The New Trend.As Trumps Ratings Keep Increasing,The Left Finds New Issues To Bitch About.

"Hidden Trump approvers"


You have no more right to see his taxes, than I do to see yours... Deal with it.
True, there is nothing legally binding upon him to release his taxes. If his supprters don't mind being lied to and duped, that's their business.
In regard to his taxes... Prove anyone is being lied to, or duped... You can't. Which is why you want his taxes. Now why would anyone freely offer ammo to their opponent. No reasonable person would. Because even if his taxes pan out as totally legit; which they almost certainly will, the left will just use other information contained in his tax record to try and formulate some sort of attack. Sorry... But you leftist scum are going to have to dig up your own dirt. Buh-bye now...


so why were you so happy that the DNC's emails were ILLEGALLY hacked and exposed, because as you and others claimed,

it benefited the American people by showing them the TRUTH about the Democrats, and yet,

you take exactly the opposite view of Trump's taxes being LEGALLY released?

Wouldn't it benefit the American people to see the TRUTH about Trump's financial affairs?
No. It would only benefit his detractors. What you retarded leftists fail to grasp is that we know why you really want them. You aren't pulling the wool over anyone's eyes. You aren't crafty. You're not sneaky. And the only ones bothered by him not releasing the records, is you lefties. Which we trump supporters frankly like. Not only did we stomp the shit out of you this past election cycle... Now with this "taxes" nonsense; we're shoving your faces in it.

What a wordy tedious dodge of the question.
Rather you're just dodging the answer. Let me clarify it for you. No.
If he sets off a nuke, it will affect the world.
If anyone sets off a nuke it will affect the world. Hell man, can he even deliver the nukes yet?
Well, he's been shootin' 'em at the ocean pretty regular. Even he set one off over the ocean it could be devastating. To me, if all I have seen is true (who really knows?) The real threat he makes is toward S. Korea. With the remote possibility of hitting China. No doubt this is why the Chinese are looking hard at him now. I'd say a realistic scenario would be the sudden "discovery" of Kim dead.
I don't think he will touch China. SK is a possibility and the dude is an idiot. But I don't think that risk is worth a war. Just my opinion. I am almost always against war. Call me bias lol...
When dealing with madman the "risk" is always that you can never know what he will do and when.
My dilemma is the risk isn't against us. If SK is so scared, why cant they do it? Why is it always our money and our people doing it?
Because you guys are still holding the cheque on South Korea, because the Korean War technically isn't over
If anyone sets off a nuke it will affect the world. Hell man, can he even deliver the nukes yet?
Well, he's been shootin' 'em at the ocean pretty regular. Even he set one off over the ocean it could be devastating. To me, if all I have seen is true (who really knows?) The real threat he makes is toward S. Korea. With the remote possibility of hitting China. No doubt this is why the Chinese are looking hard at him now. I'd say a realistic scenario would be the sudden "discovery" of Kim dead.
I don't think he will touch China. SK is a possibility and the dude is an idiot. But I don't think that risk is worth a war. Just my opinion. I am almost always against war. Call me bias lol...
When dealing with madman the "risk" is always that you can never know what he will do and when.
My dilemma is the risk isn't against us. If SK is so scared, why cant they do it? Why is it always our money and our people doing it?
Because you guys are still holding the cheque on South Korea, because the Korean War technically isn't over
we hold that on just about everyone. That's my problem lol

True, there is nothing legally binding upon him to release his taxes. If his supprters don't mind being lied to and duped, that's their business.
In regard to his taxes... Prove anyone is being lied to, or duped... You can't. Which is why you want his taxes. Now why would anyone freely offer ammo to their opponent. No reasonable person would. Because even if his taxes pan out as totally legit; which they almost certainly will, the left will just use other information contained in his tax record to try and formulate some sort of attack. Sorry... But you leftist scum are going to have to dig up your own dirt. Buh-bye now...


so why were you so happy that the DNC's emails were ILLEGALLY hacked and exposed, because as you and others claimed,

it benefited the American people by showing them the TRUTH about the Democrats, and yet,

you take exactly the opposite view of Trump's taxes being LEGALLY released?

Wouldn't it benefit the American people to see the TRUTH about Trump's financial affairs?
No. It would only benefit his detractors. What you retarded leftists fail to grasp is that we know why you really want them. You aren't pulling the wool over anyone's eyes. You aren't crafty. You're not sneaky. And the only ones bothered by him not releasing the records, is you lefties. Which we trump supporters frankly like. Not only did we stomp the shit out of you this past election cycle... Now with this "taxes" nonsense; we're shoving your faces in it.

What a wordy tedious dodge of the question.
Rather you're just dodging the answer. Let me clarify it for you. No.

