The Night of a Thousand Victims

Nobody knows how to fear monger and manufacture a victim like the Dumbocrats. Essentially, if you're not a conservative, they want to convince you that you are a victim and that only they can "rescue" you. Everyone who spoke at the DNC

Corey Booker attempted to turn all African-American's into victims. He did that by illustrating an astounding ignorance of American history.

Elizabeth Warren followed that up with the false narrative that the Republican Party is "dividing" the nation.

Then came Hitlery Clinton herself with a tear-jerker of a video about how little illegal alien children spend their time frightened and scared that the big, bad, Republican will come for them.

Throw in a disabled person or two with a sob story about how we'll all end up like them one day. Add it all together and you have the Dumbocrat "Night of a Thousand Victims". Where you are certain to perish unless you relinquish all control, liberty, and wealth to the Dumbocrats.

DNC: The Night of a Thousand Victims
Remember this one? Clinton Administration and Janet Reno:
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Your only victims are the welfare stricken, inbred poor white trash that keep voting for the GOP even as they take away their welfare.
Anyone else notice how the ignorant libtards can't post a single sentence without a racist comment? Race has been so drilled into them by their masters it's like muscle memory for them. Automatic racism without thought.

I have been seeing this a lot from lefties.

I have adopted a policy of treating people with the same level of respect that they show me.

But time and time again, lefties personally attack me with vile lies, often racist lies, such as being an "inbred Cleetus" as per Joe.

I respond appropriately by calling them well deserved names, such as "asshole" for that describes the type of people who act like them, and they are

COMPLETELY SURPRISED that I insulted them.

They often deny that they have insulted me, even after I cut and paste the post where they did it.

They are bat shit crazy assholes.
Nobody knows how to fear monger and manufacture a victim like the Dumbocrats. Essentially, if you're not a conservative, they want to convince you that you are a victim and that only they can "rescue" you. Everyone who spoke at the DNC

Corey Booker attempted to turn all African-American's into victims. He did that by illustrating an astounding ignorance of American history.

Elizabeth Warren followed that up with the false narrative that the Republican Party is "dividing" the nation.

Then came Hitlery Clinton herself with a tear-jerker of a video about how little illegal alien children spend their time frightened and scared that the big, bad, Republican will come for them.

Throw in a disabled person or two with a sob story about how we'll all end up like them one day. Add it all together and you have the Dumbocrat "Night of a Thousand Victims". Where you are certain to perish unless you relinquish all control, liberty, and wealth to the Dumbocrats.

DNC: The Night of a Thousand Victims
Remember this one? Clinton Administration and Janet Reno:

Lest we forget!!!

We can understand Mr. Clinton wanting to defend himself, but as usual he can't get his own facts straight. His introduction of Somalia here is one of those breathtakingly brazen attempts to dodge responsibility for which Mr. Clinton is justly famous. Here's the real history:

President Bush the Elder sent U.S. forces into Somalia in December 1992 to aid the United Nations in relieving a massive famine. In May of 1993, four months into his term, President Clinton declared that mission accomplished and pulled out most of the U.S. forces. In a speech on the South Lawn to associate himself with the effort, he extolled the decision to intervene: "If all of you who served had not gone, it is absolutely certain that tens of thousands would have died by now." It was a "successful mission," he said, and "proved yet again that American leadership can help to mobilize international action ..."

But back in Somalia, with no U.S. deterrent, Somalia's warlords began fighting again. After a series of bloody attacks on U.N. peacekeepers, Mr. Clinton launched a new mission: In August 1993, he sent in a force of Rangers and Special Forces units to capture the brutal warlord Mohammad Farrah Aidid and restore order.

That force asked for heavy armor -- in the form of Abrams tanks and Bradley armored vehicles -- as well as the AC-130 gunship, but the Clinton Administration denied those requests. On October 3 on a mission to pick up Aidid, two Black Hawks were unexpectedly shot down; in the ensuing urban gun battle, 18 American soldiers were killed and another 73 injured.

Many military experts believe that if the U.S. forces had had armor, fewer would have died. Secretary of Defense Les Aspin resigned two months after Somalia, having acknowledged that his decision on the armor had been an error. A 1994 Senate Armed Services Committee investigation reached the same conclusion. But perhaps the most poignant statement came from retired Lieutenant Colonel Larry Joyce, father of Sergeant Casey Joyce, a Ranger killed in Mogadishu: "Had there been armor ... I contend that my son would probably be alive today ..."

