The new James Bond, will be? Can...Hollywood just stop this patronizing bullshit already?

Well...I guess it is okay for two white people to play barak and michelle in the movie they are making about them....right?

Are they fictional characters?

It is about the ability to do the role...right....that is what is being said here...right?

I think Daniel Craig was too thuggish to be bond.....

The new movie....The Kingsmen.....that English guy is too refined for bond....

It is a delicate balance...refined...but you have to believe he can take and give out a good beating.....when it is called for....

Yes, it is about the ability to do the role.

But matching the race of the real life person you are portraying is important as well. Bond is a fictional character. The Obamas are not.

Is there anything real about them...other than their dislike of America?
Well...I guess it is okay for two white people to play barak and michelle in the movie they are making about them....right?

Are they fictional characters?

It is about the ability to do the role...right....that is what is being said here...right?

I think Daniel Craig was too thuggish to be bond.....

The new movie....The Kingsmen.....that English guy is too refined for bond....

It is a delicate balance...refined...but you have to believe he can take and give out a good beating.....when it is called for....

Yes, it is about the ability to do the role.

But matching the race of the real life person you are portraying is important as well. Bond is a fictional character. The Obamas are not.

Is there anything real about them...other than their dislike of America?

They do actually exist.
Conservatives are not racist and they're tired of being accused of it.

Nobody wants to see a black James'd be like Gandalf being a black guy!! Ghey.......

Absolutely this would be the death of the Bond Franchise.

Let's see. A negro 'Bond'.
Who's going to watch the movie? The movie theatres will be empty of Whites/Asians?Hispanics.
Sharpton's 'base' don't have no money to buy tickets.
Pay for View? I don't think so.

Why don't they just cast Adam Sandler as James Bond. He's done everything else.

Why can't black people be original? They do not have to steal white iconic figures.

Keep telling yourself that patronizing minorities is not racism. That way you can feel all good about yourself.

Bond, Muhammad Bin Abdul Bin Laden Bond.

Inner City Street Thug Bond. Who is his arch enemy the notorious NYPD wanting to keep an iconic character as close to the original as possible really don't hate Elba, they enjoy him in roles he has created, although I thought Luthor was silly because as a police officer he didn't carry a gun, and in Pacific Rim...

The original character James Bond is a white guy....Blade, the vampire killer is a black guy....I liked both Sean Connery and Wesley Snipes, but I wouldn't want them to change roles....

Much like marvel turning Thor into a woman....I don't hate women....I just recognize Thor as being a man....
A good example of what one poster said....the show Elementary.....they changed Watson into an Asian big deal...a secondary character...they changed Moriarity into a big deal........Sherlock Holmes.....a white, English can only change things so far before you change the character too much from the original.....

I would object now...if they had a white actor play Blade....that role belongs to Wesley Snipes...a black guy...and the original character is a black I racist for not wanting a white guy to play Blade.....?

Donttazmebro....stop with the racism charges....

You moron.....
A good example of what one poster said....the show Elementary.....they changed Watson into an Asian big deal...a secondary character...they changed Moriarity into a big deal........Sherlock Holmes.....a white, English can only change things so far before you change the character too much from the original.....

I would object now...if they had a white actor play Blade....that role belongs to Wesley Snipes...a black guy...and the original character is a black I racist for not wanting a white guy to play Blade.....?

Donttazmebro....stop with the racism charges....

You moron.....

I don't see how you can claim it is not racism. The rants about black people stealing the character, black people should create their own, and the claims that it has to be white or the theaters will be empty of white/asian/hispanic viewers, shows it to be about race.
Tell you what, get all these guys who think the race of Bond is important, pool your resources, and buy the rights to the Bond character.

It is a fictional character that is owned by someone. Most conservatives believe in being able to do as you will with your own property (as long as it is legal).
Another example...Wild Wild West...the television show had a white guy who played Jim West. When they made the movie they had Will Smith play Jim big was a television show I loved as a kid but it wasn't iconic like James changing the color of the actor wasn't a big deal....the movie sucked...but that had everything to do with not understanding the original material....
Tell you what, get all these guys who think the race of Bond is important, pool your resources, and buy the rights to the Bond character.

It is a fictional character that is owned by someone. Most conservatives believe in being able to do as you will with your own property (as long as it is legal).

I don't believe anyone said they couldn't do it or they would try to stop it...their opinion was asked on the is a free country...they can make the bond movie any way they want...and everyone is free to see it or not.....
It is a fictional character that is owned by someone. Most conservatives believe in being able to do as you will with your own property (as long as it is legal).

There are already 2 different owners of different iterations of James we really need more.....
I don't see how you can claim it is not racism.

I am saying it isn't racist to want to keep the character as he was created and has developed over time...people grow up with these characters and people by nature do not like isn't is an expectation of seeing what they already know of the character...

Tell that hate Idris Elba because of his race? That would make them racists.....did they like Idris Elba as the character he helped to create...Luthor.....?

That isn't racism...
Michael Fassbender....he would be a good Bond.....

Too German.

But those scenes in the first X-men movie were great....he has the intensity, and the physical skills, but is still refined....much like the Sean Connery Bond...

You mean the movie where he played an Austrian? Like I said to Germain

McAvory, Hardy, or McGregor

I believe he was a Polish Jew in the X-men....though I could be wrong....
Tell you what, get all these guys who think the race of Bond is important, pool your resources, and buy the rights to the Bond character.

It is a fictional character that is owned by someone. Most conservatives believe in being able to do as you will with your own property (as long as it is legal).

Eon Productions isn't likely to sell Bond to anyone else.
As to all the posts in this thread - if the idea of a black James Bond upsets you so much, that's your problem. I think Elba would make a great Bond, myself.
As to all the posts in this thread - if the idea of a black James Bond upsets you so much, that's your problem. I think Elba would make a great Bond, myself.

He isn't polished enough....I like Fassbender....didn't like Craig...too thugish....
Michael Fassbender....he would be a good Bond.....

Too German.

But those scenes in the first X-men movie were great....he has the intensity, and the physical skills, but is still refined....much like the Sean Connery Bond...

You mean the movie where he played an Austrian? Like I said to Germain

McAvory, Hardy, or McGregor

I believe he was a Polish Jew in the X-men....though I could be wrong....

Yeah, I am probably wrong.....but he was still great in it....that scene in the pub....great...

And if he could crush the helmets of the two german guards...why didn't he kill Kevin the same time...other than for the movie......?

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