The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

In part, LaPierre’s speech was McCarthyite, John Birch Society style American nativism: we the common people against the cosmopolitan elites. The Democratic Party, he said, “is now infested with saboteurs who do not believe in capitalism, do not believe in the constitution, do not believe in our freedom, and do not believe in America as we know it. Obama may be gone, but their Utopian dream, it marches on.”

Moreover, “they politicize the Department of Justice, they weaponize the Internal Revenue Service, the EPA, perhaps cripple the FBI and the intelligence community, and seize and embed leadership in all of them to advance their agenda. Absolute control in every corner of our government is their ultimate dream.”

This McCarthyite vision of a cancer destroying America, what Richard Hofstadter called “the paranoid style in American politics,” is classic populism. It posits a good, mostly rural, less educated, implicitly white Volk being undermined by a corrupt, mostly urban, over-educated, and foreign set of elites. Sometimes those elites are actual Jews controlling Hollywood, “the media,” banks, or political structures. Other times, they are “structural Jews” – foreigners, Communists, elites, or other outsider-insiders who don’t share the values of “the people.”

A very insightful article into the foul mind of Wayne.
I am touched that you care more about the well being of Americans MORE than most Americans do. I am moved. There is something broken about American culture that we don't see the evil of guns given all the mass shootings, and all the dead school kids. When the likes of Penn and Teller defend the second amendment, wow, we are lost. All those dead schools kids don't care about this, they are dead, their parents mourn and grieve, and the pro gun people didn't defend THEM. And, we keep up this insanity until the next mass atrocity...And such is America.
The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

In part, LaPierre’s speech was McCarthyite, John Birch Society style American nativism: we the common people against the cosmopolitan elites. The Democratic Party, he said, “is now infested with saboteurs who do not believe in capitalism, do not believe in the constitution, do not believe in our freedom, and do not believe in America as we know it. Obama may be gone, but their Utopian dream, it marches on.”

Moreover, “they politicize the Department of Justice, they weaponize the Internal Revenue Service, the EPA, perhaps cripple the FBI and the intelligence community, and seize and embed leadership in all of them to advance their agenda. Absolute control in every corner of our government is their ultimate dream.”

This McCarthyite vision of a cancer destroying America, what Richard Hofstadter called “the paranoid style in American politics,” is classic populism. It posits a good, mostly rural, less educated, implicitly white Volk being undermined by a corrupt, mostly urban, over-educated, and foreign set of elites. Sometimes those elites are actual Jews controlling Hollywood, “the media,” banks, or political structures. Other times, they are “structural Jews” – foreigners, Communists, elites, or other outsider-insiders who don’t share the values of “the people.”

A very insightful article into the foul mind of Wayne.
I am touched that you care more about the well being of Americans MORE than most Americans do. I am moved. There is something broken about American culture that we don't see the evil of guns given all the mass shootings, and all the dead school kids. When the likes of Penn and Teller defend the second amendment, wow, we are lost. All those dead cools kids don't care about this, they are dead, and the pro gun people didn't defend THEM. And, so it goes...

YOu up for locking up dangerously crazy people?
So other communities have been persecuted, Christians in general have suffered mega persecution throughout the Centuries and on a daily basis Christians are being bashed predominantly by the Leftists and their Islamist Pets but we do not shit ourselves and have this bizarro Inherited Paranoia, you also know that Paranoia is a mental illness yes?

From the article:


^^^^ Quick someone pass the tissues and Play Doh to Jay Michaelson :rolleyes-41:

Paranoia is NOT a mental illness. Just because you are paranoid does not mean that someone isn't really out to get you!

"Paranoia is NOT a mental illness."

The mental illness is PPD ie. Paranoid Personality Disorder, it's primary symptom being Paranoia ie. persecutory delusions, irrationality etc. differentiated from Paranoid Schizophrenia, they also have the persecutory delusions, irrationality etc but also have Psychosis and Paracusia aka Auditory Hallucination ie. hearing voices in their head.

"Just because you are paranoid does not mean that someone isn't really out to get you!"


^^^^ I love this dog Tilly what make of dog is it do you know?

Shiba Inu :)

This is a gun comment, so it's not Off Topic, but about an hour ago I was outside and there was terrible screaming noise, excruciating it sounded and it was an animal, I was not sure what animal from the terrible noise but I knew something was attacking and harming it. I went in and got my Night Vision goggles and my Steyr SSG 69 and went out looking and so I followed the terrible screaming noises and it was a fucking POS fox attacking a large type wild rabbit, so I shot the fucking POS fox and I shot the rabbit. I feel like crap having to shoot the rabbit but it was a Mercy Killing, I have no feeling for the fox because I hate them.

