The New Trend.As Trumps Ratings Keep Increasing,The Left Finds New Issues To Bitch About.

If you're sick of going out to fight corporate wars for corporate America, you need to end the speech rights of corporations. Until that happens, US forces are just the enforcers for oligarchs.
You know nothing of US law. There is no constitutional reason to deny people in a corporation from promoting a cause or candidate. Many are on the left, probably most. All the big boys seem to be dems. What may not be constitutional is taking worker dues and pumping the money into campaigns.
By its fruits shall you know it. Are you sure that having corporate money speaking louder than the people's votes is working for you?
They don't. The big boys were backing Hillary.
And for the record, I didn't like Hillary, but grudgingly supported her because of the dangers I perceived from a trump administration. And I don't think I was wrong.
You voted in a US election?
I did, in the 90s.
:bang3: :boobies: :piss2: And the events in Syria and Korea/Trumps actions over the last few weeks is evidence of that. And on top of that, Trump's approval keeps getting closer to 60% {then again, any normal person believes its been 60% since day 1 !!!!} :D
And this week, the issue they are crapping themselves over are Trumps taxes, meanwhile we have hell one of an international crisis going on in North Korea.:eek:
What will it be next week? How many trips Trump has made to Florida?Hmm? and how many trips did Obama make overseas on our tax dollars?
And two weeks from now, the loony left will bitch about Trumps alleged millions hidden in Swiss Bank Accounts. {and where did the Clintons Millions come from ??} :tongue-44:

Out of touch much?
Majority in US No Longer Thinks Trump Keeps His Promises
I keep on top top of things, but no, I no longer vote in US elections because me and mine won't be directly impacted by my vote.
If you're sick of going out to fight corporate wars for corporate America, you need to end the speech rights of corporations. Until that happens, US forces are just the enforcers for oligarchs.
You know nothing of US law. There is no constitutional reason to deny people in a corporation from promoting a cause or candidate. Many are on the left, probably most. All the big boys seem to be dems. What may not be constitutional is taking worker dues and pumping the money into campaigns.
By its fruits shall you know it. Are you sure that having corporate money speaking louder than the people's votes is working for you?
They don't. The big boys were backing Hillary.
The big boys always hedge their bets, surely you know that by now?!?!
Yes, they hedge their bets by supporting candidates that will do them good. Like Obama with Hillary the rich would get richer while the lower/middle class suffers.
And yet with them health care was addressed, however imperfectly because of obstructionism. All I see with the alternative is stripping everything away from people, health care, snap, SS etc. So they aren't the same thing at all, the two parties
Democrats do seem be in panic-mode over his rising approval ratings. Looks like they are scrambling to find anything to feign outrage over. It's a bit embarrassing.
Democrats do seem be in panic-mode over his rising approval ratings. Looks like they are scrambling to find anything to feign outrage over. It's a bit embarrassing.
Rising ratings aren't quite so apparent. Any time military action is taken, there is a popularity bump.
Trump must be really popular, lol.

The GOP candidate leading in the special Georgia election is actively distancing herself from Trump, while the Trumpian candidates in the race are pathetically going nowhere.
Trump's at 42% and the Trumptards are experiencing paroxysms of joy at what they see as great news.

However, when Obama FELL to 42% in the polls, those same people were joyful at what they saw as terrible news for Obama and the Democrats.
What most of US are saying is that the FACT he threatened us with nuclear weapons cannot be dismissed. That ONE FACT takes precedence over all the crying hand wringing liberals. He has Nukes, he has launch systems, he is insane. That alone is why Trump acted. What happens next is on Korea.
I will admit I might be too lenient on this. We have just been doing this shit for decades and decades and all it does it fuck shit up more. I look at history. Maybe its a downfall, maybe its enlightenment.
If you're sick of going out to fight corporate wars for corporate America, you need to end the speech rights of corporations. Until that happens, US forces are just the enforcers for oligarchs.

Gotta love it! A non-American telling Americans what we have to do. Like pretty Kelly has any real clue about how America works when when all the news she gets is from liberal CBC.

Me, personally, would never presume to tell Canadians how to run their country or manage their foreign affairs.

What is it with foreigners that they think they have all the solutions for another nation that they may never visit, let alone become citizens of. Canadians, for one, need to address their own problems like their people dying waiting sometimes months for a life-saving MRI that citizens of the U.S. get on the day it was ordered.

