The New Trend.As Trumps Ratings Keep Increasing,The Left Finds New Issues To Bitch About.

Yesterday morning (Monday) my wife asked if I had heard there wasn't any White House Easter Egg Hunt because Melina Trump forgot to arrange it? Within seconds when the TV commercials ended there was the scene of the Today Show broadcasting from the annual Easter Egg Hunt. "Oh, I guess they're holding it today," was her only response. That's how it is around my house. I'm neutral on Trump but will defend him mildly to her. I figure if I don't push it too hard eventually she'll come around, mostly trying to break her from being so darn gullible.
NK is an international crisis? Please explain.
If he sets off a nuke, it will affect the world.
If anyone sets off a nuke it will affect the world. Hell man, can he even deliver the nukes yet?
The smallest nuclear bomb the pervert has is the size of a 'single-wide' trailer'.
The fucking pervert has been trying to make a bomb the size of a single-wide' trailer' into the size of a bath tub.
While the US has dozens of ICBMs EACH having seven small satellite guided hydrogen bombs in the nose cone. The nose cone opens in outer space and the hydrogen bombs reenter the earth's atmosphere and head to their chosen targets.
The pervert can't even get a fucking SCUD to launch without some pimply faced kid sitting in Colorado pressing a key and blowing the SCUD up a few seconds after launch.
The pervert will attack SK with conventional weapons soon. He's life expectancy then will be about ten minutes.
:bang3: :boobies: :piss2: And the events in Syria and Korea/Trumps actions over the last few weeks is evidence of that. And on top of that, Trump's approval keeps getting closer to 60% {then again, any normal person believes its been 60% since day 1 !!!!} :D
And this week, the issue they are crapping themselves over are Trumps taxes, meanwhile we have hell one of an international crisis going on in North Korea.:eek:
What will it be next week? How many trips Trump has made to Florida?Hmm? and how many trips did Obama make overseas on our tax dollars?
And two weeks from now, the loony left will bitch about Trumps alleged millions hidden in Swiss Bank Accounts. {and where did the Clintons Millions come from ??} :tongue-44:
How are his taxes a new loony left issue?!?! Non right-extremists have been asking for them all along. What's more unreasonable is him not producing them, and people paying less attention to that than Obamas birth certificate
You have no more right to see his taxes, than I do to see yours... Deal with it.
True, there is nothing legally binding upon him to release his taxes. If his supprters don't mind being lied to and duped, that's their business.
In regard to his taxes... Prove anyone is being lied to, or duped... You can't. Which is why you want his taxes. Now why would anyone freely offer ammo to their opponent. No reasonable person would. Because even if his taxes pan out as totally legit; which they almost certainly will, the left will just use other information contained in his tax record to try and formulate some sort of attack. Sorry... But you leftist scum are going to have to dig up your own dirt. Buh-bye now...


so why were you so happy that the DNC's emails were ILLEGALLY hacked and exposed, because as you and others claimed,

it benefited the American people by showing them the TRUTH about the Democrats, and yet,

you take exactly the opposite view of Trump's taxes being LEGALLY released?

Wouldn't it benefit the American people to see the TRUTH about Trump's financial affairs?
No. It would only benefit his detractors. What you retarded leftists fail to grasp is that we know why you really want them. You aren't pulling the wool over anyone's eyes. You aren't crafty. You're not sneaky. And the only ones bothered by him not releasing the records, is you lefties. Which we trump supporters frankly like. Not only did we stomp the shit out of you this past election cycle... Now with this "taxes" nonsense; we're shoving your faces in it.
:bang3: :boobies: :piss2: And the events in Syria and Korea/Trumps actions over the last few weeks is evidence of that. And on top of that, Trump's approval keeps getting closer to 60% {then again, any normal person believes its been 60% since day 1 !!!!} :D
And this week, the issue they are crapping themselves over are Trumps taxes, meanwhile we have hell one of an international crisis going on in North Korea.:eek:
What will it be next week? How many trips Trump has made to Florida?Hmm? and how many trips did Obama make overseas on our tax dollars?
And two weeks from now, the loony left will bitch about Trumps alleged millions hidden in Swiss Bank Accounts. {and where did the Clintons Millions come from ??} :tongue-44:
How are his taxes a new loony left issue?!?! Non right-extremists have been asking for them all along. What's more unreasonable is him not producing them, and people paying less attention to that than Obamas birth certificate
You have no more right to see his taxes, than I do to see yours... Deal with it.
True, there is nothing legally binding upon him to release his taxes. If his supprters don't mind being lied to and duped, that's their business.
In regard to his taxes... Prove anyone is being lied to, or duped... You can't. Which is why you want his taxes. Now why would anyone freely offer ammo to their opponent. No reasonable person would. Because even if his taxes pan out as totally legit; which they almost certainly will, the left will just use other information contained in his tax record to try and formulate some sort of attack. Sorry... But you leftist scum are going to have to dig up your own dirt. Buh-bye now...


