The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

The left attacks republicans for being white and christian all the time, so why the double standard?

That's not the reason the left attacks you. You're being attacked because your ideas and beliefs are horrible, not because of whatever skin color you have or whatever invisible cloud fairy you talk to.

You know as well as I do that what you just said is complete bullshit. Don't make me provide links.

^^^^ That type do not read links darling unless they are from the usual Leftist Echo Chamber of The Huffington Post etc.
^^^^ If that read "I bet Rick Sanchez was fired by a White Christian Conservative" nobody would have Bedwetted that's because among the Leftists bashing White Christian Conservatives is fanatically encouraged, Leftists are the worst racist bigots on this planet.

But she didn't say "Christian" did she? She dropped a hard J.
You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!
The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

In part, LaPierre’s speech was McCarthyite, John Birch Society style American nativism: we the common people against the cosmopolitan elites. The Democratic Party, he said, “is now infested with saboteurs who do not believe in capitalism, do not believe in the constitution, do not believe in our freedom, and do not believe in America as we know it. Obama may be gone, but their Utopian dream, it marches on.”

Moreover, “they politicize the Department of Justice, they weaponize the Internal Revenue Service, the EPA, perhaps cripple the FBI and the intelligence community, and seize and embed leadership in all of them to advance their agenda. Absolute control in every corner of our government is their ultimate dream.”

This McCarthyite vision of a cancer destroying America, what Richard Hofstadter called “the paranoid style in American politics,” is classic populism. It posits a good, mostly rural, less educated, implicitly white Volk being undermined by a corrupt, mostly urban, over-educated, and foreign set of elites. Sometimes those elites are actual Jews controlling Hollywood, “the media,” banks, or political structures. Other times, they are “structural Jews” – foreigners, Communists, elites, or other outsider-insiders who don’t share the values of “the people.”

A very insightful article into the foul mind of Wayne.

There's also this, from NRA spokesturd Dana Loesch:

I have no idea who Rick Sanchez but WOW. How can such a right on organisation like the NRA still employ this type of person ?

Rick Sanchez was a contributor on Fox News.

Not to be confused with the other Rick Sanchez, who is an alcoholic, belching, multi-verse traversing mad scientist.
You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

See, that's what Nazi Conservatives do; they intentionally distort and conflate topics to create a debate of non-sequiturs and diversions from their own inherent Nazism.
You know as well as I do that what you just said is complete bullshit. Don't make me provide links.

Links? You mean things like erroneous quotes, quotes out of context, or doctored video?

Nazis do those kinds of things to make up for the fact that they're Nazis.

You're no victim.

"You're no victim."

And you and your ilk are no victims either.
And you and your ilk are no victims either.

We are victims of your shit rhetoric, dumb beliefs, and bigoted ideology.

You need to be a victim because that's the only way you can justify your shit beliefs and positions. It's a persecution complex that the right wallows in because they're insecure turds and garbage people.
You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!
Did someone say Ted Nugent?

The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

In part, LaPierre’s speech was McCarthyite, John Birch Society style American nativism: we the common people against the cosmopolitan elites. The Democratic Party, he said, “is now infested with saboteurs who do not believe in capitalism, do not believe in the constitution, do not believe in our freedom, and do not believe in America as we know it. Obama may be gone, but their Utopian dream, it marches on.”

Moreover, “they politicize the Department of Justice, they weaponize the Internal Revenue Service, the EPA, perhaps cripple the FBI and the intelligence community, and seize and embed leadership in all of them to advance their agenda. Absolute control in every corner of our government is their ultimate dream.”

This McCarthyite vision of a cancer destroying America, what Richard Hofstadter called “the paranoid style in American politics,” is classic populism. It posits a good, mostly rural, less educated, implicitly white Volk being undermined by a corrupt, mostly urban, over-educated, and foreign set of elites. Sometimes those elites are actual Jews controlling Hollywood, “the media,” banks, or political structures. Other times, they are “structural Jews” – foreigners, Communists, elites, or other outsider-insiders who don’t share the values of “the people.”

