The newest attempt by democrats to buy votes.

I wonder if such an increase in wages would be enough incentive for people to actually go to work.
Folks have been getting comfy on the couch for the last 5 years. What's another 3 years?
I wonder if such an increase in wages would be enough incentive for people to actually go to work.
Folks have been getting comfy on the couch for the last 5 years. What's another 3 years?

Maybe at first when the increase is a new thing, but when the cost of living goes up to cover the increased wages, we and they will be right back at square one with a much weaker economy and worthless dollar.
Maybe at first when the increase is a new thing, but when the cost of living goes up to cover the increased wages, we and they will be right back at square one with a much weaker economy and worthless dollar.

The problem is that the cost of living has already gone up. It's the wages that haven't.
I wonder if such an increase in wages would be enough incentive for people to actually go to work.
Folks have been getting comfy on the couch for the last 5 years. What's another 3 years?

Maybe at first when the increase is a new thing, but when the cost of living goes up to cover the increased wages, we and they will be right back at square one with a much weaker economy and worthless dollar.

The minimum wage is ridiculously low already...a living wage is usually considered something like $15 an hour. I cannot fathom how anyone would live independently on 7.25 an hour....what a nightmare!

Do you just suggest we leave it at 7.25 for the rest of time or something? What is the plan exactly?
The strategy will be to push for huge increases in the minimum wage in the hopes that the leeches and parasites will come out in drives to vote themselves more money.

Since minimum wage is the base for all wages then it should be raised to make up for the disproportionate wages Americans currently suffer.
I wonder if such an increase in wages would be enough incentive for people to actually go to work.
Folks have been getting comfy on the couch for the last 5 years. What's another 3 years?

Maybe at first when the increase is a new thing, but when the cost of living goes up to cover the increased wages, we and they will be right back at square one with a much weaker economy and worthless dollar.

The minimum wage is ridiculously low already...a living wage is usually considered something like $15 an hour. I cannot fathom how anyone would live independently on 7.25 an hour....what a nightmare!

Do you just suggest we leave it at 7.25 for the rest of time or something? What is the plan exactly?

1) A living wage is not owed.
2) A minimum wage is supposed to be a starter wage for those just entering the workforce as a teenager or completely unskilled person
3) If you are idiot enough to be in the work force for years and are still making minimum wage, you have serious problems as a person
4) If you want a raise, do something to get it
5) If you are content at doing a job that 99.9999% of the adult populace could do with zero or little training, you should not be compensated highly at all
6) When you raise the floor you do nothing for poverty.. as those who were making more than the minimum will demand to be raised as well. because if the lowest were making $7.25 and the managers were making $12, the managers are not going to be content with the same $15 the unskilled workers are making.. and the ripple effects go all over

I wonder if such an increase in wages would be enough incentive for people to actually go to work.

:lmao: NOOOOOO.

A freeloader is a freeloader is a freeloader. PERIOD! ( that word a dunce recently made so popular )
I wonder if such an increase in wages would be enough incentive for people to actually go to work.

:lmao: NOOOOOO.

A freeloader is a freeloader is a freeloader. PERIOD! ( that word a dunce recently made so popular )

Because they will also whine and squeal to have the welfare handouts increased to deal with the cost of living and wage increases...
The strategy will be to push for huge increases in the minimum wage in the hopes that the leeches and parasites will come out in drives to vote themselves more money.

Why do you think people that work instead of sitting on their ass are "leeches and parasites"?
Maybe at first when the increase is a new thing, but when the cost of living goes up to cover the increased wages, we and they will be right back at square one with a much weaker economy and worthless dollar.

The minimum wage is ridiculously low already...a living wage is usually considered something like $15 an hour. I cannot fathom how anyone would live independently on 7.25 an hour....what a nightmare!

Do you just suggest we leave it at 7.25 for the rest of time or something? What is the plan exactly?