so why were you so happy that the DNC's emails were ILLEGALLY hacked and exposed, because as you and others claimed,

it benefited the American people by showing them the TRUTH about the Democrats, and yet,

you take exactly the opposite view of Trump's taxes being LEGALLY released?

Wouldn't it benefit the American people to see the TRUTH about Trump's financial affairs?
We already know the truth about his taxes... The IRS is satisfied. Game over...
:bang3: :boobies: :piss2: And the events in Syria and Korea/Trumps actions over the last few weeks is evidence of that. And on top of that, Trump's approval keeps getting closer to 60% {then again, any normal person believes its been 60% since day 1 !!!!} :D
And this week, the issue they are crapping themselves over are Trumps taxes, meanwhile we have hell one of an international crisis going on in North Korea.:eek:
What will it be next week? How many trips Trump has made to Florida?Hmm? and how many trips did Obama make overseas on our tax dollars?
And two weeks from now, the loony left will bitch about Trumps alleged millions hidden in Swiss Bank Accounts. {and where did the Clintons Millions come from ??} :tongue-44:
How are his taxes a new loony left issue?!?! Non right-extremists have been asking for them all along. What's more unreasonable is him not producing them, and people paying less attention to that than Obamas birth certificate
You have no more right to see his taxes, than I do to see yours... Deal with it.
True, there is nothing legally binding upon him to release his taxes. If his supprters don't mind being lied to and duped, that's their business.
In regard to his taxes... Prove anyone is being lied to, or duped... You can't. Which is why you want his taxes. Now why would anyone freely offer ammo to their opponent. No reasonable person would. Because even if his taxes pan out as totally legit; which they almost certainly will, the left will just use other information contained in his tax record to try and formulate some sort of attack. Sorry... But you leftist scum are going to have to dig up your own dirt. Buh-bye now...

The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct. Where there is smoke there's fire. You can pretend all you like, but professionals, who earn their money by investigation say otherwise, as do the intel pros abroad
But you're a liberal so allegations and smears are good enough for you. The "professionals" You mean Obama signing off on letting the intel communities share data so all 17 were citing the same OPINION based on speculations, politically motivated. The CIA doesn't typically share intel with the public, especially right before a new president takes office.
Yesterday morning (Monday) my wife asked if I had heard there wasn't any White House Easter Egg Hunt because Melina Trump forgot to arrange it? Within seconds when the TV commercials ended there was the scene of the Today Show broadcasting from the annual Easter Egg Hunt. "Oh, I guess they're holding it today," was her only response. That's how it is around my house. I'm neutral on Trump but will defend him mildly to her. I figure if I don't push it too hard eventually she'll come around, mostly trying to break her from being so darn gullible.
Get rid of her.
You think your life will get easier when Trump's approval numbers are in the high sixties?
"Hidden Trump approvers"

