The Nikki Haley for president thread!!!!

True, but I'll be more favorably impressed if she does it in 2020.

That's not going to happen.

She could have a serious shot, post-Trump. Trying to challenge him will kill any chance of that, and she knows it.

That's exactly why I would be more favorably impressed. It would show that she has some cojones. Metaphorically speaking of course.

Besides which, if she were to challenge unsuccessfully in '20 it doesn't necessarily kill her future, particularly if Rump subsequently crashes and burns even worse than he's already doing. At that point the public conclusion is more like "guess we should have gone with Haley". And considering Rump's track record thus far, crashing and burning is a distinct possibility even before 2020.

So granted it would be a gamble, but it might just pay off.

Trump shouldn't run again in 2020, no point in it...he already did everything he needed to do.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda.


What "should" happen is irrelevant.

Trump will run for reelection, whether or not you think he should.
I doubt I'd vote for her, if she ran. But I wouldn't be upset if she won, either.

She's got quite a cross to bear, but if she can get our from under it, I could see her winning in 2024 or 2028.

True, but I'll be more favorably impressed if she does it in 2020.

That's not going to happen.

She could have a serious shot, post-Trump. Trying to challenge him will kill any chance of that, and she knows it.

That's exactly why I would be more favorably impressed. It would show that she has some cojones. Metaphorically speaking of course.

Besides which, if she were to challenge unsuccessfully in '20 it doesn't necessarily kill her future, particularly if Rump subsequently crashes and burns even worse than he's already doing. At that point the public conclusion is more like "guess we should have gone with Haley". And considering Rump's track record thus far, crashing and burning is a distinct possibility even before 2020.

So granted it would be a gamble, but it might just pay off.

Trump shouldn't run again in 2020, no point in it...he already did everything he needed to do.

We agree on that. I've been saying for three years, his goal was yet-more-orange-face-time for Numero Uno.
And since the unwashed and the media can't stop gawking at a freak show, he got it.

There's nothing left for him to do. Not even another campaign, which just wouldn't have the shock value of the first one because it's been done.

Exactly pogo, he will get slaughtered in 2020, the left will be out voting in full force just to get rid of him regardless what more good he can do ...
That's not going to happen.

She could have a serious shot, post-Trump. Trying to challenge him will kill any chance of that, and she knows it.

That's exactly why I would be more favorably impressed. It would show that she has some cojones. Metaphorically speaking of course.

Besides which, if she were to challenge unsuccessfully in '20 it doesn't necessarily kill her future, particularly if Rump subsequently crashes and burns even worse than he's already doing. At that point the public conclusion is more like "guess we should have gone with Haley". And considering Rump's track record thus far, crashing and burning is a distinct possibility even before 2020.

So granted it would be a gamble, but it might just pay off.

Trump shouldn't run again in 2020, no point in it...he already did everything he needed to do.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda.


What "should" happen is irrelevant.

Trump will run for reelection, whether or not you think he should.

It's foolish ...
That's exactly why I would be more favorably impressed. It would show that she has some cojones. Metaphorically speaking of course.

Besides which, if she were to challenge unsuccessfully in '20 it doesn't necessarily kill her future, particularly if Rump subsequently crashes and burns even worse than he's already doing. At that point the public conclusion is more like "guess we should have gone with Haley". And considering Rump's track record thus far, crashing and burning is a distinct possibility even before 2020.

So granted it would be a gamble, but it might just pay off.

Trump shouldn't run again in 2020, no point in it...he already did everything he needed to do.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda.


What "should" happen is irrelevant.

Trump will run for reelection, whether or not you think he should.

It's foolish ...

I think he'll lose in 2020, but I don't know if it's foolish for him to run.

Particularly when I try to put myself in Trump's shoes, I'm certain he'll do it.
I didn't know lake Murray in South Carolina was this big. One of these days got to go down there and go fishing..

View attachment 193274

Yeah, I would (from what I know now), defiantly vote for Nikki.

Every single time I've seen, or heard her speak, I've been rather impressed.

That said, I don't know her true beliefs on a ton of things, but I would clearly give her a fair shake.

She is my damn idol as a politician ... no one comes close to her.

You people get dumber with every cycle. But hey, she's certainly no less (or more) qualified than the fat cheeto you voted for last time.

