The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

Well it was news to me as well. But I believe that Cruz was anti Semitic so perhaps that would explain it..

You're old, so I don't expect you to understand but teenagers have always latched onto edgy subcultures as a form of rebellion. The degenerate left has normalized everything that 20 years ago would have sent mom and dad into fits. Now the only taboo left is Nazism, that or getting a job and starting a business. There's millions of people pretending to be Nazis online just to shake up the status quo.

Also, have you even looked at photos of Nikolas De Jesus Cruz? Hardly a case study in genetic superiority, that one. Hitler would have him gassed him along with all of the other undesirables.
He look like an inbred nazi fuck.
However his appearance does nothing to wash away the NRA racism does it ?

He's half Jewish and half Cuban. My communist public education taught me that diverse genes create better offspring but Cruz really pokes holes in that theory.

This from a Mainstream Jewish news organisation, Nikolas Cruz said his birth mother was Jewish, strange that the American MSM is not mentioning this but Israeli news sources are.




^^^^ So his biological mother was Jewish that means in Jewish Law Nikolas Cruz is considered a FULL Jew as they go with what the Maternal side and not the Paternal side is and yes the whole thing that he was a member of any White Nationalist group was already debunked.

So how can Nikolas Cruz be a Nazi if he's Jewish, yes it sounds like he was a Self-Hating Jew but a Nazi? No.
Pretty much everybody collected on this thread. Just need McGarrett and Shootspeeder to make up the full set of primitives..

Nobody has actually discussed the content of the article. You have attacked me,the journalist and the publication. None of you has the class to discuss the content.
‘Socialist’ isn’t code for Jew.

Jay Michaelson disagrees with you.

LaPierre’s speech never mentioned the word “Jew.” And yet, nearly every example of the “enemy” was Jewish.

“History proves it,” LaPierre said, to eruptions of roaring applause. “Every time, in every nation in which this political disease [socialism] rises to power, its citizens are repressed, their freedoms are destroyed, and their firearms are banned and confiscated. It is all backed in this country by the social engineering, and the billions, of people like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, and more.”

There are, of course, many billionaires engaged in progressive “social engineering” – Bill and Melinda Gates, for example, or Jeff Bezos. But the three LaPierre selected for opprobrium are Jews.

Why does LaPierre only use Jews to illustrate his bullshit ?

Apparently it took a Jew to notice?
And ?
I think we all should just stop responding to the OP Troll Bot, ignore it and just discuss with each other the topic.

Yes, I agree. I waste too much of my brainpower arguing with wastes of space like Tommy. We need to focus our energies on creating unity among the right. Alone we are weak but together, we are unbreakable.

Well not just the Right, I am completely open minded on including Libertarians, Centrists and Independents or anyone who shares our view that Leftist Maniacs are mentally unhinged and need forcing to the back of the bus, it's very easy to get Libertarians, Centrists and Independents to our side also because they are happy to discuss and debate and listen to other view points than their own and are not of the Screeching Type.

Yes, definitely. But in today's political atmosphere of absolute conformity, everyone to the right of marx is considered a right wing extremist. Especially here in the US where the two party system dominates. I long for the day when we can start debating real issues without hysterical leftists trying to shut us down.

"everyone to the right of marx is considered a right wing extremist."

So then if that is the situation wear the badge of a Right-Wing Extremist as an honour, outside of the Leftist Maniac Echo Chamber NOBODY listens to these autistic retards, certainly NOBODY considers everyone to the Right of Marx as a Right-Wing Extremist.

The left wants to put limits on the freedom of expression, and considers the term "free speech" as code for "hate speech"

Opinion | Free Speech vs. Hate Speech

Quiz: Is hate speech free speech? - CNN

The case for restricting hate speech

Yes and the response to all Leftists is this:


^^^^ And the other response to all Leftists is if you don't like it nobody gives a shit what you think or do not like, deal with it.
I think we all should just stop responding to the OP Troll Bot, ignore it and just discuss with each other the topic.

Yes, I agree. I waste too much of my brainpower arguing with wastes of space like Tommy. We need to focus our energies on creating unity among the right. Alone we are weak but together, we are unbreakable.

Well not just the Right, I am completely open minded on including Libertarians, Centrists and Independents or anyone who shares our view that Leftist Maniacs are mentally unhinged and need forcing to the back of the bus, it's very easy to get Libertarians, Centrists and Independents to our side also because they are happy to discuss and debate and listen to other view points than their own and are not of the Screeching Type.

