The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

In NRA's response to school massacre: Dog-whistle anti-Semitism, a star-spangled Protocols of Zion

Mr Burston agrees with him. I was not aware that 40% of the school population was Jewish. That would explain why the nazi boy targeted the place.

Longtime National Rifle Association chief executive Wayne LaPierre Thursday addressed criticism of his organization following the Florida school massacre, and his combative defense included expressions of dog-whistle anti-Semitism reminiscent of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," with descriptions of a powerful plot to destroy America's freedom by "European-style Socialists" who he said had taken over the Democratic Party.

Dog whistle.

European style socialism does not sound like "Jew" to my conservative American ears.

Socialism is a dirty word over here, not Jew.
"Nobody has actually discussed the content of the article."

The content of the article is what? That Jay Michaelson a Hysterical Leftist Bedwetter who is also a Jew is screeching that the NRA are Anti-Semitic because Wayne La Pierre mentioned Socialists and in Jay Michaelsons and his ilks deranged minds Socialist is Code Word for Jews and this is why the American population should be disarmed and their Second Amendment should be trashed.
I am not expecting anything rational from you Lucy.

Nobody agrees with anything you spew EVER, you are not a rational person, rational peoples do not advocate removing peoples children because they do not like the parents politics and putting people who have a different politics in zoos.

Answer the question:

Is Socialist Code Word for Jew?

Yes or No because that is partially what Jay Michaelson is using, that Wayne La Pierre mentioned Socialists and Socialist is Code Word for Jew.
Rational people dont want to throw other people out of helicopters.

Stop posting your usual crap and answer the question, you wanted people to discuss the stupid article you posted, so answer the question:

Is Socialist Code Word for Jew?

Yes or No because that is partially what Jay Michaelson is using, that Wayne La Pierre mentioned Socialists and Socialist is Code Word for Jew.
"Nobody has actually discussed the content of the article."

The content of the article is what? That Jay Michaelson a Hysterical Leftist Bedwetter who is also a Jew is screeching that the NRA are Anti-Semitic because Wayne La Pierre mentioned Socialists and in Jay Michaelsons and his ilks deranged minds Socialist is Code Word for Jews and this is why the American population should be disarmed and their Second Amendment should be trashed.
I am not expecting anything rational from you Lucy.

Nobody agrees with anything you spew EVER, you are not a rational person, rational peoples do not advocate removing peoples children because they do not like the parents politics and putting people who have a different politics in zoos.

Answer the question:

Is Socialist Code Word for Jew?

Yes or No because that is partially what Jay Michaelson is using, that Wayne La Pierre mentioned Socialists and Socialist is Code Word for Jew.
Rational people dont want to throw other people out of helicopters.

You are Off Topic, this is Race Relations/Racism Zone 2.

You wanted everyone to discuss what is in the article written by the Paranoid Mentally Deranged Maniac Jay Michaelson.


^^^^ Respond to his most DERANGED crap, that he in his diseased mind thinks that Americans need to be disarmed because if they are not then armed mobs of American Vigilantes are going to roam around America massacring Jews.
I do not believe he is talking about the US. You quote out of context to support your loony opinion.

But he IS talking about America, his ENTIRE article is ABOUT America about how an ARMED AMERICA is dangerous in his diseased mind to his ilk who HE throughout the article frequently illustrates are considered "Outsiders Within" again more Paranoia from Jay Michaelson.

From the article again:


^^^^ Senator Charles Schumer is the Democratic Senate Minority Leader as such he is higher up the Food Chain than Nancy Pelosi and whoever the Chris Murphy person is, Schumer also has been more vocal in his fanaticism than those others, that is why he was singled out.

It's Jay Michaelson who keeps throughout the article mentioning who is Jewish, another example is his description of Saul Alinsky where he DELIBERATELY mentions Alinksy was Jewish in the usual pathetic attempt to PROTECT Alinksy from being called what he was a Communist Subversive who wrote the Modern Leftist update of The Communist Manifesto and called it Rules For Radicals which is a book that all American Leftists worship including Hillaty and Obama.

Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia
In NRA's response to school massacre: Dog-whistle anti-Semitism, a star-spangled Protocols of Zion

Mr Burston agrees with him. I was not aware that 40% of the school population was Jewish. That would explain why the nazi boy targeted the place.

Longtime National Rifle Association chief executive Wayne LaPierre Thursday addressed criticism of his organization following the Florida school massacre, and his combative defense included expressions of dog-whistle anti-Semitism reminiscent of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," with descriptions of a powerful plot to destroy America's freedom by "European-style Socialists" who he said had taken over the Democratic Party.

Dog whistle.

You are a Mega Fail at discussing anything or debating anything, you rely totally on Talking Point Memos you read from elsewhere and this I am responding to is the latest in a long line of examples.

People in this thread are discussing the actual article, YOU Troll Bot are NOT ONE of them.
The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

In part, LaPierre’s speech was McCarthyite, John Birch Society style American nativism: we the common people against the cosmopolitan elites. The Democratic Party, he said, “is now infested with saboteurs who do not believe in capitalism, do not believe in the constitution, do not believe in our freedom, and do not believe in America as we know it. Obama may be gone, but their Utopian dream, it marches on.”

Moreover, “they politicize the Department of Justice, they weaponize the Internal Revenue Service, the EPA, perhaps cripple the FBI and the intelligence community, and seize and embed leadership in all of them to advance their agenda. Absolute control in every corner of our government is their ultimate dream.”

