The news is out Trump Campaign obstructed

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The China virus is petering out, the post office swooning is being exposed as liberal propaganda. What to do, what to do? Let's revive the obstruction of justice scam!
I love the smell of democrat desperation in the morning.

The China virus isn't petering out fast enough,
They're going to have to come up with some new stuff the next 4 years, their current stuff is getting old.

Yeah, but Democrats just aren't that clever. Like how for eight years of Obama it was W's fault ...

It was W's fault, if it was bad, if it was good, it was, "praise Obama!"
They're going to have to come up with some new stuff the next 4 years, their current stuff is getting old.

Yeah, but Democrats just aren't that clever. Like how for eight years of Obama it was W's fault ...

Unless it was something good, then it was, "praise Obama!" Things he had absolutely nothing to do with.......but, hey, he was their messiah.

Edit.....I don't know what happened here, the quote function is screwed up, or something.....??
Investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election SENATE INTEL .....Which means traitors your own senate knows it was crooked,,,,but we know you don't give a damn He's your crook

"Any day now."
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Have a link for that?
I'll look but it was just a headline on MCNBC Let me ask you IF it is true as stated would you give a damn???

Should I?

I seem to remember Obamas Administration was in charge during the Russian investigation.

No comment on them dropping the ball, by FBI agents texting love notes to each other?
How does them texting love notes affect the investigation? I've never figured out why that was supposed to matter.

Come on Man!!!!
That was a weak dodge.
Investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election SENATE INTEL .....Which means traitors your own senate knows it was crooked,,,,but we know you don't give a damn He's your crook

LMAO Oh you mean the "crook" Mueller cleared?? That crook??

You sure are a whiny little asshole.
Have a link for that?
I'll look but it was just a headline on MCNBC Let me ask you IF it is true as stated would you give a damn???

You know the answer to that they don't care how he won.
What the media
Investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election SENATE INTEL .....Which means traitors your own senate knows it was crooked,,,,but we know you don't give a damn He's your crook
Imo it only matters in terms of Bill Barr's likely November Surprise with suddenly revealed secret indictments or something. The ironic thing is other Barr, the Barr of NC, is probably the closest to a bipartisan republican and he's just self-immolated his political career with insider trading. And it was so unnecessary. He could have just retired to a cushy college president gig or something. I mean, I guess the chance to earn hundreds of millions that you could leave to your kids is pretty tempting.

And, that was determined by a Republican led Senate committee. It issued a comprehensive report that condemns Trump and soon to be pardoned Manafort with overt Russian collusion.

Keep in mind, the Republicans control this committee. While Trump and the far right fringe will scream "Fake News," the evidence will say "Not likely!"

And Trump wants Hillary investigated; not likely since he's the one under the microscope.

And, that was determined by a Republican led Senate committee. It issued a comprehensive report that condemns Trump and soon to be pardoned Manafort with overt Russian collusion.

Keep in mind, the Republicans control this committee. While Trump and the far right fringe will scream "Fake News," the evidence will say "Not likely!"

And Trump wants Hillary investigated; not likely since he's the one under the microscope.

No, The Democrats were the actual colluders, but our current system protects and insulates them.

I will say this again, the reason you beleive in the Trump Russian collusion nonsense is due to mental incompetency.

And, that was determined by a Republican led Senate committee. It issued a comprehensive report that condemns Trump and soon to be pardoned Manafort with overt Russian collusion.

Keep in mind, the Republicans control this committee. While Trump and the far right fringe will scream "Fake News," the evidence will say "Not likely!"

And Trump wants Hillary investigated; not likely since he's the one under the microscope.

No, The Democrats were the actual colluders, but our current system protects and insulates them.

I will say this again, the reason you beleive in the Trump Russian collusion nonsense is due to mental incompetency.
Turn off Faux News and turn on CNN. You and your ilk would benefit from Real News, not the bake BS!
Investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election SENATE INTEL .....Which means traitors your own senate knows it was crooked,,,,but we know you don't give a damn He's your crook

LMAO Oh you mean the "crook" Mueller cleared?? That crook??

You sure are a whiny little asshole.
And claudette you are one dumb pos with your head up the racist trumps butt

And, that was determined by a Republican led Senate committee. It issued a comprehensive report that condemns Trump and soon to be pardoned Manafort with overt Russian collusion.

Keep in mind, the Republicans control this committee. While Trump and the far right fringe will scream "Fake News," the evidence will say "Not likely!"

And Trump wants Hillary investigated; not likely since he's the one under the microscope.

No, The Democrats were the actual colluders, but our current system protects and insulates them.

I will say this again, the reason you beleive in the Trump Russian collusion nonsense is due to mental incompetency.
Turn off Faux News and turn on CNN. You and your ilk would benefit from Real News, not the bake BS!
When people leave or have left areas that crime rose in, they did not listen to CNN. They used common sense for their safety. In many cases, most of their savings or resources were used to make the move. But they improved their chances not to be a victim of a crime immeasurably.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning Republicans burning as they see the polls as they watch their moron Trump lying his ass off wetting his over sized pants
Try to be informative or witty, please. As it stands, you just appear emotionally damaged and irrationally triggered.
Starting this, letting you all know you follow lying un american ah's isn't informative enough for you??? You want blood?
Investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election SENATE INTEL .....Which means traitors your own senate knows it was crooked,,,,but we know you don't give a damn He's your crook

LMAO Oh you mean the "crook" Mueller cleared?? That crook??

You sure are a whiny little asshole.
And claudette you are one dumb pos with your head up the racist trumps butt

Oh an your a dumb POS with your head up foot in mouth Bidens ass.
Investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election SENATE INTEL .....Which means traitors your own senate knows it was crooked,,,,but we know you don't give a damn He's your crook

LMAO Oh you mean the "crook" Mueller cleared?? That crook??

You sure are a whiny little asshole.
And claudette you are one dumb pos with your head up the racist trumps butt

Why is Trump racist, in YOUR opinion?
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