The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

You're quoting FAR LEFT sources -- like the Forward for ANALYSIS of WHAT the NRA actually said.. The far left FOCUSES on dog whistles and code words because that's how THEY communicate. With codes like "social justice" to identity their membership in the "struggle". So all of this is POLITICAL -- not racial at all..

Rely on what was SAID. Which was a SCATHING indictment of Red creep into American politics. It's HAPPENING now. With the Dem Party of Cali purging Feinstein because she's not Socialist enough. SOME folks (maybe not me) see that as a direct threat to Liberty/Freedom.

Not what the Far left spin it as..
Oh shut up nobody cares what you think.

Nobody cares what you think, which is why you troll. Your life is so empty, meaningless, and devoid of human contact that the only socializing you can do is anonymously on a message board because you're an anti-social recluse.

I have only just got here, I've been out all day now it's 6.59PM, the rest of your comment my response is:

Whatever :rolleyes-41: This is my last response to you, you can derail the thread by yourself.
You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

Yes we know it says in the HEADLINE, but to read the ARTICLE you need a Subscription, so post the relevant sections from the article. LOL you get more pathetic now you are posting links to articles you have no idea whats even IN the article.

Here you go.

Gun owners are pressuring the National Rifle Association to boot longtime board member Ted Nugent from the organization’s leadership ranks after the rock star’s social media outburst that depicted prominent American Jews as the men and women “really behind gun control.”

Nugent, an outspoken Second Amendment advocate, posted a photo on Facebook earlier this week calling Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), “Jew York City Mayor Mikey Bloomberg,” former senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, among many others, “punks” who would “deny us the basic human right to self defense and to keep and bear arms while many of them have paid hired armed security.”

The Israeli flag appears over or next to each of the 12 faces in the photo, which is the same one that has been shared many times in white supremacist circles, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

The post prompted applause from anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi groups.

Nugent later posted a photo of Nazis rounding up Jews during the Holocaust and described gun-control advocates as “soulless sheep to slaughter.”

Nugent’s Facebook posts triggered cries of anti-Semitism and prompted gun-control activists and Second Amendment advocates alike to call for his removal from NRA’s board of directors; even several leading voices in the gun rights movement say they can no longer justify his “simple-minded” remarks.

The “Cat Scratch Fever” singer has served on the NRA board since 1995.

An NRA spokeswoman told The Washington Post on Wednesday that “individual board members do not speak for the NRA.”

[Ted Nugent rocks the political world]

Nugent’s comments have landed him in trouble in the past. He has targeted the Supreme Court, Trayvon Martin and Hillary Clinton. He once called President Obama a “sub-human mongrel” — and then apologized. (Even Nugent’s own brother said he had “clearly crossed a line.”)

But he has shown no remorse this time, even as other gun rights activists have taken to publicly criticizing him.

Amid the backlash, Nugent on Wednesday reposted his 2010 tribute to Aaron Zelman, who founded Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.

“My hero, my American BloodBrother and an American Warrior legend, the great Aaron Zelman perfectly represented all free men who refuse to be controlled by others or denied our God given right to keep and bear arms,” he wrote at the time. “We stand repulsed by the ugly soullessness of unarmed helplessness.”

On Wednesday, Nugent pointed out that Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership recently criticized him for this week’s controversial comments.

“How tragic that the self inflicted scourge of political correctness can blind so many otherwise intelligent people!” he wrote on Facebook.

But Bob Owens, editor for, wrote online this week that Nugent should have realized he “stepped in it” when “even-tempered pro-gun folks took issue” with his Facebook posts.

Instead, Nugent rehashed his point in another post — comparing Jewish gun-control advocates to Nazis.

“What sort of racist prejudiced POS could possibly not know that Jews for gun control are Nazis in disguise?” Nugent wrote.

Owens said many gun rights advocates are now “simply done with Nugent.”

“They’re tired of feeling that they have to defend his half-baked rhetoric and simple-minded outbursts,” Owens wrote on “Many people are calling for him to resign from the NRA Board and for him to have his membership stripped from him.

“While I think forcing him out of the NRA entirely is a bit much, I do think he owes the world a sincere apology. If he can’t find that sincerity in his heart, then he has no business being on the board of an inclusive organization such as the National Rifle Association.”

