The newest emails HAVE BEEN READ by the FBI

After watching this Clinton crap all weekend something isn't right about this. Its Comey did this or Clinton didn't do that, there is just something off about this. I think that this is just the shiny object that they are using to distract the Nation and keep us from paying attention to what's truly going on somewhere else.
Just my 2cents, carry on.
After watching this Clinton crap all weekend something isn't right about this. Its Comey did this or Clinton didn't do that, there is just something off about this. I think that this is just the shiny object that they are using to distract the Nation and keep us from paying attention to what's truly going on somewhere else.
Just my 2cents, carry on.
I think you are 100% correct.
My question is the hell did Clintons info get on Weiners device? She doesn't have anything to do with him, nor does he have anything to do with her. Huma may be the common denominator but I can't see her using his computer when she has access to plenty of her own.
I read a report that State Department printers were old, slow and always being used. So she would copy the emails to her lap top computer, take them home and print them out on her much faster home printer.
Which is a violation of the law if the documents are confidential. Why is it so easy for you to ignore that fact?

Who said the documents were confidential....

Could we start with the premise that someone is innocent until proven guilty...

The Left has actually shown a lot more respect to Trump than the right has to Hillary. Look at this case, the right has been saying she should be in jail (actually Trump has said it himself) when there is not even charges, Trump is on trial for Fraud in one case and Rape in another and no one has said he should be in jail.

Why? Because unlike your side we actually know the law... Innocent until proven guilty...
Merry-go-Round FAIL Compilation - YouTube
a search warrant is for specific content, with probable cause. NOT for all other files....of other persons....

The FBI while searching, simply found a cache of Huma's files on his laptop that was a cache of State dept emails...

When Weiner replaced the laptop Huma turned over to the FBI, Weiner probably transfered his files to the new laptop and caught Huma's files in the transfer... huma could be unaware of this?

The FBI does not know if the new State dept emails are emails that were already turned over and given to the people with FOIA requests or not, the FBI doesn't know if any are ones that were later classified top secret, they do NOT know the contents of the HUMA/State dept CACHE on the computer....period. They need a specific warrant to review them is what is being reported.
The FBI has a simple AP anyone can buy.
When an email is opened the 'header/subject line is put into a 'cloud'.
The next time that email with the same header/subject is opened the AP puts up a prompt that reads: DUPLICATE.
All this takes minutes to go through thousands of emails. No human 'eyes' need to actually be involved.
After a couple of minutes the emails that are not duplicates are listed.
It's basically the same ancient technology used in APs like 'Word' where you tell the computer to highlight every word in a document that spells 'airport'.
Very simple.
In other words all these tens of thousands of emails can be checked for duplicates made by Huma.
The same AP Hillary will highlight words like 'Foundation', Saudi Arabia, all the names of the 'pay for play' donators, you name it.
The emails were not intentionally destroyed to avoid a subpoena. Comey testified to this point.

THE FACT CHECKER | Trump is technically correct on the timeline, but Clinton’s staff had requested the emails to be deleted months before the subpoena...
Thank you for showing Clinton and her Staff violated the law. Once the subpoena was delivered all plans to destroy the documents should have ceased. They went ahead and destroyed them any way... A subpoena took precedence over their intent. In fact, the subpoena simply made them more intent on destroying them.

Not to worry - I am sure Huma probably has those deleted e-mails in her stash of over 650K. :p