I didn't know lake Murray in South Carolina was this big. One of these days got to go down there and go fishing..

View attachment 193274

Yeah, I would (from what I know now), defiantly vote for Nikki.

Every single time I've seen, or heard her speak, I've been rather impressed.

That said, I don't know her true beliefs on a ton of things, but I would clearly give her a fair shake.

She is my damn idol as a politician ... no one comes close to her.

You people get dumber with every cycle. But hey, she's certainly no less (or more) qualified than the fat cheeto you voted for last time.

View attachment 193446

We are dumb? I bet to differ we know the constitution ...

Article II Section 1 Clause 5:
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
Trump shouldn't run again in 2020, no point in it...he already did everything he needed to do.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda.


What "should" happen is irrelevant.

Trump will run for reelection, whether or not you think he should.

It's foolish ...

I think he'll lose in 2020, but I don't know if it's foolish for him to run.

Particularly when I try to put myself in Trump's shoes, I'm certain he'll do it.

I couldn't even fathom to put myself in trumps shoes, I don't have that big of an ego or live in fantasy land..
I didn't know lake Murray in South Carolina was this big. One of these days got to go down there and go fishing..

View attachment 193274

Yeah, I would (from what I know now), defiantly vote for Nikki.

Every single time I've seen, or heard her speak, I've been rather impressed.

That said, I don't know her true beliefs on a ton of things, but I would clearly give her a fair shake.

She is my damn idol as a politician ... no one comes close to her.

You people get dumber with every cycle. But hey, she's certainly no less (or more) qualified than the fat cheeto you voted for last time.

View attachment 193446

We are dumb? I bet to differ we know the constitution ...

Article II Section 1 Clause 5:
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Haley was born in South Carolina. That her parents were not is irrelevant.
I didn't know lake Murray in South Carolina was this big. One of these days got to go down there and go fishing..

View attachment 193274

Yeah, I would (from what I know now), defiantly vote for Nikki.

Every single time I've seen, or heard her speak, I've been rather impressed.

That said, I don't know her true beliefs on a ton of things, but I would clearly give her a fair shake.

She is my damn idol as a politician ... no one comes close to her.

You people get dumber with every cycle. But hey, she's certainly no less (or more) qualified than the fat cheeto you voted for last time.

Virtually the entire over-35 natural-born citizenry of the United States is more qualified than a con artist who's literally never even held a job in his life, so she's certainly "more" even if it's that low of a bar.

What "should" happen is irrelevant.

Trump will run for reelection, whether or not you think he should.

It's foolish ...

I think he'll lose in 2020, but I don't know if it's foolish for him to run.

Particularly when I try to put myself in Trump's shoes, I'm certain he'll do it.

I couldn't even fathom to put myself in trumps shoes, I don't have that big of an ego or live in fantasy land..

Of course not. But use that as a starting point.

Taking into account an ego as enormous as Trumps, combined with the fantasy land that he lives it - do you doubt for a second that he'll run for re-election?
I didn't know lake Murray in South Carolina was this big. One of these days got to go down there and go fishing..

View attachment 193274

Yeah, I would (from what I know now), defiantly vote for Nikki.

Every single time I've seen, or heard her speak, I've been rather impressed.

That said, I don't know her true beliefs on a ton of things, but I would clearly give her a fair shake.

She is my damn idol as a politician ... no one comes close to her.

You people get dumber with every cycle. But hey, she's certainly no less (or more) qualified than the fat cheeto you voted for last time.

Virtually the entire over-35 natural-born citizenry of the United States is more qualified than a con artist who's literally never even held a job in his life, so she's certainly "more" even if it's that low of a bar.

Again pogo the only qualifications are is the ones in the constitution..what you say is pure opinion and doesn't matrer.

What "should" happen is irrelevant.

Trump will run for reelection, whether or not you think he should.

It's foolish ...

I think he'll lose in 2020, but I don't know if it's foolish for him to run.

Particularly when I try to put myself in Trump's shoes, I'm certain he'll do it.

I couldn't even fathom to put myself in trumps shoes, I don't have that big of an ego or live in fantasy land..

Of course not. But use that as a starting point.

Taking into account an ego as enormous as Trumps, combined with the fantasy land that he lives it - do you doubt for a second that he'll run for re-election?

