The new Buffet Rule

Why is Obama's buddy (Warren Buffett) saying that we should scrap Obamacare?
Buffett: Scrap Obamacare and Start All Over

Healthcare costs in the United States are like a tapeworm eating at our economic body.

Those words come from famed investor Warren Buffett, who said he would scrap Obamacare and start all over.

"We have a health system that, in terms of costs, is really out of control," he added. "And if you take this line and you project what has been happening into the future, we will get less and less competitive. So we need something else."

Buffett insists that without changes to Obamacare average citizens will suffer.

"What we have now is untenable over time," said Buffett, an early supporter of President Obama. "That kind of a cost compared to the rest of the world is really like a tapeworm eating, you know, at our economic body."

Buffett does not believe that providing insurance for everyone is the first step to take in correcting our nation's healthcare system.

"Attack the costs first, and then worry about expanding coverage," he said. "I would much rather see another plan that really attacks costs. And I think that's what the American public wants to see. I mean, the American public is not behind this bill."

The Three Key Economic Issues Obama Will Tackle In His First Asia Trip - Money Morning

Can you discuss the changes that Buffet is suggesting?

Ate you aware that changes can be made to the law? That is how things work. You know, legislators get together and pass laws and amendments and shit.

Normal people realize that this law will not be perfect. Laws are seldom perfect. We expect changes to be made as things move forward. Sounds sensible, doesn't it?

Of course....assholes like you will oppose any changes that are needed....and then you will look for political victories ( Obamacare needed changes! We told you so! ) at every step. That is G5000 is trying to explain, you guys are fucking up your chances for electoral dominance.

And then what?

Repeal ObamaCare...and then what?

The GOP better figure out a fucking answer to that question.


What was wrong with healthcare in the first place?

The fact that you must ask the question shows how little you understand about business. The God Damned costs have been out of control for the past twenty years. It's one of the reasons we are now spending 18% of GDP on healthcare when forty years ago we were only spending 7% of GDP on healthcare. While some of the increases have come about due to people living longer and due to better treatments that have extended life expectancy, that only accounts for some of the cost increases. The rest of it is just wasted money. The even bigger problem was the fact that all projections suggested that these cost increases were showing no signs of slowing down.

Now, here is the funny thing. Spending on medical care has increased by its lowest level in years the past few years, and this past year, it increased by only 1%. Is this due to the ACA? I don't think anyone can truly answer that question at the moment. We will have to see what happens over the next few years as the ACA is fully implemented.
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Jeez Gezz - this is the second thread this week that you forgot to fact check before posting. Are you getting sloppy in your old age or...?

Buffett Attacks Obamacare, Calls for Scrapping Reform | Heartlander Magazine

Everyone on usmb is entitled to their own facts...dats what Obabble bes aboud...

Thank yewwwwww-----thank you for being so honest about 'splainin' why Republicans lie.

Senior Romney adviser: “We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers.”

Jeez Gezz - this is the second thread this week that you forgot to fact check before posting. Are you getting sloppy in your old age or...?

Buffett Attacks Obamacare, Calls for Scrapping Reform | Heartlander Magazine

Everyone on usmb is entitled to their own facts...dats what Obabble bes aboud...

What is your problem? You just repeated the lie again.

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