The new etiquette: 56 ways to do the right thing, from how to leave a party to texting after sex

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

There is a lot to take in here. Some of it is outside my understanding but the most of it seems to covered by DONT BE A DICK. Its not new its just good manners.

Ive never texted anyone after sex. I have always rolled over and gone to sleep. Unless I am out of doors of course.
There are three further points I would like to make for the youngsters.These have stood me in good tead for a lifetime.

1. Always get the wife to do the housework in your workboots. It softens tham up before you have to wear theem for work.
2. Always be nice to her mates. You may want to shag them one day and there is no point in starting up on the wrong foot.

3. Never pick a fight with anyone called Big Sal. Its a fight you will probably never win Or Big Anyone really. The odds are against you.

These are practical tips that every young man should know.

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