The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

Sorry, but it is.

No, it's not. In fact, thanks to you guys, support for gun control is now at higher rates than before you began your campaign to defend school shooters and the gun industry.

The left are 100% responsible for groups such as the Alt-right gaining prominence, and more and more people every day are starting to sympathize with the cause. So keep up what you're doing. There's literal fascist marches of hundreds of people happening in Italy and in various European countries, thanks to suicidal leftist policies.

No. Moderates aren't driven to hard-right positions based on the actions of liberals anymore than a woman drives her Conservative husband to beat her because of her actions.

"Look what you made me do" is how abusers see the world. Which means you're an abuser. So when did you stop beating your wife?
See, that's what Nazi Conservatives do; they intentionally distort and conflate topics to create a debate of non-sequiturs and diversions from their own inherent Nazism.
There are about 140 deflection posts on this thread. The wagons are being circled around the anti Semitic NRA.

Not at all.. This wagon is leaving your trolling senseless ranting screed. Because it only validates your attempt at foreign intervention into American politics. If you're continue declaring victory, based on political SPIN from the Forward and WashPo thinking they heard "things" in the actual words, based on a LIST of names provided in the speech -- you got serious bias and "racism" issues yourself mate..
So you dont have a problem with any of it ?

There's no anti-semitism, racism ANYWHERE in sight. So people who THINK they are seeing it are hallucinating or USING IT for partisan advantage. I gave you a recent JEWISH NRA president and Board members. What you don't understand is that the NRA is too smart to compromise their CONVICTIONS AND PRINCIPLES to attract that kind of attention EVEN IF -- the leadership WAS seriously bigoted or biased.

You're not thinking.. The "beat down" was over your Socialist brethren. And NOW you want to validate a conspiracy theory the the JEWS control YOU and your movement leadership.. But that's no where in evidence. IS it there Comrade Tommy?? :badgrin:

Disclaimer -- I LOVE principled politics. Some of the most principled, eloquent people I've ever met and debated were Green Socialists. I PREFER THEM to your garden variety "all for the control of power" Democrat leftists. So my views are NOT aligned with the NRA on this "Socialist menace".. ALTHOUGH -- I will do everything in my power to KEEP them from conning the gullible into voting for them..

So you are ok with this ?

Nugent, an outspoken Second Amendment advocate, posted a photo on Facebook earlier this week calling Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), “Jew York City Mayor Mikey Bloomberg,” former senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, among many others, “punks” who would “deny us the basic human right to self defense and to keep and bear arms while many of them have paid hired armed security.”

The Israeli flag appears over or next to each of the 12 faces in the photo, which is the same one that has been shared many times in white supremacist circles, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

The post prompted applause from anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi groups.

Again like with LaPierre it is only Jews who are the target. "Jew York City" FFS.

I can't help it if MY peeps don't "get it".. I HATE Bloomberg because he's LYING his ass off about gun control and BUYING space in the heads of gullible people who believe him when he asserts "there have been nearly 300 schools shootings since 2011".. It's a fucking LIE. Because he includes "drug deals in "gun free" school parking lots at 1AM" , suicides under the bleachers at sun-up, and accidental discharges in the parking lots. That's MOST of his scary number. Not a mild attempt to distort and lie.

But I LOVE Dershowitz. He's onto the tyranny of politically correctness and political tyranny in higher Ed. And he's fair.. This is a JEWISH POLITICAL argument about the 2nd Amendment. And we tend to be politically active. Not a toy gun for you to point when its convenient.

IMO -- If there's MORE to CatScratch's personal bias against Jews -- he SHOULD be removed from the Board of the NRA. It's largely for show anyways. With 76 Board members and 1/2 of them celebrity positions.

Karl Malone was (is) a LONG term member of the NRA board. Another TOKEN racist appointment Tommy??
Sorry, but it is.

No, it's not. In fact, thanks to you guys, support for gun control is now at higher rates than before you began your campaign to defend school shooters and the gun industry.

Lay off the hyperbole for a second, will you? Nobody is defending school shooters.

No. Moderates aren't driven to hard-right positions based on the actions of liberals anymore than a woman drives her Conservative husband to beat her because of her actions.

"Look what you made me do" is how abusers see the world. Which means you're an abuser. So when did you stop beating your wife?