True the idiot once said he would gladly talk to Mueller . Doesn't he even know he can't tell the truth?

What "should" happen is irrelevant.

Trump will run for reelection, whether or not you think he should.

It's foolish ...

I think he'll lose in 2020, but I don't know if it's foolish for him to run.

Particularly when I try to put myself in Trump's shoes, I'm certain he'll do it.

I couldn't even fathom to put myself in trumps shoes, I don't have that big of an ego or live in fantasy land..

Of course not. But use that as a starting point.

Taking into account an ego as enormous as Trumps, combined with the fantasy land that he lives it - do you doubt for a second that he'll run for re-election?

Not if he can figure a way out of it, sez I. I don't think he wants or ever wanted the baggage of the job, just the adulation. Given that as his goal, what would be in a re-election that he doesn't already have, aside from the very real chance of massive rejection? Even given his level of self-delusion he must acknowledge down deep that he squeaked through a perfect storm and the odds of repeating that are infinitesimal.

For one (main) thing, the gig involves heavy responsibility, and responsibility is exactly what Rump has spent a lifetime avoiding. Bowing out after one term gives him one of his favorite crutches: the persecution complex to blame the FBI, the Constitution, his various hangers-on, the media, the polls, his doctor after a revised dictated press release, everybody but himself. And to some degree he'll sell it the same way he sold "three million illegals" and "fake news".

Perhaps "a generic" POTUS in his first term would "certainly" run for a second even if he was Herbert Hoover. But Rump is anything but typical.
Last edited:
I didn't know lake Murray in South Carolina was this big. One of these days got to go down there and go fishing..

View attachment 193274

Yeah, I would (from what I know now), defiantly vote for Nikki.

Every single time I've seen, or heard her speak, I've been rather impressed.

That said, I don't know her true beliefs on a ton of things, but I would clearly give her a fair shake.

She is my damn idol as a politician ... no one comes close to her.

You people get dumber with every cycle. But hey, she's certainly no less (or more) qualified than the fat cheeto you voted for last time.

Virtually the entire over-35 natural-born citizenry of the United States is more qualified than a con artist who's literally never even held a job in his life, so she's certainly "more" even if it's that low of a bar.

Again pogo the only qualifications are is the ones in the constitution..what you say is pure opinion and doesn't matrer.

That was a longwinded way of taking issue with the post and making the assertion that Nikki Haley is certainly more qualified than Rump is.

And I think you already agree.
Yeah, I would (from what I know now), defiantly vote for Nikki.

Every single time I've seen, or heard her speak, I've been rather impressed.

That said, I don't know her true beliefs on a ton of things, but I would clearly give her a fair shake.

She is my damn idol as a politician ... no one comes close to her.

You people get dumber with every cycle. But hey, she's certainly no less (or more) qualified than the fat cheeto you voted for last time.

Virtually the entire over-35 natural-born citizenry of the United States is more qualified than a con artist who's literally never even held a job in his life, so she's certainly "more" even if it's that low of a bar.

Again pogo the only qualifications are is the ones in the constitution..what you say is pure opinion and doesn't matrer.

That was a longwinded way of taking issue with the post and making the assertion that Nikki Haley is certainly more qualified than Rump is.

And I think you already agree.

But maybe Trump was the best clown for the job after Bill, Bush jr, Obama we finnaly revert back to normal presidents and stop lowering the bar
She is my damn idol as a politician ... no one comes close to her.

You people get dumber with every cycle. But hey, she's certainly no less (or more) qualified than the fat cheeto you voted for last time.

Virtually the entire over-35 natural-born citizenry of the United States is more qualified than a con artist who's literally never even held a job in his life, so she's certainly "more" even if it's that low of a bar.

Again pogo the only qualifications are is the ones in the constitution..what you say is pure opinion and doesn't matrer.

That was a longwinded way of taking issue with the post and making the assertion that Nikki Haley is certainly more qualified than Rump is.

And I think you already agree.

But maybe Trump was the best clown for the job after Bill, Bush jr, Obama we finnaly revert back to normal presidents and stop lowering the bar

Certainly not the "best" anything, but also the one who could sell the most bullshit to the most suckers. The RP saw that and sold out.