So the truth about Trump's taxes should be kept hidden from the American people,

but the truth revealed in illegally obtained Democrat emails was a good thing.

wow, that's some textbook hackery there, no pun intended.
Well, he's been shootin' 'em at the ocean pretty regular. Even he set one off over the ocean it could be devastating. To me, if all I have seen is true (who really knows?) The real threat he makes is toward S. Korea. With the remote possibility of hitting China. No doubt this is why the Chinese are looking hard at him now. I'd say a realistic scenario would be the sudden "discovery" of Kim dead.
I don't think he will touch China. SK is a possibility and the dude is an idiot. But I don't think that risk is worth a war. Just my opinion. I am almost always against war. Call me bias lol...
When dealing with madman the "risk" is always that you can never know what he will do and when.
My dilemma is the risk isn't against us. If SK is so scared, why cant they do it? Why is it always our money and our people doing it?
Because you guys are still holding the cheque on South Korea, because the Korean War technically isn't over
we hold that on just about everyone. That's my problem lol
Yeah but the Korean file actually has your name on it. The other entanglements were very much "elective"

In regard to his taxes... Prove anyone is being lied to, or duped... You can't. Which is why you want his taxes. Now why would anyone freely offer ammo to their opponent. No reasonable person would. Because even if his taxes pan out as totally legit; which they almost certainly will, the left will just use other information contained in his tax record to try and formulate some sort of attack. Sorry... But you leftist scum are going to have to dig up your own dirt. Buh-bye now...


so why were you so happy that the DNC's emails were ILLEGALLY hacked and exposed, because as you and others claimed,

it benefited the American people by showing them the TRUTH about the Democrats, and yet,

you take exactly the opposite view of Trump's taxes being LEGALLY released?

Wouldn't it benefit the American people to see the TRUTH about Trump's financial affairs?
No. It would only benefit his detractors. What you retarded leftists fail to grasp is that we know why you really want them. You aren't pulling the wool over anyone's eyes. You aren't crafty. You're not sneaky. And the only ones bothered by him not releasing the records, is you lefties. Which we trump supporters frankly like. Not only did we stomp the shit out of you this past election cycle... Now with this "taxes" nonsense; we're shoving your faces in it.

What a wordy tedious dodge of the question.
Rather you're just dodging the answer. Let me clarify it for you. No.

So the truth about Trump's taxes should be kept hidden from the American people,

but the truth revealed in illegally obtained Democrat emails was a good thing.

