The NFL Is Losing Its Core Audience, a WSJ/NBC News Poll Finds

“Just 51% of men aged 18 to 49 say they follow the NFL closely, down from 75% four years ago.”

At a time like this, the NFL should be doing everything it can think of to strengthen its appeal to core demographics. But that isn’t quite the tack Roger Goodell has taken.

Ahead of Super Bowl, Poll Shows NFL Is Losing Its Core Audience

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Who gives a shit? Best thing in the world for the NFL and all the professional sports would be for them to be reduced to the silly games that they are. No athletes making more than a million a year. Renting college fields for their games. Then we would not be building and maintaining huge stadiums on the taxpayers dime while we cannot repair the water mains in our cities.
The NFL Is Losing Its Core Audience, a WSJ/NBC News Poll Finds
#1) - The concussions have taken a toll on popularity. Parents are not letting their kids play football.

#2) - People are pissed at how Colin Kaepernick has been treated.

#3) - People are finally waking up to the fact that football actually sucks, the commercial breaks are interminable, and baseball is much better.
I used to love NFL games and watched a lot of them. Today I rarely watch.

Too many rules, can't touch the QB, time-outs. It's like fucking touch-football these days.

The kneeling was also a huge turn off for me. Keep your politics off the job.
I used to love NFL games and watched a lot of them. Today I rarely watch.

Too many rules, can't touch the QB, time-outs. It's like fucking touch-football these days.

The kneeling was also a huge turn off for me. Keep your politics off the job.

Agree, but sports has been infiltrated with the national anthem bullshit for a hundred years now.
--- in baseball anyway, not sure about football. I doubt anyone who hadn't been to an actual NFL game knew they even played the anthem until Colin Kaepernick, since it's never been part of the telecast.

That's the hypocrisy of this fake issue --- wags whining about shit they weren't even aware of until some media master ordered them to be offended, and then they line up like sheep.
That's the hypocrisy of this fake issue --- wags whining about shit they weren't even aware of until some media master ordered them to be offended, and then they line up like sheep.
Well, it was pretty hard to miss once the players began using the anthem as a prop for their show-boating. At that point, it became the focal point of the afternoon, and the games became a secondary event. And, of course it was in the news non-stop for a long time. A lot of fans began wondering if the players cared enough about their jobs to even try to win. Their - the players' - political whining ruined the game for many fans, for quite a while.

On sports forums, the anger was unbelievable. Ticket holders pay a small fortune for tickets, many have had season tickets for decades, and to show up and have to watch a bunch of millionaire crybabies whine about how fucking oppressed they are was, understandably, hard to take.

On top of all that, the political whining tied into the BLM bullshit and all the riots that most Americans have long been sick of. It just seems like all this shit overflowed the toilet at the same time.

But I know, from reading active forums, that a lot of fans simply don't feel the same about the NFL anymore. It's sad. But the drama queen players seem to have poisoned their own Golden Goose. A lot of fans have lost all respect for the player/whiners, as well. I don't have any idea how things will work out, but the game has lost a lot of its attraction for a lot of people, imo.
I am going to watch the PAts slaughter the iggles in the SB, and evaluate again from there. Players have agreed to stop the bullshit; I want to see if they are good for their word, and if not adios NFL.

Because mindless robotic m0b mentality and doing what one is told is the prime directive.

That's the problem with you obsequious wimps. Y'all just can't handle the concept of critical thinking. Can't be happy without some authority figure ordering you around. :gay:
Are you going to throw a shoe at the TV when that old WW2 MoH recipient does the coin toss? Dishonoring the veterans and military was the whole purpose of the kneeling after all.

Follow the logic... TWO of you were watching the NFL. ONE of you stopped watching while ONE of you kept watching. Subtract ONE from TWO and how any are now watching the NFL?? Liberals. smh LOL
I hate math.
That's the hypocrisy of this fake issue --- wags whining about shit they weren't even aware of until some media master ordered them to be offended, and then they line up like sheep.
Well, it was pretty hard to miss once the players began using the anthem as a prop for their show-boating. At that point, it became the focal point of the afternoon, and the games became a secondary event. And, of course it was in the news non-stop for a long time. A lot of fans began wondering if the players cared enough about their jobs to even try to win. Their - the players' - political whining ruined the game for many fans, for quite a while.

