The Next Obama

After Trump, fucking anybody is a viable Presidential candidate

Another San Fransisco regressive, middle America that rejected the New York regressive should be falling all over themselves to vote for her. LMAO

Your "middle America" voted for a lifelong "New York regressive"/billionaire elitist. Who likely betrayed the nation to the Russians. Congrats.


After Trump, fucking anybody is a viable Presidential candidate

Keep thinking that, and choose another Hillary.
Another Hillary? You inbred filth would have to go after her with conspiracies for 30 years before she became another Hillary.
Inbred?.....Please explain why you made this comment.
This should be entertaining
A spade should be called a spade, right?
Democrats will never elect a woman.
They even went Trump to keep a female out.
Don't even go there. You inbred Republicans spent the entire primary bragging about how diverse your field was..... and then you dumb cucks voted for the oldest, richest white man in the history of American politics.
Not my fault Democrats wanted a rich white man instead of a rich white woman.
So some Democrats hope. But this time, we're aware. She will never be a viable presidential candidate.

What are you going to do spunky? Post some bullshit about her? :rolleyes:
Sort of like the daily dose of horseshit your side throws at POTUS?
Cut the hypocritical bullshit.
This woman has about the same chance of becoming POTUS as the Aug 21st solar eclipse being postponed due to rain.
You people don;t get it. The country is SICK AND TIRED of the lib/progressive agenda, PC, language police, safe spaces, guilty until proven innocent( applies to non libs only) , anti Christian, but supports Islamists, liberal anti-Semitism, and just about any other lib/progressive agenda.
You are over. Your ideology is failed. You had your chance. The voters who swept over 1,000 of your party out of office have decided you're not wanted.
After Trump, fucking anybody is a viable Presidential candidate

Keep thinking that, and choose another Hillary.
Another Hillary? You inbred filth would have to go after her with conspiracies for 30 years before she became another Hillary.
Inbred?.....Please explain why you made this comment.
This should be entertaining
A spade should be called a spade, right?
Invalid response. Rejected.
You opened a can of worms. Just have the balls to admit what you really mean.
BTW, I think like an attorney. I never ask a question to which I already do not have the answer.
Do not reply with "so what did I mean?",.,,,,You're not getting off that easily
After Trump, fucking anybody is a viable Presidential candidate

Another San Fransisco regressive, middle America that rejected the New York regressive should be falling all over themselves to vote for her. LMAO

Your "middle America" voted for a lifelong "New York regressive"/billionaire elitist. Who likely betrayed the nation to the Russians. Congrats.


Poor thing, did you run out of butt hurt cream again. Trump is keeping his very conservative promises, so I'm good.

I will admit that trump has done a few really good things, and even better, he has gotten someone on the supreme court , who by all accounts, even hate president tannen almost as bad as bullshit leftist sites, but for better reasons) is a evenhanded constitutionalist.

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