This is also why a peoples need to be armed, I could not have performed such an operation with a feather boa could I?

I have no problem with people being armed, I just think there needs to be some proper rules about it and my beef with the NRA is their rules for everything is "more guns":dunno:

Don't underestimate the power of the feather boa though :D

Well for the school shootings if you had the teachers armed and also all the schools had armed security and also outside the school the sign on the below right, then any maniac thinking of doing a school shooting might change it's mind.


There are already some places in America that have armed teachers, what is this ISD in all the below signs? ISD some type of school because it says they are armed to protect the students.



The NRA Has An Anti-Semitism Problem

In part, LaPierre’s speech was McCarthyite, John Birch Society style American nativism: we the common people against the cosmopolitan elites. The Democratic Party, he said, “is now infested with saboteurs who do not believe in capitalism, do not believe in the constitution, do not believe in our freedom, and do not believe in America as we know it. Obama may be gone, but their Utopian dream, it marches on.”

Moreover, “they politicize the Department of Justice, they weaponize the Internal Revenue Service, the EPA, perhaps cripple the FBI and the intelligence community, and seize and embed leadership in all of them to advance their agenda. Absolute control in every corner of our government is their ultimate dream.”

This McCarthyite vision of a cancer destroying America, what Richard Hofstadter called “the paranoid style in American politics,” is classic populism. It posits a good, mostly rural, less educated, implicitly white Volk being undermined by a corrupt, mostly urban, over-educated, and foreign set of elites. Sometimes those elites are actual Jews controlling Hollywood, “the media,” banks, or political structures. Other times, they are “structural Jews” – foreigners, Communists, elites, or other outsider-insiders who don’t share the values of “the people.”

A very insightful article into the foul mind of Wayne.
I am touched that you care more about the well being of Americans MORE than most Americans do. I am moved. There is something broken about American culture that we don't see the evil of guns given all the mass shootings, and all the dead school kids. When the likes of Penn and Teller defend the second amendment, wow, we are lost. All those dead schools kids don't care about this, they are dead, their parents mourn and grieve, and the pro gun people didn't defend THEM. And, we keep up this insanity until the next mass atrocity...And such is America.

"I am touched that you care more about the well being of Americans MORE than most Americans do. I am moved."

He does not care about the well being of Americans, he hates the majority of Americans and America which he calls a Third World Shit Hole. All this is is another Propaganda Talking Point Memo that he's got from whatever Facebook Group or Twitter Feed he follows every day, no different than all the LGBTQ Propaganda and Pro-Kebab Immigration Propaganda that gets posted.
I just wanted to repeat, that only a fool would believe that the NRA has any problem with "antisemitism".

THe OP did NOTHING to support it's moronic and vile claim.

Not just the NRA having an Anti-Semitism problem, they also have a White Supremacist problem now :rolleyes-41:

They sorta do...the NRA has gone too far off fear mongering and divisive tactics and it's starting to cost them some support. The antisemitic claim is faulty, the white supremacist angle - not so much.

NRA Issues Call for White Supremacy and Armed Insurrection –

President George H Bush resigned his NRA membership after an NRA fund raising letter made horrible statements about law enforcement after the Oklahoma City bombing- equating them to jack booted thugs, using the type of messaging that white supremacists identify with:

FACT CHECK: Did George H.W. Bush Resign from the NRA?
The explosion brought out the best in many Americans. It brought out the worst traits in the NRA, especially its hotheaded hype.

The most ill-timed screed was an NRA fund-raising letter slamming federal agents as “armed terrorists dressed in Ninja black … jack-booted thugs armed to the teeth who break down doors, open fire with automatic weapons and kill law-abiding citizens.”

Even on TV shows a week after the Oklahoma blast, NRA executive veep Wayne LaPierre wouldn’t disavow the slurs.

That rabid zealotry is losing the gun lobby its clout and friends in high places — and could self-destruct the NRA with inner feuds.

The most prominent defector is George Bush, so furious that in effect he ripped up this NRA membership card.

What steamed Mr. Bush was NRA President Tom Washington’s calling the 1993 Waco, Texas, raid an example of “black-suited, masked, massively armed mobs of screaming, swearing agents invading homes of innocents.”

The former president, who knew an agent slain at Waco and another in Oklahoma City, flared: “Your broadside deeply offends my sense of honor and decency …”

Let me see here, guns are like cancer. Both cause needless death and suffering. Nobody rationally goes out and says we need more cancer to stop cancer. Guns are a form of cancer.
I just wanted to repeat, that only a fool would believe that the NRA has any problem with "antisemitism".