A very insightful article into the foul mind of Wayne.

There's also this, from NRA spokesturd Dana Loesch:

I have no idea who Rick Sanchez but WOW. How can such a right on organisation like the NRA still employ this type of person ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.

^^^^ The reason why you ignored my above comments this we all know, it's because you CANNOT provide anything from that Washington Post article because it's behind a Paywall and you need a Subscription to read the article BEYOND the Headline, a Subscription you do not obviously have. ROFLAO the Troll Bot posting links to articles it CANNOT even READ and then commenting "Here is another nailed on example. Did he get sacked for this?" LOL sacked for WHAT nobody can read the thing BEYOND the Headline. Troll Bot thinks people are as stupid as he is.
You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

See, that's what Nazi Conservatives do; they intentionally distort and conflate topics to create a debate of non-sequiturs and diversions from their own inherent Nazism.
There are about 140 deflection posts on this thread. The wagons are being circled around the anti Semitic NRA.
You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

See, that's what Nazi Conservatives do; they intentionally distort and conflate topics to create a debate of non-sequiturs and diversions from their own inherent Nazism.
There are about 140 deflection posts on this thread. The wagons are being circled around the anti Semitic NRA.

That's right.

What's interesting too is that the NRA accepted tons of Russian money. You can sure as hell bet Mueller's looking into that shit too.
And you and your ilk are no victims either.

We are victims of your shit rhetoric, dumb beliefs, and bigoted ideology.

You need to be a victim because that's the only way you can justify your shit beliefs and positions. It's a persecution complex that the right wallows in because they're insecure turds and garbage people.

^^^^ = :cuckoo:

Oh shut up nobody cares what you think.
You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

See, that's what Nazi Conservatives do; they intentionally distort and conflate topics to create a debate of non-sequiturs and diversions from their own inherent Nazism.
There are about 140 deflection posts on this thread. The wagons are being circled around the anti Semitic NRA.
Considering it belongs in conspiracy theories AND you do not even debate your own stupid crap, consider yourself lucky. Lol.
BTW, for the 5th time, is socialist code for Jew? And if so, who decreed this and when?
TIA :th_waiting:
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

See, that's what Nazi Conservatives do; they intentionally distort and conflate topics to create a debate of non-sequiturs and diversions from their own inherent Nazism.
There are about 140 deflection posts on this thread. The wagons are being circled around the anti Semitic NRA.

That's right.

What's interesting too is that the NRA accepted tons of Russian money. You can sure as hell bet Mueller's looking into that shit too.
I did not know that. I can see many areas of agreement between the Russians and the NRA.
You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

No.. You're dismissing important FACTS.. Not tokenism. That position was NOT a political move. It's based on heart-felt conviction because the PRESIDENT is the MAIN spokesperson for the group.. How about the OTHER Jewish board members? You dismissing them also?

Only thing token here is your addiction to Jewish conspiracy theories... Because you have to buy into that to endorse your crappy premise. I'll ask you again. Do you BELIEVE in Jewish conspiracies to control the world?
You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

See, that's what Nazi Conservatives do; they intentionally distort and conflate topics to create a debate of non-sequiturs and diversions from their own inherent Nazism.
There are about 140 deflection posts on this thread. The wagons are being circled around the anti Semitic NRA.

Let's go for the sixth time:

So is Socialist Code for Jew? Yes or No? It's in your idiotic OP, you are unable to defend your own OP which is not that shocking that you cannot.

So Jeremy Corbyn is a Socialist = Jeremy Corbyn is a Jew?
From the opinion,

LaPierre’s speech never mentioned the word “Jew.”

Read more: The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

Clearly he meant liberal Democrats. Since we are on the topic, why did this nut single out Jews?
To many, Socialist, is synonymous of Jew. Given the history of Socialism, this is not a great leap.