This McCarthyite vision of a cancer destroying America, what Richard Hofstadter called “the paranoid style in American politics,” is classic populism. It posits a good, mostly rural, less educated, implicitly white Volk being undermined by a corrupt, mostly urban, over-educated, and foreign set of elites. Sometimes those elites are actual Jews controlling Hollywood, “the media,” banks, or political structures. Other times, they are “structural Jews” – foreigners, Communists, elites, or other outsider-insiders who don’t share the values of “the people.”

A very insightful article into the foul mind of Wayne.

not news TAINTED-------rednecks is traditionally stupid ----and their stupidity
includes anti-Semitism--------SO?
This thread is nothing more than an utterly ridiculous conspiracy theory by a couple of paranoid loons (author and Tammy).
It should probably be moved.
I have quoted other sources who hold similar views.
You have quoted one other source, a Jewish site who’s author isn’t even named. Do you think it’s remotely possible that there are 2 paranoid authors who see antisemitism everywhere, especially when it suits a political purpose? You know, just like what you are doing here, Tammy?
This thread is nothing more than an utterly ridiculous conspiracy theory by a couple of paranoid loons (author and Tammy).
It should probably be moved.
I have quoted other sources who hold similar views.
So what you are saying is that the word ‘Socialist’ is code for Jew?
So we can’t use the word Socialist without being labelled antisemitic?
I don’t really think you’ve thought this through, Tammy dear :lmao:
This thread is nothing more than an utterly ridiculous conspiracy theory by a couple of paranoid loons (author and Tammy).
It should probably be moved.
I have quoted other sources who hold similar views.
You have quoted one other source, a Jewish site who’s author isn’t even named. Do you think it’s remotely possible that there are 2 paranoid authors who see antisemitism everywhere, especially when it suits a political purpose? You know, just like what you are doing here, Tammy?
The second author is Bradley Burston. His name and picture is at the bottom of his well written article.
This thread is nothing more than an utterly ridiculous conspiracy theory by a couple of paranoid loons (author and Tammy).
It should probably be moved.
I have quoted other sources who hold similar views.
So what you are saying is that the word ‘Socialist’ is code for Jew?
So we can’t use the word Socialist without being labelled antisemitic?
I don’t really think you’ve thought this through, Tammy dear :lmao:

in some quarters "communist" or "banker" means JOOOO-----like in the
moonshine soaked hills
This thread is nothing more than an utterly ridiculous conspiracy theory by a couple of paranoid loons (author and Tammy).
It should probably be moved.
I have quoted other sources who hold similar views.
You have quoted one other source, a Jewish site who’s author isn’t even named. Do you think it’s remotely possible that there are 2 paranoid authors who see antisemitism everywhere, especially when it suits a political purpose? You know, just like what you are doing here, Tammy?
The second author is Bradley Burston. His name and picture is at the bottom of his well written article.
It isn’t well written, it is a silly brief piece of libellous crap.
Is ‘socialist’ Code for Jew?
This thread is nothing more than an utterly ridiculous conspiracy theory by a couple of paranoid loons (author and Tammy).
It should probably be moved.
I have quoted other sources who hold similar views.
You have quoted one other source, a Jewish site who’s author isn’t even named. Do you think it’s remotely possible that there are 2 paranoid authors who see antisemitism everywhere, especially when it suits a political purpose? You know, just like what you are doing here, Tammy?
The second author is Bradley Burston. His name and picture is at the bottom of his well written article.
It isn’t well written, it is a silly brief piece of libellous crap.

NRA people have a thing for persons who do not share their love
of shooting bambi Keep in mind-----the sons of hunters feel entitled
to a rifle when they are ten years old. --------it is a custom that local JOOOS
tend to disparage
NRA chief singles out George Soros and Michael Bloomberg as ‘socialists’

And another news source picks up on it .
It isnt just the author of the original article.

All anyone needs to know about the authors of that newest link is this from the JTA article:


^^^^ ROFLAO, Saul Alinksy was a PROUD Communist, but according to the obviously Leftist JTA the mentioning of Alinsky's NAME is a byword for radicalism among SOME Conservatives, um actual Liberals and Centrists and Libertarians and Independents will also tell anyone that Saul Alinsky was a filthy Communist.


^^^^ This is directly from Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals.
This thread is nothing more than an utterly ridiculous conspiracy theory by a couple of paranoid loons (author and Tammy).
It should probably be moved.
I have quoted other sources who hold similar views.
You have quoted one other source, a Jewish site who’s author isn’t even named. Do you think it’s remotely possible that there are 2 paranoid authors who see antisemitism everywhere, especially when it suits a political purpose? You know, just like what you are doing here, Tammy?
The second author is Bradley Burston. His name and picture is at the bottom of his well written article.
It isn’t well written, it is a silly brief piece of libellous crap.

NRA people have a thing for persons who do not share their love
of shooting bambi Keep in mind-----the sons of hunters feel entitled
to a rifle when they are ten years old. --------it is a custom that local JOOOS
tend to disparage

I've never heard a hunter talk like that. Never. And I know or have known hundreds.

You are just slandering good people for no reason.
This thread is nothing more than an utterly ridiculous conspiracy theory by a couple of paranoid loons (author and Tammy).
It should probably be moved.
I have quoted other sources who hold similar views.
You have quoted one other source, a Jewish site who’s author isn’t even named. Do you think it’s remotely possible that there are 2 paranoid authors who see antisemitism everywhere, especially when it suits a political purpose? You know, just like what you are doing here, Tammy?
The second author is Bradley Burston. His name and picture is at the bottom of his well written article.

Bradley Burston is a sensationalist for the ----silly rag Ha aretz. The more
idiotic the writing----the more likely that Ha aretz will publish it. It is a cross

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