The NRA won

How does this make it harder "for the law abiding" citizens "to get guns"?

What a silly comment by you, M14. How does this injure you?

In 2010 there were 71,410 denials that were overturned by the FBI. The law made it harder for every single one of those people to buy a gun, even though they had no criminal record or history of mental illness.

Tell me again that this only makes it harder for criminals to get guns, I enjoy calling you a liar, which you will be every single time you make that statement in the future, even if you pretend you have not seen this post.

By the way, my numbers come from the DOJ, not the NRA.

There is nothing unconstitutional about making it 'harder' for eligible citizens to acquire guns legally, if for a legitimate purpose.
How does this make it harder "for the law abiding" citizens "to get guns"?

What a silly comment by you, M14. How does this injure you?

In 2010 there were 71,410 denials that were overturned by the FBI. The law made it harder for every single one of those people to buy a gun, even though they had no criminal record or history of mental illness.

Tell me again that this only makes it harder for criminals to get guns, I enjoy calling you a liar, which you will be every single time you make that statement in the future, even if you pretend you have not seen this post.

By the way, my numbers come from the DOJ, not the NRA.

There is nothing unconstitutional about making it 'harder' for eligible citizens to acquire guns legally, if for a legitimate purpose.

Oh, get them to tell you why if the Senate votes a gun bill, it is a NRA victory, or that Scalia in Heller is really not saying what he is saying.

Buncha emotionally crippled loony reactionaries.
In 2010 there were 71,410 denials that were overturned by the FBI. The law made it harder for every single one of those people to buy a gun, even though they had no criminal record or history of mental illness.

Tell me again that this only makes it harder for criminals to get guns, I enjoy calling you a liar, which you will be every single time you make that statement in the future, even if you pretend you have not seen this post.

By the way, my numbers come from the DOJ, not the NRA.

There is nothing unconstitutional about making it 'harder' for eligible citizens to acquire guns legally, if for a legitimate purpose.

Oh, get them to tell you why if the Senate votes a gun bill, it is a NRA victory, or that Scalia in Heller is really not saying what he is saying.

Buncha emotionally crippled loony reactionaries.

I sort of touched on that a couple days ago:
You far right and libertarian trolls are getting desperate. Name call, get smacked down, and you whine. Typical of fringies.

You will obey the law once passed by the lege, where it be on guns or immigration or budget, or whatever.

Break it, yes, you are criminal. Rise against the government of We the People, you are saying you are not of the People.

Yep, you're melting down. You cannot stand that there are people who know the truth out there. Calling me a troll is indicative of such. I do not obey the law unless it is firmly rooted on a Constitutional basis. Legislative power has it's limits, by the way.

Hey, I will rise up against anyone or anything that tries to deny me of my rights as an American citizen , if that makes me a traitor in your glossy eyes, then so be it. You and your liberal friends are the epitome of cognitive dissonance.

The truth is this: you are wrong.

You can spell 'cognitive dissonance' and you are certainly the standard of it.

If you or any other freaks rise up, you will be put down. Permanently into your inheritance, six feet by six feet.

Don't think you are scaring anyone with your crazy threats.

And what makes you right exactly? Some twisted opinion of the law? I can spell the end of many of your arguments.

Oh, so now you are advocating that tyranny is the best way to combat tyranny. Kill those who dissent. Resist tyranny by enacting tyranny.. Just by your words, the law is the end all be all of mankind's wants and notions. Its as if you suggest that the Government is the final authority on my rights. You are blind. Just by your words you advocate the oppression of those who hold differing opinions. It seems as if you're lashing out like a cornered animal.

You aren't convincing anyone with your "fringe right wing crazy" bullshit. You are a sad twisted individual for whom does not understand reality and willfully rejects what he cannot understand.

Just give up. There is no high ground for you to take.
If it is constitutional to deny felons the right to vote, then it is constitutional to enforce that through appropriate means. We should have background checks at polling places.

That would be entirely appropriate and constitutional.
Background checks are a form of prior restraint, where you are reastained from the exercise of your right until after the state determines that said exercise is not illegal.
Prior restraint is unconstitutiuonal.

Prior restraint is something entirely different. The prior restraint myth is something the gun rights extremists dreamed up long ago.

If background checks were unconstitutional they'd have been challenged and ruled so long ago. NY pistol permit applicants have been going through background checks for half a century or more.

Did you ever get back to me on background checks at polling places?
How does this make it harder "for the law abiding" citizens "to get guns"?

What a silly comment by you, M14. How does this injure you?