What it illustrates is either they are Paranoid or have some sort of guilt about something. I mean when NOBODY even mentions Jews eg. Socialism, Banking or whatever they AUTOMATICALLY start screeching the Anti-Semitism shit, I mean they AUTOMATICALLY think people are meaning THEM, why is this?
That's very true. There is a deep seated paranoia in the Jewish community. However...when your community has been subjected to get a bit paranoid.

So other communities have been persecuted, Christians in general have suffered mega persecution throughout the Centuries and on a daily basis Christians are being bashed predominantly by the Leftists and their Islamist Pets but we do not shit ourselves and have this bizarro Inherited Paranoia, you also know that Paranoia is a mental illness yes?

From the article:


^^^^ Quick someone pass the tissues and Play Doh to Jay Michaelson :rolleyes-41:

Paranoia is NOT a mental illness. Just because you are paranoid does not mean that someone isn't really out to get you!
From the opinion,

LaPierre’s speech never mentioned the word “Jew.”

Read more: The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

Clearly he meant liberal Democrats. Since we are on the topic, why did this nut single out Jews?
To many, Socialist, is synonymous of Jew. Given the history of Socialism, this is not a great leap.

What it illustrates is either they are Paranoid or have some sort of guilt about something. I mean when NOBODY even mentions Jews eg. Socialism, Banking or whatever they AUTOMATICALLY start screeching the Anti-Semitism shit, I mean they AUTOMATICALLY think people are meaning THEM, why is this?
That's very true. There is a deep seated paranoia in the Jewish community. However...when your community has been subjected to get a bit paranoid.

So other communities have been persecuted, Christians in general have suffered mega persecution throughout the Centuries and on a daily basis Christians are being bashed predominantly by the Leftists and their Islamist Pets but we do not shit ourselves and have this bizarro Inherited Paranoia, you also know that Paranoia is a mental illness yes?

From the article:


^^^^ Quick someone pass the tissues and Play Doh to Jay Michaelson :rolleyes-41:

Paranoia is NOT a mental illness. Just because you are paranoid does not mean that someone isn't really out to get you!

Paranoia is a symptom of mental illness, though.
You know as well as I do that what you just said is complete bullshit. Don't make me provide links.

Links? You mean things like erroneous quotes, quotes out of context, or doctored video?

Nazis do those kinds of things to make up for the fact that they're Nazis.

You're no victim.

Here's just a tiny sample of the anti-white rhetoric so common among the left:

Republican National Convention staffers scrambling to remove Jim Crow-like 'white elevators' signs
Nevermind the fact that there was also red and blue elevators..
This photo is too white!

In Cleveland, Sea of White Reflects Republican Party's Election Math Problem
What's wrong with being white?
You got a little problem here Tommy Tain.. If you can make lists of Jews OPPOSING the NRA, I can up the ante..

Kinda gonna deflate your premise with ONE link... Ready??????

The President of the National Rifle Association is Jewish?

Sandra Froman is only the second woman and the first Jew ever to hold the volunteer position of NRA president. While there are certainly other Jews on her side of the gun debate (including several NRA board members), the vast majority of American Jews and much of the organized Jewish community consistently support gun control measures.
You are talking about tokenism. Even Trump employs low energy Ben Carson to deflect from his obvious racism.
The weight of evidence suggests that there is a problem.

Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?

"Here is another nailed on example.

Did he get sacked for this ?"

For what is Ben Carson supposed to have been sacked for commenting exactly? Screen Shot or copy and paste the relevant section and/or sections from that Washington Post linked article.
Its not about Ben Carson, its about Ted Nugent. OMG !!

Yes we know it says in the HEADLINE, but to read the ARTICLE you need a Subscription, so post the relevant sections from the article. LOL you get more pathetic now you are posting links to articles you have no idea whats even IN the article.

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