If political discourse hadn't been whittled down to "whitey sucks" vs "nuh-uh", then we could talk about other issues for a change. You might be surprised at how open I am to certain ideas considered left of center. You guys on the loony left only give people a binary choice, either agree with us on everything or be labeled a Nazi.
See, that's what Nazi Conservatives do; they intentionally distort and conflate topics to create a debate of non-sequiturs and diversions from their own inherent Nazism.
There are about 140 deflection posts on this thread. The wagons are being circled around the anti Semitic NRA.

Not at all.. This wagon is leaving your trolling senseless ranting screed. Because it only validates your attempt at foreign intervention into American politics. If you're continue declaring victory, based on political SPIN from the Forward and WashPo thinking they heard "things" in the actual words, based on a LIST of names provided in the speech -- you got serious bias and "racism" issues yourself mate..
So you dont have a problem with any of it ?

There's no anti-semitism, racism ANYWHERE in sight. So people who THINK they are seeing it are hallucinating or USING IT for partisan advantage. I gave you a recent JEWISH NRA president and Board members. What you don't understand is that the NRA is too smart to compromise their CONVICTIONS AND PRINCIPLES to attract that kind of attention EVEN IF -- the leadership WAS seriously bigoted or biased.

You're not thinking.. The "beat down" was over your Socialist brethren. And NOW you want to validate a conspiracy theory the the JEWS control YOU and your movement leadership.. But that's no where in evidence. IS it there Comrade Tommy?? :badgrin:

Disclaimer -- I LOVE principled politics. Some of the most principled, eloquent people I've ever met and debated were Green Socialists. I PREFER THEM to your garden variety "all for the control of power" Democrat leftists. So my views are NOT aligned with the NRA on this "Socialist menace".. ALTHOUGH -- I will do everything in my power to KEEP them from conning the gullible into voting for them..

So you are ok with this ?

Nugent, an outspoken Second Amendment advocate, posted a photo on Facebook earlier this week calling Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), “Jew York City Mayor Mikey Bloomberg,” former senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, among many others, “punks” who would “deny us the basic human right to self defense and to keep and bear arms while many of them have paid hired armed security.”

The Israeli flag appears over or next to each of the 12 faces in the photo, which is the same one that has been shared many times in white supremacist circles, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

The post prompted applause from anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi groups.

Again like with LaPierre it is only Jews who are the target. "Jew York City" FFS.
He is clearly anti Semitic imo and should be removed from the board.
But how does this idiots comments prove the NRA is antisemitic, and how in particular does it help your OP libel that when LaPierre says socialist he is attacking Jews? Here’s a clue - IT DOESNT in any way shape or form.
BTW not all the people criticised in his speech are Jewish either - another of your lies.
You should also change the last sentence of this post as it looks as though you are trying to confuse people into believieving ‘Jew York City’ is LaPierres comment.
Another question, you vote for and therefore support the UKs antisemitic Party - you want antisemites running the UK - so why are you so desperate to libel an American individual and an American organisation as anti Semitic when you support anti Semitism in the U.K.?
TIA :popcorn:
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Can't you see that you're driving moderates away right into the waiting arms of mean ol' nazis like myself?

1. That's not happening. Trump's approval is the lowest ever.
2. "look what you made me do" is abuser mentality.

Sorry, but it is. The left are 100% responsible for groups such as the Alt-right gaining prominence, and more and more people every day are starting to sympathize with the cause. So keep up what you're doing. There's literal fascist marches of hundreds of people happening in Italy and in various European countries, thanks to suicidal leftist policies.

The left deliberately advertises and encourages crazies to join racist organizations. They are in the business of creating victims, and you create victims by encouraging psychopaths, and giving them clear directions where to strike.

That's why crazy people are getting guns and gunning down school kids. The left advertises the vulnerability of the schools, and then invites criminals to waltz our streets...of COURSE it's intentional.
Can't you see that you're driving moderates away right into the waiting arms of mean ol' nazis like myself?

1. That's not happening. Trump's approval is the lowest ever.
2. "look what you made me do" is abuser mentality.

Sorry, but it is. The left are 100% responsible for groups such as the Alt-right gaining prominence, and more and more people every day are starting to sympathize with the cause. So keep up what you're doing. There's literal fascist marches of hundreds of people happening in Italy and in various European countries, thanks to suicidal leftist policies.

The left deliberately advertises and encourages crazies to join racist organizations.

The left IS a racist organization.
Lay off the hyperbole for a second, will you? Nobody is defending school shooters.

Eat shit. Conservatives love school shooters because school shooters give the gun industry an excuse to sell more guns, and the NRA weakens gun control so that even terrorists, wife beaters, and crazy people can get them.