In 2010 there were 71,410 denials that were overturned by the FBI. The law made it harder for every single one of those people to buy a gun, even though they had no criminal record or history of mental illness.

Tell me again that this only makes it harder for criminals to get guns, I enjoy calling you a liar, which you will be every single time you make that statement in the future, even if you pretend you have not seen this post.

By the way, my numbers come from the DOJ, not the NRA.

There is nothing unconstitutional about making it 'harder' for eligible citizens to acquire guns legally, if for a legitimate purpose.

there is nothing unconstitutional about making it harder to obtain an abortion.
Yep, you're melting down. You cannot stand that there are people who know the truth out there. Calling me a troll is indicative of such. I do not obey the law unless it is firmly rooted on a Constitutional basis. Legislative power has it's limits, by the way.

Hey, I will rise up against anyone or anything that tries to deny me of my rights as an American citizen , if that makes me a traitor in your glossy eyes, then so be it. You and your liberal friends are the epitome of cognitive dissonance.

The truth is this: you are wrong.

You can spell 'cognitive dissonance' and you are certainly the standard of it.

If you or any other freaks rise up, you will be put down. Permanently into your inheritance, six feet by six feet.

Don't think you are scaring anyone with your crazy threats.

And what makes you right exactly? Some twisted opinion of the law? I can spell the end of many of your arguments.

Oh, so now you are advocating that tyranny is the best way to combat tyranny. Kill those who dissent. Resist tyranny by enacting tyranny.. Just by your words, the law is the end all be all of mankind's wants and notions. Its as if you suggest that the Government is the final authority on my rights. You are blind. Just by your words you advocate the oppression of those who hold differing opinions. It seems as if you're lashing out like a cornered animal.

You aren't convincing anyone with your "fringe right wing crazy" bullshit. You are a sad twisted individual for whom does not understand reality and willfully rejects what he cannot understand.

Just give up. There is no high ground for you to take.

Take responsibility for your terrorist threats that you will resist electoral, constitutional government of We the People.

Your behavior is typical of fringe crazees. You don't accept that you live in a constitutional republic and are subject to its law.

Libertarian or fringe reactionary, you are headed for trouble, and We the People will not legitimize your defiance if it breaks into armed resistance.
The NRA lost. They didn't get their stance for convicted felons and gang bangers to get no questions asked access to guns.

You are, again and still, a lying sack of shit. Please off yourself and put us out of your misery.
If the anti-gun loons were so right, they'd not have to argue from emotion, ignorance and dishonesty.
The NRA lost. They didn't get their stance for convicted felons and gang bangers to get no questions asked access to guns.

You are, again and still, a lying sack of shit. Please off yourself and put us out of your misery.
If the anti-gun loons were so right, they'd not have to argue from emotion, ignorance and dishonesty.

also you would not see the vast majority of mass shootings

happening in gun free zones
In 2010 there were 71,410 denials that were overturned by the FBI. The law made it harder for every single one of those people to buy a gun, even though they had no criminal record or history of mental illness.

Tell me again that this only makes it harder for criminals to get guns, I enjoy calling you a liar, which you will be every single time you make that statement in the future, even if you pretend you have not seen this post.

By the way, my numbers come from the DOJ, not the NRA.

There is nothing unconstitutional about making it 'harder' for eligible citizens to acquire guns legally, if for a legitimate purpose.

there is nothing unconstitutional about making it harder to obtain an abortion.

Yes there is, unless it's for a legitimate purpose.
There is nothing unconstitutional about making it 'harder' for eligible citizens to acquire guns legally, if for a legitimate purpose.

there is nothing unconstitutional about making it harder to obtain an abortion.

Yes there is, unless it's for a legitimate purpose.

You can't have it both ways, either it is always unconstitutional to restrict rights, or it is never unconstitutional. It cannot depend on whether you like the person or not.
there is nothing unconstitutional about making it harder to obtain an abortion.

Yes there is, unless it's for a legitimate purpose.

You can't have it both ways, either it is always unconstitutional to restrict rights, or it is never unconstitutional. It cannot depend on whether you like the person or not.
A tax on the excercise of a right intended to restrict said exercise always violates the constitution.
What part am I wrong about? We have background check laws. You fail.

Universal background checks? Nope. biggie, you can never win: you are a reactionary is why.
We already have background checks
Yes or no?
Never mind the irony of the people who address the issue of the Newtown shooting by pushing for laws that would not have stopped that shooting and will not stop another like it calling someone else a reactionary.

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