The Nine Political Groups of the USA


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The USA self identifies as 20-25% liberal, 30-35% moderate, and 40-45% conservative.

Liberals break down into two groups, McGovernish Liberals ~13% vrs Marxist leftists ~11%.

Moderates break down into three groups, Left of Center Moderates, Right of Center Moderates, and Classic Centrists each of these fairly equally divided.

Conservatives fall into four groups; Traditionalists ~25%, War Hawks ~10%, Libertarians ~2% and Old Guard Establishment ~8% which detests Trump. The last three have been allied for the last twenty years and pretty much control the GOP, or did until Trump in 2016. Now that is all in flux.

Trump is so threatening to the liberals, Marxist and Republican Establishment that he is the focal point of a realignment of our political system. He is more like FDR, Woodrow Wilson, Andrew Jackson, Lincoln or Jefferson in this respect and a very polarizing character.

The strength of the McGovernish Libs has been their ability to get the votes of a whole bunch of moderates to come in and support them in the primaries. But the normal liberal institutions that would assist them in this effort have gone over to the Marxists, partly as a reaction to Trump and so fewer Centrists are willing to engage with Democrats any more.

The elections this fall are going to shock many Liberals all over again.

But will the Democrats learn or keep on repeating their same mistake of targeting the Marxists and Never Trumpers of our population?

Until Democrats pull their heads out of their asses and really expand their base, Republicans will continue to expand their political power.

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