The Northwest Snowpack Trend of the Past Fifty Years: The Truth May Surprise You

Media lies and errors dept.

No Climate Emergency here :cool:

The Northwest Snowpack Trend of the Past Fifty Years: The Truth May Surprise You​

March 21, 2021


The media is full of stories suggesting that global warming has greatly reduced the mountain snowpack in the Pacific Northwest.

Activist "climate justice" groups like 350Seattle have taken the snowpack loss claims even further, suggesting the current snowpack is "half what it should be":

View attachment 615271

But the truth, backed by observations, contradicts such apocalyptic descriptions, as I will show you in the blog.

A more telling excerpt from the link;
Yes, there are some random, low snow-depth years (like 2015), but no trend is apparent during the period when global warming has been greatest.

Another measure of the amount of frozen water in a snowpack is called snow water equivalent (SWE). The OWSC website has a nice tool to plot the change in SWE, and I have done so for 1980 to 2019 (see below).

None of the changes are significant (small circles), and when there are trends, most of them are green (increasing snowpack). And such increasing snowpack is true at varied elevations.
BTW, several interesting charts of past fifty year snow packs precede the above excerpt, and a map follows. Such as ...

So the inescapable conclusion based upon snowpack observations is that there has been little trend in the amount of snow in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest during a period in which CO2 has been rising fairly rapidly and when global temperatures are going up.
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It should come as no surprise that the blogger agrees with and assumes the truth of the most robust scientific theory in history: AGW

It should also come as no surprise that he undermines the running denier talking points of the goofy deniers like the OP.

After all, Cliff Mass is a PhD and a working research scientist, while the OP is an uneducated slob with no experience or education in any related field.

You guys really should see this coming a mile away.
As citizens, voters, and taxpayers we elect our representatives and leaders whom will make policy one way or the other on this; ACC/AGW, along with other issues. Often the average citizen is more knowledgeable and informed than the elected politician. Since some suggested legslation and policies in dealing with the hypothesis of ACC/AGW can have significant impact on the economy and life styles, all citizens should have a vested interest in how such are determined and what course they will follow.

Cliff Mass isn't the only PhD and "working research scientist" here in the PNW weighing in on this topic.
Dr. Don J. Easterbrook, Emeritus Professor of Geology,
Western Washington University
Dr. Easterbrook received BS, MS, and PhD degrees in geology from the University of Washington and taught for 40 years at Western Washington University where he has conducted research on ancient and recent global climate change in western North America, New Zealand, Argentina, and various other parts of the world.

He has written a dozen books,185 papers in professional journals, and has presented 30 research papers at international meetings in over 12 countries. In the past decade, he has published five books and 35 peer–reviewed papers in professional scientific journals.
Dr. Easterbrook's research activities related to climate change include causes of climate change, correlation of glacial fluctuations, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, climate, and solar variation, temp changes using oxygen isotope data from the Greenland ice core, effect of CO2 on climate change, and geologic history of climate changes.
This is one of many click links on his homepage, in this case listing dozens of papers/articles countering the propaganda of the pro-ACC/AGW fascists.

Research » Global Climate Change​

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Another excerpt from Easterbrook;
Atmospheric CO 2 is a non-toxic, colorless, odorless trace gas that constitutes a tiny, tiny portion of the Earth’s atmosphere, making up only ~0.038% of the Earth’s atmosphere (Fig. 10). In every 100,000 molecules of air, 78,000 are nitrogen, 21,000 are oxygen, 2,000 to 4,000 are water vapor, and only 30 are carbon dioxide.
CO2 as a greenhouse gas

Water vapor accounts for about 95% of the greenhouse gas, with CO 2, methane, and a few other gases making up the remaining 5%. The greenhouse effect from CO2 is only about 3.6% (Fig. 11). The greenhouse effect of CO 2 decreases exponentially, so the rise in atmospheric CO2 from about 0.030% in 1950 to .038% in 2008 could have caused warming of only about 0.1° C. The total increase in CO 2 of the atmosphere since about 1945 has been 0.008%, which amounts to less than 1 molecule of CO2 per 10,000 molecules of air.
Is Global Warming Caused by Rising CO2?

No tangible, physical evidence exis ts for a cause–and–effect relationship between changing atmospheric CO 2 and global temperature changes over the last 150 years. The fact that CO 2 is a greenhouse gas and that CO 2 has increased doesn’t prove that CO 2 has caused the warming phases observed from 1915 to 1945 and 1977 to 1998. As shown by isotope measurements from ice cores in Greenland and Antarctica and by measurements of atmospheric CO 2 during El
Nino warming, oceans emit more CO2 into the atmosphere during climatic warming. The ice core records indicate that after the last Ice Age, temperatures rose for about 600–800 years before atmospheric CO 2 rose, showing that climatic warming caused CO2 to rise, not vice versa. The present high level of atmospheric CO2 may be the result of human input,
but the contribution that it makes to global warming is very small.
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