You should call Comey and give him the benefit of your questionable expertise.
My question is the hell did Clintons info get on Weiners device? She doesn't have anything to do with him, nor does he have anything to do with her. Huma may be the common denominator but I can't see her using his computer when she has access to plenty of her own.
I read a report that State Department printers were old, slow and always being used. So she would copy the emails to her lap top computer, take them home and print them out on her much faster home printer.
SOOOOO you are saying Huma took official State Department emails home? Then she made hard copies? Who did she make the hard copies for? Hillary obviously since an email from Hillary to Huma exists in which Hillary explicitly tells Huma to do what Huma ended up doing.
Hillary also ordered Huma to "remove the State Department headers".
We can expect to hear Huma has fled the country to a country which doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US.
Why the fuck didn't Hillary just get some office flunky to go buy a fucking printer!!!!
She could have hidden the $200 expenditure in the pile of fake 'expenses' her Foundation is constantly fabricating.
Making poor dear loyal Huma take Official State Department documents home!
I hope Huma at least put in a fucking chite for the copy paper!
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You should call Comey and give him the benefit of your questionable expertise.
He doesn't need it - he's doing fine. YOU and Hillary are the ones sqeualing like school girls about what he's doing...maybe YOU should call him. :p
You should call Comey and give him the benefit of your questionable expertise.
He doesn't need it - he's doing fine. YOU and Hillary are the ones sqeualing like school girls about what he's doing...maybe YOU should call him. :p
He doesn't need it

You seem to think he does. You believe you have critical proof of criminality that he somehow overlooked. You really should pass it along. It could be a game changer. :laugh:
You seem to think he does. You believe you have critical proof of criminality that he somehow overlooked. You really should pass it along. It could be a game changer. :laugh:
Wrong again, I think he has re-opened the investigation, against the ire of the Atty General, Hillary, and Obama, because he DOES get / see it.
But she is still using her own computer. Do you really think they only have one shared home printer?

I have NEVER had any home printer? What for? Why would you need more than one?

Me neither, but considering both of their careers......I would think they would have separate printers, computers, communication devices and even home offices.

On the personal side of it though, do you really think Weiner would risk sharing a printer with his wife, if he was printing anything of his little adventures?

Someone else brought the printer idea into this, I don't know if that is the 'device' in question of the investigation.
No. The four devices have nothing to do with Huma's home printer.
First off a warrant isn't necessary because the pedophile freely gave the computer during their investigation into his pedophilia.

Second, the agents in charge of the Weiner investigation read the emails & reported to Comey what they had discovered which resulted in him reopening the investigation.

And lastly, the FBI is under no situation that requires them to release ANY information to the public or Hillary.
The Justice Department punted all responsibilities to the FBI when that stupid woman compromised herself by meeting with Bill Clinton in private just days before getting the case buried.

On a side note this may or may not effect the outcome of the election but it is most enjoyable to watch all the left shit themselves.

Nonsense. Comey has committed high treason against the queen of America. Now Obama must have him beheaded. We will now wait for King Hillary to take over
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First off a warrant isn't necessary because the pedophile freely gave the computer during their investigation into his pedophilia.

Second, the agents in charge of the Weiner investigation read the emails & reported to Comey what they had discovered which resulted in him reopening the investigation.

And lastly, the FBI is under no situation that requires them to release ANY information to the public or Hillary.
The Justice Department punted all responsibilities to the FBI when that stupid woman compromised herself by meeting with Bill Clinton in private just days before getting the case buried.

On a side note this may or may not effect the outcome of the election but it is most enjoyable to watch all the left shit themselves.
Pure conjecture on your part

If they had found anything of substance, they would have said so
Hillary is so scared, she says release them all at this point
if there was nothing of substance, they wouldn't reopen just before the election. comey is the whistleblower and will shortly step aside. the corruption of the coverup goes all the way up to chicago/hawaii slim with the radio voice.
First off a warrant isn't necessary because the pedophile freely gave the computer during their investigation into his pedophilia.

Second, the agents in charge of the Weiner investigation read the emails & reported to Comey what they had discovered which resulted in him reopening the investigation.

And lastly, the FBI is under no situation that requires them to release ANY information to the public or Hillary.
The Justice Department punted all responsibilities to the FBI when that stupid woman compromised herself by meeting with Bill Clinton in private just days before getting the case buried.