That said, I don't think we'll be lowering the bar while the Duopoly continues to reign. As long as they're the only game in town, neither side has any incentive to run quality. All each one has to do is run "at least I'm not the other guy". And that's why we end up holding our collective nose and voting for Bad Candy to prevent Worse Candy.
You people get dumber with every cycle. But hey, she's certainly no less (or more) qualified than the fat cheeto you voted for last time.

Virtually the entire over-35 natural-born citizenry of the United States is more qualified than a con artist who's literally never even held a job in his life, so she's certainly "more" even if it's that low of a bar.

Again pogo the only qualifications are is the ones in the constitution..what you say is pure opinion and doesn't matrer.

That was a longwinded way of taking issue with the post and making the assertion that Nikki Haley is certainly more qualified than Rump is.

And I think you already agree.

But maybe Trump was the best clown for the job after Bill, Bush jr, Obama we finnaly revert back to normal presidents and stop lowering the bar

Certainly not the "best" anything, but also the one who could sell the most bullshit to the most suckers. The RP saw that and sold out.

That said, I don't think we'll be lowering the bar while the Duopoly continues to reign. As long as they're the only game in town, neither side has any incentive to run quality. All each one has to do is run "at least I'm not the other guy". And that's why we end up holding our collective nose and voting for Bad Candy to prevent Worse Candy.

Initial results make you appear un-informed. Trump ideas are causing prosperity in the USA and maybe into the rest of the world. He works almost non-stop 18 hour days. with 90% working against him, Nothing like him since I have been paying attention. God bless the Great Donald. You should be thankful.
Virtually the entire over-35 natural-born citizenry of the United States is more qualified than a con artist who's literally never even held a job in his life, so she's certainly "more" even if it's that low of a bar.

Again pogo the only qualifications are is the ones in the constitution..what you say is pure opinion and doesn't matrer.

That was a longwinded way of taking issue with the post and making the assertion that Nikki Haley is certainly more qualified than Rump is.

And I think you already agree.

But maybe Trump was the best clown for the job after Bill, Bush jr, Obama we finnaly revert back to normal presidents and stop lowering the bar

Certainly not the "best" anything, but also the one who could sell the most bullshit to the most suckers. The RP saw that and sold out.

That said, I don't think we'll be lowering the bar while the Duopoly continues to reign. As long as they're the only game in town, neither side has any incentive to run quality. All each one has to do is run "at least I'm not the other guy". And that's why we end up holding our collective nose and voting for Bad Candy to prevent Worse Candy.

Initial results make you appear un-informed. Trump ideas are causing prosperity in the USA and maybe into the rest of the world. He works almost non-stop 18 hour days. with 90% working against him, Nothing like him since I have been paying attention. God bless the Great Donald. You should be thankful.

Yyyyeah I don't think sitting up all wee hours of the night sending whiny tweets about paranoid fantasies counts as "working". And since I'm invested in the stock market I've been watching that "prosperity".

This was a joke post and I didn't get the irony, right?
Again pogo the only qualifications are is the ones in the constitution..what you say is pure opinion and doesn't matrer.

That was a longwinded way of taking issue with the post and making the assertion that Nikki Haley is certainly more qualified than Rump is.

And I think you already agree.

But maybe Trump was the best clown for the job after Bill, Bush jr, Obama we finnaly revert back to normal presidents and stop lowering the bar

Certainly not the "best" anything, but also the one who could sell the most bullshit to the most suckers. The RP saw that and sold out.

That said, I don't think we'll be lowering the bar while the Duopoly continues to reign. As long as they're the only game in town, neither side has any incentive to run quality. All each one has to do is run "at least I'm not the other guy". And that's why we end up holding our collective nose and voting for Bad Candy to prevent Worse Candy.

Initial results make you appear un-informed. Trump ideas are causing prosperity in the USA and maybe into the rest of the world. He works almost non-stop 18 hour days. with 90% working against him, Nothing like him since I have been paying attention. God bless the Great Donald. You should be thankful.

Yyyyeah I don't think sitting up all wee hours of the night sending whiny tweets about paranoid fantasies counts as "working". And since I'm invested in the stock market I've been watching that "prosperity".

This was a joke post and I didn't get the irony, right?

DJT started working almost non-stop in 2015 to win the Presidency (save America). For you to not acknowledge a 70 year old (5 different state rallies on day) make me put you in the too far gone camp. Some, they can't be helped. Good day to you. Hmmmf

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