[Cheat sheet: Ted Nugent’s greatest hits]

In fact, many gun owners who once supported Nugent seem to have changed their minds.

His recent Facebook posts are littered with negative comments suggesting that he may have gone too far.

One commenter called Nugent’s post “disgraceful.”

“Uncle Ted, I support (many) of your viewpoints, and have been a long term fan of your music,” the man wrote, “but this time you’ve gone way over the line.”

Another user told Nugent: “You sank low here.”

“I call total f—— b——- here,” he wrote. “I am a Jewish conservative gun owner. This is just f—— hate. I’ve always supported you, but f— you Ted.”

Debbie Schlussel, a conservative political commentator and columnist, called out Nugent for mocking Holocaust survivors.

“As a religious Jew who testified with you in the Michigan Senate for relaxing gun laws and strengthening the 2nd Amendment, I’m absolutely disgusted but not at all surprised that you are showing what I always suspected: that you are a Jew-hater and a piece of crap,” she wrote. “Ted Nugent Endorses Jews, then Announces He Hates Jews. Also, I’m sickened you invoke the slogan of Jewish Holocaust survivors, ‘Never Again’ in mockery.”

[Nugent says Obama administration is like Nazis]

Robert Farago, publisher of the Truth About Guns, said that Nugent’s remarks “take it to the next, deeply disgusting level” and asked the NRA to act.

“Mr. Nugent should remove this post and ‘clarify’ his statement,” he wrote on his group’s website. “The NRA should distance itself from Mr. Nugent. They should revoke his membership and remove him from their Board.”

Anti-Defamation League Director Jonathan Greenblatt said Nugent’s comments were “nothing short of conspiratorial anti-Semitism.”

“Regardless of one’s views on gun control, this kind of scapegoating of an entire religious group is completely unacceptable and completely divorced from reality,” Greenblatt said in a statement. “It should go without saying that anti-Semitism has no place in the gun control debate.

“Nugent should be ashamed for promoting anti-Semitic content, and we hope that good people on both sides of the gun control debate will reject his tactics and his message.”

Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, took aim at Nugent as well after being featured in the Facebook post.

“Ted Nugent’s latest comments go beyond being anti-Semitic — they are ignorant and do nothing but fuel hate,” Gross said in a statement. “Personally, I am repulsed — my brother was shot and seriously wounded in a religiously-motivated mass shooting on the observation deck of the Empire State Building. Reasonable people on both sides of the debate recognize Mr. Nugent’s comments for what they are: hate speech and nothing more.”

Gross added that Nugent’s posts were “yet another clear sign of how out of touch NRA’s leadership and Board” are with the group’s members.
You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

Yes we know it says in the HEADLINE, but to read the ARTICLE you need a Subscription, so post the relevant sections from the article. LOL you get more pathetic now you are posting links to articles you have no idea whats even IN the article.
Have you noticed Tammys been linking to a lot of paywall articles lately? When you tell him he rarely cuts and pastes from them - so yes, he doesn’t have subscriptions and doesn’t know what’s in them - but he thinks the headline will do for his purposes. Lol.
You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

Yes we know it says in the HEADLINE, but to read the ARTICLE you need a Subscription, so post the relevant sections from the article. LOL you get more pathetic now you are posting links to articles you have no idea whats even IN the article.
Have you noticed Tammys been linking to a lot of paywall articles lately? When you tell him he NEVER cuts and pastes from them - so yes, he doesn’t have subscriptions and doesn’t know what’s in them - but he thinks the headline will do for his purposes. Lol.

At least he was finally shamed into using that idiotic Pink News at every turn
You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

You're quoting FAR LEFT sources -- like the Forward for ANALYSIS of WHAT the NRA actually said.. The far left FOCUSES on dog whistles and code words because that's how THEY communicate. With codes like "social justice" to identity their membership in the "struggle". So all of this is POLITICAL -- not racial at all..

Rely on what was SAID. Which was a SCATHING indictment of Red creep into American politics. It's HAPPENING now. With the Dem Party of Cali purging Feinstein because she's not Socialist enough. SOME folks (maybe not me) see that as a direct threat to Liberty/Freedom.