1) A living wage is not owed.
2) A minimum wage is supposed to be a starter wage for those just entering the workforce as a teenager or completely unskilled person
3) If you are idiot enough to be in the work force for years and are still making minimum wage, you have serious problems as a person
4) If you want a raise, do something to get it
5) If you are content at doing a job that 99.9999% of the adult populace could do with zero or little training, you should not be compensated highly at all
6) When you raise the floor you do nothing for poverty.. as those who were making more than the minimum will demand to be raised as well. because if the lowest were making $7.25 and the managers were making $12, the managers are not going to be content with the same $15 the unskilled workers are making.. and the ripple effects go all over


If the minimum wage "was" just a starter wage that'd be one thing, the reality is far different. The mean age for people employed in minimum wage jobs is 34.9! 88% of minimum wage earners are over the age of 20! "Starter wage" might have been the original intent but that's a far cry from what it is now.

It's a safety net for people who have to change jobs, it's a way to quite effectively fight poverty (and hence lower welfare that right wingers hate so much...). $7.25 an hour is horrendously out of date considering it was raised at the beginning of the financial crisis and hasn't even kept up with inflation in the last 10 years let alone costs of living. Lower income jobs are growing and growing in the US and not much seems to be reversing that.

Here's the bottom line....people need to survive. Do you want them to do that via paychecks or welfare? Minimum wage does that through paychecks, welfare does that through taxes. Like it or not that's what it comes down to, that's the reality we face....It's how things are. Be as ideological as you want, it won't change reality.

I'm not desperate like you so I won't add an ad hominem attack :)
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The strategy will be to push for huge increases in the minimum wage in the hopes that the leeches and parasites will come out in drives to vote themselves more money.

Since minimum wage is the base for all wages then it should be raised to make up for the disproportionate wages Americans currently suffer.

Your reply is most entertaining given your posting handle, which proves you are anything but you proclaim with your handle. If you had any knowledge outside of swiping your EBT card at whatever business you freeload off of, you'd understand that minimum wage reduces efficiency by artificially raising the price of low-skill labor. Minimum wage reduces employment of low-skilled individuals (like you), which causes some people to have a zero wage while it helps others have a higher wage.

Minimum wage increases cause corporations to go overseas in order to survive, which reduces employment opportunity for people in this country. Employers who offer low wages for low-skill labor are exactly what economic efficiency is all about. Providing higher pay for low-skill sends the wrong message, it destroys incentive to improve ones skills and move up, instead it promotes staying low-skill and kills the competitive spirit to do what it takes to move up.

Countless times people have complained about lack of American made products, people like you are exactly why these people are complaining.
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The minimum wage is ridiculously low already...a living wage is usually considered something like $15 an hour. I cannot fathom how anyone would live independently on 7.25 an hour....what a nightmare!

Do you just suggest we leave it at 7.25 for the rest of time or something? What is the plan exactly?

1) A living wage is not owed.
2) A minimum wage is supposed to be a starter wage for those just entering the workforce as a teenager or completely unskilled person
3) If you are idiot enough to be in the work force for years and are still making minimum wage, you have serious problems as a person
4) If you want a raise, do something to get it
5) If you are content at doing a job that 99.9999% of the adult populace could do with zero or little training, you should not be compensated highly at all
6) When you raise the floor you do nothing for poverty.. as those who were making more than the minimum will demand to be raised as well. because if the lowest were making $7.25 and the managers were making $12, the managers are not going to be content with the same $15 the unskilled workers are making.. and the ripple effects go all over


If the minimum wage "was" just a starter wage that'd be one thing, the reality is far different. The mean age for people employed in minimum wage jobs is 34.9! 88% of minimum wage earners are over the age of 20! "Starter wage" might have been the original intent but that's a far cry from what it is now.

It's a safety net for people who have to change jobs, it's a way to quite effectively fight poverty (and hence lower welfare that right wingers hate so much...). $7.25 an hour is horrendously out of date considering it was raised at the beginning of the financial crisis and hasn't even kept up with inflation in the last 10 years let alone costs of living. Lower income jobs are growing and growing in the US and not much seems to be reversing that.