wow, that's some textbook hackery there, no pun intended.
It is, what it is. You don't have to like it. You just have to live with it.
Well, he's been shootin' 'em at the ocean pretty regular. Even he set one off over the ocean it could be devastating. To me, if all I have seen is true (who really knows?) The real threat he makes is toward S. Korea. With the remote possibility of hitting China. No doubt this is why the Chinese are looking hard at him now. I'd say a realistic scenario would be the sudden "discovery" of Kim dead.
I don't think he will touch China. SK is a possibility and the dude is an idiot. But I don't think that risk is worth a war. Just my opinion. I am almost always against war. Call me bias lol...
When dealing with madman the "risk" is always that you can never know what he will do and when.
My dilemma is the risk isn't against us. If SK is so scared, why cant they do it? Why is it always our money and our people doing it?
He's threatening us, it's that simple.
Yea but he is an idiot. And he cant reach us. People threaten us every day and we don't do shit.
Are you forgetting that he is threatening us with nuclear weapons? Weapons that he has in his possession? What's up man?
I don't think he will touch China. SK is a possibility and the dude is an idiot. But I don't think that risk is worth a war. Just my opinion. I am almost always against war. Call me bias lol...
When dealing with madman the "risk" is always that you can never know what he will do and when.
My dilemma is the risk isn't against us. If SK is so scared, why cant they do it? Why is it always our money and our people doing it?
Because you guys are still holding the cheque on South Korea, because the Korean War technically isn't over
we hold that on just about everyone. That's my problem lol
Yeah but the Korean file actually has your name on it. The other entanglements were very much "elective"
True. But in the beginning, Korea was an "elective", as you put it.
They are all like that. We have had terrible foreign policy for decades!
I don't think he will touch China. SK is a possibility and the dude is an idiot. But I don't think that risk is worth a war. Just my opinion. I am almost always against war. Call me bias lol...
When dealing with madman the "risk" is always that you can never know what he will do and when.
My dilemma is the risk isn't against us. If SK is so scared, why cant they do it? Why is it always our money and our people doing it?
He's threatening us, it's that simple.
Yea but he is an idiot. And he cant reach us. People threaten us every day and we don't do shit.
Are you forgetting that he is threatening us with nuclear weapons? Weapons that he has in his possession? What's up man?
What im saying is, he cant do anything about it. Its like a 5 year old in the MLB home run derby. Dude cant make it past the pitchers mount.
When dealing with madman the "risk" is always that you can never know what he will do and when.
My dilemma is the risk isn't against us. If SK is so scared, why cant they do it? Why is it always our money and our people doing it?
Because you guys are still holding the cheque on South Korea, because the Korean War technically isn't over
we hold that on just about everyone. That's my problem lol
Yeah but the Korean file actually has your name on it. The other entanglements were very much "elective"
True. But in the beginning, Korea was an "elective", as you put it.
They are all like that. We have had terrible foreign policy for decades!
Yeah, but your name is on the armistice, so it's your check. That's the price of going to war and not winning the peace
When dealing with madman the "risk" is always that you can never know what he will do and when.
My dilemma is the risk isn't against us. If SK is so scared, why cant they do it? Why is it always our money and our people doing it?
He's threatening us, it's that simple.
Yea but he is an idiot. And he cant reach us. People threaten us every day and we don't do shit.
Are you forgetting that he is threatening us with nuclear weapons? Weapons that he has in his possession? What's up man?
What im saying is, he cant do anything about it. Its like a 5 year old in the MLB home run derby. Dude cant make it past the pitchers mount.
That is becoming increasingly uncertain as the technology develops. Can't bet on it anymore, especially now they're talking about submarine launched nukes
My dilemma is the risk isn't against us. If SK is so scared, why cant they do it? Why is it always our money and our people doing it?
Because you guys are still holding the cheque on South Korea, because the Korean War technically isn't over
we hold that on just about everyone. That's my problem lol
Yeah but the Korean file actually has your name on it. The other entanglements were very much "elective"
True. But in the beginning, Korea was an "elective", as you put it.
They are all like that. We have had terrible foreign policy for decades!
Yeah, but your name is on the armistice, so it's your check. That's the price of going to war and not winning the peace
I just don't see how this is different, sorry.
Using that logic, half of the problems in the ME are ours, so we should just set up camp there. Aint buying it.
Because you guys are still holding the cheque on South Korea, because the Korean War technically isn't over
we hold that on just about everyone. That's my problem lol
Yeah but the Korean file actually has your name on it. The other entanglements were very much "elective"
True. But in the beginning, Korea was an "elective", as you put it.
They are all like that. We have had terrible foreign policy for decades!
Yeah, but your name is on the armistice, so it's your check. That's the price of going to war and not winning the peace
I just don't see how this is different, sorry.
Using that logic, half of the problems in the ME are ours, so we should just set up camp there. Aint buying it.
The ME is the least your responsibility, but it looks like the oil corporations need the army to go in and secure their million dollar bonuses. Korea is actually, factually your national responsibility, on the armistice papers. There's a huge difference
What most of US are saying is that the FACT he threatened us with nuclear weapons cannot be dismissed. That ONE FACT takes precedence over all the crying hand wringing liberals. He has Nukes, he has launch systems, he is insane. That alone is why Trump acted. What happens next is on Korea.
My dilemma is the risk isn't against us. If SK is so scared, why cant they do it? Why is it always our money and our people doing it?
He's threatening us, it's that simple.
Yea but he is an idiot. And he cant reach us. People threaten us every day and we don't do shit.
Are you forgetting that he is threatening us with nuclear weapons? Weapons that he has in his possession? What's up man?
What im saying is, he cant do anything about it. Its like a 5 year old in the MLB home run derby. Dude cant make it past the pitchers mount.
That is becoming increasingly uncertain as the technology develops. Can't bet on it anymore, especially now they're talking about submarine launched nukes
And they talked about nukes for 20 years before they did their first test.
Why doesn't anyone ever blame Russia for NK having nuclear weapons?
What most of US are saying is that the FACT he threatened us with nuclear weapons cannot be dismissed. That ONE FACT takes precedence over all the crying hand wringing liberals. He has Nukes, he has launch systems, he is insane. That alone is why Trump acted. What happens next is on Korea.
I will admit I might be too lenient on this. We have just been doing this shit for decades and decades and all it does it fuck shit up more. I look at history. Maybe its a downfall, maybe its enlightenment.
Why doesn't anyone ever blame Russia for NK having nuclear weapons?
It isn't fashionable these days to criticise Russia. Everyone is jumping on the putin personality cult authoritarian bandwagon. Those who have sounded the alarm have been shouted down as dinosaurs from th Cold War who need to get with the program.
What most of US are saying is that the FACT he threatened us with nuclear weapons cannot be dismissed. That ONE FACT takes precedence over all the crying hand wringing liberals. He has Nukes, he has launch systems, he is insane. That alone is why Trump acted. What happens next is on Korea.
I will admit I might be too lenient on this. We have just been doing this shit for decades and decades and all it does it fuck shit up more. I look at history. Maybe its a downfall, maybe its enlightenment.
If you're sick of going out to fight corporate wars for corporate America, you need to end the speech rights of corporations. Until that happens, US forces are just the enforcers for oligarchs.
Trump's calculation is simple.

The negative effect of not releasing his taxes is lower than would be the negative effect of releasing them.
I think his calculation is to use it like the birther issue. When re-election time comes, he releases them, they look good and the left looks loonier than usual.

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