The NFL Clown Show with the so-called "black national anthem"

Wonder if Latino-Americans will demand their own National Anthem?
Asian-Americans? Native-Americans?

Blacks today believe the world revolves around them, and they demand their own E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!!!!!
Wonder if Latino-Americans will demand their own National Anthem?
Asian-Americans? Native-Americans?

Blacks today believe the world revolves around them, and they demand their own E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!!!!!

Won't happen. It's always about the blacks to the point non blacks are discriminated against.

Besides the Latinos and Asians either want to integrate into American society, or they want to be left alone to do their thing. So you won't ever see those groups complain about the anthem.

If blacks would just shut up they would be fine. The say they want to be treated as equals but they also say they want special treatment and attention. You can't be equal but demand special treatment.

So until blacks act like they are equal they can go spit for all I care.
Wonder if Latino-Americans will demand their own National Anthem?
Asian-Americans? Native-Americans?

Blacks today believe the world revolves around them, and they demand their own E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!!!!!
It's like everyone woke up after that civil rights stuff for signed in the 60's and they next day it was we want out own separate everything and a totally different culture that does not assimilate.
It's like everyone woke up after that civil rights stuff for signed in the 60's and they next day it was we want out own separate everything and a totally different culture that does not assimilate.
Its the lack of progress for blacks during the past 40 years that embarrassed them and forces a search for scapegoats
The same divisive, racially dividing Liberals and Democrats - who cheered and suported NFL players conned into kneeling and for Brittney Griner disrespecting this country and refusing to stand for our national anthem - before the US brought her ass home from being in a Russian prison - are losing their minds over Lake refusing to stand during the so-called 'Black National Anthem.

I am Native American. There is no 'Native American National Anthem.' There is no 'Black National Anthem', no 'Irish American National Anthem', no 'Asian American National Anthem', No 'Latino National Anthem'...There isn't any 'WHITE National Anthem'.

When I took my oath 35 years ago to protect and defend this nation there was 1 flag and only 1 oath.

I am with the OP.

There is only 1 official, unifying United States National Anthem.

I stand for it.
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The level of divisiveness continues, from the NFL to big corporations to the Democratic Party.

MLK holiday, black history month, and the even dumber juneteenth that is now a national holiday (a day that has no meaning outside of black slaves in Texas being informed by a Union General that Lincoln freed them), to reparation demands, now this.

We have ONE National Anthem, screw the NFL, and the rest of the dividers.


I'm loving that Kari Lake remained seated.

Conservatives triggered by gospel music...what else is new.....

Triggered by the works of one of our country's greatest poets -- James Weldon Johnson...

Triggered by verses like:

"Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;
Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,

Let us march on till victory is won"

Why does that trigger you conservatives so much?? What can possibly be bad about that verse?

Or did this verse trigger you.....

"Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee,
Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee;
Shadowed beneath Thy hand,
May we forever stand,
True to our God,

True to our native land"

Let me guess, if this was something written by a white guy, then suddenly it's a beautiful hymn for all to enjoy....but since it something written by a black guy, written for the purpose to encourage "AMERICANS" who were fighting the GOOD FIGHT......and who were on the RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY....suddenly its evil and anti-American? Fuck outta here...

Cool story bro. The reality is common sense dictates two national( do you understand the meaning of national) anthems divides instead of unites the country.

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