Mr. Clinton's responsibility in Somalia doesn't stop there. Despite the mistakes that October day, Aidid had been struck a blow. The U.S. military, with 18 dead, wanted nothing more than to finish what it had started. Mr. Clinton instead aborted the mission. The U.S. released the criminals it had captured that same day at such great cost, and the U.N., lacking U.S. support, was powerless to keep order. Somalia remains a lawless, impoverished nation. Worse, the terrorists of al Qaeda interpreted the U.S. retreat from Somalia as a sign of American weakness that may have convinced them we could be induced to retreat from the Middle East if they took their attacks to the U.S. homeland.

Clinton's Black Hawk History

Rwanda as well and who can forget Waco!!?

Nobody knows how to fear monger and manufacture a victim like the Dumbocrats. Essentially, if you're not a conservative, they want to convince you that you are a victim and that only they can "rescue" you. Everyone who spoke at the DNC

Corey Booker attempted to turn all African-American's into victims. He did that by illustrating an astounding ignorance of American history.

Elizabeth Warren followed that up with the false narrative that the Republican Party is "dividing" the nation.

Then came Hitlery Clinton herself with a tear-jerker of a video about how little illegal alien children spend their time frightened and scared that the big, bad, Republican will come for them.

Throw in a disabled person or two with a sob story about how we'll all end up like them one day. Add it all together and you have the Dumbocrat "Night of a Thousand Victims". Where you are certain to perish unless you relinquish all control, liberty, and wealth to the Dumbocrats.

DNC: The Night of a Thousand Victims

And Trump isn't all about how bad off Americans are?


The Economic Effects of our trade and immigration policy are not "fear mongering" but real issues.

AND he is not trying to divide his supporters AGAINST other Americans, but to unite America behind policy that will be better for America as a WHOLE, and thus most Americans together.

There, I seriously and honestly responded to your post. Now I await to see how you misrepresent my point and then attack the strawman you created.
Nobody knows how to fear monger and manufacture a victim like the Dumbocrats. Essentially, if you're not a conservative, they want to convince you that you are a victim and that only they can "rescue" you. Everyone who spoke at the DNC

Corey Booker attempted to turn all African-American's into victims. He did that by illustrating an astounding ignorance of American history.

Elizabeth Warren followed that up with the false narrative that the Republican Party is "dividing" the nation.

Then came Hitlery Clinton herself with a tear-jerker of a video about how little illegal alien children spend their time frightened and scared that the big, bad, Republican will come for them.

Throw in a disabled person or two with a sob story about how we'll all end up like them one day. Add it all together and you have the Dumbocrat "Night of a Thousand Victims". Where you are certain to perish unless you relinquish all control, liberty, and wealth to the Dumbocrats.

DNC: The Night of a Thousand Victims
Remember this one? Clinton Administration and Janet Reno:

That child's presence in America was an embarrassment to Communist Cuba and thus to American Leftists.

He had to be removed at all costs, and sent back to the Workers Paradise to show that Cuba was/is a normal everyday nation, despite being a totalitarian dystopia,
Nobody knows how to fear monger and manufacture a victim like the Dumbocrats. Essentially, if you're not a conservative, they want to convince you that you are a victim and that only they can "rescue" you. Everyone who spoke at the DNC

Corey Booker attempted to turn all African-American's into victims. He did that by illustrating an astounding ignorance of American history.

Elizabeth Warren followed that up with the false narrative that the Republican Party is "dividing" the nation.

Then came Hitlery Clinton herself with a tear-jerker of a video about how little illegal alien children spend their time frightened and scared that the big, bad, Republican will come for them.

Throw in a disabled person or two with a sob story about how we'll all end up like them one day. Add it all together and you have the Dumbocrat "Night of a Thousand Victims". Where you are certain to perish unless you relinquish all control, liberty, and wealth to the Dumbocrats.

DNC: The Night of a Thousand Victims

And Trump isn't all about how bad off Americans are?

Nobody knows how to fear monger and manufacture a victim like the Dumbocrats. Essentially, if you're not a conservative, they want to convince you that you are a victim and that only they can "rescue" you. Everyone who spoke at the DNC

Corey Booker attempted to turn all African-American's into victims. He did that by illustrating an astounding ignorance of American history.

Elizabeth Warren followed that up with the false narrative that the Republican Party is "dividing" the nation.

Then came Hitlery Clinton herself with a tear-jerker of a video about how little illegal alien children spend their time frightened and scared that the big, bad, Republican will come for them.

Throw in a disabled person or two with a sob story about how we'll all end up like them one day. Add it all together and you have the Dumbocrat "Night of a Thousand Victims". Where you are certain to perish unless you relinquish all control, liberty, and wealth to the Dumbocrats.

