The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

The NRA's Wayne LaPierre's chilling Christian nationalist call to arms

Here is another piece by Mr Avraham Bronstein.

For example, a Trump campaign ad that aired just before the 2016 election featured ominous music and talk of elite "globalists" secretly conspiring against American interests - set against the images of Lloyd Blankfein, Janet Yellen, and, again, Soros.

It is hard to escape the insinuation that being Jewish is part of what makes these figures "unAmerican."
The ethno-nationalism at the root of the NRA may explain why it reacted so harshly to the movement for gun policy reform being led by a group of high school students with significant Jewishand minority representation.

Like all the other writers quoted he joins up the dots in the language and imagery used in NRA/Alt Right propaganda. There are echos of the 30s here. Why do you deny this ?
I have quoted other sources who hold similar views.
You have quoted one other source, a Jewish site who’s author isn’t even named. Do you think it’s remotely possible that there are 2 paranoid authors who see antisemitism everywhere, especially when it suits a political purpose? You know, just like what you are doing here, Tammy?
The second author is Bradley Burston. His name and picture is at the bottom of his well written article.
It isn’t well written, it is a silly brief piece of libellous crap.

NRA people have a thing for persons who do not share their love
of shooting bambi Keep in mind-----the sons of hunters feel entitled
to a rifle when they are ten years old. --------it is a custom that local JOOOS
tend to disparage

I've never heard a hunter talk like that. Never. And I know or have known hundreds.

You are just slandering good people for no reason.

I have-----probably depends on where you live and the people you have
experienced. Some of my experience comes from a part of the USA
chock full of Sunday HUNTERS------because the place was near the hills of
both upstate NY and APPALACHIA-----Little kids GOT RIFLES for Christmas
and liked to target birds in the spring. Jewish moms were horrified and there was
BACKLASH against anything that smacked of "not nice to shoot birds" (or shoot
at all) I also spent time in the Navy with rednecks from Texas and the rest
of the redneck south. -----I will supply a solid example. I asked a REALLY
intelligent (really) young Texan-----who had a thing for "city folk"----
"what percentage of NEW YORK CITY is jewish? " Keep in mind ----it seemed
was the congenital belief in the Baptist South. The kid answered 98 %
The time frame was circa 1980. He was a good person----just believed what he
had learned in LUBBOCK
NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch makes flippant Holocaust joke about Trump-CNN feud
Oh dear. It seems that it isnt just "Wayne" that is that way inclined. Here is nra poster girl Dana Lost.

It appears Loesch is flippantly invoking a reference to doing nothing about the Holocaust, framing the media as Nazis. The tweet comes at a time when the Trump administration has been accused of anti-Semitic behavior and actions—from leaving Jews out of their statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day to Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s claim that Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons on the German people—and she was immediately accused of furthering the idea that the alt-right is littered with anti-Semites.

At best you would say that is insensitive. And yet they sent her to debate with Jewish survivors off the Florida shooting........
The NRA's Wayne LaPierre's chilling Christian nationalist call to arms

Here is another piece by Mr Avraham Bronstein.

For example, a Trump campaign ad that aired just before the 2016 election featured ominous music and talk of elite "globalists" secretly conspiring against American interests - set against the images of Lloyd Blankfein, Janet Yellen, and, again, Soros.

It is hard to escape the insinuation that being Jewish is part of what makes these figures "unAmerican."
The ethno-nationalism at the root of the NRA may explain why it reacted so harshly to the movement for gun policy reform being led by a group of high school students with significant Jewishand minority representation.

Like all the other writers quoted he joins up the dots in the language and imagery used in NRA/Alt Right propaganda. There are echos of the 30s here. Why do you deny this ?

It is not hard to escape that being Jewish is "part of what makes these figures "unAmerican". "

These three individuals are being judged based on their individual actions.

The students, this is the first I have heard of the discussion of their ethnicity and it is irrelevant to the issue.

This is you lefties being more vile than normal.
The NRA's Wayne LaPierre's chilling Christian nationalist call to arms

Here is another piece by Mr Avraham Bronstein.

For example, a Trump campaign ad that aired just before the 2016 election featured ominous music and talk of elite "globalists" secretly conspiring against American interests - set against the images of Lloyd Blankfein, Janet Yellen, and, again, Soros.

It is hard to escape the insinuation that being Jewish is part of what makes these figures "unAmerican."
The ethno-nationalism at the root of the NRA may explain why it reacted so harshly to the movement for gun policy reform being led by a group of high school students with significant Jewishand minority representation.