If political discourse hadn't been whittled down to "whitey sucks" vs "nuh-uh", then we could talk about other issues for a change. You might be surprised at how open I am to certain ideas considered left of center. You guys on the loony left only give people a binary choice, either agree with us on everything or be labeled a Nazi.

Conservatives use the rhetoric of "look what you made me do" so they can escape responsibility for the fact that what they believe and who they are is nothing more than that of your normal, piece of shit, wife-beating loser.
There are about 140 deflection posts on this thread. The wagons are being circled around the anti Semitic NRA.

Not at all.. This wagon is leaving your trolling senseless ranting screed. Because it only validates your attempt at foreign intervention into American politics. If you're continue declaring victory, based on political SPIN from the Forward and WashPo thinking they heard "things" in the actual words, based on a LIST of names provided in the speech -- you got serious bias and "racism" issues yourself mate..
So you dont have a problem with any of it ?

There's no anti-semitism, racism ANYWHERE in sight. So people who THINK they are seeing it are hallucinating or USING IT for partisan advantage. I gave you a recent JEWISH NRA president and Board members. What you don't understand is that the NRA is too smart to compromise their CONVICTIONS AND PRINCIPLES to attract that kind of attention EVEN IF -- the leadership WAS seriously bigoted or biased.

You're not thinking.. The "beat down" was over your Socialist brethren. And NOW you want to validate a conspiracy theory the the JEWS control YOU and your movement leadership.. But that's no where in evidence. IS it there Comrade Tommy?? :badgrin:

Disclaimer -- I LOVE principled politics. Some of the most principled, eloquent people I've ever met and debated were Green Socialists. I PREFER THEM to your garden variety "all for the control of power" Democrat leftists. So my views are NOT aligned with the NRA on this "Socialist menace".. ALTHOUGH -- I will do everything in my power to KEEP them from conning the gullible into voting for them..

So you are ok with this ?

Nugent, an outspoken Second Amendment advocate, posted a photo on Facebook earlier this week calling Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), “Jew York City Mayor Mikey Bloomberg,” former senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, among many others, “punks” who would “deny us the basic human right to self defense and to keep and bear arms while many of them have paid hired armed security.”

The Israeli flag appears over or next to each of the 12 faces in the photo, which is the same one that has been shared many times in white supremacist circles, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

The post prompted applause from anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi groups.

Again like with LaPierre it is only Jews who are the target. "Jew York City" FFS.
He is clearly anti Semitic imo and should be removed from the board.
But how does this idiots comments prove the NRA is antisemitic, and how in particular does it help your OP libel that when LaPierre says socialist he is attacking Jews? Here’s a clue - IT DOESNT in any way shape or form.
BTW not all the people criticised in his speech are Jewish either - another of your lies.
You should also change the last sentence of this post as it looks as though you are trying to confuse people into believieving ‘Jew York City’ is LaPierres comment.
Another question, you vote for and therefore support the UKs antisemitic Party - you want antisemites running the UK - so why are you so desperate to libel an American individual and an American organisation as anti Semites when you support anti Semites in the U.K.?
TIA :popcorn:
So he is still a board member ?
Wow !! What do you have to do to get thrown off the board ? Express sympathy with kids who have been shot ?

And you do not know who I vote for so stop fishing.
The left deliberately advertises and encourages crazies to join racist organizations. They are in the business of creating victims, and you create victims by encouraging psychopaths, and giving them clear directions where to strike.

Conservatives whine about being victims all the fucking time. In fact, you people whined that you were victims because you lost thousands of Twitter followers after the Russian bot purge. Conservatives have a persecution complex because they're garbage people who don't amount to anything, and need to feel special in some way. So they pretend to be victims then pretend that backlash to their self-victimhood drives people to them, which is abuser mentality.

That's why crazy people are getting guns and gunning down school kids. The left advertises the vulnerability of the schools, and then invites criminals to waltz our streets...of COURSE it's intentional.

Schools are shot up simply because you make it easy for crazy people to get weapons.
The left deliberately advertises and encourages crazies to join racist organizations. They are in the business of creating victims, and you create victims by encouraging psychopaths, and giving them clear directions where to strike.

Conservatives whine about being victims all the fucking time. In fact, you people whined that you were victims because you lost thousands of Twitter followers after the Russian bot purge. Conservatives have a persecution complex because they're garbage people who don't amount to anything, and need to feel special in some way. So they pretend to be victims then pretend that backlash to their self-victimhood drives people to them, which is abuser mentality.

