S. government threaten to kill again.

There is no excuse for a lack of preparedness to defend America against such a depraved assault, no more than there was the first time.

The Bush Doctrine applies:

Thousands of armed pro-Trump extremists are plotting to surround the US Capitol ahead of President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration, according to a member of Congress who was among those briefed late Monday on a series of new threats against lawmakers and the Capitol itself.​
"They were talking about 4,000 armed 'patriots' to surround the Capitol and prevent any Democrat from going in," Rep. Conor Lamb said, "They have published rules of engagement, meaning when you shoot and when you don't. So this is an organized group that has a plan... We are not negotiating with or reasoning with these people. They have to be prosecuted. They have to be stopped. And unfortunately, that includes the President, which is why he needs to be impeached and removed from office."...​
Monday's briefing followed an FBI bulletin warning of "armed protests" being planned at all 50 state capitols and in Washington, DC, and provides the latest sense of a heightened state of alarm among lawmakers and law enforcement officials following last week's deadly siege at the US Capitol.​
These cry babies can mince around and whine as much as they want. When they threaten decent Americans and our government of, by, and for the People, it's time to send them to their rooms without dessert.

How should America defend itself against the threatened 'Dirtbags Redux'?

They should at the very least use rubber bullets and tear gas. They did it once before on people who were just marching down the street with signs, surely it's justified on thugs who use violence to express their views.
You should not open with multiple godwins. It makes you look like an hysterical fool.
No "godwins." Trump's neo-nazis and white supremacists self-identify as "neo-nazis" and "white supremacists." Calling them "gentlemen songsters off on a spree" would be misleading.

Do you need to avoid the question? How do you think law enforcement should confront yet another murderous attack by Trump goons as threatened?
Are those the Trump goons who killed Capitol Police?
Capitol police were killed by their own medical shortcomings.
I'm not surprised you don't know, or claim not to know.

Your wailing is pointless and hypocritical since it was anti-American pricks like you who wholeheartedly
condoned the theft of the 2020 presidential election.

Without your anti American criminality there would have been no uproar at the capitol.
Blame yourself, asshole!
"How should the forces of law and order deal with Trump goons if they try it again?"

A clear and present security force, adequately trained in riot suppression, should probably keep things calm. Anything besides DC mall rent-a-cops. The lack of pushback was an obvious factor encouraging the mob.
They should at the very least use rubber bullets and tear gas. They did it once before on people who were just marching down the street with signs, surely it's justified on thugs who use violence to express their views.
Sure. That's all they were doing in Portland night after night.
Just marching down the street with signs.

That's all.
They should at the very least use rubber bullets and tear gas. They did it once before on people who were just marching down the street with signs, surely it's justified on thugs who use violence to express their views.
Sure. That's all they were doing in Portland night after night.
Just marching down the street with signs.

That's all.
Thr protesters were, but the thugs who always show up demostrations, even ones celebrating championships, to loot and vandalize, were not. Typical of right wing kooks to try and equate the two.
Precedent has been set.

So long as any protestor starts fires, overturns vehicles, smashes windows, loots goods then there can be no prosecution.

You lefties built it now watch it run!
The white supremacist scum, neo-nazi vermin, Q-anon hysterics, and deranged Trump cultists who were incited to perpetrate the Cry Baby Loser's tantrump against the U.S. government threaten to kill again.

There is no excuse for a lack of preparedness to defend America against such a depraved assault, no more than there was the first time.

The Bush Doctrine applies:

Thousands of armed pro-Trump extremists are plotting to surround the US Capitol ahead of President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration, according to a member of Congress who was among those briefed late Monday on a series of new threats against lawmakers and the Capitol itself.​
"They were talking about 4,000 armed 'patriots' to surround the Capitol and prevent any Democrat from going in," Rep. Conor Lamb said, "They have published rules of engagement, meaning when you shoot and when you don't. So this is an organized group that has a plan... We are not negotiating with or reasoning with these people. They have to be prosecuted. They have to be stopped. And unfortunately, that includes the President, which is why he needs to be impeached and removed from office."...​
Monday's briefing followed an FBI bulletin warning of "armed protests" being planned at all 50 state capitols and in Washington, DC, and provides the latest sense of a heightened state of alarm among lawmakers and law enforcement officials following last week's deadly siege at the US Capitol.​
These cry babies can mince around and whine as much as they want. When they threaten decent Americans and our government of, by, and for the People, it's time to send them to their rooms without dessert.

How should America defend itself against the threatened 'Dirtbags Redux'?

No it's time to put them in prison where they belong.

Better a white supremacist than a democrat. Better a Nazi than a democrat.

Democrats support the 5 day orgy of arson, looting and destroying that infected Washinton last June. They support the burning of Minneapolis, of Kenosha. The encourage the over 200 days of riot in Portland and Seattle.