Not what the Far left spin it as..
And the only examples used by LaPierre were Jews.
You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

Yes we know it says in the HEADLINE, but to read the ARTICLE you need a Subscription, so post the relevant sections from the article. LOL you get more pathetic now you are posting links to articles you have no idea whats even IN the article.

So pony up the $20 and you can read the article yourself. Unless you didn't see a massive increase in your paycheck from the Trump tax cut....
You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

Yes we know it says in the HEADLINE, but to read the ARTICLE you need a Subscription, so post the relevant sections from the article. LOL you get more pathetic now you are posting links to articles you have no idea whats even IN the article.
Have you noticed Tammys been linking to a lot of paywall articles lately? When you tell him he rarely cuts and pastes from them - so yes, he doesn’t have subscriptions and doesn’t know what’s in them - but he thinks the headline will do for his purposes. Lol.
How stupid do you look now hun ?
You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

See, that's what Nazi Conservatives do; they intentionally distort and conflate topics to create a debate of non-sequiturs and diversions from their own inherent Nazism.
There are about 140 deflection posts on this thread. The wagons are being circled around the anti Semitic NRA.

Not at all.. This wagon is leaving your trolling senseless ranting screed. Because it only validates your attempt at foreign intervention into American politics. If you're continue declaring victory, based on political SPIN from the Forward and WashPo thinking they heard "things" in the actual words, based on a LIST of names provided in the speech -- you got serious bias and "racism" issues yourself mate..
Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, took aim at Nugent as well after being featured in the Facebook post.

“Ted Nugent’s latest comments go beyond being anti-Semitic — they are ignorant and do nothing but fuel hate,” Gross said in a statement. “Personally, I am repulsed — my brother was shot and seriously wounded in a religiously-motivated mass shooting on the observation deck of the Empire State Building. Reasonable people on both sides of the debate recognize Mr. Nugent’s comments for what they are: hate speech and nothing more.”

Gross added that Nugent’s posts were “yet another clear sign of how out of touch NRA’s leadership and Board” are with the group’s members.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

See, that's what Nazi Conservatives do; they intentionally distort and conflate topics to create a debate of non-sequiturs and diversions from their own inherent Nazism.
There are about 140 deflection posts on this thread. The wagons are being circled around the anti Semitic NRA.

Not at all.. This wagon is leaving your trolling senseless ranting screed. Because it only validates your attempt at foreign intervention into American politics. If you're continue declaring victory, based on political SPIN from the Forward and WashPo thinking they heard "things" in the actual words, based on a LIST of names provided in the speech -- you got serious bias and "racism" issues yourself mate..
So you dont have a problem with any of it ?
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

Yes we know it says in the HEADLINE, but to read the ARTICLE you need a Subscription, so post the relevant sections from the article. LOL you get more pathetic now you are posting links to articles you have no idea whats even IN the article.
Have you noticed Tammys been linking to a lot of paywall articles lately? When you tell him he rarely cuts and pastes from them - so yes, he doesn’t have subscriptions and doesn’t know what’s in them - but he thinks the headline will do for his purposes. Lol.
How stupid do you look now hun ?
She has quite a way to go to catch up to you.
From the opinion,

LaPierre’s speech never mentioned the word “Jew.”

Read more: The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

Clearly he meant liberal Democrats. Since we are on the topic, why did this nut single out Jews?

Probably because just about all jews were LIBERAL DEMOCRATS -----until recently
when the donkey became pixilated-------and even now----a majority---albeit smaller
majority of jews are liberal democrats. I am a registered democrat since age 21 --
THE DAY I REACHED age 21---------(alas----long long ago) but I voted for trump.
It is true----that jews are likely to be ANTI-GUN based on experience and the fact
that in both HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE law and SHARIAH law-----jews cannot
legally own guns
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

Yes we know it says in the HEADLINE, but to read the ARTICLE you need a Subscription, so post the relevant sections from the article. LOL you get more pathetic now you are posting links to articles you have no idea whats even IN the article.
Have you noticed Tammys been linking to a lot of paywall articles lately? When you tell him he rarely cuts and pastes from them - so yes, he doesn’t have subscriptions and doesn’t know what’s in them - but he thinks the headline will do for his purposes. Lol.
How stupid do you look now hun ?