That's why crazy people are getting guns and gunning down school kids. The left advertises the vulnerability of the schools, and then invites criminals to waltz our streets...of COURSE it's intentional.

Schools are shot up simply because you make it easy for crazy people to get weapons.

Schools are shot up simply because you pigs won't let us get criminals and crazies off the streets.

They are your army. You want criminals and crazies on the street BECAUSE they will kill children, and thus justify martial law and gun confiscation.

Barack Obama to student activists: 'We've been waiting for you. And we've got your backs'
You mods need to explain yourselves when you delete something. Not to the board, to that person.
There are about 140 deflection posts on this thread. The wagons are being circled around the anti Semitic NRA.

Not at all.. This wagon is leaving your trolling senseless ranting screed. Because it only validates your attempt at foreign intervention into American politics. If you're continue declaring victory, based on political SPIN from the Forward and WashPo thinking they heard "things" in the actual words, based on a LIST of names provided in the speech -- you got serious bias and "racism" issues yourself mate..
So you dont have a problem with any of it ?

There's no anti-semitism, racism ANYWHERE in sight. So people who THINK they are seeing it are hallucinating or USING IT for partisan advantage. I gave you a recent JEWISH NRA president and Board members. What you don't understand is that the NRA is too smart to compromise their CONVICTIONS AND PRINCIPLES to attract that kind of attention EVEN IF -- the leadership WAS seriously bigoted or biased.

You're not thinking.. The "beat down" was over your Socialist brethren. And NOW you want to validate a conspiracy theory the the JEWS control YOU and your movement leadership.. But that's no where in evidence. IS it there Comrade Tommy?? :badgrin:

Disclaimer -- I LOVE principled politics. Some of the most principled, eloquent people I've ever met and debated were Green Socialists. I PREFER THEM to your garden variety "all for the control of power" Democrat leftists. So my views are NOT aligned with the NRA on this "Socialist menace".. ALTHOUGH -- I will do everything in my power to KEEP them from conning the gullible into voting for them..

So you are ok with this ?

Nugent, an outspoken Second Amendment advocate, posted a photo on Facebook earlier this week calling Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), “Jew York City Mayor Mikey Bloomberg,” former senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, among many others, “punks” who would “deny us the basic human right to self defense and to keep and bear arms while many of them have paid hired armed security.”

The Israeli flag appears over or next to each of the 12 faces in the photo, which is the same one that has been shared many times in white supremacist circles, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

The post prompted applause from anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi groups.

Again like with LaPierre it is only Jews who are the target. "Jew York City" FFS.
He is clearly anti Semitic imo and should be removed from the board.
But how does this idiots comments prove the NRA is antisemitic, and how in particular does it help your OP libel that when LaPierre says socialist he is attacking Jews? Here’s a clue - IT DOESNT in any way shape or form.
BTW not all the people criticised in his speech are Jewish either - another of your lies.
You should also change the last sentence of this post as it looks as though you are trying to confuse people into believieving ‘Jew York City’ is LaPierres comment.
Another question, you vote for and therefore support the UKs antisemitic Party - you want antisemites running the UK - so why are you so desperate to libel an American individual and an American organisation as anti Semites when you support anti Semites in the U.K.?
TIA :popcorn:

The Leftists of course WORSHIP Hillary and choose to ignore what a racist bigot she is, the biggest racist bigots are Leftists they also are complete hypocrites.

The left deliberately advertises and encourages crazies to join racist organizations. They are in the business of creating victims, and you create victims by encouraging psychopaths, and giving them clear directions where to strike.

Conservatives whine about being victims all the fucking time. In fact, you people whined that you were victims because you lost thousands of Twitter followers after the Russian bot purge. Conservatives have a persecution complex because they're garbage people who don't amount to anything, and need to feel special in some way. So they pretend to be victims then pretend that backlash to their self-victimhood drives people to them, which is abuser mentality.

That's why crazy people are getting guns and gunning down school kids. The left advertises the vulnerability of the schools, and then invites criminals to waltz our streets...of COURSE it's intentional.

Schools are shot up simply because you make it easy for crazy people to get weapons.

Why aren't "crazy people" in hospitals getting treatment?
Can't you see that you're driving moderates away right into the waiting arms of mean ol' nazis like myself?

1. That's not happening. Trump's approval is the lowest ever.
2. "look what you made me do" is abuser mentality.

Sorry, but it is. The left are 100% responsible for groups such as the Alt-right gaining prominence, and more and more people every day are starting to sympathize with the cause. So keep up what you're doing. There's literal fascist marches of hundreds of people happening in Italy and in various European countries, thanks to suicidal leftist policies.