There is absolutely NOTHING to recommend the reprehensible democrats and their grotesque absorption of communism.
The white supremacist scum, neo-nazi vermin, Q-anon hysterics, and deranged Trump cultists who were incited to perpetrate the Cry Baby Loser's tantrump against the U.S. government threaten to kill again.

There is no excuse for a lack of preparedness to defend America against such a depraved assault, no more than there was the first time.

The Bush Doctrine applies:

Thousands of armed pro-Trump extremists are plotting to surround the US Capitol ahead of President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration, according to a member of Congress who was among those briefed late Monday on a series of new threats against lawmakers and the Capitol itself.​
"They were talking about 4,000 armed 'patriots' to surround the Capitol and prevent any Democrat from going in," Rep. Conor Lamb said, "They have published rules of engagement, meaning when you shoot and when you don't. So this is an organized group that has a plan... We are not negotiating with or reasoning with these people. They have to be prosecuted. They have to be stopped. And unfortunately, that includes the President, which is why he needs to be impeached and removed from office."...​
Monday's briefing followed an FBI bulletin warning of "armed protests" being planned at all 50 state capitols and in Washington, DC, and provides the latest sense of a heightened state of alarm among lawmakers and law enforcement officials following last week's deadly siege at the US Capitol.​
These cry babies can mince around and whine as much as they want. When they threaten decent Americans and our government of, by, and for the People, it's time to send them to their rooms without dessert.

How should America defend itself against the threatened 'Dirtbags Redux'?

George Washington.
Thr protesters were, but the thugs who always show up demostrations, even ones celebrating championships, to loot and vandalize, were not. Typical of right wing kooks to try and equate the two.
Typical of left wing apologists trying to separate the actions of "demonstrators" and the thugs and
sociopaths that burned down buildings, smashed windows, set off bombs, demolished autos, etc.

At the end of the night we are still left with hundreds of millions of dollars in damage and destruction.
You can't honestly and neatly draw a fine line between the two groups. There is no way to absolutely
separate the two definitively.
Precedent has been set.

So long as any protestor starts fires, overturns vehicles, smashes windows, loots goods then there can be no prosecution.

You lefties built it now watch it run!
Every time there is a major demonstration, regardless of the reason, there will be a group of people, thugs if you will, who will take advantage to do their thing..loot and burn. The difference between the BLM marches last summer and the 'demonstration' at the Capitol Building is that the Trump protesters, vandals and looters were the same group of people.
How should the forces of law and order deal with Trump goons if they try it again

There are no Trump goons only people caring about the integrity of the country. Most of the forces of law and order is on their side and will side with them when the backlash finally blows up in your face.

If Nancy could have won with a strasight up fair election she would have. If the accusations and charges of fraud were baseless, she wouldn't have blocked their legal review.

Do you really think this nation is going to sit by quietly and just shut up while a bunch of commies like you try to steal their country with a puppet regime?

If riots break out all over this country on the 20th and more people die, it will be all on the Democrat's shoulders. The tighter you try to suppress a truth, the greater the pressure there will be to set it free.

The white supremacist scum, neo-nazi vermin, Q-anon hysterics, and deranged Trump cultists who were incited to perpetrate the Cry Baby Loser's tantrump against the U.S. government threaten to kill again.

There is no excuse for a lack of preparedness to defend America against such a depraved assault, no more than there was the first time.

The Bush Doctrine applies:

Thousands of armed pro-Trump extremists are plotting to surround the US Capitol ahead of President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration, according to a member of Congress who was among those briefed late Monday on a series of new threats against lawmakers and the Capitol itself.​
"They were talking about 4,000 armed 'patriots' to surround the Capitol and prevent any Democrat from going in," Rep. Conor Lamb said, "They have published rules of engagement, meaning when you shoot and when you don't. So this is an organized group that has a plan... We are not negotiating with or reasoning with these people. They have to be prosecuted. They have to be stopped. And unfortunately, that includes the President, which is why he needs to be impeached and removed from office."...​
Monday's briefing followed an FBI bulletin warning of "armed protests" being planned at all 50 state capitols and in Washington, DC, and provides the latest sense of a heightened state of alarm among lawmakers and law enforcement officials following last week's deadly siege at the US Capitol.​
These cry babies can mince around and whine as much as they want. When they threaten decent Americans and our government of, by, and for the People, it's time to send them to their rooms without dessert.

How should America defend itself against the threatened 'Dirtbags Redux'?

No it's time to put them in prison where they belong.

Better a white supremacist than a democrat. Better a Nazi than a democrat.

Democrats support the 5 day orgy of arson, looting and destroying that infected Washinton last June. They support the burning of Minneapolis, of Kenosha. The encourage the over 200 days of riot in Portland and Seattle.

There is absolutely NOTHING to recommend the reprehensible democrats and their grotesque absorption of communism.

This douchebag IS an excellent example of how the Dems ARE the Nazi's. Next thing you know this idiot, and others here like him, will demand Trump supporters wear yellow stats of David at all times so they can be more easily identified.

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