On sports forums, the anger was unbelievable. Ticket holders pay a small fortune for tickets, many have had season tickets for decades, and to show up and have to watch a bunch of millionaire crybabies whine about how fucking oppressed they are was, understandably, hard to take.

On top of all that, the political whining tied into the BLM bullshit and all the riots that most Americans have long been sick of. It just seems like all this shit overflowed the toilet at the same time.

But I know, from reading active forums, that a lot of fans simply don't feel the same about the NFL anymore. It's sad. But the drama queen players seem to have poisoned their own Golden Goose. A lot of fans have lost all respect for the player/whiners, as well. I don't have any idea how things will work out, but the game has lost a lot of its attraction for a lot of people, imo.

Well you just basically detailed the same whining-on-cue I just noted. Before some media wag decided he could get some splash by photographing Colin Kaepernick sitting out the anthem, ordering the public to be "outraged" and thus requiring the public to be informed that the anthem even happened at football games in the first place --- Kaepernick was simply passively sitting it out, not making a splash at all. 'Twas the media who decided to manipulate it into a fake story. Creating conflict sells papers, and they know it. Doesn't matter if the basis of the conflict is illegitimate, as long as you can sell it to a gullible public.

The game itself, and the business of the game itself, is of course entirely separate from that, since sports has absolute zero to do with politics, and is if anything a popular antidote to politics. So we return to your original point of keeping the politics out of the sports. It's a worthy point but let's not delude ourselves about who put it in there in the first place. There is absolutely nothing in a baseball, football, basketball, hockey, soccer, etc etc etc game that requires or even suggests anybody's national anthem. Zero. It came in via somebody's agenda, and that agenda is to create obedient robots using a captive audience who came there for an entirely nonpolitical purpose.

So when Kaepernick sits it out in protest (and I do the same thing at baseball games), we too are making the same point --- "this is not the place for politics". And the only "disrespect" in that nonaction is toward that agenda of robotic mob mentality --- resistance to PTB marching in and ordering "you'll do what you're told or we'll fire the sumbitches". That's the antithesis of Free Thought, and it not only can but must be resisted.

The vitriol of guys like Purell above demonstrate how that mob mentality tries to enforce itself, crowing aimlessly about how "kneeling shows disrespect" or whatever. The fact is neither kneeling, standing, sitting or assuming a lotus position symbolizes "respect" or "disrespect" --- but picking one and declaring it does, symbolizes a mob mentality. And mob mentality by definition is coercion --- hence the hissyfits. Mob mentality is anathema to Freedom.

To date as far as I know the NFL is the only sports business that has returned the taxpayer money it was paid to pimp patriotism by the DoD when that scandal was exposed.
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Ever since the kneeling..........I haven't watched a single NFL game.
Nor have I. I'm making an exception today but I am not looking forward to it with the verve I have had in the past.
I am going to watch the PAts slaughter the iggles in the SB, and evaluate again from there. Players have agreed to stop the bullshit; I want to see if they are good for their word, and if not adios NFL.

Because mindless robotic m0b mentality and doing what one is told is the prime directive.

That's the problem with you obsequious wimps. Y'all just can't handle the concept of critical thinking. Can't be happy without some authority figure ordering you around. :gay:
Are you going to throw a shoe at the TV when that old WW2 MoH recipient does the coin toss? Dishonoring the veterans and military was the whole purpose of the kneeling after all.

Oh fucking bullshit, it was not.

And no I don't watch a fucking coin toss. I don't think it's even telecast. Again if I'm there I'm there for the game --- not fucking politics, not fake pimped patriotism, not Janet Fucking Jackson, not commercials and not endless talking heads milking it into an all-day orgy of selling shit. Just the game, period.

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