The new James Bond, will be? Can...Hollywood just stop this patronizing bullshit already?

This will be the biggest bomb in Hollywood history

After all the crap Hollywood has put out there, you think this will be the biggest bomb based solely on the color of the skin of the guy playing James Bond?? Really? lmao Too funny!

Ironically the new FF looks like it will be a huge bomb.

While I support Elba for bond, I don't support a black Johnny Storm. Just seems to be needless decision.

Everything about that movie just seems off though.
How the hell can they have a black Johnny and a white Sue?? They were brother and sister.

They're going be adopted, and while being adopted doesn't make a family any less of a family it's a just a pointless twist, that does nothing but alienate the fan-base that is already unhappy with previous 2 films. There are plenty of superheroes that have adoption stories, just use one of them instead of chaining up the lore on already love figure.

But thats not the only reason that movie will fail.

They cast a late twenties Reed...I mean WTF he's supposed to be a father figure. and as much as I like Miles Teller, Reed is supposed to be the smartest man on Marvel Earth, Teller doesn't come across as distinguished genius.

They cast a late twenties Ben, who no offense to the actor has a bit of the pretty boy look. Ben isn't supposed to be a good looking jock, He supposed to be rough blue collar looking guy, the actor they had in the last movies was perfect.

Doom is going to be a super-hacker, named Doomashev. You take one of the best villians of all time, the guy who inspired darth freakin vader. and turn him into a hacker.

They only reason there making this movie is keep the rights from marvel. Every decision they've made has disappointed me.
Elba will be too old anyways.

I think introducing him in Bond 5 or 6 as 002 and then giving him his own spin off would be a better plan.
Let's see. A negro 'Bond'.
Who's going to watch the movie? The movie theatres will be empty of Whites/Asians?Hispanics.
Sharpton's 'base' don't have no money to buy tickets.
Pay for View? I don't think so.
Next they will want a Bond with a lisp and light in the loafers.

Oh, make no mistake, They most certainly discussed a homo Bond. It will be happening. I mean look at all the success they had in making the Marlboro Man (manly man if there ever was one) into a dicklicking fruitcake.


I wonder what Hollywood was really going after with the whole "cowboy" get up with the southern accents.

Fucking liberals.

Yeah, because Brokeback Mountain was such a bomb...

The modern world is progressing and leaving backwards, narrow-minded bigots like you behind no matter how much you whine about it.
Dumbass conservatards never stop to think that maybe Hollywood does stuff like this just to fuck with you people.
Absolutely this would be the death of the Bond Franchise.

Why not have Rosanne Barr as James Bond?
There was a previous discussion to have a female James Bond.
I posted there might be a Jaime Bond in the future. That would be something.. :)

Having a female Bond is not the same as that would be a different character.
If there was a female Bond then would there be a Mr Moneypenny?
Absolutely this would be the death of the Bond Franchise.

Why not have Rosanne Barr as James Bond?
There was a previous discussion to have a female James Bond.
I posted there might be a Jaime Bond in the future. That would be something.. :)

Having a female Bond is not the same as that would be a different character.
If there was a female Bond then would there be a Mr Moneypenny?

And would the movie be titled Octocock? :dunno:
I don't see the point in having Bond's character changed. Can't there just be a new 007?

Bond gets replaced by a female (in universe) and she becomes the new 007. Her trying to live up to the legacy of bond would be a good story.
Absolutely this would be the death of the Bond Franchise.

Why not have Rosanne Barr as James Bond?

Do you think Roseanne could pull of the part of a suave british secret agent? Obviously not. You are just pouting now. Save the hyperbole for something important, like when they have a black man play James West in the movie adaptation of the tv series Wild Wild West. I bet that would be a flop too, huh?
Let's see. A negro 'Bond'.
Who's going to watch the movie? The movie theatres will be empty of Whites/Asians?Hispanics.
Sharpton's 'base' don't have no money to buy tickets.
Pay for View? I don't think so.

"The movie theatres will be empty of Whites/Asians?Hispanics.
Sharpton's 'base' don't have no money to buy tickets."

This is your actual argument? This tripe is what you think is relevant?

Truly sad. First, that you think there would be no Whites, Asians or Hispanics in the theaters just because the man playing Bond is black is seriously delusional. The movie Wild Wild West starred a black man in the lead role, which had been a white man in the series. That movie grossed over $220 million. Are you saying that no whiles, asians, or hispanics went to see it? lol

Contrary to your delusions, most people are not as racist as you and your ilk.
The movie with the black James West wasn't exactly a big hit either. Essentially the black James West movie was a comedy spoof of the series. If black actors want to make a spoof of James Bond, more power to them.

Why can't black people be original? They do not have to steal white iconic figures.
The movie with the black James West wasn't exactly a big hit either. Essentially the black James West movie was a comedy spoof of the series. If black actors want to make a spoof of James Bond, more power to them.

Why can't black people be original? They do not have to steal white iconic figures.

Black people? I'm sorry, is the film company in Britain a black company?

And who is stealing anything? Is it a character that belongs to you? Or to white people in general?

And the gross revenue for Wild Wild West was higher than a number of the Bond movies.

The fact that there is this much protest for the movie shows the number of our forum members who are still not living inthe 21st century.
Black adaptations of white characters do not do well. Black James West was a flop. When a movie cost.$170 million to make and only grosses 220 million world wide it is a flop. Black Wizard of Oz is remembered only for resurrecting Michael Jackson 's failed career. Black Annie is a failure of epic proportions.

Black entertainers need to find some spark of original creativity to make their own iconic figures and stop trying to fit everything into a black mold.

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