Like all the other writers quoted he joins up the dots in the language and imagery used in NRA/Alt Right propaganda. There are echos of the 30s here. Why do you deny this ?

for the first time in his career-----tainted came up with a glimmer of TRUE----
such propaganda does exist and drives the minds of lots of jerks
NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch makes flippant Holocaust joke about Trump-CNN feud
Oh dear. It seems that it isnt just "Wayne" that is that way inclined. Here is nra poster girl Dana Lost.

It appears Loesch is flippantly invoking a reference to doing nothing about the Holocaust, framing the media as Nazis. The tweet comes at a time when the Trump administration has been accused of anti-Semitic behavior and actions—from leaving Jews out of their statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day to Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s claim that Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons on the German people—and she was immediately accused of furthering the idea that the alt-right is littered with anti-Semites.

At best you would say that is insensitive. And yet they sent her to debate with Jewish survivors off the Florida shooting........

Sorry tommy, Jewish heritage is not a shield from criticism.
You have quoted one other source, a Jewish site who’s author isn’t even named. Do you think it’s remotely possible that there are 2 paranoid authors who see antisemitism everywhere, especially when it suits a political purpose? You know, just like what you are doing here, Tammy?
The second author is Bradley Burston. His name and picture is at the bottom of his well written article.
It isn’t well written, it is a silly brief piece of libellous crap.

NRA people have a thing for persons who do not share their love
of shooting bambi Keep in mind-----the sons of hunters feel entitled
to a rifle when they are ten years old. --------it is a custom that local JOOOS
tend to disparage

I've never heard a hunter talk like that. Never. And I know or have known hundreds.

You are just slandering good people for no reason.

I have-----probably depends on where you live and the people you have
experienced. Some of my experience comes from a part of the USA
chock full of Sunday HUNTERS------because the place was near the hills of
both upstate NY and APPALACHIA-----Little kids GOT RIFLES for Christmas
and liked to target birds in the spring. Jewish moms were horrified and there was
BACKLASH against anything that smacked of "not nice to shoot birds" (or shoot
at all) I also spent time in the Navy with rednecks from Texas and the rest
of the redneck south. -----I will supply a solid example. I asked a REALLY
intelligent (really) young Texan-----who had a thing for "city folk"----
"what percentage of NEW YORK CITY is jewish? " Keep in mind ----it seemed
was the congenital belief in the Baptist South. The kid answered 98 %
The time frame was circa 1980. He was a good person----just believed what he
had learned in LUBBOCK

So, he was incorrect about the demographics of New York City. So what?

If there was a cultural divide between the Jewish moms, and the other moms, what makes you think anyone gave a damn, other than the jewish kids who were prevented from participating?
This thread is nothing more than an utterly ridiculous conspiracy theory by a couple of paranoid loons (author and Tammy).
It should probably be moved.
I have quoted other sources who hold similar views.



Saul Alinsky dedicated his book in his Foreward to Rules For Radicals to Lucifer - The Devil, Satan.

NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch makes flippant Holocaust joke about Trump-CNN feud
Oh dear. It seems that it isnt just "Wayne" that is that way inclined. Here is nra poster girl Dana Lost.

It appears Loesch is flippantly invoking a reference to doing nothing about the Holocaust, framing the media as Nazis. The tweet comes at a time when the Trump administration has been accused of anti-Semitic behavior and actions—from leaving Jews out of their statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day to Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s claim that Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons on the German people—and she was immediately accused of furthering the idea that the alt-right is littered with anti-Semites.

At best you would say that is insensitive. And yet they sent her to debate with Jewish survivors off the Florida shooting........

not so big an issue-------Loesch seems to have picked up some of that famous
TRUMP hoof-in-mouth disease----really nasty virus
NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch makes flippant Holocaust joke about Trump-CNN feud
Oh dear. It seems that it isnt just "Wayne" that is that way inclined. Here is nra poster girl Dana Lost.

It appears Loesch is flippantly invoking a reference to doing nothing about the Holocaust, framing the media as Nazis. The tweet comes at a time when the Trump administration has been accused of anti-Semitic behavior and actions—from leaving Jews out of their statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day to Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s claim that Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons on the German people—and she was immediately accused of furthering the idea that the alt-right is littered with anti-Semites.

At best you would say that is insensitive. And yet they sent her to debate with Jewish survivors off the Florida shooting........

