The next time someone tells you they are a “libertarian”, ask them about Murray Rothbard, the Mises Caucus, Ron Paul, and the non aggression principle


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
If they give you a blank stare, they are full of crap. They call themselves Libertarians so they can just take shots at everyone and pretend to be above reproach.

I see it all the time. Sorta over these phonies.

If they give you a blank stare, they are full of crap. They call themselves Libertarians so they can just take shots at everyone and pretend to be above reproach.

I see it all the time. Sorta over these phonies.

Naw, most libertarians are just republicans who are embarrassed to admit it.

And I can't really blame them.
If they give you a blank stare, they are full of crap. They call themselves Libertarians so they can just take shots at everyone and pretend to be above reproach.

I see it all the time. Sorta over these phonies.

You, sir, are a genius and spot on.
Libertarians are anarcho-capitalists. They allow the most wicked exploitation of humanity and greed to exist without a means for the workers to benefit fairly. I can embrace their concept of individual liberty, but not the total lack of protection from wage slavery. They also soundly reject Keynsian economics which allows the inflation of wealth so that it can be increased and spread out, rather than a finite economy that is limited by the supply of commodities like gold.
Libertarians are anarcho-capitalists. They allow the most wicked exploitation of humanity and greed to exist without a means for the workers to benefit fairly. I can embrace their concept of individual liberty, but not the total lack of protection from wage slavery. They also soundly reject Keynsian economics which allows the inflation of wealth so that it can be increased and spread out, rather than a finite economy that is limited by the supply of commodities like gold.
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
It is IMO. Hopefully that opinion becomes more popular and people demand real equity in exchange for a real devotion to human progress.

I just happen to believe human progress does not hinge on the stupid things Americans fight over the hardest.
I'm registered as "No Labels". Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies.
It seems that ususally people who lie about being libertarian are really just Democrats who want to be able to bash Republicans and then say, “I am a libertarian.”

If you are not a libertarian, do not say you are. It makes you look stupid as fuck.

If you claim to be a Libertarian, but spend all of your time bashing Trump but not Biden…you are just a run of the mill cult fuck who probably got vaxxed.

Oh yea…if you took the untested experimental gene therapy…you are definitely NOT a libertarian.
Naw, most libertarians are just republicans who are embarrassed to admit it.

And I can't really blame them.
OMG I think that too!

I have a question for Libertarians. Aren't Republicans worrying too much about inflation? Isn't their motto let the market decide? If people keep buying why should companies lower their prices?

So Libertarians need to see that the inflation we are dealing with now is mostly companies gouging us. The pandemic is over, shortages over, but they are charging us pandemic prices. They never lowered their prices after the pandemic. But what's the problem with that? They can charge as much as they want. It's consumers who can choose to buy or not.

So I don't want to hear a Libertarian complain about inflation. That's what we would get if they were ever put in charge. They claim after a while the market will work itself out.

But again that's not entirely true. That's why the Feds had to raise interest rates. To slow down spending to get inflation under check. People buying less, forcing companies to lower prices.

The saying is, you can't run government if you don't believe in government.

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