On a side note this may or may not effect the outcome of the election but it is most enjoyable to watch all the left shit themselves.
Pure conjecture on your part

If they had found anything of substance, they would have said so
Hillary is so scared, she says release them all at this point
if there was nothing of substance, they wouldn't reopen just before the election. comey is the whistleblower and will shortly step aside. the corruption of the coverup goes all the way up to chicago/hawaii slim with the radio voice.

Evidently, he did

He simultaneously indicated they had not had the time to read the emails. What he is doing is opening suspicion.....FBI investigation....over substance
First off a warrant isn't necessary because the pedophile freely gave the computer during their investigation into his pedophilia.

Second, the agents in charge of the Weiner investigation read the emails & reported to Comey what they had discovered which resulted in him reopening the investigation.

And lastly, the FBI is under no situation that requires them to release ANY information to the public or Hillary.
The Justice Department punted all responsibilities to the FBI when that stupid woman compromised herself by meeting with Bill Clinton in private just days before getting the case buried.

On a side note this may or may not effect the outcome of the election but it is most enjoyable to watch all the left shit themselves.
Pure conjecture on your part

If they had found anything of substance, they would have said so
Hillary is so scared, she says release them all at this point
if there was nothing of substance, they wouldn't reopen just before the election. comey is the whistleblower and will shortly step aside. the corruption of the coverup goes all the way up to chicago/hawaii slim with the radio voice.

Evidently, he did

He simultaneously indicated they had not had the time to read the emails. What he is doing is opening suspicion.....FBI investigation....over substance
he's going out on a high note, unlike the clintons.
Will you read what you wrote? Your mind is stuttering again.

And the almost imperceptible bounce for Trump is over, and McMullin is beginning to pull away in Utah, the final firewall for Clinton. Way to go, you fools.
This guy is living in denial. The announcement is a Clinton catastrophe...
Not hardly. You all are going to explode in diarrhea fits, snorman, on election night.
why are we going to explode in diarrhea fits? we are smart enough to know that the democrats promised hillary the office and we are smart enough to see them cheating to make sure she gets it.
Its not going to be some heart breaking moment that we all stand around and wonder what happened. I mean, they even screwed Bernie over just to make sure they could keep their promise to let her play president.

No, you're a crybaby who isn't man enough to own up to a loss when one is handed to you.
mp used to complain when her team lost in volleyball that the refs handed it to the other team. I despise crybabies. Fox and the sour grapes whining.


One of my favorite old sayings,

When you lose, you own up, you pay up, and you shut up.
This guy is living in denial. The announcement is a Clinton catastrophe...
Not hardly. You all are going to explode in diarrhea fits, snorman, on election night.
why are we going to explode in diarrhea fits? we are smart enough to know that the democrats promised hillary the office and we are smart enough to see them cheating to make sure she gets it.
Its not going to be some heart breaking moment that we all stand around and wonder what happened. I mean, they even screwed Bernie over just to make sure they could keep their promise to let her play president.

No, you're a crybaby who isn't man enough to own up to a loss when one is handed to you.
mp used to complain when her team lost in volleyball that the refs handed it to the other team. I despise crybabies. Fox and the sour grapes whining.


One of my favorite old sayings,

When you lose, you own up, you pay up, and you shut up.

We will be looking forward to just that.
Not hardly. You all are going to explode in diarrhea fits, snorman, on election night.
why are we going to explode in diarrhea fits? we are smart enough to know that the democrats promised hillary the office and we are smart enough to see them cheating to make sure she gets it.
Its not going to be some heart breaking moment that we all stand around and wonder what happened. I mean, they even screwed Bernie over just to make sure they could keep their promise to let her play president.

No, you're a crybaby who isn't man enough to own up to a loss when one is handed to you.
mp used to complain when her team lost in volleyball that the refs handed it to the other team. I despise crybabies. Fox and the sour grapes whining.


One of my favorite old sayings,

When you lose, you own up, you pay up, and you shut up.

We will be looking forward to just that.

I lost a big bet on 2004 and paid up without a word.

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