Sorry tommy, Jewish heritage is not a shield from criticism.
Its not "criticism" when you only single out Jewish people. Its something else.
NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch makes flippant Holocaust joke about Trump-CNN feud
Oh dear. It seems that it isnt just "Wayne" that is that way inclined. Here is nra poster girl Dana Lost.

It appears Loesch is flippantly invoking a reference to doing nothing about the Holocaust, framing the media as Nazis. The tweet comes at a time when the Trump administration has been accused of anti-Semitic behavior and actions—from leaving Jews out of their statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day to Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s claim that Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons on the German people—and she was immediately accused of furthering the idea that the alt-right is littered with anti-Semites.

At best you would say that is insensitive. And yet they sent her to debate with Jewish survivors off the Florida shooting........

Wow. This is a manufactured pile of bullshit.

The normal history of WWII is that Hitler did not use Chemical weapons.

This is not a denial that chemical gas was used to execute millions of people in the Holocaust, but a matter of semantics, ie not viewing those chemicals used as formal chemical weapons.

To conflate that view on the definition of the term "chemical weapons" to anti-semitism is incredible vile.

You have nothing to support your vile slander.

NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch makes flippant Holocaust joke about Trump-CNN feud
Oh dear. It seems that it isnt just "Wayne" that is that way inclined. Here is nra poster girl Dana Lost.

It appears Loesch is flippantly invoking a reference to doing nothing about the Holocaust, framing the media as Nazis. The tweet comes at a time when the Trump administration has been accused of anti-Semitic behavior and actions—from leaving Jews out of their statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day to Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s claim that Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons on the German people—and she was immediately accused of furthering the idea that the alt-right is littered with anti-Semites.

At best you would say that is insensitive. And yet they sent her to debate with Jewish survivors off the Florida shooting........

not so big an issue-------Loesch seems to have picked up some of that famous
TRUMP hoof-in-mouth disease----really nasty virus
Its probably the main reason she got the job in such an evil organisation.
NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch makes flippant Holocaust joke about Trump-CNN feud
Oh dear. It seems that it isnt just "Wayne" that is that way inclined. Here is nra poster girl Dana Lost.

It appears Loesch is flippantly invoking a reference to doing nothing about the Holocaust, framing the media as Nazis. The tweet comes at a time when the Trump administration has been accused of anti-Semitic behavior and actions—from leaving Jews out of their statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day to Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s claim that Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons on the German people—and she was immediately accused of furthering the idea that the alt-right is littered with anti-Semites.

At best you would say that is insensitive. And yet they sent her to debate with Jewish survivors off the Florida shooting........

Wow. This is a manufactured pile of bullshit.

The normal history of WWII is that Hitler did not use Chemical weapons.

This is not a denial that chemical gas was used to execute millions of people in the Holocaust, but a matter of semantics, ie not viewing those chemicals used as formal chemical weapons.

To conflate that view on the definition of the term "chemical weapons" to anti-semitism is incredible vile.

You have nothing to support your vile slander.

You dont get to define what constitutes a chemical weapon. Again,the best you can say is that Spicer was just stupid. That is if you want to be generous.
The second author is Bradley Burston. His name and picture is at the bottom of his well written article.
It isn’t well written, it is a silly brief piece of libellous crap.

NRA people have a thing for persons who do not share their love
of shooting bambi Keep in mind-----the sons of hunters feel entitled
to a rifle when they are ten years old. --------it is a custom that local JOOOS
tend to disparage

I've never heard a hunter talk like that. Never. And I know or have known hundreds.

You are just slandering good people for no reason.

I have-----probably depends on where you live and the people you have
experienced. Some of my experience comes from a part of the USA
chock full of Sunday HUNTERS------because the place was near the hills of
both upstate NY and APPALACHIA-----Little kids GOT RIFLES for Christmas
and liked to target birds in the spring. Jewish moms were horrified and there was
BACKLASH against anything that smacked of "not nice to shoot birds" (or shoot
at all) I also spent time in the Navy with rednecks from Texas and the rest
of the redneck south. -----I will supply a solid example. I asked a REALLY
intelligent (really) young Texan-----who had a thing for "city folk"----
"what percentage of NEW YORK CITY is jewish? " Keep in mind ----it seemed
was the congenital belief in the Baptist South. The kid answered 98 %
The time frame was circa 1980. He was a good person----just believed what he
had learned in LUBBOCK

So, he was incorrect about the demographics of New York City. So what?