Here's the bottom line....people need to survive. Do you want them to do that via paychecks or welfare? Minimum wage does that through paychecks, welfare does that through taxes. Like it or not that's what it comes down to, that's the reality we face....It's how things are. Be as ideological as you want, it won't change reality.

I'm not desperate like you so I won't add an ad hominem attack :)

That is on the individual.. if they want more money, they need to be doing something more to get it.. not thinking that a minimum skill job at 30 years old should let them live ok... PERIOD

Eliminate welfare and start putting the responsibility back on the person, not business or government intervention or anything else

And funny how you did not dispute the other points at all.. for you know, even as an idiot lib, that they are true
Whats going to happen when the gravy train runs dry?

Corporate America is currently sitting on $100T in cash. It will be a long time before that 'gravy train' runs dry.

$100T? No, it's a bit closer to $2T. Holy freakin' crap. And "corporate America" is not going to invest aggressively until the fog of costs and regulations and laws clears and they can know what to expect. Contrary to popular (and naïve) belief, "corporate America" needs to anticipate demand, not react to it, in order to survive. But right now, it can't anticipate costs.

Anyway, this whole minimum wage conversation took an absolutely bizarre turn when the Left decided that a minimum wage should be able to support a family. Then, of course, that caught on and we later got "you didn't build that". The victimization/entitlement pimps have been very effective.

1) A living wage is not owed.
2) A minimum wage is supposed to be a starter wage for those just entering the workforce as a teenager or completely unskilled person
3) If you are idiot enough to be in the work force for years and are still making minimum wage, you have serious problems as a person
4) If you want a raise, do something to get it
5) If you are content at doing a job that 99.9999% of the adult populace could do with zero or little training, you should not be compensated highly at all
6) When you raise the floor you do nothing for poverty.. as those who were making more than the minimum will demand to be raised as well. because if the lowest were making $7.25 and the managers were making $12, the managers are not going to be content with the same $15 the unskilled workers are making.. and the ripple effects go all over


If the minimum wage "was" just a starter wage that'd be one thing, the reality is far different. The mean age for people employed in minimum wage jobs is 34.9! 88% of minimum wage earners are over the age of 20! "Starter wage" might have been the original intent but that's a far cry from what it is now.

It's a safety net for people who have to change jobs, it's a way to quite effectively fight poverty (and hence lower welfare that right wingers hate so much...). $7.25 an hour is horrendously out of date considering it was raised at the beginning of the financial crisis and hasn't even kept up with inflation in the last 10 years let alone costs of living. Lower income jobs are growing and growing in the US and not much seems to be reversing that.

Here's the bottom line....people need to survive. Do you want them to do that via paychecks or welfare? Minimum wage does that through paychecks, welfare does that through taxes. Like it or not that's what it comes down to, that's the reality we face....It's how things are. Be as ideological as you want, it won't change reality.

I'm not desperate like you so I won't add an ad hominem attack :)

That is on the individual.. if they want more money, they need to be doing something more to get it.. not thinking that a minimum skill job at 30 years old should let them live ok... PERIOD

Eliminate welfare and start putting the responsibility back on the person, not business or government intervention or anything else

And funny how you did not dispute the other points at all.. for you know, even as an idiot lib, that they are true

All the other points were "people are dumb and lazy, they should get better jobs blah blah blah" Typical right wing talking points with little value.

The reality won't change even with all your ideology talk about hard work and responsibility and good working Americans and yada yada yada....People. Need. To. Survive.

People need to survive. It's the bottom line. That won't change, unless you can find jobs to employ all those minimum wage workers in....then the minimum wage is too low...and people will survive via welfare.

It's raise the minimum wage...or let people survive on welfare, or we become a third world country and just let people go homeless and starve and let the crime rate go through the roof...??

Ideological talking points doesn't change reality...the reality is 7.25 is stupid low to be able to live independently.

There was a financial guide Mcdonalds put out were they made a budget with their base pay of 7.75 an hour...guess what? it was ridiculous, they had to have the person work two full time jobs and pay $25 dollars a month on health care and a rent of 550 a month. 7.25 is torture to live on, I honestly don't know how anyone does it!
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