I had a friend, (notice I said "HAD"), that had a stroke. The EMT's took him to a hospital and he laid on a gurney in the hallway for 5 hours without receiving any attention or care. After 5 hour a young doctor finally checked him and found that he was still alive and began treatment. My friend, because a doctor didn't check him out, ended up with sever brain damage, and died 2 weeks later. All that would have been needed to save my friends life would have been a shot of Alteplase, (a stroke clot busting drug), if it would have been administered within an hour of having his stroke. If that would have happened my friend would have had a near 100% recovery and lived many more years.

Kelly, take care of your own bag of shit before you tell us what to do with ours.
Seems like not that long ago the RW'ers were mental over Obama not releasing his college grades,

lol, of all things.

Yeah, and how'd that go? Have you seen the transcripts yet?

You libs like the term "You did it to Obama!". Well guess what, Trump is doing it to you.
Democrats do seem be in panic-mode over his rising approval ratings. Looks like they are scrambling to find anything to feign outrage over. It's a bit embarrassing.
Rising ratings aren't quite so apparent. Any time military action is taken, there is a popularity bump.

That is true. It's why Presidents often conduct 'Wag the Dog' Wars. But the Democrats do seem pathetically desperate at this point. Their daily faux outrage scams are getting pretty old & tired.
Seems like not that long ago the RW'ers were mental over Obama not releasing his college grades,

lol, of all things.

As you know, not even in the same league as the Progressives and President Trumps tax returns. There is no good purpose to be served by releasing the returns. If they were as pristine as the morning snow, Progressives would scream about something.

It seems to me that they could more wisely spend their time working with the Republicans to come up with a decent health insurance plan, tax reform, and immigration reform.

Trouble is, that would being what they are paid to do.
And yet with them health care was addressed, however imperfectly because of obstructionism.

If you're sick of going out to fight corporate wars for corporate America, you need to end the speech rights of corporations. Until that happens, US forces are just the enforcers for oligarchs.
You know nothing of US law. There is no constitutional reason to deny people in a corporation from promoting a cause or candidate. Many are on the left, probably most. All the big boys seem to be dems. What may not be constitutional is taking worker dues and pumping the money into campaigns.
By its fruits shall you know it. Are you sure that having corporate money speaking louder than the people's votes is working for you?
They don't. The big boys were backing Hillary.
The big boys always hedge their bets, surely you know that by now?!?!
Yes, they hedge their bets by supporting candidates that will do them good. Like Obama with Hillary the rich would get richer while the lower/middle class suffers.
If that was true for Hillary and obama, how much more true is it for the carpetbagger cabinet currently in office, I wonder?!?!
With Trumps poll numbers rising, his critics are finding new things to bitch about. No, we're still bitching about the same old stuff.

We weren't bitching about his poll numbers, we were commenting about how they are a reflection of the job he's doing. And a few people around here said he'd soon be bombing someone to get them back up again, and low and behold, he bombed Syria and Afghanistan. less than a week.

Who didn't see that coming?

But the issue of Trump's ties to Russia during the election campaign, and his failure to release his tax returns, his ongoing ethics violations, the incompetence of his administration, his high body count in women and children killed in his raids, his lack of preparation prior to world meetings, and the costs of flying around the world with his family; those were all issues BEFORE the poll numbers got the "saving babies in Syria" bounce that blowing up Muslims is sure to bring in certain quarters. A lot more people saw it as a cynical ploy to boost his poll numbers.
Zero legislative achievements coming up on 100 days.
The United States moving closer to war.
And you want to talk approval ratings.
:bang3: :boobies: :piss2: And the events in Syria and Korea/Trumps actions over the last few weeks is evidence of that. And on top of that, Trump's approval keeps getting closer to 60% {then again, any normal person believes its been 60% since day 1 !!!!} :D
And this week, the issue they are crapping themselves over are Trumps taxes, meanwhile we have hell one of an international crisis going on in North Korea.:eek:
What will it be next week? How many trips Trump has made to Florida?Hmm? and how many trips did Obama make overseas on our tax dollars?
And two weeks from now, the loony left will bitch about Trumps alleged millions hidden in Swiss Bank Accounts. {and where did the Clintons Millions come from ??} :tongue-44:
His approval rating is at 41% you low hanging fruit.
His disapproval rating is above 50%.
Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

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