NK is an international crisis? Please explain.
If he sets off a nuke, it will affect the world.
If anyone sets off a nuke it will affect the world. Hell man, can he even deliver the nukes yet?
Well, he's been shootin' 'em at the ocean pretty regular. Even he set one off over the ocean it could be devastating. To me, if all I have seen is true (who really knows?) The real threat he makes is toward S. Korea. With the remote possibility of hitting China. No doubt this is why the Chinese are looking hard at him now. I'd say a realistic scenario would be the sudden "discovery" of Kim dead.
:bang3: :boobies: :piss2: And the events in Syria and Korea/Trumps actions over the last few weeks is evidence of that. And on top of that, Trump's approval keeps getting closer to 60% {then again, any normal person believes its been 60% since day 1 !!!!} :D
And this week, the issue they are crapping themselves over are Trumps taxes, meanwhile we have hell one of an international crisis going on in North Korea.:eek:
What will it be next week? How many trips Trump has made to Florida?Hmm? and how many trips did Obama make overseas on our tax dollars?
And two weeks from now, the loony left will bitch about Trumps alleged millions hidden in Swiss Bank Accounts. {and where did the Clintons Millions come from ??} :tongue-44:
How are his taxes a new loony left issue?!?! Non right-extremists have been asking for them all along. What's more unreasonable is him not producing them, and people paying less attention to that than Obamas birth certificate
You have no more right to see his taxes, than I do to see yours... Deal with it.
True, there is nothing legally binding upon him to release his taxes. If his supprters don't mind being lied to and duped, that's their business.
Now why would anyone freely offer ammo to their opponent. No reasonable person would.

anyone not dealing with the Russians or engaged in other illegalities wouldn't hesitate

what's he hiding?
NK is an international crisis? Please explain.
If he sets off a nuke, it will affect the world.
If anyone sets off a nuke it will affect the world. Hell man, can he even deliver the nukes yet?
Well, he's been shootin' 'em at the ocean pretty regular. Even he set one off over the ocean it could be devastating. To me, if all I have seen is true (who really knows?) The real threat he makes is toward S. Korea. With the remote possibility of hitting China. No doubt this is why the Chinese are looking hard at him now. I'd say a realistic scenario would be the sudden "discovery" of Kim dead.
I don't think he will touch China. SK is a possibility and the dude is an idiot. But I don't think that risk is worth a war. Just my opinion. I am almost always against war. Call me bias lol...
:bang3: :boobies: :piss2: And the events in Syria and Korea/Trumps actions over the last few weeks is evidence of that. And on top of that, Trump's approval keeps getting closer to 60% {then again, any normal person believes its been 60% since day 1 !!!!} :D
And this week, the issue they are crapping themselves over are Trumps taxes, meanwhile we have hell one of an international crisis going on in North Korea.:eek:
What will it be next week? How many trips Trump has made to Florida?Hmm? and how many trips did Obama make overseas on our tax dollars?
And two weeks from now, the loony left will bitch about Trumps alleged millions hidden in Swiss Bank Accounts. {and where did the Clintons Millions come from ??} :tongue-44:
How are his taxes a new loony left issue?!?! Non right-extremists have been asking for them all along. What's more unreasonable is him not producing them, and people paying less attention to that than Obamas birth certificate
You have no more right to see his taxes, than I do to see yours... Deal with it.
True, there is nothing legally binding upon him to release his taxes. If his supprters don't mind being lied to and duped, that's their business.
Now why would anyone freely offer ammo to their opponent. No reasonable person would.

anyone not dealing with the Russians or engaged in other illegalities wouldn't hesitate

what's he hiding?
Wrong. I would. And so would you. But feel free to prove me wrong, and post your complete unsencored tax records here on the forum, for us all to see. Put up, or shut up...
NK is an international crisis? Please explain.
If he sets off a nuke, it will affect the world.
If anyone sets off a nuke it will affect the world. Hell man, can he even deliver the nukes yet?
Well, he's been shootin' 'em at the ocean pretty regular. Even he set one off over the ocean it could be devastating. To me, if all I have seen is true (who really knows?) The real threat he makes is toward S. Korea. With the remote possibility of hitting China. No doubt this is why the Chinese are looking hard at him now. I'd say a realistic scenario would be the sudden "discovery" of Kim dead.
I don't think he will touch China. SK is a possibility and the dude is an idiot. But I don't think that risk is worth a war. Just my opinion. I am almost always against war. Call me bias lol...
When dealing with madman the "risk" is always that you can never know what he will do and when.