I don't look stupid, you have to be FORCED to post that and it's not forum etiquette to post articles that are behind a Paywall, not everyone wants to waste money getting a Subscription to things like The Washington Post. Also do not call me a Hun you filthy bigot.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

Yes we know it says in the HEADLINE, but to read the ARTICLE you need a Subscription, so post the relevant sections from the article. LOL you get more pathetic now you are posting links to articles you have no idea whats even IN the article.
Have you noticed Tammys been linking to a lot of paywall articles lately? When you tell him he rarely cuts and pastes from them - so yes, he doesn’t have subscriptions and doesn’t know what’s in them - but he thinks the headline will do for his purposes. Lol.
How stupid do you look now hun ?
Because you once out of 10 times respond to the request for actual content? Not at all.
I don't look stupid, you have to be FORCED to post that and it's not forum etiquette to post articles that are behind a Paywall, not everyone wants to waste money getting a Subscription to things like The Washington Post. Also do not call me a Hun you filthy bigot.

You mean you didn't get a huge windfall from Trump's tax cut? You can't afford $20?
"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

Yes we know it says in the HEADLINE, but to read the ARTICLE you need a Subscription, so post the relevant sections from the article. LOL you get more pathetic now you are posting links to articles you have no idea whats even IN the article.
Have you noticed Tammys been linking to a lot of paywall articles lately? When you tell him he rarely cuts and pastes from them - so yes, he doesn’t have subscriptions and doesn’t know what’s in them - but he thinks the headline will do for his purposes. Lol.
How stupid do you look now hun ?

I don't look stupid, you have to be FORCED to post that and it's not forum etiquette to post articles that are behind a Paywall, not everyone wants to waste money getting a Subscription to things like The Washington Post. Also do not call me a Hun you filthy bigot.

sheeeesh Lucy-------"HUN"-----is HUNNIE aka HONEY in Dixieland-----
I don't look stupid, you have to be FORCED to post that and it's not forum etiquette to post articles that are behind a Paywall, not everyone wants to waste money getting a Subscription to things like The Washington Post. Also do not call me a Hun you filthy bigot.

You literally only have to pay $1, and you get 4 weeks free digital access.

So you don't look stupid; you look lazy and poor.
I don't look stupid, you have to be FORCED to post that and it's not forum etiquette to post articles that are behind a Paywall, not everyone wants to waste money getting a Subscription to things like The Washington Post. Also do not call me a Hun you filthy bigot.

You mean you didn't get a huge windfall from Trump's tax cut? You can't afford $20?

no matter how I get it------it try not to WASTE it
"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

See, that's what Nazi Conservatives do; they intentionally distort and conflate topics to create a debate of non-sequiturs and diversions from their own inherent Nazism.
There are about 140 deflection posts on this thread. The wagons are being circled around the anti Semitic NRA.

Not at all.. This wagon is leaving your trolling senseless ranting screed. Because it only validates your attempt at foreign intervention into American politics. If you're continue declaring victory, based on political SPIN from the Forward and WashPo thinking they heard "things" in the actual words, based on a LIST of names provided in the speech -- you got serious bias and "racism" issues yourself mate..
So you dont have a problem with any of it ?

There's no anti-semitism, racism ANYWHERE in sight. So people who THINK they are seeing it are hallucinating or USING IT for partisan advantage. I gave you a recent JEWISH NRA president and Board members. What you don't understand is that the NRA is too smart to compromise their CONVICTIONS AND PRINCIPLES to attract that kind of attention EVEN IF -- the leadership WAS seriously bigoted or biased.

You're not thinking.. The "beat down" was over your Socialist brethren. And NOW you want to validate a conspiracy theory the the JEWS control YOU and your movement leadership.. But that's no where in evidence. IS it there Comrade Tommy?? :badgrin:

Disclaimer -- I LOVE principled politics. Some of the most principled, eloquent people I've ever met and debated were Green Socialists. I PREFER THEM to your garden variety "all for the control of power" Democrat leftists. So my views are NOT aligned with the NRA on this "Socialist menace".. ALTHOUGH -- I will do everything in my power to KEEP them from conning the gullible into voting for them..

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