If there was a cultural divide between the Jewish moms, and the other moms, what makes you think anyone gave a damn, other than the jewish kids who were prevented from participating?

you remain dim-----there is a congenital DISDAIN amongst jews for shooting at
animals. In all my life of running into VENISON chasers ----I NEVER MET A
JEWISH HUNTER. It is a cultural thing-----hunting animals is, itself---proscribed
in biblical law ----AND in Canon law jews are denied the right to own weapons
which came to mean GUNS. It is virtually hardwired into the jewish brain.---
like bagels. The bagels are relatively new----but the non hunting goes
back more than 3000 years. Remember ESAU?. Jews are likely to do
bacon LONG before they pick up a rifle and put BAMBI in the sights
NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch makes flippant Holocaust joke about Trump-CNN feud
Oh dear. It seems that it isnt just "Wayne" that is that way inclined. Here is nra poster girl Dana Lost.

It appears Loesch is flippantly invoking a reference to doing nothing about the Holocaust, framing the media as Nazis. The tweet comes at a time when the Trump administration has been accused of anti-Semitic behavior and actions—from leaving Jews out of their statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day to Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s claim that Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons on the German people—and she was immediately accused of furthering the idea that the alt-right is littered with anti-Semites.

At best you would say that is insensitive. And yet they sent her to debate with Jewish survivors off the Florida shooting........

Sorry tommy, Jewish heritage is not a shield from criticism.
Its not "criticism" when you only single out Jewish people. Its something else.

You're just being paranoid. Who knew that there were so many jewish people among the survivors? It's news to me. The more people like this Bronstein chap points out these distinctions, the more it's going to lead people to wonder if it's really not just a....

NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch makes flippant Holocaust joke about Trump-CNN feud
Oh dear. It seems that it isnt just "Wayne" that is that way inclined. Here is nra poster girl Dana Lost.

It appears Loesch is flippantly invoking a reference to doing nothing about the Holocaust, framing the media as Nazis. The tweet comes at a time when the Trump administration has been accused of anti-Semitic behavior and actions—from leaving Jews out of their statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day to Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s claim that Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons on the German people—and she was immediately accused of furthering the idea that the alt-right is littered with anti-Semites.

At best you would say that is insensitive. And yet they sent her to debate with Jewish survivors off the Florida shooting........

Sorry tommy, Jewish heritage is not a shield from criticism.
Its not "criticism" when you only single out Jewish people. Its something else.

You're just being paranoid. Who knew that there were so many jewish people among the survivors? It's news to me. The more people like this Bronstein chap points out these distinctions, the more it's going to lead people to wonder if it's really not just a....

Being paranoid and irrational are what the majority of Leftists are, two of their famous traits along with being devoid of having an Independent Thought Process and being devoid of the ability to do Logical Thinking. All Leftists exist in an Alternate Reality Echo Chamber and are the lowest common denominators among all the collective Sheep.
NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch makes flippant Holocaust joke about Trump-CNN feud
Oh dear. It seems that it isnt just "Wayne" that is that way inclined. Here is nra poster girl Dana Lost.

It appears Loesch is flippantly invoking a reference to doing nothing about the Holocaust, framing the media as Nazis. The tweet comes at a time when the Trump administration has been accused of anti-Semitic behavior and actions—from leaving Jews out of their statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day to Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s claim that Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons on the German people—and she was immediately accused of furthering the idea that the alt-right is littered with anti-Semites.

At best you would say that is insensitive. And yet they sent her to debate with Jewish survivors off the Florida shooting........

Sorry tommy, Jewish heritage is not a shield from criticism.
Its not "criticism" when you only single out Jewish people. Its something else.

You're just being paranoid. Who knew that there were so many jewish people among the survivors? It's news to me. The more people like this Bronstein chap points out these distinctions, the more it's going to lead people to wonder if it's really not just a....

there were a significant number of jews in the survivor population----remember---
when thinking JEW-----5% is LOTS. -----just as there is a common belief that
the STATE OF NEW YORK is run by jews------another common redneck belief is
that Florida is "run by jews"
An insightful look into your idiot mind is more like it.

Even a cursory glance at the modern-day Democratic Party validates McCarthy.
McCarthy was a subhuman drunken drug addicted bum who died of alcoholism and drugs, nice hero you have there

Sen. Joseph McCarthy: Unrepentant Junkie - Ending Cannabis Prohibition

Senator Joe McCarthy Shot Dope | Drug Enforcement Administration | Phencyclidine

Joseph McCarthy was correct that America was infested with Communist Subversives just like America is infested now still with Communist Subversives.

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