The New "In" Thing To Do! Bash Men!

I don't think this is funny, but, any weren that puts her career above her self respect.... well....

Don't ask for equal rights if you don't have the courage to call someone out in the first place.
And don't give me that "what about single moms with kids shit".... most of these cases are NOT like that at all!
Where are the fathers? Why don't they come out. These are guys who impregnated women and then left, neglecting their duties to their women and their children.
I don't think this is funny, but, any woman that puts her career above her self respect.... well....

Don't ask for equal rights if you don't have the courage to call someone out in the first place.
And don't give me that "what about single moms with kids shit".... most of these cases are NOT like that at all!

I think some women accept boorish behavior from men as a cost of doing business
I was just about to say... when was that ever NOT a thing for women?

I mean, men just don't want to exert any kind of self control. So, they suck.

Some men do, I have met a few.

You love being bashed, don't you? Admit it.
You love being bashed, don't you? Admit it.

Where is the fun in admitting it?

Self deprecation is attractive.
Where are the fathers? Why don't they come out. These are guys who impregnated women and then left, neglecting their duties to their women and their children.
So you think fathers are important to be in children's lives..that they have a duty to be with them..? Will you be writing an amicus brief in support of that belief for Dumont v Lyon et al in Michigan?

Good. I'll put you down on the "Fathers are important" supporters' list. Your lesbian friends might run you out on a rail though. But good for you, standing up to their nonsense.
Where are the fathers? Why don't they come out. These are guys who impregnated women and then left, neglecting their duties to their women and their children.
So you think fathers are important to be in children's lives..that they have a duty to be with them..? Will you be writing an amicus brief in support of that belief for Dumont v Lyon et al in Michigan?

Good. I'll put you down on the "Fathers are important" supporters' list. Your lesbian friends might run you out on a rail though. But good for you, standing up to their nonsense.
Why do you hate LGBTs so much? Do NOT put me down as anything that supports the ignorant "legal" theories that you continue to spout. I am having absolutely none of it.

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