The New Upper Class and the Real Reason We Dislike Them


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
free article. have a gander, I think he nails it.

The New Upper Class and the Real Reason We Dislike Them

The Pew Foundation discovered in a recent poll that tensions over inequality in wealth now outrank tensions over race and immigration. But income inequality isn’t really the problem. A new upper class is the problem. And their wealth isn’t what sets them apart or creates so much animosity toward them.

Let’s take a guy — call him Hank — who built a successful auto-repair business and expanded it to 30 locations, and now his stake in the business is worth $100 million. He is not just in the 1%; he’s in the top fraction of the 1% — but he’s not part of the new upper class. He went to a second-tier state university, or maybe he didn’t complete college at all. He grew up in a working-class or middle-class home and married a woman who didn’t complete college. He now lives in a neighborhood with other rich people, but they’re mostly other people who got rich the same way he did. (The new upper class considers the glitzy mansions in his suburb to be déclassé.) He has a lot of money, but he doesn’t have power or influence over national culture, politics or economy, nor does he even have any particular influence over the culture, politics or economy of the city where he lives. He’s just rich.

The new upper class is different. It consists of the people who run the country. By “the people who run the country,” I mean two sets of people. The first is the small set of people — well under 100,000, by a rigorous definition — who are responsible for the films and television shows you watch, the news you see and read, the success (or failure) of the nation’s leading corporations and financial institutions and the jurisprudence, legislation and regulations produced by government. The second is the broader set, numbering a few million people, who hold comparable positions of influence in the nation’s major cities.

conclusion at-
Read more: Charles Murray: Why We Dislike the New Upper Class | TIME Ideas |
free article. have a gander, I think he nails it.

The New Upper Class and the Real Reason We Dislike Them

The Pew Foundation discovered in a recent poll that tensions over inequality in wealth now outrank tensions over race and immigration. But income inequality isn’t really the problem. A new upper class is the problem. And their wealth isn’t what sets them apart or creates so much animosity toward them.

Let’s take a guy — call him Hank — who built a successful auto-repair business and expanded it to 30 locations, and now his stake in the business is worth $100 million. He is not just in the 1%; he’s in the top fraction of the 1% — but he’s not part of the new upper class. He went to a second-tier state university, or maybe he didn’t complete college at all. He grew up in a working-class or middle-class home and married a woman who didn’t complete college. He now lives in a neighborhood with other rich people, but they’re mostly other people who got rich the same way he did. (The new upper class considers the glitzy mansions in his suburb to be déclassé.) He has a lot of money, but he doesn’t have power or influence over national culture, politics or economy, nor does he even have any particular influence over the culture, politics or economy of the city where he lives. He’s just rich.

The new upper class is different. It consists of the people who run the country. By “the people who run the country,” I mean two sets of people. The first is the small set of people — well under 100,000, by a rigorous definition — who are responsible for the films and television shows you watch, the news you see and read, the success (or failure) of the nation’s leading corporations and financial institutions and the jurisprudence, legislation and regulations produced by government. The second is the broader set, numbering a few million people, who hold comparable positions of influence in the nation’s major cities.

conclusion at-
Read more: Charles Murray: Why We Dislike the New Upper Class | TIME Ideas |

Who Is John Gault?

Let's take a guy and call him Bill, let's let him be a Wizzard, let's let him be able to fly, and let's let him shit gold bars now and then. Now people will resent Bill because ......

What a line of shit.
Let's take a guy and call him Bill, let's let him be a Wizzard, let's let him be able to fly, and let's let him shit gold bars now and then. Now people will resent Bill because ......

What a line of shit.

you remind me of the govt agent in this clip who just "doesn't get it". you didn't really comprehend what he was saying in the first post.

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Tensions are created by the media. So far the mainstream or liberal media has turned on the people who make the Country run. If they do the right thing and investigate the Obama administration Barry Hussein and his rabble will be laughed out of Washington.

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