The new James Bond, will be? Can...Hollywood just stop this patronizing bullshit already?

The movie with the black James West wasn't exactly a big hit either. Essentially the black James West movie was a comedy spoof of the series. If black actors want to make a spoof of James Bond, more power to them.

Why can't black people be original? They do not have to steal white iconic figures.
I hear there is a proposal to remake Shaft starring Jim Carrey in the lead role,

HEY ------I was promised the role of the next Shaft !
Bond ended with Sean Connery who was accepted so much by the creator of the character that he modeled future Bond books after Connery. Anything beyond that is nothing more than parasitism.
Younger people who rely on post-Connery Bond's can wallow in whatever you get.

Connery was, without a doubt, the best Bond.
Obviously the James Bond franchise will live forever.

The cast of "Big Bang Theory" are a shoo in for the lead role in the next five movies of the theme.
Absolutely this would be the death of the Bond Franchise.

Why not have Rosanne Barr as James Bond?

Do you think Roseanne could pull of the part of a suave british secret agent? Obviously not. You are just pouting now. Save the hyperbole for something important, like when they have a black man play James West in the movie adaptation of the tv series Wild Wild West. I bet that would be a flop too, huh?
Well, yes it was.
Dumbass conservatards never stop to think that maybe Hollywood does stuff like this just to fuck with you people.
Appreciate your opinion that the movie will only be made to piss off REPs. Not b/c it's going to ever be watched by anyone but Sharptons 'base'.
Dumbass conservatards never stop to think that maybe Hollywood does stuff like this just to fuck with you people.
Appreciate your opinion that the movie will only be made to piss off REPs. Not b/c it's going to ever be watched by anyone but Sharptons 'base'.

Hollywood can't do anything with James Bond just to fuck with people. Hollywood has no say one way or the other.
The movie with the black James West wasn't exactly a big hit either. Essentially the black James West movie was a comedy spoof of the series. If black actors want to make a spoof of James Bond, more power to them.

Why can't black people be original? They do not have to steal white iconic figures.
I hear there is a proposal to remake Shaft starring Jim Carrey in the lead role,

HEY ------I was promised the role of the next Shaft !

You misheard. You're up for the role of Shafted and it's a hardcore porn flick. Sorry.
Idris Elba Responds To James Bond Casting Rumors


Idris Elba.


Bond, Muhammad Bin Abdul Bin Laden Bond.
Conservatives are not racist and they're tired of being accused of it.

Nobody wants to see a black James'd be like Gandalf being a black guy!! Ghey.......

Absolutely this would be the death of the Bond Franchise.

Let's see. A negro 'Bond'.
Who's going to watch the movie? The movie theatres will be empty of Whites/Asians?Hispanics.
Sharpton's 'base' don't have no money to buy tickets.
Pay for View? I don't think so.

Why don't they just cast Adam Sandler as James Bond. He's done everything else.

Why can't black people be original? They do not have to steal white iconic figures.

Keep telling yourself that patronizing minorities is not racism. That way you can feel all good about yourself.

Bond, Muhammad Bin Abdul Bin Laden Bond.

Inner City Street Thug Bond. Who is his arch enemy the notorious NYPD
First of all he hasn't been cast yet, he hasn't even interviewed yet so I don't know how people can say his audition went well or failed. His name is simply being thrown around.

There are still 3 more Daniel Craig bond movies yet to come out. Bond movies generally come out every two to four years, so Craigs last movie will be around 2020. So the new bond's first movie will be 2022, by then Idris Elba will be 50. Most likely too old to play Bond, though he could still pull it off, I would bet on the studio picking a younger actor.

As for Idris Elba's resume, anyone who has watched him knows he could pull of Bond. Luther alone shows his acting chops, but he was also very good in Rock'n'rolla and Pacific Rim. Also he's already pulled off a white character well in Hiemdall.

As for a black man playing Bond, I don't really have a problem with this. though there are plenty of excellent and if I must say better actors who are white that could step into the role. Ewan Mcgregor and James Mcavory are both actually Scottish, and more accomplished actors then Elba, I would rather the role went to one of them.

Sony would be much better off introducing Elba has 002, making him a complete badass in one of the upcoming films, and then giving him his own spin off movie.

Personally though I think the job is Tom Hardys to lose.
If you want to mess around with the Bond franchise be careful...
A black as M,Q,Moneypenny...Which happened last movie...fine.

Bond should always be white.
Since people here hate my racist opinions because I'm anti Obama I really don't
give a shit so go ahead and go crazy because I agree with Rush.
Okay...we heard you, only white guys can play a British go shut the fuck up!!!
The best guy...the guy who played Magneto in the new X-men movies.....
Well...I guess it is okay for two white people to play barak and michelle in the movie they are making about them....right?
I hold Sean Connery as the standard...Elba isn't refined enough for bond...if you are going for a black bond the black team leader from Resident Evil would have been the way to go.....
Well...I guess it is okay for two white people to play barak and michelle in the movie they are making about them....right?

Are they fictional characters?

It is about the ability to do the role...right....that is what is being said here...right?

I think Daniel Craig was too thuggish to be bond.....

The new movie....The Kingsmen.....that English guy is too refined for bond....

It is a delicate balance...refined...but you have to believe he can take and give out a good beating.....when it is called for....
Well...I guess it is okay for two white people to play barak and michelle in the movie they are making about them....right?

Are they fictional characters?

It is about the ability to do the role...right....that is what is being said here...right?

I think Daniel Craig was too thuggish to be bond.....

The new movie....The Kingsmen.....that English guy is too refined for bond....

It is a delicate balance...refined...but you have to believe he can take and give out a good beating.....when it is called for....

Yes, it is about the ability to do the role.

But matching the race of the real life person you are portraying is important as well. Bond is a fictional character. The Obamas are not.

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