The left deliberately advertises and encourages crazies to join racist organizations. They are in the business of creating victims, and you create victims by encouraging psychopaths, and giving them clear directions where to strike.

That's why crazy people are getting guns and gunning down school kids. The left advertises the vulnerability of the schools, and then invites criminals to waltz our streets...of COURSE it's intentional.

"The left advertises the vulnerability of the schools"

American schools would not be vulnerable to these mass shootings if all American schools had the sign on the below right:

Schools are shot up simply because you pigs won't let us get criminals and crazies off the streets.

What criminals? You're the ones who defend Russian propaganda and trolls...wouldn't that make you the criminal here?

Secondly, crazies? How do you keep them off the street when you are the ones who put them there in the first place? And it sounds to me like the only way we can identify who is crazy is to force everyone to submit to a mental health screening. Have you already done that? I doubt it.

They are your army. You want criminals and crazies on the street BECAUSE they will kill children, and thus justify martial law and gun confiscation.

You're the ones who put those people on the street in the first place when you gutted Section 8 housing during Reagan. Then you opposed making mental health a mandatory and essential benefit in every insurance plan offered.

So you're the one to blame for crazy people being out on the street and getting weapons because your garbage, shit policies put them there then prevented them from getting treatment.

That's just more of that irresponsibility that is inherent in you, your beliefs, and your positions. Conservatives never want to be held to account for anything because they think criticism is the same thing as a personal attack. That's because you're a bunch of sensitive snowflakes.
Not at all.. This wagon is leaving your trolling senseless ranting screed. Because it only validates your attempt at foreign intervention into American politics. If you're continue declaring victory, based on political SPIN from the Forward and WashPo thinking they heard "things" in the actual words, based on a LIST of names provided in the speech -- you got serious bias and "racism" issues yourself mate..
So you dont have a problem with any of it ?

There's no anti-semitism, racism ANYWHERE in sight. So people who THINK they are seeing it are hallucinating or USING IT for partisan advantage. I gave you a recent JEWISH NRA president and Board members. What you don't understand is that the NRA is too smart to compromise their CONVICTIONS AND PRINCIPLES to attract that kind of attention EVEN IF -- the leadership WAS seriously bigoted or biased.

You're not thinking.. The "beat down" was over your Socialist brethren. And NOW you want to validate a conspiracy theory the the JEWS control YOU and your movement leadership.. But that's no where in evidence. IS it there Comrade Tommy?? :badgrin:

Disclaimer -- I LOVE principled politics. Some of the most principled, eloquent people I've ever met and debated were Green Socialists. I PREFER THEM to your garden variety "all for the control of power" Democrat leftists. So my views are NOT aligned with the NRA on this "Socialist menace".. ALTHOUGH -- I will do everything in my power to KEEP them from conning the gullible into voting for them..

So you are ok with this ?

Nugent, an outspoken Second Amendment advocate, posted a photo on Facebook earlier this week calling Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), “Jew York City Mayor Mikey Bloomberg,” former senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, among many others, “punks” who would “deny us the basic human right to self defense and to keep and bear arms while many of them have paid hired armed security.”

The Israeli flag appears over or next to each of the 12 faces in the photo, which is the same one that has been shared many times in white supremacist circles, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

The post prompted applause from anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi groups.

Again like with LaPierre it is only Jews who are the target. "Jew York City" FFS.
He is clearly anti Semitic imo and should be removed from the board.
But how does this idiots comments prove the NRA is antisemitic, and how in particular does it help your OP libel that when LaPierre says socialist he is attacking Jews? Here’s a clue - IT DOESNT in any way shape or form.
BTW not all the people criticised in his speech are Jewish either - another of your lies.
You should also change the last sentence of this post as it looks as though you are trying to confuse people into believieving ‘Jew York City’ is LaPierres comment.
Another question, you vote for and therefore support the UKs antisemitic Party - you want antisemites running the UK - so why are you so desperate to libel an American individual and an American organisation as anti Semites when you support anti Semites in the U.K.?
TIA :popcorn:
So he is still a board member ?
Wow !! What do you have to do to get thrown off the board ? Express sympathy with kids who have been shot ?