THe OP did NOTHING to support it's moronic and vile claim.

Not just the NRA having an Anti-Semitism problem, they also have a White Supremacist problem now :rolleyes-41:

They sorta do...the NRA has gone too far off fear mongering and divisive tactics and it's starting to cost them some support.

NRA Issues Call for White Supremacy and Armed Insurrection –

President George H Bush resigned his NRA membership after an NRA fund raising letter made horrible statements about law enforcement after the Oklahoma City bombing- equating them to jack booted thugs, using the type of messaging that white supremacists identify with:

FACT CHECK: Did George H.W. Bush Resign from the NRA?
The explosion brought out the best in many Americans. It brought out the worst traits in the NRA, especially its hotheaded hype.

The most ill-timed screed was an NRA fund-raising letter slamming federal agents as “armed terrorists dressed in Ninja black … jack-booted thugs armed to the teeth who break down doors, open fire with automatic weapons and kill law-abiding citizens.”

Even on TV shows a week after the Oklahoma blast, NRA executive veep Wayne LaPierre wouldn’t disavow the slurs.

That rabid zealotry is losing the gun lobby its clout and friends in high places — and could self-destruct the NRA with inner feuds.

The most prominent defector is George Bush, so furious that in effect he ripped up this NRA membership card.

What steamed Mr. Bush was NRA President Tom Washington’s calling the 1993 Waco, Texas, raid an example of “black-suited, masked, massively armed mobs of screaming, swearing agents invading homes of innocents.”

The former president, who knew an agent slain at Waco and another in Oklahoma City, flared: “Your broadside deeply offends my sense of honor and decency …”

I am going to nominate flacaltenn to respond to your post, this because although God gifted me with one of the GREATEST minds since Plato there are of course some things that even a Divine Being like me is unable to adequately respond to :smoke:
Paranoia is NOT a mental illness. Just because you are paranoid does not mean that someone isn't really out to get you!

"Paranoia is NOT a mental illness."

The mental illness is PPD ie. Paranoid Personality Disorder, it's primary symptom being Paranoia ie. persecutory delusions, irrationality etc. differentiated from Paranoid Schizophrenia, they also have the persecutory delusions, irrationality etc but also have Psychosis and Paracusia aka Auditory Hallucination ie. hearing voices in their head.

"Just because you are paranoid does not mean that someone isn't really out to get you!"


^^^^ I love this dog Tilly what make of dog is it do you know?

Shiba Inu :)

This is a gun comment, so it's not Off Topic, but about an hour ago I was outside and there was terrible screaming noise, excruciating it sounded and it was an animal, I was not sure what animal from the terrible noise but I knew something was attacking and harming it. I went in and got my Night Vision goggles and my Steyr SSG 69 and went out looking and so I followed the terrible screaming noises and it was a fucking POS fox attacking a large type wild rabbit, so I shot the fucking POS fox and I shot the rabbit. I feel like crap having to shoot the rabbit but it was a Mercy Killing, I have no feeling for the fox because I hate them.

This is also why a peoples need to be armed, I could not have performed such an operation with a feather boa could I?

I have no problem with people being armed, I just think there needs to be some proper rules about it and my beef with the NRA is their rules for everything is "more guns":dunno:

Don't underestimate the power of the feather boa though :D

Well for the school shootings if you had the teachers armed and also all the schools had armed security and also outside the school the sign on the below right, then any maniac thinking of doing a school shooting might change it's mind.


There are already some places in America that have armed teachers, what is this ISD in all the below signs? ISD some type of school because it says they are armed to protect the students.




I read somewhere that a mass school shooting is usually over in 3-4 minutes. With teachers and students scattered over a large area, a teachers prime responsibility should be to get his or her students into safety first. In a situation where bullets are flying down a hallway, people are running and screaming - what are the chances that a teacher could get off an accurate shot, not hit any bystanders - and get the shooter? Even the deputy that was there - froze, didn't go into the building. In an active shooter situation (real life not movies) - they don't go rushing in - they act in well trained concert to get in and get people out and isolate the shooter.

I don't think an armed teacher will make much of a difference because teachers are teachers - not police.
Let me see here, guns are like cancer. Both cause needless death and suffering. Nobody rationally goes out and says we need more cancer to stop cancer. Guns are a form of cancer.

"Let me see here, guns are like cancer."