How are his taxes a new loony left issue?!?! Non right-extremists have been asking for them all along. What's more unreasonable is him not producing them, and people paying less attention to that than Obamas birth certificate
You have no more right to see his taxes, than I do to see yours... Deal with it.
True, there is nothing legally binding upon him to release his taxes. If his supprters don't mind being lied to and duped, that's their business.
In regard to his taxes... Prove anyone is being lied to, or duped... You can't. Which is why you want his taxes. Now why would anyone freely offer ammo to their opponent. No reasonable person would. Because even if his taxes pan out as totally legit; which they almost certainly will, the left will just use other information contained in his tax record to try and formulate some sort of attack. Sorry... But you leftist scum are going to have to dig up your own dirt. Buh-bye now...


so why were you so happy that the DNC's emails were ILLEGALLY hacked and exposed, because as you and others claimed,

it benefited the American people by showing them the TRUTH about the Democrats, and yet,

you take exactly the opposite view of Trump's taxes being LEGALLY released?

Wouldn't it benefit the American people to see the TRUTH about Trump's financial affairs?
No. It would only benefit his detractors. What you retarded leftists fail to grasp is that we know why you really want them. You aren't pulling the wool over anyone's eyes. You aren't crafty. You're not sneaky. And the only ones bothered by him not releasing the records, is you lefties. Which we trump supporters frankly like. Not only did we stomp the shit out of you this past election cycle... Now with this "taxes" nonsense; we're shoving your faces in it.

What a wordy tedious dodge of the question.
NK is an international crisis? Please explain.
If he sets off a nuke, it will affect the world.
If anyone sets off a nuke it will affect the world. Hell man, can he even deliver the nukes yet?
Well, he's been shootin' 'em at the ocean pretty regular. Even he set one off over the ocean it could be devastating. To me, if all I have seen is true (who really knows?) The real threat he makes is toward S. Korea. With the remote possibility of hitting China. No doubt this is why the Chinese are looking hard at him now. I'd say a realistic scenario would be the sudden "discovery" of Kim dead.
I don't think he will touch China. SK is a possibility and the dude is an idiot. But I don't think that risk is worth a war. Just my opinion. I am almost always against war. Call me bias lol...
When dealing with madman the "risk" is always that you can never know what he will do and when.
My dilemma is the risk isn't against us. If SK is so scared, why cant they do it? Why is it always our money and our people doing it?
Trump's calculation is simple.

The negative effect of not releasing his taxes is lower than would be the negative effect of releasing them.
If he sets off a nuke, it will affect the world.
If anyone sets off a nuke it will affect the world. Hell man, can he even deliver the nukes yet?
Well, he's been shootin' 'em at the ocean pretty regular. Even he set one off over the ocean it could be devastating. To me, if all I have seen is true (who really knows?) The real threat he makes is toward S. Korea. With the remote possibility of hitting China. No doubt this is why the Chinese are looking hard at him now. I'd say a realistic scenario would be the sudden "discovery" of Kim dead.
I don't think he will touch China. SK is a possibility and the dude is an idiot. But I don't think that risk is worth a war. Just my opinion. I am almost always against war. Call me bias lol...
When dealing with madman the "risk" is always that you can never know what he will do and when.
My dilemma is the risk isn't against us. If SK is so scared, why cant they do it? Why is it always our money and our people doing it?
He's threatening us, it's that simple.
Trump has provided all financial disclosures that he is legally obligated to provide. If you don't like it change the law and require presidents to provide tax returns.
If anyone sets off a nuke it will affect the world. Hell man, can he even deliver the nukes yet?
Well, he's been shootin' 'em at the ocean pretty regular. Even he set one off over the ocean it could be devastating. To me, if all I have seen is true (who really knows?) The real threat he makes is toward S. Korea. With the remote possibility of hitting China. No doubt this is why the Chinese are looking hard at him now. I'd say a realistic scenario would be the sudden "discovery" of Kim dead.
I don't think he will touch China. SK is a possibility and the dude is an idiot. But I don't think that risk is worth a war. Just my opinion. I am almost always against war. Call me bias lol...
When dealing with madman the "risk" is always that you can never know what he will do and when.
My dilemma is the risk isn't against us. If SK is so scared, why cant they do it? Why is it always our money and our people doing it?
He's threatening us, it's that simple.
Yea but he is an idiot. And he cant reach us. People threaten us every day and we don't do shit.

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