And you do not know who I vote for so stop fishing.
You’ve said many times who you vote for and have expressed your absolute adoration for terrorist supporter Jeremy Corbyn ad nauseum, eejit :itsok:

Now, can you stop deflecting from your own thread and your own lies about LaPierre and the NRA and explain how the fact that Nugent is an antisemite proves that when LaPierre says ‘Socialist’ he means Jew.
Thanks, Tammy.
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The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

In part, LaPierre’s speech was McCarthyite, John Birch Society style American nativism: we the common people against the cosmopolitan elites. The Democratic Party, he said, “is now infested with saboteurs who do not believe in capitalism, do not believe in the constitution, do not believe in our freedom, and do not believe in America as we know it. Obama may be gone, but their Utopian dream, it marches on.”

Moreover, “they politicize the Department of Justice, they weaponize the Internal Revenue Service, the EPA, perhaps cripple the FBI and the intelligence community, and seize and embed leadership in all of them to advance their agenda. Absolute control in every corner of our government is their ultimate dream.”

This McCarthyite vision of a cancer destroying America, what Richard Hofstadter called “the paranoid style in American politics,” is classic populism. It posits a good, mostly rural, less educated, implicitly white Volk being undermined by a corrupt, mostly urban, over-educated, and foreign set of elites. Sometimes those elites are actual Jews controlling Hollywood, “the media,” banks, or political structures. Other times, they are “structural Jews” – foreigners, Communists, elites, or other outsider-insiders who don’t share the values of “the people.”

A very insightful article into the foul mind of Wayne.

Got to ask you Dude? Did you LISTEN TO or READ Lapierre's speech? I just searched it for that list of names you CLAIM were in there. They are not. Have you been duped and wasting our time?

((Random Snips)) Where's those names Tommy Tainant ?????????

Ladies and gentlemen, have we ever seen such anger in this country?
In California, a high school girl was asked, “Do you hate Mexicans?”
When she replied “No,” they said, “You support Trump. You hate
Mexicans.” And then they beat her up.

In San Francisco, they attacked a group of Trump supporters, pelted
a woman with eggs, then stole their Trump hats and burned them
in the street.
The Left’s message is clear: They want revenge. You’ve got to be
punished. They say you’re what’s wrong with America, and now
you’ve got to be purged. But maybe it’s time those protesters took
some advice from Barack Obama: “Elections have consequences.”
And we won.
Folks, our long nightmare may not be over, it may be just beginning.
Because right now, we face a gathering of forces willing to use
violence against us.
Think about it. The leftist movement in this country right now is
enraged. Among them and behind them are some of the most radical
political elements there are. Anarchists. Marxists. Communists.
And the rest of the left-wing, socialist brigade.

It’s in the Saul Alinsky strategy of sowing grievance and indignation
to raise holy hell. It’s in the leftist radical plan to tax capitalism
to collapse. It’s in the Rahm Emanuel doctrine of “Never let a
crisis go to waste.” And it’s in the radical ISIS dream of a
worldwide caliphate.
So what happens when it all collects and collides like a hurricane?
What happens when the national media wind machine blows it up into
a firestorm? And what happens if, God forbid, our enemies use that
to their advantage? Is it anything but a matter of time before the
terror and bloodshed we’ve seen in Brussels or Paris comes home to
America? Do we need to look any further than Boston, San Bernardino
or Orlando to know that time has already come?
With social media, it’s easy enough to find out where to go and when.
So what happens when terrorists tag along for a flash-mob protest
at your airport and gas the place like they did in Tokyo? What happens
when some Facebook freeway protest brings your interstate to a
screeching halt? If you’re late for work, that’s one thing. But what if
you've had a heart attack and your ambulance is just a mile from the
hospital exit?
The left deliberately advertises and encourages crazies to join racist organizations. They are in the business of creating victims, and you create victims by encouraging psychopaths, and giving them clear directions where to strike.

Conservatives whine about being victims all the fucking time. In fact, you people whined that you were victims because you lost thousands of Twitter followers after the Russian bot purge. Conservatives have a persecution complex because they're garbage people who don't amount to anything, and need to feel special in some way. So they pretend to be victims then pretend that backlash to their self-victimhood drives people to them, which is abuser mentality.

That's why crazy people are getting guns and gunning down school kids. The left advertises the vulnerability of the schools, and then invites criminals to waltz our streets...of COURSE it's intentional.

Schools are shot up simply because you make it easy for crazy people to get weapons.

Why aren't "crazy people" in hospitals getting treatment?

Crazy people in hospitals aren't the problem.
Crazy people on the streets are.
And treatment doesn't cure them.

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