DNC: The Night of a Thousand Victims

Thanks for the bedtime chuckle. You people are truly deranged.

You baying at the moon again?? It is what one expects from a b!tch!!

No shit it's the democrats always brining up the past and race...Republicans get blamed because we don't do that....ironically we are the ones who have progressed beyond that shit
Well we don't need to manufacture victims for our platform - so it makes no sense to focus on skin color. The regressives have been permanently stuck in the late 1800's. Fierce hatred of African-American's. Deep love for Karl Marx. Blind obedience to propaganda.
Your only victims are the welfare stricken, inbred poor white trash that keep voting for the GOP even as they take away their welfare.

Oh you mean people who get jobs and create jobs.....its you the like the welfare users.....and as for white support the Clintons

..I dont...Monica you know where this cigar goes!
Youre on welfare so you dont create jobs.unless you mean they hire more case workers for you.

So you belittle those on welfare by proxy yet you are supposed to support the poor?? Yoe got big probs, hon!!! lmao

Nobody knows how to fear monger and manufacture a victim like the Dumbocrats. Essentially, if you're not a conservative, they want to convince you that you are a victim and that only they can "rescue" you. Everyone who spoke at the DNC

Corey Booker attempted to turn all African-American's into victims. He did that by illustrating an astounding ignorance of American history.

Elizabeth Warren followed that up with the false narrative that the Republican Party is "dividing" the nation.

Then came Hitlery Clinton herself with a tear-jerker of a video about how little illegal alien children spend their time frightened and scared that the big, bad, Republican will come for them.

Throw in a disabled person or two with a sob story about how we'll all end up like them one day. Add it all together and you have the Dumbocrat "Night of a Thousand Victims". Where you are certain to perish unless you relinquish all control, liberty, and wealth to the Dumbocrats.

DNC: The Night of a Thousand Victims

And Trump isn't all about how bad off Americans are?

Well first of all - Donald Trump is an idiot. Why would you point to an idiot to support a position?

Second of all - Trump's only point is how bad off America is with the Dumbocrats in control (which is true). The Dumbocrats point is how all of humanity is going to perish unless the people relinquish all control, liberty, and wealth to them.
Another prime example of the liberal propaganda campaign...

The left-wing lie:
Muslims are the most amazing people - even sacrificing their lives for America.

The reality:
Of the 2.2 million men and women who make up the armed forces - a paltry 6,000 are of the muslim faith. If you do the math - that is 0.002%. But that's not the worst part. The Khan family works for a law firm which has ties to Hitlery Clinton (responsible for her taxes) and Mr. Kahn supports Sharia Law.

Only a thousand victims? I thought it was at least 200 million.

Yes this is a time tested platform of the Democratic Party "you are a victim and if you vote for me I'm going to get the white republican male that did this to you". It works like a charm.
No shit it's the democrats always brining up the past and race...Republicans get blamed because we don't do that....ironically we are the ones who have progressed beyond that shit
Well we don't need to manufacture victims for our platform - so it makes no sense to focus on skin color. The regressives have been permanently stuck in the late 1800's. Fierce hatred of African-American's. Deep love for Karl Marx. Blind obedience to propaganda.
Your only victims are the welfare stricken, inbred poor white trash that keep voting for the GOP even as they take away their welfare.
When was their welfare taken away? Seems to me that unlike SS, welfare receives a COLA every year. So exactly what are you talking about?
Only a thousand victims? I thought it was at least 200 million.

Yes this is a time tested platform of the Democratic Party "you are a victim and if you vote for me I'm going to get the white republican male that did this to you". It works like a charm.

Those people that the democrats call victims are, in my opinion, actual victims. Victims of the last 8 years of democrat leadership.
Nobody knows how to fear monger and manufacture a victim like the Dumbocrats. Essentially, if you're not a conservative, they want to convince you that you are a victim and that only they can "rescue" you. Everyone who spoke at the DNC

Corey Booker attempted to turn all African-American's into victims. He did that by illustrating an astounding ignorance of American history.

Elizabeth Warren followed that up with the false narrative that the Republican Party is "dividing" the nation.

Then came Hitlery Clinton herself with a tear-jerker of a video about how little illegal alien children spend their time frightened and scared that the big, bad, Republican will come for them.

Throw in a disabled person or two with a sob story about how we'll all end up like them one day. Add it all together and you have the Dumbocrat "Night of a Thousand Victims". Where you are certain to perish unless you relinquish all control, liberty, and wealth to the Dumbocrats.

DNC: The Night of a Thousand Victims
These third world types just aren't smart enough to vote gop (sarcasm)

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