Yes, definitely. But in today's political atmosphere of absolute conformity, everyone to the right of marx is considered a right wing extremist. Especially here in the US where the two party system dominates. I long for the day when we can start debating real issues without hysterical leftists trying to shut us down.

"everyone to the right of marx is considered a right wing extremist."

So then if that is the situation wear the badge of a Right-Wing Extremist as an honour, outside of the Leftist Maniac Echo Chamber NOBODY listens to these autistic retards, certainly NOBODY considers everyone to the Right of Marx as a Right-Wing Extremist.
The NRA are right wing extremists. Why dont you condemn them ?

Again the question you have now FOUR times not responded to:

Is Socialist Code for Jew? Yes or No?

EG. Jeremy Corbyn is a Socialist = Jeremy Corbyn is a Jew.
Yes, I agree. I waste too much of my brainpower arguing with wastes of space like Tommy. We need to focus our energies on creating unity among the right. Alone we are weak but together, we are unbreakable.

Well not just the Right, I am completely open minded on including Libertarians, Centrists and Independents or anyone who shares our view that Leftist Maniacs are mentally unhinged and need forcing to the back of the bus, it's very easy to get Libertarians, Centrists and Independents to our side also because they are happy to discuss and debate and listen to other view points than their own and are not of the Screeching Type.

Yes, definitely. But in today's political atmosphere of absolute conformity, everyone to the right of marx is considered a right wing extremist. Especially here in the US where the two party system dominates. I long for the day when we can start debating real issues without hysterical leftists trying to shut us down.

"everyone to the right of marx is considered a right wing extremist."

So then if that is the situation wear the badge of a Right-Wing Extremist as an honour, outside of the Leftist Maniac Echo Chamber NOBODY listens to these autistic retards, certainly NOBODY considers everyone to the Right of Marx as a Right-Wing Extremist.

The left wants to put limits on the freedom of expression, and considers the term "free speech" as code for "hate speech"

Opinion | Free Speech vs. Hate Speech

Quiz: Is hate speech free speech? - CNN

The case for restricting hate speech

Yes and the response to all Leftists is this:


^^^^ And the other response to all Leftists is if you don't like it nobody gives a shit what you think or do not like, deal with it.

there is a friggen "line in the sand....." Advocation of violence or oppression
based on belief or lack thereof----SHOULD BE ILLEGAL. -----I do not support
lining commies against the wall-----and shooting them
Pretty much everybody collected on this thread. Just need McGarrett and Shootspeeder to make up the full set of primitives..

Nobody has actually discussed the content of the article. You have attacked me,the journalist and the publication. None of you has the class to discuss the content.
‘Socialist’ isn’t code for Jew.

Jay Michaelson disagrees with you.

LaPierre’s speech never mentioned the word “Jew.” And yet, nearly every example of the “enemy” was Jewish.

“History proves it,” LaPierre said, to eruptions of roaring applause. “Every time, in every nation in which this political disease [socialism] rises to power, its citizens are repressed, their freedoms are destroyed, and their firearms are banned and confiscated. It is all backed in this country by the social engineering, and the billions, of people like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, and more.”

There are, of course, many billionaires engaged in progressive “social engineering” – Bill and Melinda Gates, for example, or Jeff Bezos. But the three LaPierre selected for opprobrium are Jews.

Why does LaPierre only use Jews to illustrate his bullshit ?

Apparently it took a Jew to notice?
And ?

I don't have the time or patience to draw you cartoons, so you can comprehend. I do not consider myself a victim, so I do not go looking for reasons I might be one. You on the other hand, play victim and authority at the same time, which in large measure is why you are a failure.
This thread is nothing more than an utterly ridiculous conspiracy theory by a couple of paranoid loons (author and Tammy).
It should probably be moved.
I have quoted other sources who hold similar views.



Saul Alinsky dedicated his book in his Foreward to Rules For Radicals to Lucifer - The Devil, Satan.


^True Story. Hillary Rodham and Barry Sotoero's idol, y'all.

In 1968 Hillary Rodham wrote her Thesis at Wellesley College ON Saul Alinsky.



Hillary Rodham senior thesis - Wikipedia

Later on Hillary Rodham was in correspondence with Saul Alinsky:

Well not just the Right, I am completely open minded on including Libertarians, Centrists and Independents or anyone who shares our view that Leftist Maniacs are mentally unhinged and need forcing to the back of the bus, it's very easy to get Libertarians, Centrists and Independents to our side also because they are happy to discuss and debate and listen to other view points than their own and are not of the Screeching Type.

