The New Covenant: Who still believes it?

Does christianity teach that Jesus is required for salvation for Non jews only?

  • Yes. Christianity teaches that Christ is for non jews, the jew's covenant is still inact.

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Then you misunderstood. Based on your posts here, it seems you really, TRULY hate people who don't believe what you believe about God. Instead of talking about the lost w/ a sense of sympathy and concern and love, you tend to berate them and warn and puff and threaten and stuff.
Then you misunderstood. Based on your posts here, it seems you really, TRULY hate people who don't believe what you believe about God. Instead of talking about the lost w/ a sense of sympathy and concern and love, you tend to berate them and warn and puff and threaten and stuff.

I do? Show me where.
Regarding the Jewish need for Jesus to obtain salvation:

Jesus was speaking directly to the Jewish people when He said they would not belong to God unless they believed in Him.

Just to clarify, also... Jesus is NOT saying all Jews belong to the Devil. Only that ALL PEOPLE need to believe in Him to obtain salvation.

Then I stand corrected. Wonder why the honorable Reverend RWA couldn't find that?
SO clarifying the teachings of the new testament is hate? Interesting.

Oh please, everyone at this board knows that you hate jews for some odd reason.

The covenant people of the Lord will be saved. Prophecies will be fulfilled.
Oh please, everyone at this board knows that you hate jews for some odd reason.

The covenant people of the Lord will be saved. Prophecies will be fulfilled.

So you believe the jews will ultimately turn to christ?
Then I stand corrected. Wonder why the honorable Reverend RWA couldn't find that?

You're already admitted that you know what the bible actually says, you just believe in mystical leeway. The Church Of Mystical Leeway. Start it up. It's all you.
You're already admitted that you know what the bible actually says, you just believe in mystical leeway. The Church Of Mystical Leeway. Start it up. It's all you.

Wonder why you couldn't find those quotes? Couldn't be that you don't have a fucking clue as to what you are talking about, could it?

Are you saved RWA? What specific studies do you have in this area to clarify the new testament fo us?
So you believe the jews will ultimately turn to christ?

No they will be saved in the end( PROVIDED THEY ARE OF CLEAN SPIRIT ACCORDING TO GOD)regardless of accepting Christ or not, kind of like a child that dies young.
No they will be saved in the end( PROVIDED THEY ARE OF CLEAN SPIRIT ACCORDING TO GOD)regardless of accepting Christ or not, kind of like a child that dies young.

See, I don't buy that. I honestly believe Christ at his word when he claimed to be the 'only' way to God.
See, I don't buy that. I honestly believe Christ at his word when he claimed to be the 'only' way to God.

Ok, i'm down with that. My problem is thusly: does God turn his back on the Jew who has followed all the various commandments of God such as adultery, turn the other cheek, charity, etc. etc. etc. and tried to live as pious a life as he/she possibly could?

I think God is merciful and we don't know what limits he places on his mercy.
Ok, i'm down with that. My problem is thusly: does God turn his back on the Jew who has followed all the various commandments of God such as adultery, turn the other cheek, charity, etc. etc. etc. and tried to live as pious a life as he/she possibly could?

I think God is merciful and we don't know what limits he places on his mercy.

Then God would have to include ANYONE who refrained from things, no?

See? Christ established something - a concept? a plan? Before Christ, the path to heaven was 'earned' thru animal sacrifice, and ritual. Christ changed the path from "DO" to "Done". After Christ no amount of following 'law' would bring salvation. Christ was the final sacrifice for our sins, and ONLY asks that people believe it. The work of following rules is done. Christian's don't want to sin for fear of breaking LAW - Christians don't want to sin for fear of breaking God's heart. We don't want to sin because sin drives a wedge between us and Holiness/God.
Then God would have to include ANYONE who refrained from things, no?

See? Christ established something - a concept? a plan? Before Christ, the path to heaven was 'earned' thru animal sacrifice, and ritual. Christ changed the path from "DO" to "Done". After Christ no amount of following 'law' would bring salvation. Christ was the final sacrifice for our sins, and ONLY asks that people believe it. The work of following rules is done. Christian's don't want to sin for fear of breaking LAW - Christians don't want to sin for fear of breaking God's heart. We don't want to sin because sin drives a wedge between us and Holiness/God.

Testify Brother!:)
Then God would have to include ANYONE who refrained from things, no?

See? Christ established something - a concept? a plan? Before Christ, the path to heaven was 'earned' thru animal sacrifice, and ritual. Christ changed the path from "DO" to "Done". After Christ no amount of following 'law' would bring salvation. Christ was the final sacrifice for our sins, and ONLY asks that people believe it. The work of following rules is done. Christian's don't want to sin for fear of breaking LAW - Christians don't want to sin for fear of breaking God's heart. We don't want to sin because sin drives a wedge between us and Holiness/God.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to dmp again.
A rather simple question was asked, I fail to see why this thread has degenerated into attacking the messenger.

Anyway, I agreed with option 2, cause I'm a Christian and all that jazz :guitar1:
A rather simple question was asked, I fail to see why this thread has degenerated into attacking the messenger.

Anyway, I agreed with option 2, cause I'm a Christian and all that jazz :guitar1:

Stellar question, my good man, simply stellar.

A rather simple question was asked, I fail to see why this thread has degenerated into attacking the messenger.

Anyway, I agreed with option 2, cause I'm a Christian and all that jazz :guitar1:

Because the messenger was asked two simple questions early in this thread and he refused to answer both on grounds he will incriminate himself, he won't lie either because saying he is saved but not actually being would be an unforgiveable lie in God's eyes.

I will not be proselytized to by a nonbeliever.

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