Um....:haha: No wonder you agree with Tommy, making such hysterical comments as guns are like cancer :rolleyes-41:
Guns, the NRA ( and gun companies) and cancer and the tobacco companies and massive gun violence. Now, there's a comparison, all the people that died from smoking related cancer and comparably, gun related deaths. Unnecessary and needless.
I live in Swansea. Not in Wales. Denver. And the gun thing, it's not a shtick. Unlike Tommy whom, likes to bait yanks, I sincerely despise Guns, I have seen what they do. They aren't some kind of blessing to mankind. They are a curse. And the second amendment is an anachronism. Our forefathers never meant for this to enable schools shooters. But it is.
I live in Swansea. Not in Wales. Denver. And the gun thing, it's not a shtick. Unlike Tommy whom, likes to bait yanks, I sincerely despise Guns, I have seen what they do. They aren't some kind of blessing to mankind. They are a curse. And the second amendment is an anachronism. Our forefathers never meant for this to enable schools shooters. But it is.

Our forefathers never meant for black people to have the right to vote either so I really don't think a simpering wuss like you can claim to know what was in their hearts.
I live in Swansea. Not in Wales. Denver. And the gun thing, it's not a shtick. Unlike Tommy whom, likes to bait yanks, I sincerely despise Guns, I have seen what they do. They aren't some kind of blessing to mankind. They are a curse. And the second amendment is an anachronism. Our forefathers never meant for this to enable schools shooters. But it is.

Our forefathers never meant for black people to have the right to vote either so I really don't think a simpering wuss like you can claim to know what was in their hearts.
Yes, this is an example of the gonzo weirdness of American society. Argue one thing and being totally confused and uniformed at the same time. Like a slam dance ballet performer doing the black swan.
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I live in Swansea. Not in Wales. Denver. And the gun thing, it's not a shtick. Unlike Tommy whom, likes to bait yanks, I sincerely despise Guns, I have seen what they do. They aren't some kind of blessing to mankind. They are a curse. And the second amendment is an anachronism. Our forefathers never meant for this to enable schools shooters. But it is.

Our forefathers never meant for black people to have the right to vote either so I really don't think a simpering wuss like you can claim to know what was in their hearts.
Yes, this is an example of the gonzo weirdness of American society. Argue one thing and being totally confused and uniformed at the same time. Like a slamdance ballet dancer.

Nah, it's just the internet.
So, school shootings, they would be prevented by armed teachers? Are we coming to such a level now? Sad. How would SWAT know the difference between a armed Teacher and a active shooter? Why not just ban all guns altogether? Wouldn't that make us all safer after all? Damn, it seems rather obvious, than this backpedaling forever excusing bad actors with guns. We NEED guns to protect us FROM guns? No. Let's end that. End it.
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So, school shootings, they would be prevented by armed teachers? Are we coming to such a level now? Sad. How would SWAT know the difference between a armed Teacher and a active shooter? Why not just ban all guns altogether? Wouldn't that make us all safer after all? Damn, it seems rather obvious, than this backpedaling forever excusing bad actors with guns. We NEED guns to protect us FROM guns? No. Let's end that. End it.

Good question.
I live in Swansea. Not in Wales. Denver. And the gun thing, it's not a shtick. Unlike Tommy whom, likes to bait yanks, I sincerely despise Guns, I have seen what they do. They aren't some kind of blessing to mankind. They are a curse. And the second amendment is an anachronism. Our forefathers never meant for this to enable schools shooters. But it is.

Isn't Wales where they prosecute homeowners for injuries incurred by burglars and rapists? There's the "disconnect".. Ain't no right more fundamental than self-protection. And it doesn't take USING a weapon to have adequate deterrence. I think leftists have had the self-preservation bred right out of them..

There is no such thing as a zero risk society. The govt struggles to even accomplish basic tasks. It's not their job to GUARANTEE your protection. Only to reserve enough body bags and coroners..
So, school shootings, they would be prevented by armed teachers? Are we coming to such a level now? Sad. How would SWAT know the difference between a armed Teacher and a active shooter? Why not just ban all guns altogether? Wouldn't that make us all safer after all? Damn, it seems rather obvious, than this backpedaling forever excusing bad actors with guns. We NEED guns to protect us FROM guns? No. Let's end that. End it.

SWAT would KNOW whether concealed defenders are present in the school. And they are already dodging 100s of panicked students without making mistakes. You can TELL how many different guns are being fired. It's not at ALL a surprise that they run into..
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I sincerely despise Guns, I have seen what they do. They aren't some kind of blessing to mankind. They are a curse. And the second amendment is an anachronism. Our forefathers never meant for this to enable schools shooters. But it is.

If guns had the ability to do as you say, I might agree with you. But, they don't. It's a people problem, not a gun problem. If you had a gun near you, I seriously doubt you would use it. Are you saying it jumps up and just starts firing? Somewhere down the line the actual person has to be accountable, and as long as everyone blames the gun, they won't be.

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