Yes, definitely. But in today's political atmosphere of absolute conformity, everyone to the right of marx is considered a right wing extremist. Especially here in the US where the two party system dominates. I long for the day when we can start debating real issues without hysterical leftists trying to shut us down.

"everyone to the right of marx is considered a right wing extremist."

So then if that is the situation wear the badge of a Right-Wing Extremist as an honour, outside of the Leftist Maniac Echo Chamber NOBODY listens to these autistic retards, certainly NOBODY considers everyone to the Right of Marx as a Right-Wing Extremist.

The left wants to put limits on the freedom of expression, and considers the term "free speech" as code for "hate speech"

Opinion | Free Speech vs. Hate Speech

Quiz: Is hate speech free speech? - CNN

The case for restricting hate speech

Yes and the response to all Leftists is this:


^^^^ And the other response to all Leftists is if you don't like it nobody gives a shit what you think or do not like, deal with it.

there is a friggen "line in the sand....." Advocation of violence or oppression
based on belief or lack thereof----SHOULD BE ILLEGAL. -----I do not support
lining commies against the wall-----and shooting them

It is the Leftist Maniacs irosie who advocate the violence and oppression against ANYONE who disagrees with The Leftist Agenda.
So I havent heard one piece of evidence that the NRA doesnt have a problem.
You’re asking people to prove a negative. That’s exactly why you SOCIALISTS love to throw around accusations of racism in its various guises..
Sadly for you SOCIALISTS, nobody cares anymore.

"That’s exactly why you SOCIALISTS"

But but but Tilly calling Tommy a Socialist is Anti-Semitic because according to Jay Michaelson aka Leftist Deranged Maniac, Socialist is Code for Jew :uhoh3:
Folks, please try to discuss the topic - thread has been cleaned, and Race is Z2 so posts need to include topical discussion along with the usual insults.
Folks, please try to discuss the topic - thread has been cleaned, and Race is Z2 so posts need to include topical discussion along with the usual insults.

We ARE discussing the Topic, or attempting to it;s the OP who does not want to discuss the topic, multiple people have attempted to get him to discuss.
Folks, please try to discuss the topic - thread has been cleaned, and Race is Z2 so posts need to include topical discussion along with the usual insults.

We ARE discussing the Topic, or attempting to it;s the OP who does not want to discuss the topic, multiple people have attempted to get him to discuss.

Lucy - I am making the point broadly - I had to remove posts from a whole variety of people that were off topic (including from the "we" and the OP).

Let's all get on topic. Please.
Folks, please try to discuss the topic - thread has been cleaned, and Race is Z2 so posts need to include topical discussion along with the usual insults.

We ARE discussing the Topic, or attempting to it;s the OP who does not want to discuss the topic, multiple people have attempted to get him to discuss.

Lucy - I am making the point broadly - I had to remove posts from a whole variety of people that were off topic (including from the "we" and the OP).

Let's all get on topic. Please.

Since Coyote (mods et al) saw fit to delete off topic posts by all concerned, I see no reason to complain. You can't make a poster post. It does tend to speak volumes when the OP refuses to engage, while still posting in the thread. We use to call it a troll thread when that happened.
The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

In part, LaPierre’s speech was McCarthyite, John Birch Society style American nativism: we the common people against the cosmopolitan elites. The Democratic Party, he said, “is now infested with saboteurs who do not believe in capitalism, do not believe in the constitution, do not believe in our freedom, and do not believe in America as we know it. Obama may be gone, but their Utopian dream, it marches on.”

Moreover, “they politicize the Department of Justice, they weaponize the Internal Revenue Service, the EPA, perhaps cripple the FBI and the intelligence community, and seize and embed leadership in all of them to advance their agenda. Absolute control in every corner of our government is their ultimate dream.”

This McCarthyite vision of a cancer destroying America, what Richard Hofstadter called “the paranoid style in American politics,” is classic populism. It posits a good, mostly rural, less educated, implicitly white Volk being undermined by a corrupt, mostly urban, over-educated, and foreign set of elites. Sometimes those elites are actual Jews controlling Hollywood, “the media,” banks, or political structures. Other times, they are “structural Jews” – foreigners, Communists, elites, or other outsider-insiders who don’t share the values of “the people.”

A very insightful article into the foul mind of Wayne. they are anti Jew......I see where you bait and switch......La Pierre said nothing of the sort...but the author snuck it into the his story anyway....

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